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    university 結果共416筆

  • Police identify 68 victims in cardless installment scam

    Taichung City Police have identified 68 victims of a cardless installment scam involving purchases of electronic products. Two suspects, both surnamed Lin, including a communications store owner, have been arrested for targeting university students in central Taiwan. The police seized evidence including mobile phones, computers, cash, passbooks, and contract documents. The suspects deceived students by promising them NT$5,000 cash for purchasing electronics through cardless installments, but the victims discovered the deceit when they received payment notifications from debt collectors.
    2023/10/28 18:06
  • Imposter salesman swindles millions from Taichung students

    The Taichung City’s 6th Precinct Police Department is investigating a fraud case targeting students from Feng Chia University and Tunghai University. A man surnamed Lin posed as a telecommunications salesman in Taichung City’s Xitun District and cheated students out of millions.
    2023/10/27 15:46
  • 仇恨塗鴉入侵常春藤 康乃爾大學馬路被噴「去X的以色列」

    以色列和哈瑪斯(Hamas)爆發大規模武裝衝突,在遭到數千火箭突襲後,以色列封鎖加薩並執行多日轟炸,強硬態度卻讓伊斯蘭世界和歐美許多民眾不滿,選擇支持巴勒斯坦一方。綜合美媒報導,位於紐約州的康乃爾大學(Cornell University),有人發現校園道路被噴上反以的激烈仇恨文字,例如像「以色列是法西斯」(Israel is Fascist)等,但目前還沒有人或團體出面自首,校方仍持續調查中。
    2023/10/26 14:30
  • 常春藤高材生喝杯檸檬飲 咖啡因量竟同3瓶紅牛心臟驟停亡

    一杯檸檬飲料咖啡因(caffeine)含量,竟比紅牛(Red Bull)高3倍,導致美國賓州大學(University of Pennsylvania)學生心臟驟停猝死。綜合美媒報導,猝死的女學生是年僅21歲的莎拉(Sarah Katz),她在費城一間餐廳點了大杯檸檬飲料,不知道成份和內含物下喝完,沒想到隨即引起心臟驟停,送醫後不治死亡。事後查驗才發現,這款檸檬飲料中含有390毫克咖啡因,比常見的標準罐紅牛機能飲料的111毫克,足足高出3倍之多。莎拉家人無法接受,已經委請律師提告餐廳。
    2023/10/24 12:42
  • Prof. May Oo Lwin rethinks the future of global health

    Professor May Oo Lwin from Nanyang Technological University spoke at the CTeC Asia event, warning against the dangerous rise in COVID-19 misinformation. Stressing the crucial role of media as a trustworthy information source, she called for public vigilance and cross-sector collaboration to counter disinformation.
    2023/10/22 17:47
  • Prof. Skoric explores tech’s role in democracy at CTeC Asia

    Professor Marko Skoric from the City University of Hong Kong delves into the complex relationship between emerging technologies and democracy at the CTeC Asia event. He warns against blaming technology solely for democratic challenges and emphasizes the role of leadership and wealth distribution.
    2023/10/22 00:45
  • Ma Ying-jeou urges global support for cross-strait dialogue

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou spoke at New York University, urging the US and the global community to encourage cross-strait dialogue instead of making Taiwan "the next Ukraine." He disagreed with the suggestion of arming Taiwanese citizens with AK-47s and emphasized the need for the new president to oppose Taiwan’s independence and accept the 1992 Consensus for cross-strait peace.
    2023/10/17 16:16
  • Int’l bands take center stage at National Day celebrations

    The UCLA Bruin Marching Band and Tokyo’s Emerald Knights are set to perform at Taiwan’s 112th Double Tenth ceremony. This marks UCLA’s first visit to Taiwan in seven years and showcases international friendship through music.
    2023/10/09 14:51
  • U.S., Japan marching bands join in National Day celebration

    The Tokyo University of Agriculture Second High School "Emerald Knights" visit Taiwan to perform at the National Day celebration. President Tsai Ing-wen treats them to Taiwanese salted crispy chicken and lemon aiyu jelly. They join other marching bands for a joint exchange at the National Performing Arts Center. The Emerald Knights will perform an anime medley during the National Day Celebration. The UCLA Bruins Marching Band also participates, making it the first time a U.S. performance group performs on Taiwan’s National Day stage.
    2023/10/09 14:44
  • 體驗哈利波特上課內容? 英國名校將推「魔法學」碩士課程

    《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)系列小說和電影,滿足人們對於魔法世界的想像與憧憬,如今英國真的學校要開設魔法學,並提供正式學位,歡迎有興趣的「麻瓜」報名。BBC報導,英國羅素大學集團之一、艾希特大學(University of Exeter)宣布,從2024年9月開始,該校將推出一年期的魔法與神秘科學碩士課程,學生將能在此研究,所謂的巫術和魔法,對世界各地社會和現代科學的歷史影響。
    2023/10/06 15:56
  • Universities embrace bilingual education to boost rankings

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education launches the "Program on Bilingual Education for College Students," focusing on EMI courses to elevate English proficiency and international competitiveness. National Taiwan Normal University and National Chengchi University play pivotal roles. Learn about the "catfish effect."
    2023/10/05 21:14
  • University shifts classes online due to Typhoon Koinu

    As Typhoon Koinu approaches Taiwan, the Chinese Culture University in Taipei has shifted all classes to remote online teaching for safety. Despite the storm, Taipei has not announced a typhoon holiday, leading to questions from netizens.
    2023/10/04 14:01
  • National Chengchi University opens mixed-gender student dormitory

