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    ONE 結果共925筆

  • Premier Chen urges respect for Taiwan’s democratic views

    Premier Chen Chien-jen on Tuesday (July 18) called the "1992 Consensus" and "One China Policy" from mainland China unacceptable to the Taiwanese people, urging respect for Taiwan’s views from the Chinese government and society.
    2023/07/18 16:09
  • 好羨慕!阿湯哥突襲《不可能7》特映會 影迷見本人嗨翻

    美國好萊塢男神「阿湯哥」湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)主演的系列動作電影《不可能的任務7:致命清算》(Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One)近日在全球多國上映,阿湯哥本人除了勤跑宣傳外,11日還驚喜現身美加地區的電影特映會,讓觀眾全嗨翻。湯姆克魯斯也熱情的跟大家合照、握手,展現超親民作風。
    2023/07/14 17:00
  • 「全球首輛」Brabus貨卡現身台北 富豪入手價破4288萬

    在社群平台上,有一張「酒紅色Brabus貨卡」照片被不斷轉傳,眼尖網友發現該輛Brabus貨卡是全球限量10輛的「900 XLP “One Of Ten”」,而且還是出沒在靠近台北市八德監理所附近(推測是在光復北路11巷被捕捉),意味著這輛千萬級皮卡降臨台灣!隨後有媒體報導表示「台灣神秘客搶贏杜拜中東油王」,《地球黃金線》後續向Brabus台灣總代理三一國際,確認該車是台灣某富豪以4,288萬元以上價格成交,且「搶贏」的意思是指「搶下天字第一號」新車!
    2023/07/13 20:43
  • School bus, taxi collide, injuring 12 kids and 1 adult

    A school bus collided with a taxi on Wednesday morning (July 12) at an intersection in Yilan City, injuring 11 children, one teacher, and a 5-year-old child in the taxi.
    2023/07/12 16:40
  • Sinkhole disruption: Taipei aims to resume traffic in 3 days

    The sinkhole that emerged on Monday (July 10) morning is ten times larger than the one that materialized on Saturday (July 8) night, measuring 20 meters in length, 15 meters in width, and 2.5 meters in depth, leaving road users astounded and residents apprehensive. Repairs are underway, and traffic is expected to resume within 3 days.
    2023/07/10 17:53
  • 有片/一世代哈利遭粉絲丟不明物「砸中眼!」 痛到彎腰摀臉

    近期國外頻傳「應援砸傷藝人」事件,而出身男團「一世代」(One Direction)的英國男星哈利史泰爾斯(Harry Styles)成了最新受害者;有粉絲貼出他近日開演唱會的片段,只見他在舞台中移動時突遭不明物體「砸中左眼」,當場痛得彎腰摀臉,嚇傻歌迷。
    2023/07/10 15:42
  • Taiwan’s nurses struggle with low pay and extended shifts

    Nurses in Taiwan have become one of the most overworked and underpaid occupations, leading to a significant decline in newcomers joining the field after the pandemic.
    2023/07/06 18:58
  • 七朵花仔仔病逝!與男團的他傳緋聞「惹怒孫德榮」 退團原因曝

    台灣女團「七朵花」原由小喬、喬恩、小潔、薇如、饅頭、仔仔、宇婕組成,後來宇婕、仔仔、饅頭陸續退出後,改以喬恩、小喬、小潔、薇如四人形式進行演藝活動,2005年因演出偶像劇《王子變青蛙》而聲名大噪,同年10月發行發首張專輯,2009年12月合約期滿,宣布解散各自在各領域發展,儘管解散,但成員7人始終維持好感情,偶爾相約聚餐,未料,今(4)日傳出團員之一的仔仔(周靂岑)病逝,享年35歲,消息一出,昔日成員們紛紛表示哀悼。仔仔演過《西街少年》配角,2004年無預警退團,當時傳出原因是和K ONE的TORO傳緋聞。
    2023/07/04 14:35
  • Foxconn to invest US$250M in Vietnam beyond iPhone assembly

    Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., also known as Foxconn, announced plans on Tuesday (July 4) to invest approximately US$250 million in setting up two new component factories in northern Vietnam. One of the factories will specialize in producing components for electric vehicles (EVs), signaling Hon Hai’s continued diversification into the EV industry.
    2023/07/04 11:03
  • 受晶片、零件產能影響 Kia部分車系7月起調整配備

    2023/07/03 14:22
  • 叫外送注意!Uber Eats明起加收服務費「最高40」、運費降

    許多民眾已經養成使用外送平台的習慣,Uber Eats 今(29)日宣布,6月30日起將調降外送費,但是同步於每筆訂單酌收服務費,消費者多能以大約相同的整體外送相關費用,享受餐飲和生鮮日用品隨點即送的便利。其中Uber One 會員不受影響,持續享有無限次0元外送費和0元服務費優惠。
    2023/06/29 16:39
  • Lai Ching-te faces setback amid DPP’s harassment scandals

    Vice President Lai Ching-te, one of the leading candidates for the 2024 presidential election, has seen his popularity wane after a series of sexual harassment scandals within the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) surfaced in June. Although Lai started strong in the polls after declaring his candidacy for the presidency, his campaign has suffered setbacks due to recent controversies.
    2023/06/26 20:36
  • Restaurant workers, ground crew eligible for subsidy program

