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    ONE 結果共923筆

  • Sinkhole appears at Hsinchu construction site for 3rd time

    A sinkhole appeared for the third time within three days at a construction site in Hsinchu County. The sinkhole, measuring 2 meters wide and long, continued to expand, causing concern among locals as it was dangerously close to residential areas. Initial assessments by local authorities suggest that soil erosion caused by debris influx was the cause of the collapse. This incident was similar to the previous two collapses, with the first one causing gas and water leaks and the site already experiencing lateral groove ruptures.
    2023/10/18 13:21
  • National Security Council refutes DPP’s role in tensions

    National Security Council Secretary-General Wellington Koo refutes claims that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is responsible for escalating tensions in Taiwan. Koo emphasizes that the real risk comes from mainland China’s refusal to abandon its military threat towards Taiwan.
    2023/10/17 15:39
  • 《未來少女》才播完!這團秒宣布「好消息」 驚爆嚴格管控內幕

    選秀節目《未來少女》才播完,幻藍小熊(GENBLUE)今(16)日正式宣佈推出紀念專輯《FOR YOU》,創下最快發專輯紀錄,也是節目第一團發片,有趣的是,比賽過程中最令成員印象深刻的竟是偷吃零食的快樂,隊長容容笑說:「公司的體重管理非常嚴格,所以偷吃的時候都在看老闆跟經紀人有沒有在附近,吃得很緊張。」全新單曲也將於〈夢想塗鴉冊(Color Paper)〉10月18日搶先在各大數位音樂平台上線。
    2023/10/16 15:37
  • ENEX celebrates 30th anniversary, partnership with TVBS News

    ENEX, the European news exchange network, celebrated its 30th anniversary, highlighting its global partnerships, including a significant one with Taiwan’s TVBS News. The event in Luxembourg emphasized the role of TVBS News in sharing Taiwan’s unique geopolitical and industrial stories. ENEX’s managing director, Adrien Wells, praised TVBS for its comprehensive coverage and trustworthiness.
    2023/10/15 15:19
  • MND confirms plans underway for conscripts’ 6% pension fund

    The Ministry of National Defense in Taiwan plans to deposit 6% of conscripts’ monthly wages for their pension, with the policy set to be enacted as scheduled. Mandatory service of one year will be reintroduced next year for those born after 2005.
    2023/10/14 08:23
  • TAO blasts DPP’s hypocrisy on cross-strait relations

    The Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for its hypocrisy in advocating for peace and dialogue while calling for Taiwan’s independence. The DPP’s refusal to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus is seen as damaging to cross-strait relations. The spokesperson states that dialogue is only possible if the DPP changes its pro-independence stance; otherwise, negotiations would be futile.
    2023/10/11 16:03
  • 山姆史密斯脫了!大尺度露「三點」 扭腰擺臀全場嗨翻

    英國靈魂歌王Sam Smith(山姆史密斯),今(9)日首次登上台北小巨蛋,為台灣的粉絲帶來驚喜「Gloria」全球巡迴演唱會台北站,湧入一萬一千人,全場歡呼聲不斷。Sam Smith 一開唱就帶來首首經典曲目,〈Stay with me〉、〈I’m not only one〉、〈Too good at Goodbye〉,並邀請全場觀眾一起大合唱,讓他感動到一直送出飛吻給台灣的粉絲。
    2023/10/09 22:03
  • Taiwanese tourists safely return from Israel

    Amidst escalating tensions in the Middle East, Lion Travel Service successfully transported a group of 29 Taiwanese tourists from Israel. Despite ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine, the tourists noted a surprising calmness among the Israeli locals during the war. The Tourism Bureau reported that Artisan Tour and Yung Shin Travel Service still have tourists in Israel, with plans to arrange early returns for customers. Uni Travel Services also adjusted travel plans for one group to avoid entering Israel.
    2023/10/09 20:56
  • 「玄彬」代言OSIM 5感養身椅 啟動世界級秘境的養身旅程 養身椅 更勝按摩椅!周年慶最優惠再享30期0利率

