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    university 結果共416筆

  • U.S. elections, not Taiwan’s, may shift policy: Academic

    The George Washington University Professor Robert Sutter argues that Taiwan’s elections have little impact on U.S. policy towards the island, but the upcoming U.S. presidential election in 2024 could be significant. Both political parties in the U.S. and Congress have prioritized defending American interests and countering China’s actions, with Taiwan playing an increasingly important role. Taiwan’s strategic position, high-tech development, democratic politics, and free market economy have influenced the international order and led to stronger U.S. support. Sutter predicts that if Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate, wins the election, U.S.-Taiwan cooperation will further deepen. However, Sutter also suggests that the 2024 U.S. election, particularly if a candidate with an "America First" stance like Donald Trump prevails, could bring a shift in U.S. policy consistency towards Taiwan and pose challenges in countering China’s provocations.
    2023/12/12 13:54
  • Low interest in Taiwan’s ’3+1’ military study program

    The Ministry of National Defense has confirmed that only five students have applied for the "3+1 program," which allows for three years of university study followed by one year of military service. Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng addressed concerns about the program’s administrative process and gender regulations, as only male students are currently eligible. The Ministry of Education implemented the program guidelines in June, and the military is working on improving the training aspect to increase efficiency and accessibility.
    2023/12/12 13:41
  • German universities launch NT$68M Taiwan studies project

    Discover the groundbreaking "Taiwan as a Pioneer" (TAP) project, a four-year research initiative by Trier University, Bochum University, and Tuebingen University, aimed at elevating Taiwan studies in Europe. Supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the project has already made significant progress, including workshops, fieldwork in Green Island, and funding for scholars’ trips to Taiwan. With a budget of approximately NT$68 million, TAP seeks to enhance the profile of Taiwan research, while a handbook on Taiwan research methodologies is set to be published by 2025, marking a milestone in European academia.
    2023/12/12 11:36
  • TPP claims second place in internal polls, stirs debate

    The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) campaign headquarters head, Huang Shan-shan, revealed internal polling data on the TPP’s Ko-Ying ticket, claiming they rank second in the presidential race. The Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Lai-Hsiao ticket leads with a 29.9% support rate, followed closely by the Ko-Ying ticket at 27.6%, with the Kuomintang’s (KMT) Hou-Kang ticket trailing at 24.3%. However, this tactic was criticized by Shih Hsin University communications professor Yu Tzu-hsiang, who accused Huang of engaging in propaganda. Professor Yu suggested that the KMT’s unified force has gained momentum, contrasting with TPP candidate Ko Wen-je’s declining support after the failed KMT-TPP coalition. Yu argued that Ko should focus on vigorous campaign activities to garner public and media attention rather than relying on internal polls.
    2023/12/11 20:49
  • Woman, 19, dies in wrong-way crash on Taipei Expressway

    19-year-old Lee died in a head-on collision while riding her motorcycle the wrong way on the Taipei Huanhe Expressway. The crash occurred around 2 a.m. when Lee’s motorcycle collided with a minibus driven by a 44-year-old man surnamed Piao. Lee was critically injured and pronounced dead at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) at 3:54 a.m. Both drivers were not under the influence of alcohol. The exact cause of the accident and assignment of responsibilities are currently under investigation by the police.
    2023/12/11 20:17
  • University in Taoyuan ramps up security after attack

    A security incident at a university in Taoyuan City has raised concerns about campus safety measures. Following the attack on four students, it was discovered that surveillance cameras were absent in the school’s administrative building corridors. In response, the university administration plans to increase patrols, install additional surveillance cameras, and identify 14 potentially dangerous areas on campus. The school has also installed panic buttons in restrooms and emergency phones next to elevators to enhance emergency response measures. Students are advised to avoid roaming alone or leaving the campus late and to be aware of potential safety risks. The incident occurred when a man unlawfully entered the campus and assaulted a clerk before attacking four students. Wang, the assailant, was subdued by students and campus security personnel until police arrived and took him into custody.
    2023/12/11 20:10
  • Hou slams Lai for neglecting academia in ’108 Curriculum’

