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    university 結果共416筆

  • Taiwan, Japan parties discuss youth outreaching

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je met with Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party Youth Bureau Chief Suzuki Takako to discuss strategies for engaging youth. They emphasized the need for a youthful approach and the challenge of broadening the party’s appeal. The TPP aims for long-term growth and international collaborations, with Ko actively engaging with young people through university lectures. Suzuki praised the TPP’s initiatives and Ko’s campaign efforts.
    2024/05/03 12:09
  • Ocean Affairs Minister promotes maritime careers

    Ocean Affairs Council Minister Kuan Bi-ling encourages students at Central Police University to join maritime patrol, highlighting the role’s importance in safeguarding maritime sovereignty, fighting crime, and ensuring safety at sea. Kuan commits to supporting educational resources and promoting international cooperation to enhance maritime patrol capabilities and uphold the "three safeties."
    2024/05/03 11:49
  • 性能力「握手就知道」!秒測弟弟硬度 泌尿醫證實了

    男生的「性能力」強弱,竟然只要「握手」就知道?南韓全南國立大學(Chonnam National University)曾研究指出,握力每增強5公斤,出現勃起功能障礙的風險就大大降低18%,若是男生握力越強,也代表性能力越佳。對此,泌尿科陳昭安醫師發布一部趣味影片「找對象前記得先握手」證實這項說法。
    2024/05/02 23:22
  • 連猜對9屆總統大選全靠這招 美專家曝「拜登將連任」

    美國美利堅大學(American University)歷史系教授利奇曼(Allan Lichtman),過去10屆美國總統大選中精準預測9屆,他近日受訪時透露,現任總統拜登(Joe Biden)將在11月大選中完成連任,並分享自己的「13把鑰匙」(13 keys)預測系統,稱準確度更勝民調。
    2024/05/02 18:05
  • 昔罵反越戰學運者混蛋!紐時:拜登有2政治危機 難再無視哥大抗議

    美國校園挺巴示威越演越烈,而作為抗議發起點的哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University),其實1968年也曾發生反越戰示威。《紐約時報》指出,當時,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)正在不遠的雪城大學(Syracuse University)法學院念書,他選擇冷眼旁觀,不過這次他再也無法置身事外,因為這波抗爭浪潮極可能成為他連任道路上的絆腳石。
    2024/05/02 16:37
  • 學生挺巴示威!美布朗大學讓步了 允研議從以色列撤資

    美國布朗大學(Brown University)今天與抗議加薩戰爭的學生達成協議,學生將清除校內營地,校方則將考慮從以色列撤資。
    2024/05/01 13:18
  • 不只哥大!反以色列示威升級 蔓延全美數十所大學「遍地開花」

    不滿以色列持續對加薩(Gaza)與巴勒斯坦發動武裝攻擊,大批美國大學學生走上街頭,或在校園發起激烈抗爭,藉此聲援加薩民眾的立場。除了近日備受觀眾的紐約哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)校園,全美其實還有超過20所大學院校,都有類似的學生示威運動,至今已有超過1000人因此被警察逮捕。
    2024/05/01 13:11
  • 圖輯/美挺巴反戰示威遍地開花 警「爬雲梯」進校園千人被捕

    以色列與武裝組織「哈瑪斯」(Hamas)的戰爭持續超過半年,造成數萬無辜巴勒斯坦平民死傷,為訴求加薩永久性停火、美國終止對以色列軍援,美國哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)學生4月17日發起和平反戰示威,未料之後範圍擴大至全美數十所大學,警方也強勢鎮壓,目前已逾千人遭逮。
    2024/05/01 13:09
  • 哥大挺巴學運如何從70人示威延燒全美 導火線竟是校長1舉動

