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    university 結果共416筆

  • President Tsai encourages graduates to harness potential

    President Tsai Ing-wen joined the Central Police University commencement ceremony on Tuesday, where she emphasized the importance of police officers in society and encouraged graduates to remain dedicated to their duties.
    2023/06/13 17:40
  • Students make sport more accessible for visually-impaired

    Student designers from the Fashion Design Department at Shih Chien University paired up with visually-impaired (VI) athletes to design customized and accessible handheld tethers for three months, showcasing a plethora of stunning designs at an exhibition on May 30.
    2023/06/12 18:09
  • Ko Wen-je raises concerns over DPP’s energy transition plan

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je voiced concerns on Friday (June 9) over the Democratic Progressive Party government’s energy transition plans during a visit to the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. 
    2023/06/09 17:37
  • 健康拉警報!教宗方濟各將接受「腸道手術」 預計住院數日

    86歲的教宗方濟各(Pope Francis)今(7)日將在羅馬(Rome)杰梅利大學聯合診所(The Gemelli University Hospital)接受「腸道手術」,預計住院數日。2021年7月,他因罹患結腸憩室狹窄症而切除了33公分的結腸。
    2023/06/07 16:39
  • Ko grilled on cross-strait topic in university talk in Japan

    Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) presidential candidate, Ko Wen-je, responded to students’ inquiries about cross-strait relations and Taiwan’s upcoming election during his speech at Waseda University in Shinjuku, Tokyo on Monday (June 5).
    2023/06/05 18:57
  • 輔仁大學排名大躍進! 泰晤士世界大學影響力報告出爐

    泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education, THE)世界大學影響力排名(University Impact Rankings)是全球唯一以聯合國(SDGs)為評估依據的大學排名,近日發布最新報告,在全球1591所獲選入榜學校中,輔仁大學名列401-600名,其中SDGs 3健康與福祉、SDGs 11永續城鄉、SDGs 12責任消費與生產、以及SDGs 17永續發展夥伴關係四大領域表現卓越,尤其在SDGs 17名次躍進,與國立臺灣大學等其他大學並列全台第四名。
    2023/06/02 14:54
  • Terry Gou shares insights on cross-strait issues in Kinmen

    Foxconn Founder Terry Gou delved into topics regarding AI and cross-strait issues during a lecture at Kinmen’s National Quemoy University on Wednesday (May 31). 
    2023/05/31 18:34
  • Teachers praise students for Shih Chien 2023 runway shows

    Students from the Fashion Design Department at Shih Chien University garnered commendation from their instructors for their exceptional display in the 2023 runway shows held on April 28-29 (Fri.-Sat.), displaying many remarkable designs. 
    2023/05/19 16:44
  • 男版小美人魚? 美瘋狂教授連續74天水下生活破紀錄

    一名現年55歲、任教於美國南佛羅里達大學(University of South Florida)的教授約瑟夫(Joseph Dituri),以自己身體實測紀錄,從3月1日開始入住水下旅館,進行名為「海王星計畫」(Project Neptune)的瘋狂實驗,他將在水下居住長達100天,同時觀察與記錄身體變化,作為生物學研究一部分。《美聯社》(AP)報導,約瑟夫的水下生活在5月14日正式突破74天,超越2014年由兩名田納西州教授創下的連續73天紀錄。
    2023/05/15 10:39
  • Legislators call for probe into Taichung MRT accident

    Providence University mourns the loss of Lin Shu-ya, a revered assistant professor who tragically perished in the TMRT accident.
    2023/05/13 08:52
  • Innovative designs steal the show at Shih Chien Runway show

    Shih Chien University’s Avant-Garde Fashion Show on Saturday (April 29) showcased a stunning array of innovative designs that left the audience in awe.
    2023/05/08 16:58
  • Taiwanese designer brings style to Shih Chien fashion show

    Hu Jun-cheng’s creative design at the Shih Chien University graduation fashion show was truly creative. The Taiwanese designer showcased his fashion flair by creating a collection of elegant and timeless pieces inspired by Taiwan’s traditional farmers’ clothes. 
    2023/05/03 17:38
  • NTUH accused of denying doctors, nurses summer holidays

    Healthcare workers at National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) are facing temporary restrictions on overseas travel from May to July, according to an internal message from the hospital’s president. 
    2023/04/18 17:43
  • Taiwanese youth reflects on impending military service

    Recent Temple University graduate Kent Kuo is preparing to fulfill his mandatory military service in Taiwan. In an interview with TVBS, Kuo discussed his expectations and emotions regarding the upcoming four months.
    2023/04/13 18:03
  • 美佛州大學怕個資外洩 禁用TikTok、微信與QQ