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-te for disregarding the concerns of industry and academia amid controversies surrounding the 108 curriculum. Hou accuses Lai of prioritizing electoral politics over addressing the weakening of basic subjects in schools and the pressure of academic advancement, which he believes will harm Taiwan’s industries. Hou expresses concern over the decline in academic performance of basic subjects among university students and highlights the dissatisfaction of high school teachers regarding the removal of classical Chinese literature from the curriculum. Hou pledges to reconvene the National Education Conference to address the issues arising from the 108 curriculum if elected and calls on Lai to engage with the controversy rather than avoiding it or exploiting generational divides for political gain.
    2023/12/11 20:05
  • NTU students vote on ’108 Curriculum,’ clash over classics

    The recent debate over the removal of classical Chinese literature from Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s 108 Curriculum has sparked diverse opinions among students at National Taiwan University (NTU). In a student-led poll on Dcard, 38% of participants supported a teacher’s criticism of the curriculum reform, arguing that classical literature is an essential part of Mandarin education. On the other hand, 24% of students opposed the importance of classical texts, viewing them as pedantic Confucian brainwashing. Interestingly, 39% of students abstained from taking a strong stance, humorously identifying themselves as "engineering majors too busy with homework to have an opinion." Student comments highlighted the complexity of the issue, with some emphasizing the importance of classical Chinese in enhancing writing skills and its philosophical value, while others expressed concerns about a potential lack of cultural depth in young people if literary content is reduced.
    2023/12/11 20:03
  • KMT’s Jaw decries campus access inequity for campaign

    Jaw Shau-kong, the Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate, criticized the lack of access to university campuses for his campaign activities, claiming that this privilege was given to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) before his candidacy. He was previously invited to speak at National Tsing Hua University, National Chiao Tung University, and Chinese Culture University, but these engagements were later canceled by the universities. Jaw believes that nurturing university students’ interest in democracy is important and plans to speak at various higher education institutions, aiming to facilitate exchanges with students from at least five schools. His first campus speech will take place at his alma mater, Taichung First Senior High School. KMT presidential nominee Hou Yu-ih and DPP rival Lai Ching-te have also engaged with the student electorate, participating in youth forums and delivering speeches at various universities. People First Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has also been invited to speak at universities, highlighting the trend of presidential and vice-presidential hopefuls engaging with students across Taiwan.
    2023/12/09 16:14
  • Taiwan’s low frozen egg usage spurs reproduction laws debate

    In Taiwan, an increase in egg freezing among women aged 35 to 39 sparks discussions on amending the Assisted Reproduction Act as lawmakers push for inclusive reproductive rights amid low egg utilization rates and a declining birth rate.
    2023/12/08 17:11
  • UNLV shooting claims lives of 3 faculty, including Taiwanese

    Tragic shooting at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) resulted in the deaths of three faculty members, including Taiwanese professor Cha Jan "Jerry" Chang. Two victims identified as business school professors. Chang, an associate professor in UNLV’s Management, Entrepreneurship & Technology department, had been educating students at the university for over two decades. UNLV President Keith E. Whitfield confirmed victims as university employees, with two from the business school. The assailant, a 67-year-old former college professor, was not affiliated with UNLV. Survivor receiving treatment in hospital. Authorities have not released further details.
    2023/12/08 17:06
  • 多運動不會長壽? 芬蘭新研究曝:高強度反而老更快

    過去人們認為規律運動能幫助維持身體機能、防止老化,不過這個觀念近期遭到推翻,位於芬蘭的「于韋斯屈萊大學」(University of Jyväskylä)1項耗時近50年的研究發現常運動的人僅「多活1.8歲」,更指出「運動不是長壽的關鍵」。
    2023/12/08 11:07
  • 美內華達大學槍擊案釀3死 商學院台灣教授張家禎殞命

    美國內華達大學拉斯維加斯分校(University of Nevada, Las Vegas,UNLV)在當地時間6日驚傳槍擊事件,造成3人喪命、1人重傷命危,3名死者確定為教授,其中1名是來自台灣的商學院企管教授張家禎(Cha Jan “Jerry” Chang)。
    2023/12/08 08:42
  • NYMCU freshman breaks new ground in cybersecurity program

