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  • Taipower contractor questioned after deadly Miaoli mishap

    A deadly accident on National Freeway 3 in Miaoli occurred when falling electrical cables resulted in one fatality and five injuries. The Miaoli District Prosecutor Office summoned Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) and the contractor involved to determine the cause. The contractor, Chen, stated that construction was taking place on the hillsides surrounding the tower, where cables were being replaced. Shortly after construction began, one of the cables came loose, showing signs of being severed. The National Highway Police Bureau (HPB) determined that the incident was a work safety issue, not a typical traffic accident, and announced charges of endangering public safety would be pursued. The high-voltage cable fell onto both the southbound and northbound lanes, impacting multiple vehicles. Tsai, the wife of Chang, who was in the passenger seat of a van carrying a family of six, succumbed to her injuries. The other five occupants suffered various injuries. The Freeway Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) stated that Taipower and their contractor had not obtained approval for the unauthorized construction work, potentially violating the Highway Act. Taipower’s Distribution and Service Division Director, Shih Chi-liang, apologized for the accident and explained that the cable unexpectedly snapped during replacement work conducted by Double Safe, the company responsible for cable installations. Taipower has halted construction at the site to investigate the cause and prevent future accidents.
    2023/12/03 14:49
  • Taiwan’s domestic flight prices rise amid oil price surge

    Taiwan faces a 4.5% increase in domestic flight ticket prices due to a surge in global oil prices, resulting in an average additional cost of NT$95 per ticket. Kinmen residents, who frequently travel to and from Taiwan, are particularly affected, with Mandarin Airlines’ Taipei to Kinmen route experiencing a one-way fare increase of 7.4%, equivalent to NT$182. This price rise will also impact tourists planning to fly domestically during the New Year’s holiday, making air travel more expensive. As a result, authorities expect a significant increase in road traffic during the New Year’s Eve celebrations. To alleviate transportation challenges during the festive season, Taiwan will implement toll-free periods on freeways from midnight to 5 a.m. The Taiwan Railways Administration and Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) will also increase service frequencies to accommodate the expected passenger volume. THSR has added 105 services and will continue to offer discounts for college students and early bird promotions. Taiwan Railways has scheduled 116 extra trains, anticipating a potential peak of over 800,000 passengers in a single day. However, ticket sales for child-friendly carriages have been temporarily suspended. Additional train services during the New Year transportation period will be available for purchase starting from midnight on December 1, aiming to alleviate travel congestion during the holidays.
    2023/11/30 22:41
  • Taiwan’s CEC checks candidates’ nationality for election

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has announced that all presidential and vice presidential candidates in Taiwan’s upcoming elections have submitted consent forms for nationality verification to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One candidate, Cynthia Wu of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), has come under scrutiny for allegedly retaining her U.S. citizenship. Lawmakers from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT) have called on Wu to provide proof of her nationality status. The CEC aims to finalize the list of candidates by December 5 and announce the official roster on December 15. The DPP has nominated Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, while the TPP has put forward Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu. The KMT has endorsed Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong. The focus now shifts to transparency and eligibility, with citizenship concerns becoming a central issue in the political discourse. The CEC’s timeline allows for any issues to be resolved before the formal candidate list is published, ensuring a fair and democratic election process.
    2023/11/29 22:10
  • 500趴週末登場!這天傍晚5點呈信鵝肉免費吃 優惠碼快收

    Uber 、Uber Eats 和《500 輯》將於12月1日起連續3天在台北101水舞廣場合作舉辦「500 趴」,現場將有山海樓、林聰明沙鍋魚頭、呈信鵝肉等人氣美食出攤,Uber One 會員憑訂閱畫面,可享有餐飲優惠,其中美食家胡天蘭讚譽的呈信鵝肉將在首日下午5時免費發200份鵝肉飯!
    2023/11/29 11:29
  • 有片/心臟差點跳出來!她搭「無人計程車」直呼:太不真實

    Google旗下的計程車公司「Waymo One」今年8月正式在舊金山(San Francisco)推出「無人駕駛計程車」服務,旅遊作家凱瑟爾(Jo Kessel)近日便拍片揭露自己搭乘無人計程車的過程,既興奮又緊張的心情讓她直呼「心臟都要跳出來了!」,影片上傳後也引發許多網友熱烈討論。
    2023/11/28 14:18
  • 成軍26年!董事長樂團曝「不解散秘訣」:每晚喝在一起