    由韓國巨星玄彬親身推薦的「OSIM uDream Pro 5感養身椅」紓壓體驗再升級,全面導入獨家「數據AI養身科技系統」給身心由內而外的全然紓緩,業界首創「One Touch養身秘境」模式,利用「引導式心向法」的感官引導,並搭配專屬按摩技法,提供使用者彷彿身歷其境,讓心境沉浸於優美放鬆的環境中,達到5感同步釋壓,享受減壓好眠的紓壓新境。OSIM週年慶感謝回饋,不僅享優惠再推出「30期0利率輕鬆月付」專案,敬邀您蒞臨全省OSIM專櫃,親身體驗!
    2023/10/03 14:58
  • U.S. commits to One China policy: Oudkirk

    The U.S. reaffirms its commitment to the One-China policy, emphasizing its role in maintaining peace, stability, and prosperity for Taiwan and the wider region. The director of the American Institute in Taiwan highlights the benefits of maintaining the status quo and expresses confidence in Taiwan’s presidential candidates.
    2023/10/02 19:13
  • 重返大陸市場!王力宏好消息不藏了 首秀時間、地點全公開

    王力宏歷經婚變風波後,積極重振演藝事業,今年起陸續在美國賭城、泰國舉辦「ONE Leehom Wang 一個王力宏」巡迴演唱會,9月時更在台北小巨蛋連唱2場,以音樂才華證明自己,今(30)日他迎來好消息,是將重返大陸市場,10月14日將在瀋陽的「海潮宇宙音樂節」開唱。
    2023/09/30 15:46
  • Roundest moon in a decade for Mid-Autumn Festival

    The Taipei Astronomical Museum announces that the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival will feature the roundest moon in a decade, with peak brightness at 5:57 p.m. This rare occurrence offers you a chance to witness a 100% full and bright moon, a phenomenon that happens only about one in three times on the same day as the festival.
    2023/09/28 20:07
  • 有片/拜登下機差點又跌倒 共和黨酸:我們總統需專人攙扶

    高齡80歲的美國總統拜登(Joe Biden),身體狀態再次引起媒體與共和黨對手「擔憂」,從稍早曝光的影片中,準備走下空軍一號專機(Air Force One)的拜登,又在樓梯上不小心一滑,差點發生跌倒意外,所幸即時抓住扶手穩住重心,但整個過程全部被鏡頭完整紀錄下來。對手共和黨眼見機不可失,就在社群上諷刺拜登,如果連這麼小的樓梯都可能差點跌倒,「我們的美國總統,應該需要隨扈攙扶他上下樓,否則很可能會再次跌下樓梯害自己受傷。」
    2023/09/27 14:23
  • Five hikers stung by bees in northern Taiwan, one in ICU

    Five hikers, three women and two men, were stung by bees in a mountainous area near Keelung and Rueifang in New Taipei City. One hiker was taken to intensive care, while the others were transported to Keelung Hospital.
    2023/09/25 18:20
  • 才唱完小巨蛋!王力宏「日復一日尋找重逢終點」 思念曝光了

    王力宏日前在台北小巨蛋完成2場「ONE LEEHOM WANG『一個王力宏』」演唱會,粉絲敲碗許久的新歌〈想見就能相見〉MV昨(21)日正式曝光,歌詞由他和律師賴芳玉聯手打造,他透過這首歌曲帶領聽眾們進入充滿愛和希望的旅程。
    2023/09/22 12:05
  • ONE OK ROCK開唱嗨到暴衝下台 Taka飆F字眼痛罵:該死的新冠

    亞洲巡迴的起點,就從台北開始!日本搖滾天團「ONE OK ROCK」睽違5年終於再度來台,16、17日晚間於台北南港展覽館舉辦「ONE OK ROCK Luxury Disease Asia Tour 2023 in TAIWAN」,連唱2天共吸引3萬人到場,主唱Taka興奮大喊「我們終於回來了!」還狂飆F字母髒話:「該死的新冠肺炎!」大罵之前阻撓他們來台開唱的疫情。
    2023/09/17 20:09
  • 周興哲喜事連連!闖法拉利F1賽事 「絕對禁區」曝光

