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    Moving 結果共103筆

  • CWA issues cold surge advisory for 13 municipalities

    Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration (CWA) has issued a cold surge advisory for 13 municipalities on Christmas Day, with temperatures expected to significantly drop by Monday evening. The affected areas include New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Changhua County, Nantou County, Yunlin County, Chiayi City, Chiayi County, Tainan City, Yilan County, and Kinmen County. Some regions, including Tainan, Yilan, and Kinmen, may experience temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius on Tuesday morning. However, the cold air mass is expected to weaken throughout the day, leading to a gradual warming trend with temperatures potentially reaching over 20 degrees Celsius. The CWA also predicts a strengthening of the northeast monsoon on Thursday, which will cause another dip in temperatures, particularly on the windward side of northern Taiwan. However, this effect is expected to be short-lived, with milder temperatures forecasted for Friday and Saturday. Nevertheless, there is a possibility of a new cold air mass moving south by Sunday, which could once again lower temperatures in northern Taiwan.
    2023/12/25 19:32
  • 《異能》才封后!韓孝周演反派淪「年度最爛」 朴敘俊沒禮貌又糟

    2023/12/25 17:41
  • AUO to close Singapore display production in December

    AU Optronics Corp. (AUO) plans to close its display production line in Singapore by the end of December, affecting around 500 employees. The company is moving its manufacturing equipment back to Taiwan and offering Taiwanese staff in Singapore the choice to relocate to Taiwan or transfer to Vietnam. AUO aims to expand its display module capacities in Vietnam. The company confirmed that its Singapore base will transform into a hub for providing smart solutions and will serve as its operations center in Southeast Asia. This move is in response to the growing preference for Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) technology in smartphones, tablets, and laptops, posing challenges to the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) industry. Most of the equipment will be relocated to AUO’s Longtan plant, which is actively developing microLED displays in line with Apple’s strategy.
    2023/12/20 10:47
  • NMEA urges focus on funding, talent for Taiwan’s media hub

    The newly appointed Chairperson of the New Media Entertainment Association (NMEA), Daphne Lee, emphasizes the importance of funding, talent, and global integration for Taiwan’s content industry to succeed. At the 2023 Asiahub New Media Summit in Taipei, Lee highlights the need for cross-sector collaboration and industry chain integration in the AI era. The summit features six main themes, 19 keynote speeches, panel discussions, and 7 workshops with 60 speakers. Participants, such as LINE Taiwan Managing Director Roger Chen, discuss Taiwan’s soft power, industry upgrade, transformation, and global outreach. Videoland Television Network Chairman Lee Chung-pei suggests creating quality content to ensure profitability and establish funding recovery mechanisms. Lin Chien-han, Chairman of Taiwan Secom, shares the company’s dual strategy of investment and production, moving from DVD rental services to investing in Taiwanese films. Lin also discusses how Taiwanese creative content is breaking into the international market by integrating local culture and socio-political issues, citing successful films like "The Candidate" and "The Bridge Curse."
    2023/12/19 15:38
  • 年度十大熱門韓劇!《MOVING異能》才第二 冠軍根本神劇

    2023/12/18 16:05
  • Ko Wen-je warns of DPP win if KMT-DPP clash

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je criticizes a return to the clash between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), arguing that it would result in a victory for the DPP. Ko’s comments were made during an agriculture policy press conference, as support for KMT candidates Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong grows in polls. Ko questions whether Taiwan truly desires a return to a polarized political axis and highlights that 60% of the population supports maintaining the status quo. He appeals to the youth demographic to consider moving away from the blue-green divide and towards a new political and cultural era.
    2023/12/07 19:03
  • 2023十大電視劇!《Moving異能》才第3 TOP1根本神劇

    2023/12/05 14:35
  • 《異能》柳承龍「MAMA紅毯突爆淚」! 開場合作ATEEZ粉絲驚呼

    韓國音樂盛事「2023年MAMA大獎」今(29)晚在東京巨蛋舉辦第2天活動,除了找來朴寶劍擔綱主持人以外,還邀請(G)I-DLE、LE SSERAFIM、NiziU、RIIZE、SEVENTEEN等多組人氣偶像參與。令人意外的是,在《MOVING異能》中代號「九龍浦」的柳承龍同樣參與,沒想到他居然淚灑紅毯?
    2023/11/29 17:15
  • 《異能》沒上榜!2023韓劇收視前5名 「打抱不平」成冠軍

    2023/11/29 10:29
  • 2023「漫改韓劇」TOP6 《我的女神室友》竟跌出前3名!