    Tsai Yu-chen, a freshman at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, has made history by being the first student admitted into the prestigious Computer Science program through a special recruitment process that now includes cybersecurity. Tsai’s interest in technology began in junior high when he taught himself networking skills to set up a Minecraft server. He then used his English proficiency to manage the server online and modify Pokémon modules using Google Cloud services, allowing over 100 people to game simultaneously. Tsai’s talent and experience in cybersecurity were further developed during his vocational high school years through the Ministry of Education’s cybersecurity talent development program. As a result, he will soon intern with a leading international AI cybersecurity tech company, focusing on cloud security research. The Office of Recruitment for Specialized Technical Colleges and Universities recognizes the importance of cybersecurity in national security and actively promotes relevant courses in technical high schools. This allows students to acquire cybersecurity skills and pursue further education through specialized college entrance exams and exceptional talent selection processes.
    2023/12/07 21:33
  • Education head backs bilingual policy despite union concerns

    Taipei’s Education Minister, Pan Wen-chung, responded to concerns raised by the National Federation of Teachers Unions (NFTU) about the 2030 Bilingual Nation policy. Pan emphasized the importance of English proficiency as a crucial competitive skill for students. He emphasized the need for a balanced approach in teaching methods and strategies to ensure that students’ foundational academic abilities are not neglected. The NFTU expressed apprehension that excessive emphasis on English in the bilingual policy could undermine national competitiveness and called for a thorough reassessment of language policies post-election. Pan highlighted the importance of English and digital literacy as vital competencies for students and stressed the necessity of the bilingual policy for English language education. He mentioned that the implementation of the policy allows schools to join gradually and includes plans for teacher training enhancements and the inclusion of foreign instructors. Pan also mentioned that Mandarin courses would be available alongside university courses conducted entirely in English to give students the freedom of choice. He noted that some locales have been overly emphasizing English expertise during teacher recruitment and that the Ministry of Education will issue reminders for a more balanced evaluation. Rolling revisions will be made based on the progress of the bilingual initiative.
    2023/12/07 21:17
  • Taiwan election campaign yet to kick off: TPP’s Ko Wen-je

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je declared that the election outcome remains uncertain and that the race will transform into a civic movement. Ko argued for amendments to the Assisted Reproduction Act, expressing concern that only the wealthy would be able to afford assisted reproduction procedures abroad. He hinted at a grassroots approach for the upcoming election, drawing parallels to the Sunflower Movement. Ko revealed his campaign staff’s advice to conduct rolling polls and release new results daily. Given the TPP’s limited campaign budget, Ko mentioned opting for cost-effective alternatives such as studio rentals for live streams and recordings. University students suggested Ko should be more cautious with his public remarks and intensify flash campaign events, but Ko reassured them with a message of mutual perseverance.
    2023/12/07 21:08
  • NTNU announces record 56-day winter break for students

    National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) students are set to enjoy an unprecedented winter break lasting 56 days, from December 25 to February 18, the longest in the institution’s history. This extended vacation period aligns with the academic schedules of several countries, allowing international students to return home for Christmas. Other universities, such as National Taiwan University (NTU) and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), also begin their winter breaks on December 25. NTU’s break will last until February 6, while Taiwan Tech has added 10 extra days, ending on February 16. During this winter break, Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation is offering discounted tickets to university students, with discounts of 50%, 75%, and 88% available from January 4 to January 10. Additionally, there are 28 train services providing tickets at 50% off. The upcoming 2024 presidential election in Taiwan, taking place on January 13, is also on students’ minds, as it coincides with their winter break, potentially facilitating greater voter participation among the youth demographic.
    2023/12/07 20:35
  • Sunny skies grace weekend; sporadic rain in Eastern Taiwan

    Stay informed about the changing weather conditions in Taipei. Wu Der-rong, an adjunct associate professor of atmospheric sciences at National Central University, advises dressing warmly due to significant temperature fluctuations between day and night. Layering clothing is important during this period. From Saturday to Monday, expect mostly sunny to cloudy skies with sporadic rainfall in the eastern half of the island. Temperatures will gradually rise and maintain a larger diurnal range. On Tuesday, the northeast monsoon will bring local showers to areas north of Taoyuan and parts of the eastern region, cooling temperatures in northern Taiwan. However, the cold air mass is weak, indicating a limited decrease in temperatures. By Wednesday, the northeast monsoon is expected to weaken, leading to clear skies in western regions and occasional brief showers in the east. Temperatures will rebound. Stay updated with the latest weather reports and be prepared for the changing conditions.
    2023/12/07 09:01
  • ITRI, Tokyo Tech ink deal for tech, green energy research

