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  • NBA/復出2場再傳噩耗!波爾辛吉斯「傷勢罕見」 主帥:很嚴重

    季後賽因比目魚肌傷勢高掛免戰牌、到NBA總冠軍賽才正式復出的長人波爾辛吉斯(Kristaps Porzingis),雖然對陣獨行俠的系列賽一、二戰皆為替補上陣,但高效的攻防表現仍將對手打的近無還手之力,也讓此前表現亮眼的菜鳥里夫利二世(Dereck Lively II)打的略顯辛苦,然而在移師達拉斯的第三戰開打前,波爾辛吉斯卻傳出「出現罕見傷勢」的消息。
    2024/06/12 15:19
  • 維持器要戴多久?醫曝「1時間」是關鍵 2大保養祕訣也很重要

    2024/06/12 15:04
  • 想送女友情人節禮物!19歲男扮假理專 騙家政婦168萬 

    2024/06/12 14:27
  • Funeral Parlor in Taipei to become parking, green space

    Discover the future of Taipei’s urban landscape as Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces the demolition of the Taipei First Funeral Parlor, paving the way for new green spaces and potential development. Learn about the city’s plans and community hopes.
    2024/06/12 14:16
  • Taiwan probes CCP’s role in Chinese man’s illegal entry

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s national security as officials investigate a Chinese man, formerly a PLA Navy captain, who illegally entered Taiwan, highlighting concerns over potential CCP manipulation. 3. NSB gathering intel on man’s China activities. 4. Arrest prompts review of maritime security.
    2024/06/12 12:43
  • 「膝蓋痛」不一定關節炎!醫曝5原因 忽略1疾病行動力恐下降

    2024/06/12 12:03
  • 台LGBT攝影師南京參展被拘留 國台辦:58件作品為「淫穢物品」

    2024/06/12 11:34
  • 洗版救星來了!LINE社群「討論串」上線 2步驟超簡單

    2024/06/12 11:31
  • Taipei to begin demolition of First Funeral Parlor

    Discover the story of Taipei’s First Funeral Parlor’s demolition, a significant event marking the end of an era for a facility that has served for 60 years. Learn about the city’s plans for the site’s future.
    2024/06/12 11:28
  • Taipei mayor highlights benefits of regional cooperation

    Discover how Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, and Taoyuan cities are enhancing quality of life through a unified governance platform, exploring potential municipal mergers for improved services.
    2024/06/12 11:11
  • Taiwan warns citizens of increased risks in Hong Kong travel

    Discover the latest travel advisory for Taiwanese citizens visiting Hong Kong, including risks and safety tips due to new security laws. Learn about the Mainland Affairs Council’s guidance and emergency services.
    2024/06/12 10:43
  • 下不了船?6大「曖昧解暈方式」 TOP1過來人都推

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近一年「曖昧解暈方式」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您瞭解網友熱議的六大解暈方式排行。
    2024/06/12 10:19
  • Taipei egg prices hit three-year low amid market slump

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s egg market: Prices hit a three-year low with the fifth cut in less than two months amid sluggish demand. Learn how this affects farmers and consumers.
    2024/06/12 10:18
  • 巴黎聖母院燒毀後又一古蹟起火 凡爾賽宮火警屋頂冒濃煙一度關閉

    法國巴黎知名景點之一、由路易十四(King Louis XIII)巨資打造的凡爾賽宮(The Palace of Versailles),11日傳出火警通報,有人目擊現場建築屋頂上有濃煙竄出,當局緊急疏散眾多遊客,市政府也派出消防人員進駐處理。所幸消防隊員處理得當,僅耗費一個多小時,凡爾賽宮就重新恢復開放,火警並未造成嚴重損失。
    2024/06/12 10:12
  • Taiwan admits human error in Chinese boat breach

    Discover how a Chinese national breached Taiwan’s maritime border, leading to a review of Taiwan’s coastal defense systems and disciplinary actions against Coast Guard personnel.
    2024/06/12 10:02
  • Taiwanese businesses meet with China amid tariff tensions

    Explore the latest on cross-strait relations as Taiwanese business leaders meet with China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, discussing ECFA tariff concessions and seeking peaceful exchanges.
    2024/06/12 09:49
  • Heavy rain alert issued for Tainan and Kaohsiung cities

    Discover the latest weather update: The Central Weather Administration has issued a heavy rain alert for Tainan and Kaohsiung, warning of thunderstorms in southern Taiwan due to the southwest monsoon. Stay informed on the unstable weather patterns affecting the region.
    2024/06/12 09:19
  • 網一片哀嚎!LINE「最優質功能」沒了 破解方法一次看

    2024/06/12 08:49
  • 慈妹大型主持初體驗!「上身僅貼一塊布」辣翻 蠻腰現蹤全場暈了

    富邦啦啦隊「Fubon Angels」超人氣成員「慈妹」(彭翊慈)除了擁有甜美外貌與窈窕有致的好身材外,還因大方開朗的性格深受大量粉絲喜愛。近期她除了在球場上熱舞應援外,還受邀擔任街舞大賽的主持人,結果她上半身「僅貼一塊布」的火辣造型,卻意外成了全場焦點。
    2024/06/11 18:50
  • Taiwan drafts AI law focusing on human rights

    Explore Taiwan’s military training overhaul as Defense Minister Wellington Koo discusses phasing out traditional bayonet drills for practical combat readiness, highlighting a shift towards enhancing real-world combat capabilities.
    2024/06/11 17:24
  • AMD CEO shares vision for AI, supply chain

    Discover how AMD CEO Lisa Su’s vision for AI-driven PCs and collaboration with partners like TSMC are shaping the future of computing. In our exclusive interview, learn about AMD’s focus on AI, supply chain resilience, and advice for aspiring engineers.
    2024/06/11 17:02
  • 2024金曲獎懶人包》金曲35入圍名單、主持人與表演嘉賓一次看

    2024/06/11 17:01
  • Taipei employs dogs to sniff out tree disease

    Discover how Taipei is using detection dogs to sniff out trees infected with brown root rot disease, enhancing urban safety and forestry management. Learn about the challenges and future prospects of this innovative approach.
    2024/06/11 16:50
  • Sixth death confirmed in Taipei food poisoning outbreak

    Discover the latest on the food poisoning outbreak at Polam Kopitiam in Taipei, which has now claimed a sixth life, a 46-year-old woman, despite intensive medical efforts.
    2024/06/11 16:47
  • Taiwan warns citizens of Dubai’s strict laws on alcohol

    Learn about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ warning to Taiwanese citizens on adhering to Dubai’s strict laws on alcohol and venue entry to avoid detention or deportation.
    2024/06/11 16:38
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