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    ONE 結果共923筆

  • 本土劇一哥遭「警告恐罹癌」!早期無症狀 5徵兆快就醫

    43歲藝人Gino(蔡東威)以偶像團體「K ONE」出道,後來朝戲劇及主持界發展,近年更轉戰本土劇,演藝表現亮眼。日前他透露,曾因拍戲導致很多內傷,這幾年還罹患嚴重胃食道逆流,被醫師警告恐有罹癌風險,必須定期追蹤。
    2023/12/18 15:54
  • New police boat launched to boost Kaohsiung Harbor security

    The Kaohsiung Harbor Police Department held a blessing ceremony for its new police boat, the "Kao P65," to enhance maritime security at Kaohsiung Harbor. The NT$5.52 million vessel was designed to patrol harbor waters more effectively and deter criminal activities. Equipped with two 250-horsepower engines, a four-in-one GPS navigation system, and European inverter air conditioners, the Kao P65 boasts a fresh and optimized interior design and can reach a top speed of 42 knots. The department’s General Commander, Liang Tung-shan, emphasized the need for increased security with the opening of the Kaohsiung Port Cruise Terminal and the operation of nearly 4,000 hazardous material ship voyages through the port area this year. To meet the growing demand for law enforcement services, the department aims to replace older police vessels annually.
    2023/12/12 21:32
  • Tainan’s Garden Night Market earns five-star recognition

    Tainan’s Garden Night Market has been recognized as the only five-star night market in southern Taiwan, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che praised the city’s street food, which has contributed to its reputation as a food capital and attracted admiration from consumers both domestically and internationally. With the support of the Tainan City Government Economic Development Bureau and the efforts of market vendors, Tainan has received the highest rating of 1465 stars in the MOEA ratings, surpassing all other cities in Taiwan. The Flowers Night Market in Tainan’s north district is one of only two new entries in the prestigious five-star market category across the island. The Economic Development Bureau mentioned that the record number of five-star awards this year indicates the effectiveness of the incentive system in motivating markets and vendors. In anticipation of Tainan’s 400th anniversary, the local Bureau plans to expand the awards to include four-star markets and notable vendors next year, inviting entrepreneurs to join in celebrating the city’s rich history.
    2023/12/12 18:45
  • Legislative Yuan passes law linking minimum wage to CPI

    The Legislative Yuan has passed the Minimum Wage Bill in Taiwan, which requires employers to meet minimum wage standards when settling wages with employees. Noncompliance with this law could result in fines of up to NT$1.5 million and public disclosure of the offender’s name. The new legislation mandates the inclusion of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as one of the key references when determining minimum wage, linking wage adjustments more closely with the cost of living. Previously, adjustments to the basic wage were governed by lesser regulations - the Deliberation Regulations for Basic Wage, which are merely administrative orders and do not guarantee annual wage increases. Labor Minister Hsu Ming-chun welcomed the passage of this legislation, expressing gratitude to labor and employer groups, scholar experts, and legislators from all parties for their support. President Tsai Ing-wen had initially proposed the elevation of the Minimum Wage from an administrative order to the force of law in her 2016 policy plan, but it took seven years for the draft to make its way through the legislative process.
    2023/12/12 16:48
  • Low interest in Taiwan’s ’3+1’ military study program

    The Ministry of National Defense has confirmed that only five students have applied for the "3+1 program," which allows for three years of university study followed by one year of military service. Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng addressed concerns about the program’s administrative process and gender regulations, as only male students are currently eligible. The Ministry of Education implemented the program guidelines in June, and the military is working on improving the training aspect to increase efficiency and accessibility.
    2023/12/12 13:41
  • Taiwan captures 400 iguanas overnight, sparks online buzz

    A story about the capture of a record number of 400 green iguanas in southern Taiwan has sparked online discussion. One photo, in particular, shows a green iguana kneeling before a Mazu temple in Neipu, Pintung, leading to humorous comments suggesting the iguana was "applying to be a divine steed." Experts clarified that while green iguanas pose no threat to humans, they do cause problems for farmers by nibbling on crops. To protect local agriculture, the government has intensified measures to remove these non-native creatures and maintain ecological balance.
    2023/12/11 21:20
  • KMT targets five Taipei seats as 2024 elections loom

    The Kuomintang’s (KMT) legislative head of the Taipei City branch, Huang Lu Chin-ju, confidently stated that the KMT is poised to win five out of the eight constituencies in the upcoming legislative elections in Taipei City. Huang believes that the KMT’s strong standing in the elections could boost support for KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih. Huang also discussed the competitive race in the Shilin-Beitou constituency, highlighting the close contest between KMT candidate Chang Szu-kang and Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Rosalia Wu. Huang noted that the inclusion of Taipei City Councillor Hou Han-ting in the race could create a two-strong and one-weak scenario. Huang also mentioned the situation in the Datong-Shilin district, where KMT candidate Yu Shu-hui has made a remarkable comeback in polling. While Huang expressed confidence in securing five seats, the ultimate goal is to win all eight seats in Taipei City.
    2023/12/11 20:52
  • Taiwan’s CEC draws ballot numbers for presidential race