    The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has signed a cooperation agreement with the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) to collaborate on semiconductors, net zero emissions, biotech and medicine, and startups. The aim is to leverage complementary strengths to achieve mutual benefits. ITRI President Edwin Liu highlighted the cultural and professional parallels between Taiwan and Japan, emphasizing the potential for a win-win situation. Tokyo Tech President Kazuya Masu expressed interest in biotech, medicine, and startups, and looked forward to further international cooperation. Both institutes shared their respective advances in clean energy and green transition. The partnership is strategic as Tokyo Tech prepares to merge with Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), offering opportunities for expansion into the biomedical field. The collaboration will be deepened through technical symposiums and sharing of research outcomes, setting a benchmark for international research partnerships.
    2023/12/05 21:42
  • Fatal falls, drownings in selfie craze, study warns

    Learn about a new study from the University of New South Wales that reveals a grim trend: 400 people worldwide have lost their lives while taking selfies between 2008 and 2021, with young women aged 22 being the most affected demographic. The research classifies selfie-related incidents as a "public health hazard," a sentiment echoed by Samuel Cornell of the University of Sydney. Falls from elevated locations and accidents at waterfronts are the leading causes of selfie-related injuries and fatalities. Smartphones are identified as a prime contributor to these risks, with 80% of selfie-related deaths being tourists, predominantly female. Instances of drowning and fatal falls have been reported in India, the U.S., and Australia. This data serves as a cautionary reminder of the unintended consequences of our increasingly digital lives.
    2023/12/04 14:01
  • 全球每年400人因「自拍」而死 新研究:22歲女性受害最深

    自拍(Selfie)是現代人常見的習慣之一,不過近年時常傳出人們為了自拍而發生意外,對此,澳洲新南威爾斯大學(University of New South Wales)的最新研究指出「自拍已造成『公共健康問題』(Public Health Problem)」,更提到在2008年至2021年間,全球因自拍而死亡的人數多達400人、其中又以22歲的女性受害最為嚴重。
    2023/12/04 11:37
  • Physician warns of prolonged immunity debt in Taiwan

    Taiwan has been facing a persistent flu season since the beginning of the year, with three concurrent viruses spreading. Physician Huang Li-min from National Taiwan University Hospital warned of the severity of the flu outbreak and projected a potential two-year ’immunity debt’. Huang also highlighted the heightened risk of a Mycoplasma outbreak in Taiwan, urging the public to practice preventative measures such as vaccinations and adherence to public health guidelines. The Centers for Disease Control in Taiwan has implemented targeted surveillance and testing at international airports, leading to the detection of various viruses, including influenza, COVID-19, and adenoviruses. The World Health Organization is monitoring the Mycoplasma situation in China, urging vigilance despite a decline in the pandemic.
    2023/12/02 16:41
  • Taoyuan FuturePeak Expo unites 100 youth startups

    The 2023 Taoyuan FuturePeak Expo successfully brought together 100 youth startup teams from seven cities and counties in the region, showcasing their innovative prowess. The exhibition featured programs, "Startup Lectures," and an "International Forum" aimed at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang emphasized the importance of cross-municipality collaboration and international connections to propel Taiwanese youth startups onto the global stage. The city government is providing support for these emerging teams, including an interest subsidy on loans and cross-regional and international exchange activities. The expo was a joint initiative among the Hutoushan Innovation Hub, Taoyuan Aerotropolis Company, the Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA), National Central University, and Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corporation. Notable industry veterans shared insights on entrepreneurial perspectives and industry trends during the event’s "Startup Lectures" and "International Forum" segments. This expo marks a milestone for local youth startups, providing them with exposure, insights, and opportunities to shape Taiwan’s innovative future.
    2023/11/30 22:05
  • New dorm subsidy to benefit 275,000 university students

    Taiwan’s Executive Yuan will implement a 5-year subsidy program for university dormitory students. Starting in Feb 2024, students will receive financial assistance every semester. Each student will receive NT$5,000 per semester, with low-income students receiving NT$7,000. The program aims to make higher education more accessible and will benefit an estimated 275,000 students.
    2023/11/29 20:30
  • Aviation industry faces labor shortage amid travel boom

    This article explores the surge in air travel demand leading to a record number of aircraft orders for Airbus, EVA Air’s major purchase of Airbus aircraft, the challenges in pilot training, and innovative solutions from a Taiwanese university.
    2023/11/29 16:02
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