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    university 結果共416筆

  • TSMC, Kyushu University to boost semiconductor talent

    TSMC to collaborate with Kyushu University in Japan to foster talent and research in the semiconductor field. The partnership aims to address a projected shortage of technical talents in Kyushu’s semiconductor industry and support TSMC’s expansion plans in Kumamoto Prefecture.
    2024/04/01 13:05
  • President Tsai discusses pressures of leadership

    President Tsai Ing-wen reflects on her presidency during a visit to National Penghu University of Science and Technology, emphasizing the daily pressures of her role and her re-election in 2019 as a sense of accomplishment. She praises the university’s role in talent development and regional growth, expressing hope for continued progress and swift resolution of campus safety issues.
    2024/03/29 13:44
  • 書皮竟用女性皮膚製成! 哈佛大學「人皮書」將移除封面

    美國哈佛大學(Harvard University)的圖書館內收藏著一本極具爭議的藏書,雖然內容並沒有較為特別之處,但書的封面竟是使用「人皮」製成,校方近日做出最終決定,以「存在倫理問題」為由拆除這本書的外皮,並承諾會妥善處理這些人類遺骸。
    2024/03/29 10:21
  • Taiwan’s university application pass rate drops to 81.15%

    The University application screening results for the 2024 academic year in Taipei were announced, with 78,187 applicants and 63,449 passing, marking an 81.15% pass rate, the lowest in three years.
    2024/03/28 14:46
  • The hidden risks of reheated rice and noodles

    Learn about the dangers of improperly stored rice and noodle dishes when reheated, as warned by Dr. Lee Chien-chang from National Taiwan University Hospital. A recent food poisoning case at Polam Kopitiam in Malaysia has raised concerns about Bongkrekic acid, a potent toxin linked to fatal outcomes. Stay informed on the risks and symptoms associated with this deadly acid, which can cause acute damage and organ failure.
    2024/03/28 14:19
  • 凱特王妃謠言誰在傳? 英專家:俄國組織散播假新聞

    英國資安專家透過大數據發現,近期有一個來自俄羅斯的假訊息組織,大肆在社群網路上炒作,有關凱特王妃(Princess of Wales Catherine)健康狀況的謠言,同時還嘗試破壞法國的網路環境,只是為了打擊那些公開支持烏克蘭的國家。外媒引述英國卡地夫大學(Cardiff University)分析的數據發現,該組織透過大量假帳號,在社群上大肆散播假訊息,同時不斷發布與英國王室相關的標籤註記,分享次數高達數十億次,明顯就是刻意炒作並讓讀者誤會。
    2024/03/27 14:19
  • Hsiao: Ma Ying-jeou’s China itinerary still being arranged

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to China, including a potential meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, is eagerly anticipated amid ongoing tensions between Taiwan and China. Stay tuned for updates on Ma’s itinerary and its implications for cross-strait relations.
    2024/03/27 10:38
  • Far East University to rename to CTBC Technology University

    Far East University in Tainan is set to be renamed as "CTBC Technology University" following a substantial donation from Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. The move aims to enhance educational opportunities and innovation in vocational and technical education, aligning with existing CTBC institutions in the city.
    2024/03/26 11:34
  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • 稱霸禁區!「小姚明」1紀錄媲美傳奇 歐尼爾讚:叫他周鯊魚

    美國NCAA一級男籃錦標賽「三月瘋」(March Madness)正在火熱進行中,而就讀普渡大學(Purdue University)的加拿大籍華裔中鋒周志豪(Zach Edey),更在賽場上大殺四方,成為繼名人堂球星歐尼爾(Shaquille O’Neal)後,首位能連3戰至少攻下20分、3阻攻的球員,還因此被歐尼爾給予「周鯊魚」(Zachille O’Neal)封號。
    2024/03/25 10:51
  • Prospect of war unlikely across the Taiwan Strait: scholar

    Analysis by Professor Li Cheng of The University of Hong Kong on the relationships between Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China in the context of the new national security law. Insights on the unlikelihood of a Taiwan Strait war, Hong Kong’s unique position, and the need for cooperative approaches between the U.S. and China.
    2024/03/22 17:31
  • 愛子公主和服畢業照成嬌點 3年疫情害大學只能上網

    身為日本現任德仁天皇(Emperor Naruhito)與雅子皇后(Empress Masako)唯一的掌上明珠,愛子公主(Princess Aiko)日前公開她的大學畢業照,穿著正式和服、在學習院大學(Gakushuin University)參加畢業典禮的她,也對媒體透露,自己將在大學畢業後,投身日本紅十字會工作,同時繼續履行皇室相關職責。《日本時報》報導指出,大學四年受到新冠肺炎影響,愛子公主有長達3年時間,都是透過網路修課拿學分,直到最後一年才真正踏入校園上課。宮內廳聲明還提到,愛子她會「懷念」那三年,因為疫情只能網路上學的特殊經歷;至於四年級回歸校園上課,也讓愛子與同學、朋友一起創造「一生難忘的回憶」。
    2024/03/22 14:43
  • 浪犬逛街「叼人類斷臂」!血肉畫面曝 印醫院:病患手被偷

    2024/03/18 19:37
  • Taiwan’s aging doctors: Crisis in medical distribution

    In Taiwan, a shift towards a super-aged society is causing a significant challenge in the medical field, with an uneven distribution of young doctors across specialties leading to a potential crisis in healthcare.
    2024/03/14 18:22
  • Chicago students explore Taiwan’s media with TVBS News visit

