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    ONE 結果共921筆

  • Uber Eats登台7週年!漢堡王、必勝客買1送1 7折優惠碼快收

    歷經過新冠疫情,外送平台已經是許多民眾不可或缺的工具了,Uber Eats 慶祝登台 7 週年,邀請 7 大人氣品牌,包括刁民酸菜魚、可樂果、卡迪那、紅葉蛋糕、得正手搖飲、林聰明沙鍋魚頭與師園鹹酥雞,首次推出 5 款期間限定聯名商品。此外11 月 8 日至 12 月 5 日,推出生鮮雜貨限時買一送一、週週百大商品下殺 7 折起優惠;此外,於「7th 週年慶下殺」專區內指定活動商家購買任一品項,不限訂單金額即可參加抽獎活動,有機會把 iPhone 15 Pro帶回家。
    2023/11/09 14:28
  • MOFA head warns of conflict amid authoritarian expansion

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, delivered a speech at Riga Stradins University in Latvia, clarifying Taiwan’s position amid tensions with China. Despite enduring military intimidation, diplomatic isolation, and economic threats from China, Taiwan remains committed to achieving peace through open conversation while being pragmatic and prepared for potential risks. Wu praised the diplomatic relationship between Taiwan and Latvia, as both countries share similar paths to democracy and the establishment of sovereign statehood. However, both countries face unprecedented security challenges, with a standoff between democracy and autocracy driving the current international conflict. Wu emphasized that established democracies cannot ignore the expansion of authoritarianism, which seeks to undermine the rules-based international order. In light of President Tsai’s decision to restore one-year military service, Wu stressed the importance of being armed to protect Taiwan’s freedom, as the cost of losing it is unbearable for a democratic society.
    2023/11/08 20:13
  • First monkeypox fatality case confirmed in Taiwan

    Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is urging individuals to get vaccinated against monkeypox at one of 155 domestic medical institutions, following the emergence of a domestic monkeypox fatality case in the northern region. The CDC confirmed the first instance of a local man in his 30s contracting and subsequently dying from monkeypox. The man, who was HIV positive, fell ill on Nov. 1 and succumbed approximately 50 days after hospitalization. Monkeypox has a typical fatality rate of 0.1 to 0.2 percent, but it can be as high as 7 percent in individuals with an HIV-caused weakened immune condition. The CDC is specifically urging people with underlying conditions to seek vaccination against monkeypox to prevent the development of severe conditions.
    2023/11/08 19:46
  • Soy sauce factory workers rescued in tank trap accident

    Three workers fell unconscious in a soy sauce tank at the Chung Kung Soy Sauce factory in Tainan due to low oxygen levels. The Tainen Fire Bureau successfully rescued the workers, but two remain in critical condition. The incident occurred when one worker entered a ventilation hole to clean soy sauce residues, and his colleagues collapsed when they entered to assist. The factory usually cleans the tank from above but decided to enter it this time. The lack of ventilation led to the unfortunate consequences.
    2023/11/08 19:08
  • Ruentex Development’s new property breaks records

    Ruentex Development Co.’s new real estate property, ’Ruentex Yangbei (潤泰央北),’ in New Taipei City attracted hundreds of buyers who queued up for up to two hours to view the three homes up for sale. The property, located in the readjustment Yangbei district, set a new record for the highest price per ping in the area, with homes selling for over NT$900,000 per ping after negotiations. Each Ruentex Yangbei property is priced between NT$25.92 million and NT$29.52 million, with an average unit price of around NT$720,000 per ping. Situated at the intersection of Sixin First Road and Yangbei Second Road in Xindian, the property consists of three underground floors and 20 above-ground floors, housing a total of 185 units. Despite concerns about a cooling property sector, the strong demand for these properties since their launch in 2021 has surprised many. One online user commented, "It is hard to believe the housing market is cooling, seeing people buying properties like buying vegetables."
    2023/11/07 16:05
  • MOHW plans pay raise to tackle losses in nursing talents

