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  • 應召站進攻LINE!「優先選妃、免費打X」收買老司機手法曝

    2024/06/05 08:49
  • Intel CEO unveils AI innovations at COMPUTEX Taipei

    Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger unveils groundbreaking AI and data center advancements at COMPUTEX Taipei, including Xeon plus Rag and Gaudi 3, promising a future of increased performance and efficiency.
    2024/06/04 18:53
  • 法比歐女兒「出生2個月」確診 當奶爸累趴:真的快瘋了

    藝人法比歐今(4)日擔任冰淇淋品牌一日店長,跟粉絲分享法國人吃到美食的讚美方式,就是比手勢說「Oh-là-là」,被問到最近一次講「Oh-là-là」 是什麼時候?法比歐說上週末跟老婆Desiree去吃牛排,料理方式很特別,「因為現在我的法文變成中文了,就講成『哇塞』,真的太好吃了。」
    2024/06/04 18:51
  • Keelung landslide injures 2, buries 11 vehicles

    Landslide buries 11 cars, injures 2 in Keelung. Heavy rain caused rocks to loosen and fall. Geologist: small falling rocks signal danger. Road to be repaired within 7 days by June 11.
    2024/06/04 17:28
  • Taiwan bans infant cell use in regenerative medicine

    Discover how Taiwan’s new regenerative medicine legislation, a pioneering move, aims to protect vulnerable groups while fostering medical advancements. The law sets strict guidelines for cell donations and treatments, ensuring safety and transparency.
    2024/06/04 17:24
  • 曾被阿妹封「轉音小王子」 男星當場翻車 粉絲說真心話

    在《華人星光大道2》及《中國好聲音》有知名表現的葉秉桓,曾被「妹神」張惠妹封為「轉音小王子」,他去年推出新專輯《粉紅與灰》,樂迷反應奇佳,日前葉秉桓更攜手在戀愛實境秀《男生男生配》裡表現亮眼的艾瑞瑞,在信義區吉祥道百貨的COFFEE LAW舉行「好歌揪一夏」演出,艾瑞瑞感觸良多,還唱到哽咽。
    2024/06/04 17:20
  • US delegation lands in Taiwan for defense forum

    Discover insights on the Taiwan-US Defense Business Forum in Taipei, highlighting the growing defense collaboration between Taiwan and the United States and featuring top defense contractors.
    2024/06/04 17:02
  • 青鳥到紐約!課金公嬤3小時募260萬 時報廣場「彩虹台灣」畫面曝

    國會改革法案不僅引發朝野衝突,公民團體也號召「青鳥行動」上街頭,為了響應國內青鳥行動,全球熱心公媽自發組成的「海外青鳥公媽應援團」,於美國東岸時間6月4日起(台灣時間6月5日),在美國紐約時報廣場(Times Square)進行24小時不間斷的影片輪播,短短3小時內就達到了8萬美金(約新台幣260萬元)的募資目標,LED看板畫面也曝光。
    2024/06/04 17:00
  • 英國會大選最新民調!工黨機會來了 有望奪422席輾壓保守黨

    英國即將在7月4日進行國會改選,根據YouGov最新發布的民調顯示,目前的最大在野黨工黨(Labour Party),有望在本次大選中,取得該黨自前首相布萊爾(Tony Blair)1997年執政以來最大勝利,在650席的下議院中、拿下422席次,單獨贏得國會多數執政。
    2024/06/04 16:56
  • President Lai thanks NVIDIA, TSMC for supercomputer donation

    Discover how Taiwan is advancing its technological infrastructure with the donation of its first supercomputer by NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang and operational support from TSMC, as announced by President Lai Ching-te at COMPUTEX Taipei. Learn about Taiwan’s plans to become an "AI island" through significant investments in data centers, supercomputers, and AI development, aiming to improve quality of life and strengthen its global tech position.
    2024/06/04 16:34
  • COMPUTEX Taipei 2024 kicks off, spotlights AI innovations

    Explore the latest in AI and tech innovation at the 43rd COMPUTEX Taipei, featuring 1,500 companies from 36 countries. Discover insights from top industry leaders and the government’s support for AI development.
    2024/06/04 15:12
  • 她朝聖艾薇兒演唱會竟戴耳塞!身分是台灣女星 親自解釋了

    創作才女蔡佩軒(Ariel)將在7月推出全新單曲,日前她特別放了自己3週的長假去英國倫敦以及歐洲旅行,「歐洲算是我的Top的一個Bucket List,在這一趟旅程當中,基本上是完全遠離工作,不僅連寫歌都沒有寫,也沒有剪片,就儘量讓自己不要有接觸到任何工作,回來的時候因為有好好充到電到,現在能量滿滿也能專心的做音樂」。
    2024/06/04 14:37
  • Landslide in Keelung injures two, traps vehicles