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) held a draw to determine the candidate numbers for the ballots ahead of Taiwan’s presidential election. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP)’s Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu drew number one, while the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)’s Lai Ching-teh and Hsiao Bi-khim will be number two. The Kuomintang (KMT) duo Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong secured the number three spot. The lottery drew numbers in the order that parties registered for the election: DPP, TPP, then KMT. The official list of presidential and vice-presidential candidates will be announced on Dec. 15. Several televised policy presentations, a vice-presidential debate, and a presidential debate are scheduled leading up to the election.
    2023/12/11 17:12
  • 本土一哥挨批「背骨仔」頂撞高層被消失! Gino露面不忍全說了

    男星Gino(蔡東威)以男團K ONE出道,近年跨足戲劇和主持界,表現受到矚目,晉升一哥地位,不過他先前從民視無預警跳槽到三立,被外界冠上「背骨仔」罵名,近日Gino參與《天道》演出,不過卻傳出他因對高層不敬「被消失」,對此Gino與經紀人孫德榮首度露面受訪回答此事,強調真相並沒有外傳這樣,也坦言知道是誰在外爆料。
    2023/12/11 16:30
  • Michael Green: Taiwan’s defense commitment under scrutiny

    Former Senior Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council and CEO of the United States Studies Centre, Michael Jonathan Green, emphasizes that Taiwan’s recent extension of military service to one year is a significant indication of its commitment to defense. Green warns that any reversal of this decision would raise concerns in both the United States and Japan. As tensions rise across the Taiwan Strait, the main concern for the U.S. is Taiwan’s vulnerability to Chinese pressure or military action. By extending military conscription, Taiwan is demonstrating its political will to counter Beijing’s intimidation. The United States, Japan, and Australia believe that Taiwan’s efforts to stabilize the situation and prevent war are commendable. Green highlights that any threat posed by China to Taiwan could jeopardize security across the entire First Island Chain, impacting nations like the US, Canada, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. Green, who has served in the Bush Administration and was part of the U.S. bipartisan delegation that visited Taiwan in March, stresses the critical importance of Taiwan’s resolve for self-defense.
    2023/12/11 12:05
  • Taiwan may benefit from Indonesia’s visa-free entry plan

    Taiwan is among the potential beneficiaries of Indonesia’s contemplation to offer visa-free entry for tourists from 20 major source countries, following the example set by Thailand. Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, disclosed in an interview that the government is discussing the launch of a visa exemption policy to attract more tourists and boost local economic development. Currently, travelers, including short-term tourists, need to secure a visa to visit Indonesia, including the option of Visa on Arrival (VOA) at designated entry points. Taiwanese passport holders can apply for VOA at 15 airports across Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, and Bali, allowing them to stay up to 30 days with a one-time extension option. Given Taiwan’s place within the top 20 sources of foreign tourists to Indonesia, there is a significant chance that it will be included in the visa exemption program. This move could simplify travel for Taiwanese citizens and deepen tourism-based interactions between the two nations.
    2023/12/09 17:09
  • DPP decries false media claims on presidential debates

    The spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office expressed regret over inaccurate and malicious media reports about the upcoming presidential debates. The spokesperson demanded corrections from outlets that claimed certain media were favored during the debates and alleged a coalition aiming to gang up on fellow candidates Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je. It was emphasized that the decision for 11 media organizations to jointly host the debates is a longstanding practice resulting from two rounds of negotiations without interference from any campaign offices. The spokesperson also highlighted misinformation circulated by China Times, one of the debate co-hosts, despite its involvement in the meetings. The 2024 presidential election debates are scheduled to be held at Public Television Service (PTS) on December 30 at 2 p.m., with the vice presidential debates tentatively scheduled for January 1, 2024, also at 2 p.m. The 11 media entities collaboratively organizing the debates include Central News Agency (CNA), China Times, Liberty Times, United Daily News, SET News, Taiwan Television, Formosa Television, Chinese Television System (CTS), Mirror Media, TVBS News, and Public Television Service. PTS will produce and broadcast the debates, including comprehensive sign language services for the hearing impaired.
    2023/12/09 15:34
  • Jeannie Hsieh to headline Kaohsiung’s 2024 New Year’s gala