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) plans to raise the pay of nurses working in hospitals subordinate to the MOHW in response to a mass exodus of top nursing talents due to low-wage disputes. MOHW Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan convened a meeting to discuss a collective pay raise for 12,000 nurses working under affiliate hospitals. The low wages have led to a shortage of talent and disrupted services. By offering higher wages, hospitals hope to attract skilled nurses, expand bed capacity, and increase revenue. Taiwan has approximately 120,000 nurses, with one-tenth working in MOHW-affiliated hospitals, many of which are located in remote areas. The unequal distribution of work between private hospitals and MOHW-affiliated hospitals has been criticized, particularly in providing healthcare in rural areas.
    2023/11/06 19:06
  • Coldplay concert prompts unjustified hotel rate hikes

    The Kaohsiung City Tourism Bureau has fined four hotels in Taiwan between NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 for increasing room rates during Coldplay’s concerts on November 11 and 12 at the Kaohsiung National Stadium. To prevent the tourism and accommodation industry from exploiting such opportunities, the Tourism Bureau conducts proactive inspections of hotel room rates. Reports indicate that four hotels were found to have inflated their prices, with one hotel seeing a 60% increase, resulting in a fine of NT$50,000. The Kaohsiung City Government is making efforts to establish the city as a major global concert destination, with performances by international and domestic acts scheduled for 2023. While these events stimulate the tourism economy and increase demand for hotel accommodations, some operators take advantage of the situation by raising room prices. The director of the Tourism Bureau, Kao Min-Lin, has urged industry operators not to inflate prices during festivals, major events, or concerts. The Tourism Bureau will continue to inspect hotel room rates, maintain tourism and accommodation quality through strict supervision, inspections, and fines, and protect consumer rights and interests.
    2023/11/06 16:43
  • Investigation underway into tragic tour bus accident

    An investigation is underway into a tragic accident involving a tour bus that overturned on Taipingshan in Ilan, Taiwan. The 48-year-old driver claimed the brakes failed, resulting in the crash that caused one fatality and 38 injuries. The passengers were predominantly environmental volunteers visiting the Taiping Mountain National Forest Recreation Area. Preliminary investigations ruled out drink-driving, and early indications suggest a failure of the brake system. As of Monday morning, 23 people have been discharged from the hospital, while 15 remain under observation and treatment. The Highway Bureau and the Taiwan Transportation Safety Board officials are investigating the cause of the accident.
    2023/11/06 15:53
  • 傻眼!日本健康活動送麵包 民眾檢查竟「過期8個月」

    日本北九州市近日舉辦一場提倡同一健康(One health)的活動,並在活動環節中,贈送民眾防災麵包。沒想到有民眾回家後發現,拿到的麵包已經過期8個月。主辦單位得知消息後,急忙出面道歉,並呼籲拿到過期麵包的民眾千萬別食用。
    2023/11/06 09:57
  • KMT officials petition collaboration with TPP

    Fifteen regional leaders of the Kuomintang (KMT) have petitioned for their party to collaborate with the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for the 2024 elections. The petition expresses support for one of two proposals put forward by KMT Chairman Eric Chu. The presidential and vice presidential candidates would be Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je if the KMT is victorious, or Ko and Hou if the TPP wins. The two systems, based on the Japanese or German model, are determined by comparative polls. The KMT aims to achieve democratic reform in Taiwan through this collaboration to avoid a single dominant party.
    2023/11/04 16:50
  • Taipei Metro celebrates 13 billionth passenger milestone

    Taipei Metro celebrates a major milestone as it records its 13 billionth passenger. The lucky rider embarked from Zhongxiao Fuxing station on the Bannan Line and alighted at Xindian station on the Songshan-Xindian Line. In recognition of this achievement, Taipei Metro gifted annual metro passes to the lucky recipient, as well as the five commuters preceding and following them. Additionally, the 13 billionth passenger received a voucher for a presidential suite at a vacation resort worth NT$88,000 and free metro travel for one year. The metro authority tracks ridership by counting entrance times of ticket cards and selects the winner from registered metro card members’ data. Passengers are encouraged to stay updated by following the official Taipei Metro fan page, "Fun with the Metro." Fans can participate in predictive activities on Facebook for a chance to win a voucher for a presidential suite at the Crystal Resort in Sun Moon Lake or a metro card. Taipei Metro is committed to promoting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concepts, aiming to convey the ideals of sustainable development and zero emissions to its riders as part of the city’s green transformation.
    2023/11/04 12:36
  • Former legislator Chiu sees Gou as a force one can’t ignore