    Discover the details of a massive landslide in Keelung’s Zhongzheng District, trapping vehicles and injuring two. Learn about the causes and the ongoing recovery efforts.
    2024/06/04 14:18
  • 膽固醇超標恐「傷腎」!醫教7招降壞膽固醇 多吃魚油護心血管

    2024/06/04 13:28
  • 限定1天!超商單品美式、拿鐵買6送6 多帶1物再省10元

    超商優惠!每個月6號都是全家的Let’ Café「好咖日」,購買單品美式、拿鐵可享買6送6,更加碼自備杯購買飲品即可折10元;同時,全家也推出全新冰飲「經典冰磚拿鐵」以及「變色冰杯」,即日起至6月11日,購買變色冰杯任1款,再加贈Let’ Café冰特濃美式免費兌換券。
    2024/06/04 11:27
  • NBA/塞爾提克引質疑!賈奈特駁「最水東冠」:贏球沒那麼輕鬆

    NBA總冠軍賽將於台灣時間6月7日開打,由聯盟龍頭塞爾提克坐鎮主場,迎戰「歐洲金童」唐西奇(Luka Doncic)所率領的獨行俠大軍,而有別於後者拚戰三輪才登頂西冠的艱辛過程,塞爾提克從首輪就展現極強統治力,在東區以摧枯拉朽之勢一路高歌猛進,但也因為對手主將的先後傷退,被貼上「最水東冠」的標籤,也讓賈奈特(Kevin Garnett)感到相當不滿。
    2024/06/04 11:14
  • 傷兵期間砸485萬簽賭棒球 教士24歲內野手遭終身禁賽

    美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)傳出現役球員涉嫌簽賭遭調查,根據NBC等美媒報導,涉案人員是目前效力於聖地牙哥教士(San Diego Padres)的內野手馬坎諾(Tucupita Marcano),傳聞他在去年效力匹茲堡海盜(Pittsburgh Pirates)期間,涉嫌對自家球隊的比賽進行投注;大聯盟官方稍早證實該傳聞,馬坎諾也遭到最嚴格的懲處:終身禁賽(lifetime ban)。
    2024/06/04 11:13
  • Premier hosts dinner to boost executive-legislative ties

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is enhancing executive-legislative communication, focusing on fraud prevention and improving Hualien-Taitung traffic, during a pivotal meeting with DPP legislators.
    2024/06/04 10:37
  • Central Cross-island Highway closed due to landslides

    Discover the latest on the Central Cross-Island Highway’s closure due to landslides and rockfalls from continuous heavy rainfall. Learn about the Highway Bureau’s efforts to reopen the road by Friday and safety advice for travelers.
    2024/06/04 10:01
  • 不受反同爭議.戰爭影響 同志驕傲遊行全球開跑

    2024/06/03 19:36
  • 稱黃子佼案「沒那麼嚴重」!《LoL》官方懲處統神PCS禁賽

    4月上旬,藝人黃子佼加入偷拍論壇、被控性侵等醜聞曝光,網紅「亞洲統神」張嘉航評論上述事件遭輿論炎上,工商、業配紛紛遭切割。而張嘉航去年組建「Hell Pigs」地獄豬戰隊,以電競選手之姿在網路遊戲《英雄聯盟》中大顯身手。擁有《英雄聯盟》的Riot Games官方今(3)日聲明,PCS夏季賽電競選手「Godtone」(即統神)日前言論涉違反《Riot Games電競全球行為準則》,參考張男自陳後仍認其「粗俗且可能對未成年人有害」、「缺乏對其言論潛在影響的認知」等,決定將其禁賽並要求參加教育訓練,不遵循還將面臨進一步的紀律處分。
    2024/06/03 19:30
  • Taichung mayor urges economic diversification

    Discover the latest on China’s suspension of tariff concessions on certain products under the ECFA starting June 15, and Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen’s response to the economic fallout.
    2024/06/03 17:37
  • Swift rescue operation follows Keelung park landslide

    Discover the latest on the Keelung Chaojing Park landslide: swift rescue operations, community response, and ongoing safety measures. Read the full story.
    2024/06/03 17:25
  • Taiwan’s role crucial in global AI supply chain, expert says

    Discover how Taiwan is addressing the global AI supply crisis and advancing AI technology, as highlighted at the COMPUTEX event in Taipei, featuring industry leaders and innovative solutions.
    2024/06/03 17:13
  • Ministry of National Defense embraces Threads

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense is revolutionizing its public engagement strategy by launching a Threads account, attracting thousands and marking a strategic shift in military communication.
    2024/06/03 17:03
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