  • 歷史搜尋:
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    l 結果共10,000筆

  • Landslide traps vehicles in Keelung City, casualties unknown

    Discover the latest on the severe landslide in Keelung City’s Zhongzheng District, trapping vehicles and prompting a swift response from emergency teams. Learn more about the ongoing rescue efforts and eyewitness accounts.
    2024/06/03 15:54
  • 不只是過敏!「5大皮癢原因」常被忽略 精神狀況也是關鍵

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近一年內「皮膚癢原因」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的5大皮膚癢原因排行。
    2024/06/03 15:35
  • Teams from US, Japan join Kaohsiung for dragon boat practice

    Discover how teams from the US, Japan, and Kaohsiung, led by notable figures, prepare for the Dragon Boat Festival on the Love River, despite rain, showcasing international camaraderie and competition.
    2024/06/03 15:24
  • NCC chairman addresses mobile tracking privacy concerns

    Explore the balance between technology use and privacy rights in Taiwan as NCC Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang addresses concerns over mobile tracking and data analysis at a Legislative Yuan meeting.
    2024/06/03 15:19
  • 一直想上卻尿不出來?4症狀恐「尿滯留」 上完還滲出要當心

    2024/06/03 15:10
  • Taiwan’s premier calls for focus on people-first legislation

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai emphasizes the importance of legislation that benefits the people, amid discussions on legislative priorities and government transparency.
    2024/06/03 15:10
  • Taiwan launches defense tech team to boost capabilities

    Discover how Taiwan is enhancing its defense capabilities with the new Advanced Defense Technology Team, led by Defense Minister Wellington Koo. Inspired by the U.S. DIU, this initiative focuses on investing in mature technologies to maintain an asymmetric edge in the Taiwan Strait. Learn about the strategic priorities and challenges faced by Taiwan in bolstering its defense through innovation and technology.
    2024/06/03 15:02
  • 才和LE SSERAFIM金采源合作 朵蕾凱莉報喜8月來台開唱 

    葛萊美獎肯定、來自美國加州的歌手朵蕾凱莉(Tori Kelly),招牌的完美歌喉駕馭流行、R&B、福音等任何曲風,就連當今最炙手可熱的K-POP都難不倒她,今(3)日她開心宣布8月17日將帶著「Tori Kelly: Purple Skies Asia Tou」前進台北,「不敢相信,我終於要公布世界巡迴了,我很興奮要見到你們了!」
    2024/06/03 14:54
  • Taiwan’s DPP urges China to halt military threats

    Explore the latest on Taiwan-China relations: DPP spokesperson Cho Kuan-ting urges China to halt military threats and engage in dialogue, emphasizing peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/06/03 14:53
  • Premier pledges full support for Taiwan Coast Guard

    Discover how Taiwan’s government is bolstering the Coast Guard with over NT$90 million in investments for new patrol vehicles, aiming to enhance maritime security and law enforcement. Learn about the agency’s success in combating smuggling and illegal fishing.
    2024/06/03 14:48
  • 金曲35/熱狗搶華語歌王兼當表演嘉賓 最狂怪物新人也來了

    第35屆金曲獎頒獎典禮將於6月29日在台北小巨蛋隆重登場,承辦單位台視當天下午5點起將live轉播星光大道及晚間7點的頒獎典禮,今(3)日公布首波表演卡司,邀請到金曲樂團血肉果汁機、MC HotDog熱狗、洪佩瑜帶來精采演出。
    2024/06/03 14:12
  • NBA/連克3支50勝球隊!唐西奇6數據領跑 奪10年後最硬西冠

    NBA總決賽將於台灣時間7日拉開帷幕,由唐西奇(Luka Doncic)率領的獨行俠,對陣塔圖姆(Jayson Tatum)坐鎮的塞爾提克,無論是厄文(Kyrie Irving)與波士頓之間的愛恨情仇,還是唐西奇與波爾辛吉斯(Kristaps Porzingis)「分手多年」後的再次相會,使得系列賽未開打就增添不少話題,新、老球星的融合碰撞,勢必會是一場史詩級交鋒。
    2024/06/03 14:04
  • 找日本天后為花蓮賑災!徐若瑄兒流感反覆發燒 擔憂一件事

