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    Moving 結果共105筆

  • TSMC chair addresses relocation concerns amid tensions

    Explore how TSMC’s Chairman C.C. Wei addresses the impracticality of moving production from Taiwan amid geopolitical tensions and the impact on the global tech industry, ahead of COMPUTEX 2024.
    2024/06/05 12:20
  • Cloudy skies, scattered showers expected across Taiwan today

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: Clouds from the Taiwan Strait will bring mostly cloudy skies and intermittent showers across the island. Expect higher moisture and rain chances due to the eastward-moving South China rain belt. Daytime highs will range from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, with cooler nights. The Ministry of Environment warns of potential air quality issues due to easterly winds. Stay prepared and informed on weather and air quality conditions.
    2024/06/05 11:22
  • 百想60/評審1票都不給柳承龍! 金高銀「30秒全場通過」當影后

    第60屆韓國百想藝術大賞已經在日前落幕,昨(9)天官方也公開審查過程,電影部門的最佳男主角獎果然廝殺最為激烈,李炳憲、黃晸珉各有評審強烈支持,而最佳女主角則在30秒內投票完成,毫無異議;最讓人意外的則是柳承龍,他在《Moving 異能》流下打動人心的男兒淚,沒想到一票都沒拿到!
    2024/05/10 11:28
  • Taiwan to end mask mandate in medical facilities on May 19

    Discover how Taiwan is moving towards normalcy with the end of its nationwide mask mandate on May 19, as announced by the CDC. Learn about the new guidelines and the emphasis on vaccination and hygiene.
    2024/05/08 17:58
  • 百想60/李到晛《破墓》奪新人獎 甜謝女友放閃:知衍啊非常謝謝妳

    2024/05/07 17:06
  • 百想完整得獎名單/《Moving 異能》獲戲劇大賞 《首爾之春》導演擒電影大賞

    2024第60屆韓國百想藝術大賞頒獎典禮於今(7)日於台灣時間下午4點,在韓國三成洞COEX登場,本屆在電視部門方面,科幻動作劇《MOVING異能》獲7項提名成大贏家,電影部門則由驚悚片《破墓》入圍8項領跑。本屆 將由申東燁、秀智以及朴寶劍再度聯手主持典禮。《TVBS新聞網》將不斷更新,為讀者整理本屆百想藝術大賞即時得獎名單。
    2024/05/07 16:18
  • 百想60/視帝殺紅眼!《異能》柳承龍封神演技 力抗《淚之女王》金秀賢

    韓國演藝圈年度盛事、第60屆「百想藝術大賞」將於5月7日舉行,這次的入圍名單無論是電視部門還是電影部門,都是非常激烈,《TVBS新聞網》特別整理本屆「電視部門」最佳男主角亮點,入圍的有這次入圍大贏家《Moving 異能》柳承龍、近期最夯話題劇《淚之女王》金秀賢、《戀人》南宮珉、《運氣好的日子》柳演錫,以及《少年時代》任時完。
    2024/05/06 07:30
  • 張基龍超能力不見了! 退伍回歸作「搭檔千玗嬉」甜慘

    2024/05/05 15:48
  • 百想60/金高銀《破墓》再創演技巔峰 鄭裕美成最大勁敵

    2024第60屆百想藝術大賞將於5月7日舉行,科幻動作劇《Moving 異能》在本屆獲7項提名,是入圍大贏家。而《TVBS新聞網》特別整理了本屆百想藝術大賞個人獎項的重要入圍名單,以及各組的入圍者亮點,本篇為電影部門女子優秀演技賞看點評析。
    2024/05/04 17:25
  • 《支配物種》朱智勛突變「竟獲異能」? 韓孝周親曝私心最愛演員

    2024/05/04 10:16
  • 百想60/《異能》李正河、高允貞攜手拿獎成關注 金宣虎、李到晛雙帥爭獎

    2024第60屆百想藝術大賞將於5月7日舉行,科幻動作劇《Moving 異能》在本屆獲7項提名,是入圍大贏家。而《TVBS新聞網》特別整理了本屆百想藝術大賞個人獎項的重要入圍名單,以及各組的入圍者亮點,本篇為電視與電影部門的男、女最佳新人賞看點評析。
    2024/05/02 20:38
  • Taiwan eyes stronger ties with rising India

    Chen Mu-min, the Deputy Representative to India, highlights the strengthening of Taiwan-India relations through increased cooperation in trade, investment, education, and technology. He emphasizes India’s growing political influence as beneficial for Taiwan’s international engagement and notes the expansion of Taiwan Education Centers in India, alongside a rise in Indian students and researchers visiting Taiwan. The reorganization of the global supply chain is seen as a driving force behind Taiwanese manufacturers moving to India, promising a boost in trade volume between the two nations.
    2024/04/30 13:54
  • Taiwan inches closer to China, debunking drift rumors: CWA

    The Central Weather Administration of Taiwan corrects misconceptions about the island drifting away from China due to earthquakes, clarifying that Taiwan is moving closer to China at a rate of 4 to 8 centimeters annually. This adjustment is based on the movement of tectonic plates, with Taiwan’s position at the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates’ junction contributing to its gradual shift towards China.
    2024/04/25 16:23
  • Expert: Epicenter moving inland, but quakes to subside soon

    Continuous earthquakes above magnitude 6 have rocked Taiwan since Monday, with energy release equivalent to 42 atomic bombs, raising concerns about shifting epicenters and diminishing aftershocks.
    2024/04/23 17:07
  • 韓孝周「配對朱智勛」CP感拉滿 高顏值震憾網:強過趙寅成