    美國不只聯邦與各州政府害怕TikTok,現在就連公立大學都開始祭出禁令,封鎖和禁止在校內網路環境使用。《有線電視新聞網》(CNN)報導,佛州州立大學系統(State University System of Florida)日前下令,禁止學生、教師與職員在公發設備或校內網路還下,下載、安裝與使用TikTok等相關軟體,這份以擔心個資外洩與資訊安全威脅為由的禁令中,也包含知名的微信與QQ,就連全球知名的防毒軟體卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)都名列禁用清單之內。
    2023/04/09 13:38
  • Ma Ying-jeou visits Fudan University to boost youth exchange

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou made a visit to the venerable Fudan University, which has a history of 118 years, on the eleventh day of his sojourn in China. 
    2023/04/06 18:57
  • 尋找長壽秘訣 美瘋狂教授挑戰「水下生活100天」 

    美國55歲南佛羅里達大學(University of South Florida)教授約瑟夫(Joseph Dituri),自3月1日起展開名為「海王星計畫」(Project Neptune)的瘋狂挑戰,他將在水下旅館待上100天,透過觀察記錄自己的身體變化作為生物學研究的一部分;如果他挑戰成功,將超越先前最高73天的水下生活紀錄。
    2023/04/03 15:59
  • Shanghai students unfazed by Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit

    Shanghai’s Fudan University students displayed little interest in the news of former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou’s impending visit to the school on April 7.
    2023/03/28 17:17
  • Students step up to teach English to kids in remote areas

    In a public school located in New Taipei City, university students are crafting engaging teaching materials to aid elementary school students in learning English in a stress-free environment. 
    2023/03/06 18:59
  • 美大學開趴跟風抖音「混酒挑戰」 逾20人酒精中毒送醫

    美國麻州大學(University of Massachusetts)4日傳出有學生在派對上模仿抖音(TikTok)混酒挑戰,導致超過20人因酒精中毒緊急送醫,2人被捕的事件。校方證實,有人目擊多名學生帶著好幾桶有「斷片狂暴加侖」(blackout rage gallon,簡稱BORG)之稱的調酒進入派對。警消人員也透露,當天至少出動28救護車到現場將學生送醫。
    2023/03/06 14:50
  • 毛小孩也會確診 南韓發現新冠病毒可在狗群間傳染

    雖然新冠疫情已經逐漸獲得控制,各國也逐漸解禁,但最新研究結果,卻提醒眾多毛小孩的飼主們不可輕忽。《南韓先驅報》(The Korea Herald)報導,由首爾國立大學(Seoul National University)組成的研究團隊,證實曾經肆虐全球的新冠Delta與Omicron兩種病毒株,不只會影響你我健康,也會在狗之間傳染、讓毛小孩確診新冠肺炎;雖然目前尚無跨物種傳染的病例,但韓國政府仍呼籲飼主,盡早讓自家小狗接種疫苗,才能避免憾事發生。
    2023/03/02 10:37
  • 11歲前無法開口說話 英男逆襲成劍橋大學教授

    現任英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)社會學教授傑森(Jason Arday),是該校成立以來、最年輕獲聘的非裔學者,不過根據《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)等媒體報導,年輕有為的他,小時候卻飽受發展遲緩症狀所苦,11歲之前無法也不會開口說話、直到18歲那年,才開始學習寫字與識字,本以為要一輩子入住特殊教育和照顧中心,他卻成功在母親和師長鼓勵下,一步步逆襲成長、最終獲得兩個碩士和一個教育博士學位,告訴大家他的能力。
    2023/02/25 16:55
  • 密西根大學槍案3死5傷 拜登籲國會遏阻槍枝暴力

    美國密西根州立大學(Michigan State University)校園昨天發生槍擊案,造成3死5傷,總統拜登今天呼籲國會採取行動,對付美國氾濫成災的槍枝暴力問題。
    2023/02/15 14:26
  • 出席活動被問「能帶哈利回來嗎?」 查爾斯三世1字神回

    英國哈利王子(Prince Harry)去年起接連推出Netflix紀錄片《哈利與梅根》、(Harry and Meghan)、回憶錄《備胎》(Spare),大爆王室內幕,他與家人間的關係備受外界關注。即將於5月接受加冕的查爾斯三世(King Charles III)8日訪問東倫敦大學(University of East London)時,被學生問到「你能把哈利帶回來嗎?」他用一個字回答巧妙化解尷尬。
    2023/02/12 11:39
  • TVBS Meeting Room: Experts ponder China’s growing influence

    TVBS Commentator Yu Wenchi discussed China’s growing worldwide presence and the effects of its increasing influence with Isaac Stone Fish, author of "America Second" and Professor Chang Kuo-cheng of Taipei Medical University, during her latest TVBS Meeting Room.
    2023/02/04 17:05
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