    董事長樂團獲日本東京「2023 One Taiwan研討會」邀約前往演出,疫情過後首次出國就到日本,團員們直呼:「台日友好!」吉董感性分享,出國或是外地演出住在一起,難免會有些生活上的摩擦,所以分配房間要有技巧,把興趣相仿的、不計較的放在一間,大家愉快比較重要,更提到一個團能持續26年,還一起出國演出,每晚還都喝在一起,實在不簡單。很多團除了演出在一起,互動真的就只是像同事了,能夠超過20年情誼不變的秘訣在於做人要互相。
    2023/11/27 17:28
  • 雲科大發表YunTech ONE概念車 產官學合作推電車產業

    國立雲林科技大學今(25)日辦理33週年校慶,同時發表YunTech ONE 概念車,並舉行2023第3屆台灣電動車及綠能科技研討會論壇,雲林縣長張麗善及國內智慧電動車企業代表受邀出席,張縣長表示,透過產官學三方意見交流,攜手推動斗六智慧電動車產業創新園區,實現將斗六打造為電動車測試場域,進而成為智慧交通、智慧防災科技城。
    2023/11/27 10:46
  • TPP surges to lead in Taiwan polls, edging out KMT and DPP

    The latest survey by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation (TPOF) reveals that the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has become the largest party in Taiwan, with a support rate of 25.3%. This puts them slightly ahead of the Kuomintang (KMT) at 24.8% and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) at 24.5%. The TPP has experienced a significant increase in support, rising by 8.3% in the past month, while the DPP and KMT have seen declines of 2.6% and 1.7% respectively. TPOF chairman Michael You emphasized that this poll marks a historic first in Taiwan’s party politics, with less than one percentage point separating the three parties. This development signifies a remarkable evolution in the political landscape. The TPP has benefitted the most from the "Blue-White alliance," which has been seeking a change in ruling parties. With the 2024 presidential election still over a month away, Taiwan’s party competition has entered an unprecedented phase where the three parties are on equal footing. Other political parties such as the New Power Party (NPP) and Taiwan Statebuilding Party (TSP) received 2.9% and 1% support respectively, with 1.8% for other minor parties. Approximately 19.1% of respondents did not express support for any party, while 0.7% were undecided or refused to answer. The survey, conducted from November 19-21, used a dual-frame random sampling method encompassing both landlines and mobile phones.
    2023/11/26 14:14
  • President Tsai Ing-wen reviews conscription training program

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen inspects the new military conscription training program at Taichung’s military center, Cheng Kung Lingg. The Ministry of National Defense confirms the first batch of one-year conscripts will begin service on Jan. 25. The initial training for new recruits has been extended to eight weeks, with a focus on battlefield conditions. The training includes battlefield medical aid, advancing under simulated enemy fire, and rigorous final evaluations. The program also features shooting with night vision goggles and a live grenade-throwing exercise. President Tsai observes machine gun training and notes an increase in rounds fired. After basic training, soldiers will be assigned to units based on their interests and expertise. Approximately 9,127 individuals are expected to be drafted next year. The first group of conscripts can report for duty before the Lunar New Year and spend time with their families.
    2023/11/23 17:50
  • Yellen highlights U.S.-China divide over Taiwan status

    Amid growing tensions between the U.S. and China, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen revealed that there is a significant divide between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding the global status of Taiwan. Despite the U.S. officially recognizing the Chinese Communist Party as the sole government of China, it maintains that Taiwan is an autonomous territory. The deadlock between Biden and Xi on the "Taiwan issue" could have severe military consequences, as China has deployed warships, drones, and bombers near Taiwan. Concerns are rising that this intimidating activity could lead to a head-on confrontation and spark a full-scale conflict. To address the risks, Biden proposed a $105 billion assistance package, including nearly $2 billion for security measures in Taiwan and the broader Indo-Pacific region.
    2023/11/22 20:29
  • Keelung Police launch raids after student’s fatal stabbing

    Keelung City Police Bureau conducted raids to combat violent crimes in hotspots like KTV bars and the Keelung Miaokou Night Market. The police force deployed 150 officers from various divisions to tackle security concerns. They successfully cracked down on criminal activities, solving one robbery, one gang assault resulting in murder, two gun law violations, and arresting two fraudsters. The police seized four modified firearms, 12 bullets, and drugs. The clampdown aimed to ensure peace and order in Keelung.
    2023/11/22 19:53
  • U.S.-China Summit: Tensions and talks over Taiwan, elections