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近一年內「漫改韓劇」相關話題的網路聲量,帶您了解網友熱議的2023漫改韓劇排行。
    2023/11/24 16:06
  • 看不出36歲!韓孝周新劇大秀「腹背肌」 身材管理3點一次看

    2023/11/22 11:29
  • 韓孝周封后爆爭議!9年前「命案黑歷史」遭挖 好形象崩壞:真噁心

    36歲南韓女星韓孝周憑夯劇《Moving 異能》累積超高人氣,更在15日一舉抱回第59屆「大鐘獎」戲劇類影后,擊敗聲勢極旺的《黑暗榮耀》主角宋慧喬,而她在發表感言時,提到「這個獎不屬於我個人,而是屬於《Moving 異能》整個團隊」,將獲獎歸功於整團劇組;怎料,她因而慘遭網友炎上,紛紛挖出她曾疑似包庇弟弟霸凌害死人的醜聞,挨轟「從你嘴裡說出這些話真噁心」。
    2023/11/17 11:34
  • 韓國大鐘獎 李秉憲4度奪影帝 韓孝周封視后

    2023/11/16 11:57
  • 打敗宋慧喬!韓孝周《異能》奪大鐘影后 「親曝想拒演」感言超暖

    2023/11/15 18:53
  • Sudden chill hits Taiwan rivaling a continental air mass

    Taipei experienced a sudden drop in temperature on November 14, with the morning low reaching 15.2 degrees Celsius. This is due to an intense cold air mass moving southward, which is expected to bring temperatures down to around 10 degrees Celsius throughout the week, particularly affecting coastal and plain areas. National Central University Atmospheric Sciences Professor Wu Der-Romg explained that a weather front arrived on Thursday, causing drastic changes in weather conditions. This front is accompanied by an arctic air mass, resulting in the strongest wave of cold air so far this autumn season. Professor Wu expects the impact of the cold air mass to continue until Saturday morning, with a gradual return to normal temperatures exceeding 20 degrees Celsius the following day. However, the Central Weather Administration (CWA) warned of the return of brisk temperatures as a typhoon approaches Taiwan in the coming weeks. The CWA is closely monitoring the tropical depression brewing east of the Philippine Sea, as it may disrupt future weather patterns in Taiwan.
    2023/11/14 19:21
  • 藝人開餐廳3舉動太噁心! 趙寅成試味道「含完湯匙竟喇回鍋內」

    2023/11/03 19:22
  • 這是金斗植?趙寅成現身「滿臉大鬍子」 粉絲崩潰:趕快剃掉!

    2023/10/24 18:25
  • 《MOVING異能》擬推第2季!官方表態 憂1前提不符期待

    2023/10/17 11:05
  • 《異能》狂砍釜山影展6獎! 柳承龍超暖感言:同理心才是超能力

    2023/10/11 09:00
  • 釜山影展亞洲內容大獎名單 薛仕凌奪男配角獎《異能》大贏家包辦6大獎

    2023/10/09 13:27
  • 閃瞎人!韓孝周、趙寅成《異能》後又同框 突脫口「是夫妻」 

    2023/10/06 12:30
  • 釜山影展/韓孝周、范冰冰「辣秀深V」 宮澤理惠展凍齡神顏

    2023/10/05 11:12
  • Slow-moving Typhoon Koinu poses threat to southern Taiwan

    Taiwan prepares as Typhoon Koinu approaches. The slow-moving storm poses potential risks, with heavy rain and gusty winds expected. Stay updated for safety.
    2023/10/04 14:05
  • 《異能》趙寅成「42歲真實髮色」震驚網 吐心聲:我也會老

    2023/10/03 05:00
  • 《MOVING異能》閃電俠哭了!車太鉉落男兒淚「妻子身體不好」

    2023/10/01 12:50
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