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    university 結果共414筆

  • 哈佛輸了!美常春藤名校畢業生年薪出爐 這校365萬奪冠

    常春藤聯盟(Ivy League)是由美國東北部8所大學和獨立學院組成的聯盟,孕育出無數社會菁英,近日美媒統計8間學校學生畢業10年後的薪水,結果賓州大學(The University of Pennsylvania)以年薪中位數11.27萬美元(約365萬新台幣)奪冠,哈佛大學(Harvard University)僅排名第7。
    2024/06/10 18:08
  • 恭喜!台灣女婿端午節傳喜訊 台上嘆:感覺很不真實

    台灣女婿、《不丹沒有槍》導演巴沃邱寧多傑(Pawo Choyning Dorji)今(10)日端午節當天,在美國勞倫斯大學(Lawrence University)獲頒榮譽博士學位,並受邀在畢業典禮上致詞。巴沃邱寧多傑分享了自己從外交學轉行電影導演的經歷,並以電影《不丹沒有槍》片尾的「彩虹」譬喻人生目標的變幻無窮,贏得畢業生們的熱烈掌聲。
    2024/06/10 13:40
  • 黃仁勳史丹佛演講大談「成功秘訣」 鼓勵學子親歷痛苦與磨難

    非常具有個人特色的輝達(Nvidia)執行長黃仁勳,對於治理公司、企業特色、管理統御都很有看法。TVBS新聞網依據黃仁勳先前回到史丹佛大學(Stanford University)的演講內容,整理出下列4大重點方便讀者閱讀:
    2024/06/06 17:24
  • Jensen Huang underscores AI’s role in global revolution

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s keynote at National Taiwan University highlighted artificial intelligence’s role in driving a global industrial revolution, emphasizing Taiwan’s pivotal contribution and future AI trends.
    2024/06/02 22:27
  • Computing innovations to save millions, says Jensen Huang

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s keynote at National Taiwan University highlighted the expansive role of artificial intelligence in transforming industries and improving data center efficiency, setting the stage for further technological reveals at COMPUTEX.
    2024/06/02 22:12
  • 比熱牛奶還優!心理師曝睡前閱讀「3好處」 1內容恐成反效果

    你是否經常在床上翻來覆去睡不著?或是滑手機滑著滑著,不知不覺就到了半夜三點?那麼或許你可以試試「睡前閱讀」。根據薩塞克斯大學(University of Sussex)的研究,閱讀6分鐘就可以有效降低壓力,效果甚至比聽音樂或散步還要有用。
    2024/06/02 13:35
  • TVBS World Taiwan to air NVIDIA CEO’s keynote on AI’s future

    Discover how AI is shaping the future with TVBS’s exclusive broadcast of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s keynote at NTU, exploring AI’s impact on industries. Tune in on June 2 for insights into the new industrial revolution.
    2024/05/31 20:31
  • Nvidia CEO surprises students with visit to NTU

    Discover how NVIDIA’s CEO, Jensen Huang, made a surprise visit to National Taiwan University, engaging with students and receiving a warm welcome. Learn about the event’s highlights and reactions.
    2024/05/31 17:19
  • NVIDIA CEO set to speak at NTU, boosting tech ties

    Discover the impact of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s visit to Taiwan and his anticipated keynote at the National Taiwan University Sports Center. Learn about his meetings with tech leaders and the potential growth in AI investments.
    2024/05/31 15:42
  • New study highlights aging trends among younger people

    New research from Washington University in St. Louis suggests younger generations are aging faster due to lifestyle and dietary factors. Experts recommend moderate exercise and a natural diet to slow the aging process.
    2024/05/30 15:58
  • NMIXX開唱音樂中斷「竟是安排好的」 公司認錯:團員不知情

    2022年出道的韓國女團NMIXX,27日時受邀登上Shinhan University(信韓大學)的慶典舞台,但當演出到歌曲《DICE》時,背景音樂卻突然斷掉,成員依舊展現穩定唱功,讓全場氣氛超嗨,沒想到屬經紀公司JYP娛樂的SQU4D部門,30日時發聲明表示「一切是安排好的」。
    2024/05/30 11:00
  • 哥大挺巴抗議留滿地垃圾 驚見破萬羽絨被、Tiffany項鍊和Gucci戒指

    美國數十所大學院校4月底爆發挺巴抗議浪潮,尤以哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)最為激烈,而示威群眾抗爭的同時也留下大量垃圾。近日環保人士分享,在校園內外撿拾到的物品中,不乏奢侈品,包括Gucci戒指,零售價超過1,000美元(約3.2萬新台幣)的Sferra羽絨被等。
    2024/05/26 14:44
  • 韓版小玉!製作散播千部「換臉」色情片 2首爾大學高材生被捕