    Get ready for an exciting New Year’s Eve bash in Kaohsiung! Pop diva Jeannie Hsieh will be the closing act, making a comeback after a three-year hiatus. The event, held at Dream Mall, promises a departure from Hsieh’s traditional holiday repertoire. The celebration will be hosted by comedy duo Plungon and celebrity Chung Hsin-yu, with Thai singer and social media sensation Jeff Satur adding an international flavor to the lineup. Satur, who boasts 3.8 million Instagram followers, will be performing for the first time abroad. The event will also feature popular artists like Nine One One, WeiBird, GBOYSWAG, and more. Don’t miss the spectacular 240-second firework display over Asia New Bay Area, symbolizing the transition to 2024.
    2023/12/07 20:47
  • Ko Wen-je slams rivals for dodging presidential debate

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je criticized his opponents for delaying the upcoming presidential debate, stating that there’s no need for it to be like the Roman Colosseum, but also no need for deceit. Ko expressed confidence that the TPP still had a chance to turn the tide in the election and suggested that current data indicated a situation ripe for an upset. He criticized his opponents’ debate strategy as one of delay and avoidance, aiming to strip the debate of any real conflict.
    2023/12/07 20:46
  • Civic groups call for end to violence against women

    Several civic groups in Taiwan, including the Modern Women’s Foundation and the Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH), are urging presidential candidates to prioritize violence prevention as an investment to end violence against women. According to the United Nations, one-third of women globally experience physical or sexual abuse at least once in their lives. The Modern Women’s Foundation Executive Secretary, Wu Zi-ying, highlighted the lack of investigation on these issues within Taiwan. Social work and policy professor Wang Pei-ling revealed that around 70 percent of individuals aged 18 to 74 in Taiwan have experienced online gender-based violence, with image-based violence accounting for 4.6 percent. Wang also emphasized the increasing number of male victims, which now stands at 20 percent. GOH CEO Wang Yueh-hao called on the government to promote interdepartmental initiatives and establish think tanks for gender violence prevention, emphasizing that gender violence is a violation of human rights.
    2023/12/07 19:33
  • Ko Wen-je pledges AI revolution in Taiwan agriculture

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has unveiled a series of policy proposals to revolutionize Taiwan’s agricultural sector. These proposals include employing artificial intelligence (AI) to create a comprehensive agricultural database. Ko’s five-pronged approach aims to address challenges faced by Taiwanese farmers, such as fragmented landholdings and an oversaturated domestic market. He also highlights the need to modernize traditional poultry houses and the agricultural marketing system. One focal point of Ko’s agricultural policy is the establishment of a strategic food security plan with AI, aiming to enhance planning in agricultural production and ensure transparency in the sale of farm products through data analytics. Ko also emphasizes the importance of resilient infrastructure to protect the farming sector from extreme weather events and the formation of an agricultural carbon sink platform to promote sustainable and low-carbon development. By drawing on international models, Ko aims to transform rural architecture and farming practices for a more sustainable future in Taiwanese agriculture.
    2023/12/07 16:59
  • Taiwan monitors bulk drug buys amid China’s health crisis

    The Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations (FTPA) has implemented monitoring of drug purchase patterns, specifically focusing on individuals buying 10 to 20 boxes of cold and cough medicine in one visit. These purchases must now be reported. The FTPA has received reports of bulk purchases by spouses from China and Taiwanese businesspeople, who claim these medications can be sold for a higher price in China. The FTPA emphasizes that medications should not be sold without a prescription and any violations will be reported to authorities. Additionally, there has been a growing trend of spouses from China taking chronic disease medications back to their home country, despite the prohibition of private sale. This development coincides with China’s respiratory disease outbreaks, particularly with an increase in mycoplasma cases.
    2023/12/07 16:36
  • Wayward piglet leads police on chase in Pingtung County

    A wayward piglet named "A-Tsai" caused excitement in Pingtung County’s Gongyuan Rd. as it led locals and police on a chase. Videos of the six-month-old black piglet evading capture have gone viral, drawing laughter from social media users. The piglet was eventually apprehended and taken to the local police station. Its owner, surnamed Chang, expressed gratitude to the officers and reclaimed the adventurous piglet. The incident showcases the community’s spirit of looking out for one another, regardless of species.
    2023/12/07 11:04
  • Hou Yu-ih’s spokesman debunks rumors, touts clear policies

    KMT campaign office spokesman, Chen Po-han, criticizes DPP’s Lai Ching-te for vague and inconsistent responses on key issues including a kindergarten drug administration case, "Trojan Horse" military exercises, and opening Taiwan’s labor market to Indian workers. Chen accuses Lai of spreading false information about Chinese students working in Taiwan and highlights the Ministry of National Defense’s military exercises simulating attacks by Chinese military aircraft hiding among civilian planes. The Taiwan FactCheck Center has debunked the rumor of opening up to 100,000 Indian workers. Chen defends Hou Yu-ih’s opposition to the "one country, two systems" framework and emphasizes his clear plans for various policy areas. This critique occurs in a politically charged atmosphere focused on misinformation and policy debates.
    2023/12/07 11:02
  • G7 leaders emphasize Taiwan Strait’s role in global security