    In a pivotal summit in Woodside, California, Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping discussed escalating U.S.-China tensions, focusing on Taiwan and the upcoming U.S. elections. The meeting, significant for its diplomatic communications, highlighted the ongoing complexities in U.S.-China relations and the looming concerns over Taiwan and election interference.
    2023/11/17 16:50
  • Demonstrators flood the streets ahead of Biden-Xi meeting

    The 2023 APEC summit between the U.S. and China in San Francisco highlights tensions in their relationship, particularly regarding Taiwan. Violent clashes between anti-Xi protestors and supporters of the Chinese president marred the day, with protestors outnumbered and overpowered. The summit aimed to address sensitive issues and find common ground, but the situation became increasingly tense. The White House reiterated its support for the one-China policy while expressing hopes for Taiwan’s development and freedom of choice in trade partners.
    2023/11/16 21:46
  • Taro Aso warns of potential Chinese move on Taiwan’s Kinmen

    Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso warned of the possibility of China occupying Kinmen, one of Taiwan’s off-shore islands, instead of launching a full-scale invasion. Aso emphasized the need for Japan and Australia to align with the United States in the face of China’s growing intentions to forcefully take Taiwan. He urged Japan to join the AUKUS, a trilateral security partnership formed by Australia, the U.K., and the U.S., to ensure an open and safe Indo-Pacific region. Aso believed that this strengthened partnership would contribute to stronger security politics in the region. The security cooperation between Japan and Australia aims to deter Chinese hegemonism. Aso expressed confidence that the envisioned Indo-Pacific security partnership would exert pressure on China’s military advancements.
    2023/11/16 20:33
  • 爆嗆聲高層「被消失」!包偉銘不忍出面全說了 Gino道歉發聲

    男星Gino(蔡東威)曾是團體「K ONE」團長,後來轉戰戲劇圈演出多部戲劇,早年多演出偶像劇,包括《微笑PASTA》、《福氣又安康》、《美味的想念》等,持續有作品產出,然而,近日卻爆出因得罪三立高層,在劇中慘被消失,對此,繼廖家儀出面發聲力挺後,包偉銘不忍全說了。
    2023/11/16 12:40
  • Cross-strait tensions deter Japanese tourists to Taiwan

    The number of Japanese tourists visiting Taiwan has only recovered to 33% of pre-pandemic levels in the first half of 2023. One reason for this is the depreciation of the Japanese yen, but the major concern is the growing cross-strait tensions. The instability in the Taiwan Strait has created unease among Japanese tourists. Maintaining stability and peace in the Taiwan Strait is a key task for the new line-up of top government leaders. Another contributing factor to Japan’s decreased tourism in Taiwan is the rising interest in South Korea, including its Korean pop culture, local delicacies, casinos, and cosmetic surgery services, despite its more expensive cost to visit after the pandemic.
    2023/11/14 18:16
  • Gino無預警「被消失」八點檔!爆對三立長官不敬 經紀人說話了

    男星Gino(蔡東威)從偶像男團K ONE出道,後來轉戰本土劇,近來他爭議不斷,去(2022)年無預警跳槽到三立拍八點檔,因未向民視打招呼,慘遭外界冠上「背骨仔」,如今再爆他已從《天道》戲裡「蒸發」,據傳是因為他當眾對電視台高層不敬,才會突然「被消失」,對此,Gino經紀人孫德榮及《天道》總監製龔美富(龔龔)都回應了。
    2023/11/14 16:10
  • Germany seeks to expand relations with Taiwan: Sigmund

    Germany is looking to strengthen its ties with Taiwan in various sectors, including academics and trade, according to Petra Sigmund, the German Director General for Asia and Pacific. Despite not having diplomatic relations with Taiwan, Germany is committed to maintaining and expanding connections with the country. While Germany adheres to the "One China Policy," it does not preclude official interactions with Taiwan, which can extend up to a ministerial level. Germany’s top representatives, such as the president, chancellor, and foreign minister, do not establish contact with Taiwan, but the country intends to utilize other open contact spaces. Sigmund emphasized that Germany will strive to preserve these spaces, even if it disturbs China, as Taiwan holds significant importance to Germany.
    2023/11/14 15:00
  • Taipei 101 records 2nd highest office rental rate in 2023