    日本天后MISIA米希亞原定4月4日在台北開唱,因4月3日花蓮發生地震而取消,她始終心繫花蓮震災,秉持著「一定要幫助災區」的堅定想法,而發起募款慈善演唱會「MISIA PEACEFUL PARK with VIVIAN HSU」,特別邀請好友徐若瑄加入這場有意義的演出。演唱會於5月31日在東京Billboard Live舉辦,MISIA還苦練了徐若瑄〈翅膀〉的中文歌詞,她下足功夫,練習以中文演唱,展現滿滿誠意。
    2024/06/03 13:54
  • Taipei hosts art show on Tiananmen anniversary

    Explore the poignant "Life and Death, Forgetting and Remembering: The 35th Anniversary of June Fourth" art exhibition at Taipei’s Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, reflecting on Tiananmen Square through art.
    2024/06/03 11:42
  • Jacky Cheung dazzles Taipei with third 60+ tour show

    Discover how Jacky Cheung captivates fans in Taipei with his 60+ world tour, featuring unique encores and personal touches in his performances.
    2024/06/03 11:36
  • Cooler weather hits northern Taiwan, dry spell reduces rain

    Discover the latest weather update: A frontal system over the Bashi Channel brings cooler temperatures and reduced rainfall to Taiwan. Northern and northeastern regions experience cooler weather, while sporadic showers persist in the south. The Central Weather Administration warns of strong coastal gusts and advises caution. Air quality concerns rise as foreign pollutants may affect northern and coastal areas, with Matsu and Kinmen under an orange alert. Stay informed on weather and air quality changes.
    2024/06/03 11:33
  • 水果切開「營養價值急速降↓」!保存5要點必看 冷藏前別洗

    2024/06/03 11:00
  • 專訪/驚收春風私訊!悟飛搖身玖壹壹師弟 揭他「霸氣行為」嚇傻

    2024/06/03 10:56
  • NBA/讚布萊恩成就傳奇!卡特嘆「該名列GOAT」:他已證明一切

    NBA貴古賤今的生態並不罕見,同時關於「史上最佳(G.O.A.T.)」的討論更是見仁見智,退役球星卡特(Vince Carter)日前在節目上直言,自己很榮幸能跟喬丹(Michael Jordan)、布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)以及詹姆斯(LeBron James)等三位跨時代球星同場競技,也強調自己之所以會將3人並列,就是因為上述3個名字「都該列入GOAT的討論之中」。
    2024/06/03 10:47
  • 澤倫斯基:若強迫烏克蘭談和 川普將成「魯蛇總統」

    烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基接受英國「衛報」專訪時說,若美國前總統川普今年再度贏得總統大選,並強迫烏克蘭接受糟糕、不公正的和平協議,則川普恐成為「魯蛇總統」(loser president),美國將不再是世界領導者。
    2024/06/03 09:57
  • 2小時募260萬!青鳥海外募款發起人「驚爆欠錢」是詐欺慣犯

    2024/06/03 08:37
  • 42歲孫藝真「綁雙辮子超逆齡」!美照3連發 網瘋猜:玄彬視角?

    2024/06/03 08:08
  • 黃氏魅力! 黃仁勳烙台語讚夜市水果「齁甲」

    2024/06/02 23:05
  • 心疼!90歲老兵烈日下打工 女主播一天募百萬「送他退休」

    2024/06/02 18:11
  • 東京迪士尼驚傳停電 遊樂設施停擺、遊客緊急疏散

    日本東方樂園(Oriental Land,OLC)表示,今(2)日下午發生「瞬間停電」,使位於日本千葉縣浦安市的東京迪士尼多個遊樂設施自動停止運作,緊急疏散遊客。日本東京電力Power Grid公司表示,受到雷電影響,東京、千葉等區域今日下午發生「瞬間電壓低下」的狀況。
    2024/06/02 18:10
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