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    university 結果共416筆

  • 跑太慢成名!女子疑為高官親戚 索馬利亞認:她不是運動員

    成都世界大學運動會(World University Games)田徑場上,在社群平台上流傳一段,讓東非索馬利亞汗顏的比賽片段,該國代表參加100公尺短跑的女子選手阿布卡(Nasro Ali Abukar),在50人大分組內名列末位,還跑出21秒81、比第一名慢超過10秒的離譜成績。隨著影片被瘋狂轉載分享,輿論壓力也讓索馬利亞政府被迫啟動內部調查,綜合非洲英文媒體報導,官方初步結果讓人大吃一驚,這位出糗的阿布卡,「她既非職業運動員,更不是田徑選手!」
    2023/08/04 17:44
  • 免費索票!旅美小提琴家黃斯晨 將舉辦北中南三場獨奏會

    新生代小提琴家Morning黃斯晨旅居美國10年,曾榮獲多項比賽肯定,在2023環球藝術體育文化協會國際音樂大賽、2023香港國際小提琴大賽取得第一名的成績。目前她正攻讀Rutgers University(羅格斯大學)博士學位,近日回台將在8/11起,在北中南舉辦三場小提琴獨奏會,還將邀請鋼琴家謝雨辰一同演出。
    2023/08/02 21:58
  • Lai’s campaign manager denies thesis plagiarism allegations

    Lai Ching-te’s campaign manager, Pan Men-an, has been accused of plagiarism in his master’s thesis, which he denies. 
    2023/08/02 13:49
  • Taiwan brings home 1st gold medal in tai chi at 2023 FISU

    Taiwanese wushu athlete Sun Chia-hung secured Taiwan’s first gold medal in the men’s tai chi at the 31st FISU World University Games in Chengdu, China, on Sunday (July 30).
    2023/07/31 18:32
  • 做家事降罹癌風險!研究證實「機率少18%」:體力活最有效

    癌症作為最可怕的疾病之一,對人的影響之嚴重可謂無庸置疑,各國醫療領域的專家學者也不斷在鑽研,尋找在與病魔共存的同時,更能有效根治病症的方法;如今澳洲雪梨大學(University of Sydney)最新研究發現,「做家事」或許就是一大解方。
    2023/07/31 05:30
  • Taiwan aims for success at Chengdu 2023 FISU Games

    The Chinese Taipei delegation aims to succeed in the Chengdu 2023 FISU World University Games from Friday (July 28) to Aug. 8. This year, our country has assembled a 319-member delegation, including 212 athletes, 55 coaches, 4 team doctors, and 21 sports trainers.
    2023/07/28 17:51
  • 哈佛大學「傳承錄取」制度涉歧視 美教育部調查

    根據今天公布的文件,美國教育部已針對知名學府哈佛大學(Harvard University)優先錄取校友或捐款大戶子女的「傳承」入學制度展開民權調查。
    2023/07/26 16:42
  • Bronny James心臟驟停後首露面!詹皇低調赴醫院探兒畫面曝

    NBA球星詹姆斯(LeBron James)的大兒子布朗尼(Bronny James)先前才興奮宣布將就讀南加州大學(University of Southern California),並劍指2024年選秀,不過25日傳出布朗尼在訓練途中「突然倒下」且一度心臟驟停,所幸送醫搶救後目前狀況穩定,而媒體也捕捉到詹姆斯前往醫院探視。
    2023/07/26 14:52
  • 馬斯克稱詹皇兒子心臟驟停是因為「疫苗」 遭醫生打臉

    美國職籃NBA球星「詹皇」(LeBron James)的大兒子布朗尼(Bronny James)週一驚傳在南加州大學(University of Southern California)進行訓練時出現「心臟驟停」症狀,所幸送醫搶救後恢復呼吸心跳。雖然病因仍有待調查,不過特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)卻在推特上發文稱,布朗尼心臟驟停的原因有可能是新冠疫苗的罕見副作用「心肌炎」,結果馬上遭到醫生打臉,指出關連性微乎其微。
    2023/07/26 11:54
  • NBA/詹皇大兒子「驚傳心臟驟停」!訓練突倒下 送醫搶救無大礙

    NBA巨星詹姆斯(LeBron James)的大兒子布朗尼(Bronny James)先前才興奮宣布將就讀南加州大學(University of Southern California),並劍指2024年的NBA選秀會。不過,台灣時間今(25)日卻傳出他在進行訓練的時候,突然在球場上倒下,且一度心臟驟停,所幸經緊急送醫搶救之後,其病況已經恢復穩定。
    2023/07/25 23:08
  • 警出任務飆119公里撞死碩士生! 調查:「未持續鳴笛」釀禍

    美國東北大學西雅圖分校(Northeastern University Seattle campus)一名23歲印度裔女碩士生,年初在校園附近人行道上行走時,遭一台出任務的警車以時速119公里撞擊,最終傷重不治。檢方近日公布肇事警察戴夫(Kevin Dave)的隨身影像,顯示警車「未持續鳴笛」是釀成悲劇主因,未來他恐須面臨刑事指控。  
    2023/07/24 17:51
  • Worker accused of student’s death released on NT$30K bail

    A worker surnamed Li faced charges of manslaughter and was released on a NT$30,000 bail on Friday (July 21), a day following the tragic death of a 21-year-old university student. The unfortunate incident occurred when a 30-kilogram air conditioning unit fell on the student while she was waiting at a bus stop in New Taipei City.
    2023/07/24 16:08
  • Infection suspected in sudden death of Malayan tapir Moke