    以色列與巴勒斯坦武裝組織「哈瑪斯」(Hamas)的戰爭持續逾半年,造成數萬巴勒斯坦人死傷,美國數十所大學近日爆發挺巴抗議潮,目前示威浪潮不斷擴大。外媒指出,原先抗議活動僅在哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)爆發,僅有70名學生參與,然而哥大校長決定「報警逮人」,引起原先認為自己只是在「和平示威」的學生不滿,進而讓抗議範圍延燒全美。  
    2024/05/01 12:37
  • 「哥大」揚言開除學籍!挺巴示威美學生矢言抗爭到底 白宮嚴詞批評

    美國哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)行政人員苦於控制校內親巴勒斯坦示威活動之際,占領哥大紐約市校區一棟建築物的學生今天矢言力抗各項驅逐他們的行動。
    2024/05/01 11:44
  • 哥大挺巴勒斯坦示威升溫 學生占領紐約市校區1建築

    美國哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)挺巴勒斯坦的示威學生今天占領紐約市校區內一棟建築物,因為校方限制只有住在校區的學生和提供基本服務的員工可進入校區。
    2024/05/01 06:45
  • Report: healthcare, tech lead in Taiwan’s graduate salaries

    Explore the latest insights on the starting salaries for university and postgraduate entrants in Taiwan’s workforce for 2023, including sector-specific averages, employment trends, and the impact of the global economy on hiring practices.
    2024/04/30 18:28
  • 遭患者求償40億 AZ首認自家新冠疫苗存在血栓風險

    與英國牛津大學(University of Oxford)合作研發、新冠肺炎(Covid-19)疫苗的知名藥廠阿斯特捷利康(AstraZeneca),如今面臨數十起副作用官司,數十名因為接種該藥廠版本疫苗,出現各種副作用而影響其健康的民眾,發起集體訴訟提告,合計AZ將面臨約1億英鎊(約新台幣40.8億元)的鉅額賠償。而阿斯特捷利康日前罕見在法庭文件內承認,自家研發的新冠疫苗,確實在極少數情況下,可能引發血栓等病症。
    2024/04/30 11:27
  • Popular dance group Avantgardey to perform in Taiwan

    Explore the journey of the Japanese dance group Avantgardey as they embark on their first overseas tour in Taiwan, blending their unique choreography with local culture and achieving widespread acclaim on social media.
    2024/04/29 18:59
  • Study reveals higher disordered eating in immigrant children

    Research by Chen Tuan-jung from National Taiwan University suggests children of recent immigrants in New Taipei City are more prone to disordered eating behaviors compared to their peers, with factors such as social identity, cultural pressures, and health literacy influencing this trend. The study highlights the psychological distress and potential for serious mental health issues among these children, underscoring the need for awareness and intervention.
    2024/04/26 13:14
  • 聲援巴勒斯坦抗爭鬧太兇 紐約大學多人被補、哥大改線上授課

    紐約哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)校園最近因為支持巴勒斯坦的示威活動陷入混亂,迫使該校宣布,考慮學生與教職員工安全,即日將春季學期的課程,全面調整為線上和實體混合授課模式,將持續至4月底學期結束為止。除了哥大受影響,類似的抗議活動也擴散至耶魯(Yale)和紐約大學(NYU),紐約大學甚至有數十名學生示威者被警方逮捕。
    2024/04/23 11:43
  • Taiwan to face six days of unpredictable weather ahead

    Explore the forecast for Taiwan as it faces six days of rain starting April 23, with a warning from Daniel Wu of National Central University about unstable atmospheric conditions due to a lingering front and strong southwestern winds. Prior to the rainy period, hot temperatures and potential thunderstorms are expected, with precautions advised against sunburn and heatstroke. The weather pattern is predicted to continue with the front’s movement around Taiwan.
    2024/04/22 12:15
  • Taiwan’s Environment Minister to step down in May

    Meta description: Hsieh Fu-sheng, current Minister of Environment, announces he will not retain his position in President-elect Lai Ch’ing-te’s upcoming cabinet. Hsieh will return to teaching at National Chung Hsing University after May 20 and retire in 2025. He expresses gratitude for his experience and hopes his successor will continue promoting environmental initiatives.
    2024/04/17 15:34
  • Jay Chou, Hannah Quinlivan donate NT$1M to quake-hit NDHU