    National Chengchi University in Taipei transformed its staff dormitory into a student dormitory in September, allowing male and female students to freely form groups and share rooms on the same floor, setting a precedent for domestic universities in Taiwan.
    2023/09/18 19:31
  • Tsai visits Mbabane Gov’t Hospital, pledges more support

    Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen paid a visit to the Mbabane Government Hospital in Eswatini on Wednesday (Sept. 6), where medical personnel from Taipei Medical University Hospital have assisted in the past 15 years.
    2023/09/07 16:29
  • Fire dep. partners with university for life-saving training

    The Taipei City Fire Department’s 1st Headquarters has partnered with National Chengchi University to conduct six fire safety and CPR training sessions with the aim of equipping students with life-saving skills.
    2023/09/05 21:51
  • 陸博士生在美槍殺「同鄉教授」 多次發文抱怨感情與人際關係

    美國北卡羅來納大學教堂山校區(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)日前發生一場槍擊案。畢業自武漢大學的陸籍博士生齊太磊(Tailei Qi),於當地時間28日槍殺一名同樣來自中國大陸的教職人員,讓當地師生相當震驚。外媒指出,這起駭人槍擊案發生的幾個月前,齊太磊曾在社群媒體談及感情與人際關係問題、美國霸凌、與過勞。
    2023/08/30 10:23
  • 空汙嚴重!PM2.5超標25倍 印度新德里居民恐減壽12年

    全球空氣汙染排行榜常客的印度新德里(Delhi),芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)能源中心最新研究報告指出,從空氣品質指數(AQLI)數據分析,新德里平均細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度,遠超過世衛組織(WHO)的安全標準25倍,長期壟罩在汙染下生活,會讓當地居民平均壽命減少11.9年。報告中讓環境專家更憂慮的一點,整個南亞次大陸近8年時間,平均空汙濃度增加近10%,尤其以孟加拉12.4%最為嚴重,倘若不盡早處置,必定將嚴重傷害各國勞動力來源。
    2023/08/29 16:00
  • 美百大名校爆槍響 陸籍博士生「平時安靜客氣」卻涉殺害教職員

    美國知名學府北卡羅來納大學教堂山校區(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill),28日校園驚傳槍響,一名教職人員中槍喪命,當地警方初步調查後,第一時間就拘捕主要嫌犯,是該校在讀、來自中國大陸的華裔博士生齊太磊(Tailei Qi,音譯),但警方至今尚未公開死者姓名與職稱。槍響發生的當下,校方要求所有學生與教職員,全部留在宿舍或教室不要外出,緊急封閉校園3小時,甚至也讓同地區小學提前下課,預防再有相關槍擊發生。
    2023/08/29 09:40
  • Taipei mayor commemorates 823 Artillery Bombardment

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an visited the "Yu Ta-wei’s Memorial Exhibition" at National Taiwan University on Tuesday (Aug. 22) ahead of his trip to the Taipei-Shanghai City Forum on Aug. 29.
    2023/08/23 14:57
  • 沒睡飽會要命!英研究:睡不到5小時死亡風險恐增25%

    充足的睡眠是擁有健康身體的基礎,然而現代人因生活壓力及其他諸多因素,許多人都有睡眠不足的問題。對此,眼科醫師弗里德里希(Dan Friederich)以2022年英國倫敦大學學院(University College London)的研究提醒民衆,每天只睡4到5個小時恐有嚴重的致命風險。
    2023/08/23 05:20
  • Declining birth rate hits university-area rental market

    Taiwan’s declining birth rates reshape the rental housing market around universities. High vacancy rates prompt landlords to cut prices to attract tenants amidst the changing landscape.
    2023/08/17 23:22
  • Taiwanese students’ college placement results announced

    Discover the latest news on Taiwanese college placements with a remarkable 96.14% acceptance rate. Learn about the surge in applications, the challenge of vacancies due to Taiwan’s birth rate decline, and the importance of distinct academic offerings. Review applications available till 5 p.m. Friday.
    2023/08/15 20:46
  • 賭王學霸孫女哥大畢業 將入職世界頂尖律師事務所 

    有賭王「最美外孫女」之稱的何鍶珩(Beatrice)是何鴻燊二房女兒何超鳳與前夫何志堅所生的大女,Beatrice不但顏值相當高,更是一名學霸,畢業於美國名校普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)的她之後繼續修讀市場學碩士,並曾在銀行實習。而Beatrice的妹妹何倩珩(Gillian)亦同樣出色,日前Beatrice在IG公布好消息,原來Gillian即將在世界知名律師事務所工作,是品學兼優的女孩!
    2023/08/12 13:57
  • 糖果成分可治癌?「沉默癌王」死亡率破9成 研究曝驚人發現

    香港浸會大學(Hong Kong Baptist University)一項全新研究顯示,在如今常見的糖果中,一種名為「異甘草素(isoliquiritigenin,ISL)」的甘草中提取物,使用在胰臟癌的臨床治療上有顯著效果,在伴隨化療使用的時後,除了副作用的降低之外,對於癌細胞增生的抑制效用更是高達18%至30%之多;而這也意味著在面對「沉默殺手」胰臟癌時的人類,或許不再顯得過度無能為力。
    2023/08/11 11:29
  • 水汙染救星!美大學研發杯狀濾水裝置 天災時也能用

    隨著近年極端氣候越趨頻繁,洪水等天災造成的水汙染成為棘手難題;美國德州大學奧斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)近日研發出杯子大小的「濾水裝置」,利用電池產生的電力分解污水中的細菌,能為因自然災害斷水斷電的地區提供潔淨飲用水;研究人員正致力於簡化設計,目標將該設備商業化。
    2023/08/07 12:15
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