    In a heart-wrenching incident at Taipei Zoo, the beloved Malayan tapir "Moke" breathed his last on the afternoon of the 18th of July. The 7-year and 9-month-old creature’s sudden demise raised questions among the public, speculating whether the recent scorching weather played a role. To shed light on the tragedy, a veterinary team from National Taiwan University went to the zoo for a thorough autopsy on Thursday morning (July 20).
    2023/07/20 19:21
  • Premier encourages young athletes ahead of competitions

    Premier Chen Chien-jen visited the National Sports Training Center in Kaohsiung on Monday to cheer on the athletes participating in the upcoming Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games and the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games.
    2023/07/17 18:21
  • AMD head to give speech at Taiwan’s university on July 20

    AMD Chair and CEO Lisa T. Su arrived on a private jet at Taipei Songshan Airport around 2 p.m. on Monday (July 17). Her conferment ceremony for an honorary doctoral degree was initially scheduled for the same day and postponed to Thursday (July 20).
    2023/07/17 17:19
  • NBA/維大校友合體!尼克4年5千萬挖角 迎冠軍後衛「重組三劍客」

    NBA自由市場開啟後,不少球隊都火速展開補強,再朝總冠軍發起衝擊的勇士,卻在送走小將普爾(Jordan Poole)後「如預期般」痛失板凳重要戰力迪文森佐(Donte DiVincenzo);後者在拒絕執行來季價值470萬美元的球員選項、成為不受限自由球員後,迎來生涯首張千萬合約,答應了尼克4年5000萬美元的報價,合體維拉諾瓦大學(Villanova University)時期的前冠軍隊友。
    2023/07/02 15:43
  • Student group backs new private university tuition subsidy

    An organization advocating for equal rights in higher education showed support for the new private university tuition subsidy on Friday (June 30) during a press conference with students from various universities.
    2023/06/30 17:38
  • 太狂!不想花大錢付房租 加州研究生搭飛機通勤一年

    美國加州灣區以高物價與高房價著名,讓不少外來人口非常頭痛,日前加州本地電視台KTLA從Reddit發現,有名「greateranglia」網友分享,自己過去一年搭機往返洛杉磯與舊金山,通勤上學的瘋狂經歷,背後目的只是不想花大錢支付房租。報導中指出,現為加州大學柏克萊分校(University of California)研究生的比爾,每週往返3趟,凌晨3點起床搭機、10點前到校上課,結束一整天課程後在半夜前回到洛杉磯住家,一年瘋狂「搭機通勤」的結果,他只花費5592.66美元(約新台幣17萬3985元)的交通費,絕對比租房子省錢不少。
    2023/06/30 11:30
  • 世上第一台!美大學研發機器人 會呼吸、流汗還會發抖

    隨著科技進步,許多機器人的功能愈來愈精密,也成為人類在工作上的好幫手。為了研究極端天氣對人體的影響,近日美國亞利桑那州大學(Arizona State University, ASU)的團隊研發出一款新型機器人「ANDI」,可以模擬人類對於熱能的生理反應,是全世界第一台會「呼吸、流汗、顫抖」的機器人。
    2023/06/23 13:00
  • 像管絃樂!銀河系中心23秒「黑洞回音」曝 距地球2.6萬光年

    法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)21日指出,斯特拉斯堡大學(University of Strasbourg)研究員馬林(Frédéric Marin)領導的團隊,發現銀河系中心的超大質量黑洞「人馬座A*」(Sgr A*)大約200年前發出的回音,距離地球約2.6萬光年,目前23秒回音已公布在網路上,旋律「輕快激昂」,宛如管絃樂,這項發現已發表在《自然》(Nature)期刊。
    2023/06/23 12:36
  • Hou questions private university tuition assistance proposal

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih lashed at Vice President Lai Ching-te, who is also the presidential candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), regarding the latter’s proposal for financial assistance to private school students. Hou’s remarks came on Wednesday (June 21).
    2023/06/21 17:47
  • Hou Yu-ih emphasizes housing, national defense issues at NTU

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih tackled significant issues ranging from housing justice and national defense to energy and international relations with students from National Taiwan University (NTU) on Monday (June 19), leaving no stone unturned.
    2023/06/20 19:00
  • Lai pledges to tackle private universities’ tuition issue

    Vice President Lai Ching-te vowed to address the disparity in tuition fees between private and public universities on Tuesday (June 20).
    2023/06/20 17:42
  • 可惡!性侵不成竟把人推下山谷 21歲女慘死德國新天鵝堡

    德國南部巴伐利亞邦(Bavaria)觀光聖地新天鵝堡(Neuschwanstein castle)14日發生命案,30歲嫌犯試圖性侵2名女遊客,遇反抗後竟將人推下50公尺深山谷,造成1死1傷。外媒最新報導,死者是21歲伊利諾大學香檳分校(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign,UIUC)應屆畢業生,5月才剛完成學業,噩耗一出校方已發表聲明哀悼。
    2023/06/17 14:09
  • China expert discusses Beijing’s calculated strategy

    China’s recent actions have attracted global attention, particularly in light of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and the upcoming presidential election in Taiwan. In an interview conducted by Wenchi Yu of TVBS Meeting Room, Columbia University professor Andrew Nathan shared his insights on China’s shifting political landscape.
    2023/06/15 17:26
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