    The Group of Seven (G7) leaders convened via video conference to discuss the Taiwan Strait, affirming its importance for international security and prosperity. They reiterated their commitment to the One China policy and called for a peaceful resolution to cross-strait issues. The G7 also expressed readiness to establish a stable relationship with China and voiced opposition to China’s militarization activities in the South China Sea. Human rights concerns in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong were also discussed. The G7 condemned North Korea’s missile testing activities and addressed various other topics such as nuclear safety in Japan, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, and climate change. The discussions highlighted the G7’s attention to urgent global crises, including the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the Gaza crisis.
    2023/12/07 09:10
  • 獨/抄襲PG ONE遭罵翻!男星首吐「內幕」 崩潰跑上頂樓

    林孟辰從《聲林之王》亞軍出道,由於節目當時關注度很高,他瞬間爆紅,只是好不容易上天堂,瞬間掉到地獄,總決賽當天,他表演掛上他自創的〈後台硬〉,沒想到一播出被網友砲轟抄襲PG ONE的〈中二病〉,他推出單曲〈It’s Good〉接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪還原當時情況,當下和選手一起看直播,原本非常期待自己的演出,沒想到直播留言瞬間開始狂罵,瘋狂洗版,讓他整個人掉到地獄。
    2023/12/07 06:50
  • 專訪/笑趙少康「上世紀的人」 柯文哲:年輕人不會想跟他談

    2024總統大選倒數38天,藍綠白正副總統參選人就位,民眾黨主席、總統參選人柯文哲今(6)日接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪時表示,認為國民黨總統參選人侯友宜的副手趙少康是「上世紀的人」,直言年輕人不會想跟趙談,而侯友宜去兩場校園演講後,就被「嚇到了」,便再也不敢去,自己則可以跟學生對打「one to one」,開放式回答也沒問題。
    2023/12/06 17:51
  • Legislative Yuan reviews Assisted Reproduction Act

    The Legislative Yuan’s Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee reviewed proposed amendments to the Assisted Reproduction Act, including one that would allow a surviving spouse to use embryos for having children after the death of their partner. The Ministry of Health and Welfare is considering expanding the legislation to include same-sex couples, single individuals, and surrogate pregnancies. Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan suggested a public hearing to gather feedback due to the ethical, legal, and child welfare considerations involved. The current law only permits assisted reproduction for married couples, excluding single women and lesbian couples. Taiwan also does not currently recognize surrogacy as legal, creating unresolved issues regarding the parental status of children born through such arrangements. The debate reflects the government’s attempt to address societal changes and demographic challenges, particularly concerns about population decline.
    2023/12/04 21:39
  • Low risk of China attack if Lai wins: DPP campaign chief

    In an interview, Yao Li-ming, the campaign chief for the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, stated that if Lai were to win the presidency, the likelihood of a military attack from mainland China is low and the probability of cross-strait warfare is at its lowest. Yao analyzed that China may employ specific strategies in the last two weeks of the election to make Taiwanese voters perceive choosing Lai as "very dangerous," but the DPP has prepared for such scenarios. Yao drew an analogy, stating that if a bully knows that a person will resist to the death, they might not attack at all. Yao also noted that mainland China’s leader Xi Jinping did not mention a timetable for an attack on Taiwan during the recent Xi-Biden meeting, suggesting that Beijing would not rashly initiate conflict. The DPP is willing to interact with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) but cannot accept the preconditions of the "One China" principle set by Beijing. A re-elected DPP administration would send a clear message to China, emphasizing that any resolution to the Taiwan issue must involve the DPP. Yao also contended that a successive DPP administration would reflect the support of Taiwan’s younger generation and mainstream public opinion, revealing to Beijing the necessity of recognizing the DPP’s status. Regarding mainland China’s interference in the elections, Yao disclosed that the DPP is ready to confront any unusual situations that may arise, but specific suspicions cannot be made public at this time.
    2023/12/04 19:56
  • 才幫李安做配樂!星二代再宣布好消息 選在101舉辦

    有亞洲「最年輕的音樂家」美譽的蔣榮宗甫推出最新演奏專輯《海底星球》,12月9日將舉辦睽違三年的個人音樂會,在台北101「双融域AMBI SPACE ONE」舉辦「蔣榮宗ZONG 跨界科技演奏會」,他日前為音樂會彩排時適逢生日,爸爸蔣三省和媽媽游美齡特別給他驚喜,他表示年底案子多,接連「金馬60」和出席Tatler香港高峰會議,蠟燭多頭燒,「我都忘了生日居然悄悄到了」,他也許下28歲的生日願望,「願望很實際!很感恩大家支持我,祝所有朋友平安健康,也祝我每天忙碌平凡中能開心做自己喜歡的所有事情!」
    2023/12/04 06:33
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