    韓星韓孝周、朱智勛主演Disney+ 年度科幻懸疑韓劇《支配物種》,於今(10)日重磅首播,日前參與見面會的粉絲們也紛紛喊話,期待男神、女神首度合作擦出的火花,「原本在我心中和韓孝周CP感最強的是《MOVING異能》的趙寅成,不過看完昨天連線見面會,過去無法撼動的地位好像要被取代了」、「韓孝周跟朱智勛這對也太好嗑了吧!」其實韓孝周與朱智勛2006年就曾一起拍攝過廣告,《支配物種》則是兩人首次攜手主演的戲劇作品,如今一位是地表最強保鑣、另一位則是高冷亡命霸總,兩人戲外高甜CP感滿滿。
    2024/04/10 17:48
  • 2024百想入圍名單!金秀賢4度爭視帝 《黑暗榮耀》情侶檔都入圍

    2024/04/09 22:41
  • 「製作費最高」韓劇TOP7!《異能》只排第二 冠軍高達16億

    2024/04/08 11:18
  • 韓國凍齡女神回歸!新作品化身執行長 韓孝周「6部影集」必看

    2024/04/05 12:06
  • VP-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s US trip: Personal, not political

    Learn about the clarification made by the DPP regarding Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s upcoming personal trip to the U.S., emphasizing it is not for diplomatic purposes but for personal matters such as house moving and visiting friends. Speculations suggesting involvement in diplomatic affairs ahead of the inauguration on May 20 are refuted. Compare the trip to President-Elect Lai Ching-te’s visit to the U.S. before his inauguration four years ago, highlighting the differences in purpose and official engagements.
    2024/03/11 18:14
  • Global Times warns Lai of Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation

    Taipei (TVBS News) reports that Taiwan’s diplomatic allies are gradually decreasing, as stated by a Chinese official media outlet. Nauru recently announced its decision to sever ties with the Republic of China and Taiwan, bringing the number of diplomatic allies down to 12. This marks the tenth nation to break ties during President Tsai Ing-wen’s term. The Global Times report highlights the more restrained approach of Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim towards cross-strait policies, urging them to fully understand the reality and trend of the Taiwan Strait and completely abandon any path towards Taiwan independence. Lai, elected as a "double minority," faces the challenge that 60 percent of the Taiwanese population does not recognize the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). In response to Taiwan’s elections, the U.S. clarified its stance by stating that they do not support Taiwan’s independence, aiming to dissuade Lai from becoming a disruptive force like former President Chen Shui-bian, which could affect the U.S.’s strategic plans.
    2024/01/24 12:38
  • 《異能》編劇姜草再造顛峰! 朱智勛開《照明商店》撫慰朴寶英

    2024/01/20 18:17
  • Wu Feng celebrates 17 Years in Taiwan with a touching tale

    Turkish comedian and long-time Taiwan resident, Ugur Rifat Karlova, also known as Wu Feng, expressed gratitude and warmth for his adopted home in a heartfelt Facebook post. Wu celebrated 17 years of his life in Taiwan, referring to it as his family’s home and a place deserving of cherishing. He shared a moving incident that occurred on New Year’s Eve in a teppanyaki restaurant, where a Taiwanese couple surprised him by settling his bill. Wu expressed his gratitude to the generous man and hoped to reciprocate the favor next time, thanking him for a touching New Year memory for his family.
    2024/01/02 11:31
  • Hou Yu-ih reiterates Taiwan independence opposition

    Kuomintang’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih expressed his opposition to Taiwan’s independence and support for democratic freedom, rejecting "one country, two systems." During a debate, he criticized Democratic Progressive Party’s candidate Lai Ching-te for his vague policy toward China and questioned his remarks about sharing bubble tea with China’s president Xi Jinping. Hou emphasized that any consensus between Taiwan and China should be based on Taiwan’s Constitution and the basic cross-strait framework, clarifying that the 1992 Consensus does not imply recognition of "one country, two systems." He emphasized that the future of Taiwan should be decided by its 23 million citizens, engaging in dialogue under the constitutional framework to reduce risks. Hou also advocated for the development of Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities to maintain peace and suggested that cross-strait exchanges should start from the civil sector before moving to official government interactions to minimize risks.
    2023/12/30 16:38
  • Sunny New Year’s forecast with comfortable temps in Taiwan

    Stay up to date with the latest weather forecast for Taiwan. Expect rainfall on Thursday, particularly in mountainous areas, with minimum temperatures of 16-17 degrees Celsius on the plains. On Friday, water vapor will shift eastward, resulting in clear skies in the south and occasional rainfall in the north and east. Saturday will be mostly sunny with some cloud cover in the west, and brief rainfall in mountainous and eastern regions. For the New Year holiday, Sunday will be sunny in the west, partly sunny in the east, and occasional brief rainfall. Monday and Tuesday are expected to be predominantly sunny and stable, with a slight chance of scattered rain in the east. Northern Taiwan will be comfortable during this period, while the south will be slightly hot, with temperatures dropping in the evening. Remember to adjust your clothing accordingly if spending extended periods outside.
    2023/12/28 13:34
  • Formosan black bear rescued, transported for medical care

    A Formosan black bear accidentally trapped in Taichung was rescued and transported to a medical care station in Nantou’s Jiji Township by Taiwan’s Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency. The bear’s right forelimb was caught in a trap, and it was unable to free itself. A team of forest rangers hiked uphill for an hour to reach the bear, and with the assistance of a veterinarian, they successfully released it from the trap and treated its wounds. The incident may be related to the bears moving to lower altitudes due to sudden temperature drops. The agency encourages residents to report any bear intrusions or trapped bears and offers assistance with hunting tools for those in mountain villages facing threats to their crops from wild animals.
    2023/12/27 13:08
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