    Taipei 101 secures its position as one of the most expensive office spaces in Taipei for 2023, with rental rates on its 69th floor reaching NT$4,803 per ping. Cathay Landmark slightly surpasses this, setting a high bar in the city’s real estate market.
    2023/11/14 12:21
  • 快訊/韓星驚傳癌逝!享年47歲 星友悲痛證實

    演藝圈再傳憾事!南韓雙人男子組合One Two出身的男星吳長勳今(14)日驚傳癌逝,享年47歲。消息傳出後,隊友宋虎範悲痛證實好友不敵病魔,已於今日上午離世。
    2023/11/14 11:22
  • MAC urges Taiwanese travelers to China to register online

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) minister has stated that multiple channels have been used to raise awareness of the "Online Registration System for Taiwanese Citizens Visiting Mainland China." The system was implemented in January 2023 to improve emergency assistance services for travelers. However, out of over one million Taiwanese nationals who visited China from January to September, only around 2,000 registered with the system, resulting in a usage rate of just 0.19%. MAC Minister Chiu Tai-san acknowledged the low uptake and stated that efforts have been made to promote the system, including engaging travel agencies. Legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung highlighted that in August alone, over 200,000 people traveled from Taiwan to China, but only 554 registrations were made. Minister Chiu explained that registration is voluntary, and if citizens do not anticipate encountering problems in mainland China, it is challenging for the ministry to enforce it. In response to calls for increased promotion, Chiu promised that MAC colleagues would intensify efforts to raise awareness about the registration system.
    2023/11/13 19:40
  • Ko Wen-je urges swift resolution of KMT-TPP alliance

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je urges the resolution of the alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and TPP. Ko emphasizes the need for urgency, suggesting that the matter be resolved within one to two days. He also calls for transparency in the meeting with KMT chairman Eric Chu and invites former President Ma Ying-jeou as a witness. Ko clarifies that collaboration at various levels is not in question, but the discord lies in the combination of presidential candidates. Both Ma and former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu support a public opinion survey to determine the final ticket lineup. KMT Chairperson Chu acknowledges the mutual understanding regarding the survey but highlights the need for further negotiation and discussion on the details and rules of the proposed plan.
    2023/11/13 16:01
  • Gov’t to deduct 6% servicemen’s monthly salaries for pension

    The "Pension Contribution During Mandatory Military Service Act" was passed by Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, requiring a 6% monthly pension deduction from servicemen’s salaries starting January 1, 2024. The law mandates that the hosting organization deducts this percentage from each serviceman’s wages and allowances, with the funds being deposited into personal pension accounts established by the Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor. Upon retirement from the military, individuals can participate in pension systems across various sectors. The Executive Yuan also approved a plan to strengthen and recalibrate the national defense force structure in 2022, including lengthening the military service term for men born after 2005 to one year starting from January 1, 2023. The Ministry of National Defense sees this act as treating military service as part of one’s personal career.
    2023/11/13 12:56
  • 蓋世英雄回來了!王力宏現蹤馬來西亞 暴動場面曝光

    王力宏「ONE Leehom Wang 一個王力宏」演唱會10日、11日來到馬來西亞站,他以〈蓋世英雄〉開場,先聲奪人,展現王者歸來的氣勢,除了中文以外,王力宏特別用馬來西亞文與英文跟馬來西亞的觀眾打招呼,4年沒有來馬來西亞演唱的王力宏說:「音樂讓我們如此了解彼此,讓我們知道自己不是只有一個人,繼續唱我們的歌,讓感動一輩子都記得。」
    2023/11/11 13:51
  • Taiwan sees rise in fathers using Parental Leave Allowance

    Over 1.01 million people have benefited from Taiwan’s "Employment Insurance Parental Leave Allowance" since its initiation in 2009. This allowance, available to parents with at least one year of cumulative employment insurance, allows them to take unpaid parental leave before their children turn three. The subsidy is calculated at 60% of the average salary for the six months preceding the leave, with an additional 20% wage subsidy provided since July 2021, bringing the total to 80%. Since January 2022, both parents can simultaneously apply for the allowance, allowing them to apply for a subsidy for 12 months within half a year if they meet the criteria and take leave together. Assuming an average monthly salary of NT$42,000, each parent can receive NT$33,600 monthly, totaling NT$403,200 for the half-year period. The program has also seen a rise in male applicants, with over 20,000 annually compared to the initial 4,000 during the inaugural year, indicating a growing willingness of men to share childcare responsibilities.
    2023/11/10 22:08
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