    The potential alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for the 2024 presidential election is generating significant interest. Chiu Yi, a former legislator of the KMT and People First Party, has proposed a strategy to revive the KMT-TPP alliance, highlighting the strong candidacy of Foxconn founder Terry Gou. Yi believes that the success of the alliance depends on the KMT’s commitment to open and democratic elections. He warns that the KMT’s lack of transparency in the primary election could lead to further issues, potentially making Gou a target for investigations. Yi suggests implementing open public voting during the primaries to prevent any hidden manipulation and emphasizes Gou’s significant support base, which cannot be ignored.
    2023/11/03 19:04
  • 被孫德榮狠批爛!小刀揭5566成團內幕 大嘆「當下很傻眼」

    2023/11/03 18:24
  • NDC Minister addresses inauguration of Talent Taiwan

    The National Development Council (NDC) Minister, Kung Ming-hsin, spoke at the inauguration press event for Talent Taiwan, emphasizing its commitment to attracting global talent and addressing issues related to living and education in Taiwan. The center aims to provide one-stop services and will launch an exclusive website by the end of the year. The NDC is actively working to strengthen international talent recruitment to meet industry demands in the post-pandemic era. The NDC’s workforce goals include attracting 400,000 foreign workers by 2030 to position Taiwan as a key global economic powerhouse. In collaboration with the Ministry of Education (EDU), Talent Taiwan plans to attract overseas students for long-term stays, making Taiwan a top destination for studying and career pursuits.
    2023/11/02 21:06
  • President Tsai praises opening of Int’l Talent Taiwan Office

    President Tsai Ing-wen discussed the founding values of Talent Taiwan, aiming to attract global talent for local employment and investment. The center will provide a one-stop service for foreigners coming to Taiwan, streamlining application procedures and addressing follow-up issues. International partners, including Youtube co-founder Steve Chen, attended the event. Chen emphasized that global young talents can thrive in Taiwan and suggested that recruiting talents from around the world is crucial for Taiwan’s global competitiveness. President Tsai’s objective is to entice more young talents and transform Taiwan into a key global economic powerhouse.
    2023/11/02 20:38
  • Taiwan to draft 9,100 men for military service in 2024

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) has announced plans to conscript around 9,100 men for one-year compulsory military service in 2024. The MND, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior, has completed preliminary plans for monthly conscription. The enlisted men will be assigned to various locations across the island, including eastern defense units, rescue teams, and other guard units. Additionally, conscripts will have the option to serve in offshore islands or scheduled military units based on their specific civilian skills.
    2023/10/31 17:55
  • NIA disputes reports of surging growth in emigration

    Recent media reports claiming a tripling growth in emigration businesses in Taiwan due to war fears have raised public concerns. However, statistics from emigration companies show no increase in approved applications over the past five years, with annual numbers ranging from 1,077 to 704. The National Immigration Agency (NIA) states that the overall migration level, currently around 20,000 people, may fluctuate significantly in the event of major events such as pandemics or wars. The NIA also notes that the pandemic has caused an increase in citizens unable to return to Taiwan, rising from 180,000 to 220,000 between 2021 and 2022. The agency emphasizes that immigration consultancy firms represent only one channel of advisory services and do not reflect the total number of emigrants. They request that the public avoid generalizations that could lead to societal instability. The NIA further highlights that exaggerated media portrayals of war-evading migration risk can cause unnecessary social anxiety and emphasizes that population mobility is part of the freedom of migration.
    2023/10/30 14:27
  • 周湯豪唱一半全身濕透被拱脫衣 突脫口「好消息」台下嗨翻

    「全能天王」周湯豪上週末受邀於新加坡One Love Asia Festival 音樂節演出,已經6年沒在新加坡演出的他,一連帶來11首經典歌曲,長達40分鐘演出誠意滿滿,有趣的是,以往他潮流icon的舞台魅力總是High到獲女粉脱「罩」致敬,來到新加坡,飆唱到濕身喊熱的他,反而被粉絲拱脫衣,周湯豪笑回:「你很色、很變態喔,叫我脫掉。不行啦!我吃太多海南雞飯了。」
    2023/10/30 13:38
  • DPP Lai warns of CCP’s hope for ’Blue-White collaboration’