    University of Chicago students recently explored the TVBS News office, delving into Taiwan’s media landscape and how global issues, especially military affairs and cross-strait tensions, are covered. Highlights include insights into traditional news values and the integration of new technologies.
    2024/03/12 17:10
  • Taiwan’s MOE ends independent university admissions in 2024

    Stay informed about Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s recent revision of the ’Regulations for the Individual Recruitment of Universities’ impacting university admissions. Learn about the changes affecting private high schools and exceptions for religious, artistic, and athletic sectors. Discover how this update will impact institutions like CTBC Business School, Kainan University, and Huafan University.
    2024/03/06 18:19
  • Taiwan, Harvard launch PhD scholarship program for students

    Taipei’s Ministry of Education and Harvard University signed an MOU for a five-year collaboration, sponsoring five Taiwanese students annually to pursue doctoral degrees at Harvard starting in 2025. The partnership marks Harvard as the 18th global top 100 university to establish a PhD scholarship scheme with Taiwan. The Ministry aims to deepen academic exchange and nurture globally recognized leaders through this collaboration.
    2024/03/04 18:03
  • Tainan City Gov’t turns closed TSU campus into public park

    Discover the transformation of Taiwan Shoufu University (TSU) in Tainan, the first private educational institution repurposed by local authorities. Explore how the campus will evolve into a multifunctional park housing government offices, marking a significant shift in the area’s landscape amidst Taiwan’s changing higher education scene.
    2024/02/29 11:31
  • 不甩2/29最後通牒 韓實習醫不畏停牌續罷工抗政府

    面對實習醫師大規模辭職罷工,南韓政府日前也給出「返工期限」,要求醫師2月29日之前必須回歸工作崗位,否則就要祭出訴訟或停牌處分。但隨著最後通牒剩下最後一天,《韓聯社》報導,南韓多城市的主要醫院醫療服務都受到影響,卻只有極少數實習醫師返回工作崗位;多數實習醫師鐵了心要抗爭到底,像是首爾的建國大學(Konkuk University)醫學中心,離開的200名實習醫生中只有12人回歸。
    2024/02/28 18:00
  • NCKU tops job bank’s university rank for business favorites

    Discover the latest job bank survey results ranking Taiwan’s favorite universities for businesses. National Cheng Kung University leads the list, followed by National Taiwan University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Private institutions like Tamkang University and Fu Jen Catholic University also make the top ranks. Learn how these universities integrate digital skills and industry disciplines to nurture diverse talent.
    2024/02/27 17:01
  • University of Michigan mourns the loss of Chen Chun-han

    The farewell ceremony for human rights lawyer and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative candidate Chen Chun-han was held in Hsinchu City. Dean Kyle Logue of the University of Michigan Law School paid tribute to Chen’s dedication to human rights issues and his impact on the university community. Prof. Lin Chih-chieh of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University shared Logue’s eulogy, highlighting Chen’s passion for research and commitment to improving the rights of the disabled in Taiwan. The ceremony celebrated Chen’s academic achievements and his warm personality, leaving a lasting impression on all who knew him.
    2024/02/27 13:50
  • 常春藤名校華裔兄弟檔疑前後輕生 作家李翊雲二度痛失愛子

    美國頂尖常春藤名校之一的普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)近日發生學生輕生的悲劇,該校一名19歲的大學一年級華裔新生,在本月16日疑似選擇在校園中撞火車輕生,目前當局仍在調查確切死因。外媒報導指出,死者的哥哥在2017年也做出極端選擇,在校園裡輕生,兄弟倆為美國知名華裔女作家李翊雲(Yiyun Li)的孩子,她也是該校的創意寫作教授,校方已向她表達慰問及哀悼。
    2024/02/22 17:24
  • NTNU, TSMC launch joint semiconductor program

    National Taiwan Normal University and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) have partnered to introduce a new semiconductor program, attracting 340 students. The course includes subjects from five departments and offers exclusive events and classes by senior TSMC instructors. Students completing the program will receive a certificate and a guaranteed interview opportunity at TSMC, with employment bonuses for high achievers. Planning study timetables wisely is encouraged to enhance resume competitiveness.
    2024/02/22 14:41
  • NYCU launches innovative Chinese medicine department

    National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) is set to debut its Traditional Chinese Medicine department at a college fair on Feb. 24. The new department integrates artificial intelligence and information technology in its curriculum, aiming to cultivate "new traditional Chinese physicians" with interdisciplinary characteristics. The university seeks to enhance Taiwan’s traditional Chinese medicine industry by training talents for hospital clinics, scientific research, and the biotech industry.
    2024/02/20 11:49
  • LiSA sets stage for electrifying Taiwan concert in June

    Japanese singer LiSA is set to hold a concert in Taiwan on June 1, marking her return after six years. Known for her hit theme songs for "Demon Slayer", LiSA will perform at the National Taiwan Sport University Sports Center. Tickets go on sale on Feb. 24. LiSA expressed excitement for the event, promising a new setlist for her Taiwanese fans, including popular tracks "Gurenge" and "Homura". She also mentioned her love for Taiwan’s pearl milk tea.
    2024/02/19 16:11
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