    南韓近日傳出製作與散播上千部換臉色情影片的案件,首爾警察廳尋線逮捕5名嫌犯,包含兩名首爾大學(Seoul National University)畢業的高材生主嫌,他們被指控利用數十名無辜女性的容貌,轉接換臉後製成造假的情色影片,並在加密通訊平台Telegram大肆散播。警方同時還發現,這些被拿來換臉的容貌,受害女性幾乎清一色都是嫌犯在首爾大學的學妹們,從她們社群帳號擷取大量照片,來滿足嫌犯的喜好與需求。
    2024/05/23 16:31
  • Reflections on USR: A liability or an asset?

    Explore how Taiwan’s universities are grappling with the demands and benefits of the University Social Responsibility program amid financial and recruitment challenges.
    2024/05/16 17:25
  • TVBS World Taiwan shares resume writing tips with NCCU grads

    Dimitri Bruyas, Chief English News Correspondent of TVBS English News, was invited by the Master’s Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology (GCIT) to share resume writing tips and interview techniques with students at National Chengchi University (NCCU) on Monday (May 13).
    2024/05/15 20:56
  • 達成共識!哈佛大學「挺巴學生拆除營地」 示威和平落幕

    在美國哈佛大學(Harvard University)同意與力挺巴勒斯坦的示威學生討論捐贈基金的議題,並開始考慮讓非自願缺課的學生復課之後,學生們今天表示,將和平結束示威活動。
    2024/05/15 13:46
  • English-taught degrees expand rapidly across Taiwan

    Explore how Taiwan’s National Taiwan University is setting the stage for global education with its new English-taught International School of Politics and Economics, aiming to attract international students and enhance local talent.
    2024/05/10 16:24
  • Taiwan’s low faculty salaries hurt rankings: Experts

    Explore how Taiwan’s universities are striving to improve their global academic rankings through salary increases and significant educational reforms, amidst challenges of insufficient resources and low faculty pay.
    2024/05/08 17:09
  • 住宿生早上賴床!「南部這大學」狂傳簡訊提醒 祭鐵腕開鍘了

    2024/05/08 09:47
  • 哥大抗議領袖是紐約富二代!公子哥擁億萬豪宅 曾因襲警被捕

    全美各地大學近日爆發挺巴示威浪潮,尤以哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)最受矚目,外媒證實,哥大抗議活動的領導人並非學生,而是一名富二代,有一棟價值340萬美元(約1.09億新台幣)豪宅,且過去10多年來積極參與社運活動,曾因襲擊警察被捕。
    2024/05/06 17:38
  • Taiwanese universities unveil new 16-Week semester for 2024

    National Tsing Hua University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan are set to adopt a new 16-week semester system from September 2024, featuring an early start to the winter vacation, aligning with international academic calendars and facilitating student plans for holidays and study abroad opportunities.
    2024/05/06 12:15
  • 美俄亥俄州立大學畢典不平靜 男突「觀眾席墜地」慘死

    美國俄亥俄州立大學(Ohio State University)5日在校內體育場舉行畢業典禮,未料過程中一名男子突然從觀眾席墜地身亡,目前原因仍在調查中,男子的身分也有待釐清。
    2024/05/06 11:50
  • 哥大示威校園如疫情封城 星國留學生:有損名聲、差點回不了宿舍

    包含哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)在內,美國多所名校近期都捲入聲援巴勒斯坦示威浪潮內。各校為了維持秩序,相繼委託警方進入校園清場,衝突動盪的局勢,對國際留學生特別有感。新加坡媒體訪問多位哥大留學生,他們透露現在的學校,就像疫情時封城般、出入都要查驗身份,讓他們非常困擾。
    2024/05/03 13:44
  • Taiwan, Japan parties discuss youth outreaching

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je met with Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party Youth Bureau Chief Suzuki Takako to discuss strategies for engaging youth. They emphasized the need for a youthful approach and the challenge of broadening the party’s appeal. The TPP aims for long-term growth and international collaborations, with Ko actively engaging with young people through university lectures. Suzuki praised the TPP’s initiatives and Ko’s campaign efforts.
    2024/05/03 12:09
  • Ocean Affairs Minister promotes maritime careers

    Ocean Affairs Council Minister Kuan Bi-ling encourages students at Central Police University to join maritime patrol, highlighting the role’s importance in safeguarding maritime sovereignty, fighting crime, and ensuring safety at sea. Kuan commits to supporting educational resources and promoting international cooperation to enhance maritime patrol capabilities and uphold the "three safeties."
    2024/05/03 11:49
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