    The story discusses the potential alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), referred to as the "Blue-White Collaboration," which suggests a more collaborative approach to China compared to the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te claims that the Communist Party of China (CCP) is eager to see this collaboration succeed as it aims to foster a pro-China regime in Taiwan to facilitate annexation.
    2023/10/29 17:20
  • Poll reveals Taiwanese support for sovereignty defense: MAC

    A poll released by the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) shows that nearly 90% of Taiwanese citizens support the government’s stance on defending the nation’s sovereignty and independence against increasing pressures from China. The poll also reveals that 80% of the people disagree with China’s proposal to rule over Taiwan based on the "one country, two systems" policy.
    2023/10/27 15:51
  • 洛史都華睽違29年來台「首登高雄巨蛋開唱」 售票時間揭曉

    有「搖滾公雞」封號的78歲英國歌手洛史都華(Rod Stewart),繼1995年在台北市立體育場演出後,睽違29年帶著全新巡迴「Rod Stewart "Live in Concert, One Last Time"」,再度來台開唱,主辦單位今(25)日宣布他將在2024年3月9日首度在高雄巨蛋開唱,門票在11月9日開放Live Nation會員優先購,11月10日早上11點拓元售票系開賣。
    2023/10/25 15:29
  • 女星大膽到鬧鬼廢墟拍片!護身符也沒用「好兄弟來了」下場曝光

    曾被泫雅讚賞是「唯一能夠將個性展現在舞蹈裡的選手」的PG陳姵尹,即將發行個人首張同名專輯,搶先推出暖身單曲〈Be The One〉,她19歲通過萬人海選,成為大型偶像選秀實境節目「最強女團」一員,隻身前往大陸及韓國受訓比賽,以精湛舞技受節目組封為「最強舞蹈機器」,並得到明星導師泫雅的讚賞,通過重重考驗的PG陳姵尹獲得節目冠軍,簽進中韓合資經紀公司,發片前卻因公司對女團政策轉型,被迫提早終止合約,讓她不得不放下夢想回到台灣,陷入毫無自信與演藝熱情的生活,甚至不再跳舞,認份地成為朝九晚五的上班族。直至兩年前她與舞蹈名師黃景弘再度相遇,讓PG找回對音樂與舞蹈的熱愛,終獲發片機會。
    2023/10/23 18:19
  • 中壢一號社宅「ONE HOW SPACE地方創生基地」開幕 張市長期待年輕朋友發揮創意展現地方特色

    桃園市長張善政10/21(六)上午前往中壢區,出席「ONE HOW SPACE地方創生基地開幕記者會」。張市長表示,市府於中壢一號社會住宅設置「ONE HOW SPACE地方創生基地」,提供地方青年團隊展售及策展空間、發揮創意,尤其市府鼓勵青年團隊結合中壢特色,發展多元小生意以獲得收益。在地方創生基地啟用後,期待進駐的年輕朋友能夠發揮創意,彰顯中壢的特色,未來市府也將持續運用社會住宅開闢地方創生環境,讓年輕族群有更好的發揮空間。  
    2023/10/23 14:55
  • Sinkhole appears at Hsinchu construction site for 3rd time

    A sinkhole appeared for the third time within three days at a construction site in Hsinchu County. The sinkhole, measuring 2 meters wide and long, continued to expand, causing concern among locals as it was dangerously close to residential areas. Initial assessments by local authorities suggest that soil erosion caused by debris influx was the cause of the collapse. This incident was similar to the previous two collapses, with the first one causing gas and water leaks and the site already experiencing lateral groove ruptures.
    2023/10/18 13:21
  • National Security Council refutes DPP’s role in tensions

    National Security Council Secretary-General Wellington Koo refutes claims that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is responsible for escalating tensions in Taiwan. Koo emphasizes that the real risk comes from mainland China’s refusal to abandon its military threat towards Taiwan.
    2023/10/17 15:39
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