    Renowned Taiwanese singer Jay Chou and his wife, Hannah Quinlivan, donate NT$1 million to National Dong Hwa University for earthquake relief in Hualien, also contributing to the Chinese Christian Relief Association with NT$4 million. Their generosity aids in the recovery from severe damages, including a major laboratory fire and the destruction of dorms, showcasing Chou’s commitment to public welfare.
    2024/04/16 16:44
  • Warm weekend ahead for Taiwan with sunny skies and showers

    Explore Taiwan’s weather forecast with Daniel Wu, a meteorologist and adjunct associate professor at National Central University. Expect a warm weekend with scattered showers, sunny spells, and potential fog across various regions. Wu advises on precautions against sunburn and heatstroke as temperatures might soar to 36 degrees Celsius. Anticipate a frontal system bringing brief showers and atmospheric instability in the coming days, yet with continued warm conditions.
    2024/04/12 10:03
  • Lin Chia-lung to serve as Taiwan’s foreign minister: report

    Lin Chia-lung, Presidential Office Secretary-General, is set to become Taiwan’s new foreign minister under President-elect Lai Ching-te’s administration, leveraging his diverse experience, U.S. and Japan expertise, and steady diplomatic approach to cross-strait relations.
    2024/04/11 14:51
  • Taiwan-born Terry Tang takes helm of LA Times newsroom

    Terry T’ang, born in T’aipei, Taiwan, has been named the first female editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times in its 142-year history. T’ang immigrated to Los Angeles at age six, graduated from Yale University and New York University Law School, and previously worked at the ACLU and The New York Times before joining the Los Angeles Times in 2019.
    2024/04/09 17:34
  • 唸常春藤費用年年漲 每年近300萬學費讓人又愛又怕

    根據彭博報導,即將進入新的學年,美國常春藤聯盟(Ivy League)8大名校學費再度上漲,讓更多家庭面臨沉重負擔。就以賓州大學(University of Pennsylvania)為例,全年學雜費加上住宿等開支,估計每名學生總需支付9萬2288美元(約新台幣296.2萬元),已遠超過美國家庭收入中位數。康乃爾大學(Cornell University)學費,也突破9.2萬美元(約新台幣295.8萬元)大關;而達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College)與布朗大學(Brown University),學生則需支付逾9.1萬美元(約新台幣292.1萬元)的天價學費。雖然不少本地學生能獲得聯邦及校方補助,減輕實際支出,但持續攀升的學費,仍讓許多人大喊吃不消,有人甚至為避免背負鉅額學貸,被迫放棄入學機會。
    2024/04/09 14:55
  • Dong Hwa University to rebuild fire-damaged building

    Following the destruction of its physics and engineering building due to an April 3 earthquake, National Tung Hwa University in Hualien announces a reconstruction plan, supported by donations and school funds, aiming for completion by next September. The university emphasizes rapid restoration of the academic environment, collaboration with Tzu Chi University for student support, and has initiated a 24-hour hotline for emotional assistance. Appeals are made for broader disaster relief contributions to help restore Hualien’s natural beauty.
    2024/04/08 17:00
  • 東海大學泰國易三倉大學打造頂尖管理學程 許勝雄擔任首席講座教授

    國際地緣政治變化導致全球供應鏈重組,東南亞經濟貿易因此顯著崛起躍居爲全球焦點,東海大學正計畫攜手泰國排名第一的天主教大學易三倉大學(Assumption University)打造頂尖的管理學程,推動雙聯學位、網路大學,甚至開設MBA+EMBA高階企業管理專班,積極邀請台灣、美國、泰國、新加坡等一流教授至曼谷授課,打造一個適合台灣、亞洲華人企業成長的頂尖教育基地。
    2024/04/05 10:54
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