    The Ministry of Labor (MOL) announced plans on Friday (June 23) to allocate NT$1 billion to an unemployment subsidy program aimed at alleviating labor shortages in Taiwan. The program now extends its benefits to include the hotel industry, restaurant workers, and ground crew, who will be eligible for a subsidy ranging from NT$6,000 to NT$10,000 per month for one year.
    2023/06/26 19:46
  • 《魷魚遊戲2》女角曝光! IZ*ONE曺柔理「戲劇零經驗」傳加盟

    2023/06/24 11:49
  • 不敢相信!張棟樑親密「床照」外流 女主角身分曝光

    張棟樑暌違五年終於推出全新EP《白夜克拉克》。在全新主打歌〈不召之臣〉展現超強唱功,配合歌詞中以起承轉合的情緒回憶一段逝去感情由濃轉淡的心境,張棟樑在製作人的要求下以「one take」的錄音方式來「說故事」,藉由一氣呵成的情緒展現歌曲中起承轉合外,更藉由不多修飾的詮釋來表達出濃厚的心緒氛圍,他透露在錄音室中透過「one take」詮釋歌曲加深對歌曲的情緒,為此更錄了不下十遍,他表示:「就像在說故事般,每一回的演唱都有一些細微情緒轉折,就像是唱出每個悲傷的心事,希望大家能聽完後有共鳴!」
    2023/06/22 10:48
  • Taiwan MeToo sends shockwaves through entertainment industry

    Taiwan’s MeToo movement is sending shockwaves through the entertainment industry, where acclaimed Taiwanese television host Mickey Huang was one of the latest celebrities caught in the storm. 
    2023/06/20 17:37
  • PEGATRON chairman highlights future EV, 5G, 6G applications

    PEGATRON chairman and CSO, T.H. Tung, shared firsthand industry outlook at the shareholders meeting on Thursday (June 15), and felt optimistic about the future development of electric vehicles (EV), 5G connectivity, and potentially 6G technology. Stressing that business cycle changes every one to two years, Tung observed that industrial innovations derived from existing products and services, which is why he thinks EV, 5G, and even 6G will “undergo transformative changes in the future, presenting challenges and opportunities for the company.”
    2023/06/15 17:31
  • 天王天后御用!必應創造揭營收「每股虧損0.31元」 年度計畫曝

    2023/06/14 12:45
  • MOHW: 26 preschoolers pass drug test with negative results

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare confirmed Tuesday (June 13) of negative drug results for 26 preschoolers, while one student’s result is pending. 
    2023/06/13 17:35
  • Vision Pro太貴?外媒爆蘋果正在開發「平價版」

    蘋果在WWDC 23正式帶來首款頭戴式裝置Vision Pro,雖然其具備許多創新功能,但售價高達3500美元(約10.7萬新台幣),讓許多有興趣的果迷直呼「太驚人」,近日有消息傳出官方正在開發Vision Pro的平價版本,推測可能會命名為Vision或是Vision One。
    2023/06/13 08:23
  • 日漫畫家突休刊!稱「想好好陪貓」 網一面倒給過:這真沒辦法

    對於漫畫愛好者來說,最害怕的就是連載漫畫面臨休刊,儘管如此,不少漫畫家若碰上題材卡關或身體狀況不佳問題時,休刊在所難免、其實也見怪不怪。日前日本超人氣少年漫畫《航海王》(One Piece)作者尾田榮一郎無預警宣布休刊4週,理由為需要進行手術;而另一名漫畫家也將停刊一週,原因更是前所未見。
    2023/06/11 14:25
  • 王力宏泰國開唱!最感謝21年相伴的「她」 悲嘆:又有了心跳

    金曲歌王王力宏逐步走出和前妻李靚蕾的婚變低潮,昨(10)日在泰國曼谷國際貿易展覽中心舉辦《ONE Leehom Wang 一個王力宏》巡迴演唱會,這是此套巡演亞洲首站,他感謝大批歌迷支持,「是你們讓快要斷氣的身體,重新有了一個心跳,讓我有最強大的後盾,可以繼續往前。」
    2023/06/11 13:20
  • 王力宏開唱不藏了!無預警宣布「我們台北見」 時間點曝光

    王力宏昨(10)日在泰國曼谷國際貿易展覽中心舉辦《ONE Leehom Wang 一個王力宏》巡迴演唱會,他唱完安可曲〈龍的傳人〉時,無預警宣布:「See You In Taipei! 我們台北見!」讓全場歌迷陷入瘋狂,主辦單位寬魚國際也證實此事,至於演唱會確切時間,僅透露會是在溫暖的秋天。
    2023/06/11 13:04
  • 李靚蕾出手了!突預告明線上見 王力宏奔泰開唱「接機狀況曝」

    2023/06/06 21:00
  • 《航海王》無預警休刊 作者「1症狀太嚴重」將動手術

    日本超人氣少年漫畫《航海王(One Piece)》作者尾田榮一郎今(6日)無預警宣布連載將休刊4個星期去動手術,因為他的視力散光問題太嚴重,已經到了會影響工作的地步,所以將暫時休刊,直到今年7月18日才會恢復連載。
    2023/06/06 15:40
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