    剛升格當爸的周興哲(Eric)喜事連連來,除親往上海「東方風雲榜」領取「港台地區最佳創作歌手獎」,「周興哲Odyssey旅程世界巡迴演唱會」還榮獲有「設計奧斯卡」之稱的美國IAA協會「2023 MUSE AWARD」娛樂類最高榮譽「鉑金獎」,16日再傳捷報,他受邀前往新加坡觀賞2023法拉利一級方程式賽車大賽(Formula one Singapore),據悉他不僅是唯一獲法拉利邀請的觀賞藝人,備受禮遇,除了享用米其林大餐和很難訂的各式無國界美食,還獲邀進入「絕對禁區」,大賽時中途的補給站,親眼目睹分秒必爭換輪胎、總教練分析數據、戰情和供水、噴乾冰的極限畫面。
    2023/09/17 12:04
  • ALL IN 5廣州LONG STAY狂吃美食 下場竟是「炸馬桶」

    由承恩、傑銘、哲瑋、裕城及柏安組成的男團「ALL IN 5」,2年前自選秀節目《Be The One A級戰場》組團出道後,積極展開各式挑戰,近期5個大男孩結伴飛往人生地不熟的廣州,展開為期半年的LONG STAY,開創全新歌唱事業版圖。不過飲食清淡的柏安,一度因嘗試太多美食,導致腸胃負荷不了,自嘲每天都在「炸馬桶」。
    2023/09/15 12:04
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an shines in TIME100 Next list

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has been named one of the world’s most influential rising figures in TIME magazine’s TIME100 Next list. He discusses his commitment to urban development and potential presidential candidacy, aiming to inject new energy into Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2023/09/14 20:32
  • 郭台銘老婆、林志玲都力挺!王力宏機關槍式謝恩 感動全說了

    2023/09/14 13:14
  • OZONE慶週年!團員「吵架內幕」曝光 文廷爆打子翔超氣

    最強男團OZONE於今(13)日出道1週年,為了慶祝特地舉行「One Year O.A.O.成團周年拍照拍對」,同時也宣布將推出團體綜藝節目「Ozone 夏日青春冒險」,為了這節目山上下海,一起住在宿舍裡面,也更了解彼此,煥鈞透露拍攝團綜時因為與團員住在一起,所以更知道成員們的習慣,只是都已經相處一年了,文廷自爆大家還是不想跟他睡,追問原因,才發現原來文廷睡覺會手來腳來,不小心練武術,打到同床的人。
    2023/09/13 18:39
  • NGO criticized for suggesting segmented military training

    A non-governmental organization in Taiwan recently received criticism as it suggested conscripts can complete their one-year mandatory military training in "installments."
    2023/09/13 17:02
  • 王力宏5度攻蛋吐心聲!自爆「1疾病」纏身 絕口不提只為粉絲

    王力宏的「ONE Leehom Wang 一個王力宏」演唱會,是他5度攻上台北小巨蛋之作,演唱會上,他演奏了6種樂器,包括鋼琴、鼓、哈琶琴(Harpejji)、小提琴、尼龍吉他及木吉他,才藝驚人,加上金曲歌王的演唱實力,充分展現他的音樂全才。
    2023/09/13 09:49
  • 王力宏遭甄妮砲轟「人來瘋還是吃錯藥」 邱瓈寬公司緊急回應了

    王力宏日前在台北小巨蛋舉辦2場「ONE Leehom Wang 一個王力宏」演唱會,歷經婚變風暴的他,在首場大吐苦水,「反正真相不是那麼重要,流量最重要。」遭李玟的大咖閨密天后甄妮砲轟「是人來瘋?還是吃錯藥?」對此,寬魚國際也回應了。
    2023/09/12 12:44
  • 藍心湄才罵完王力宏 甄妮被他惹火開砲「人來瘋還是吃錯藥」

    王力宏日前在台北小巨蛋舉辦2場「ONE Leehom Wang 一個王力宏」演唱會,走過離婚風暴的他,演出期間他大吐苦水,直言「『最近發生的事』,你們甚至知道得比我還要多,我做過什麼,連我自己也是看新聞才知道的,反正真相不是那麼重要,流量最重要。」卻意外引來李玟的大咖閨密天后甄妮砲轟。
    2023/09/12 10:32
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