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  • Jiadong’s unique watermelon event draws crowds

    Jiadong introduces the "Standing Watermelon" event. 800 watermelons were prepared due to high demand. Event promotes Jiadong’s agricultural products. Participants can take home watermelons.
    2024/06/11 16:37
  • Jacky Cheung to proceed with Taiwan concerts

    Discover the latest on Jacky Cheung’s concert schedule: Despite a recent RSV infection leading to cancellations in June, Cheung’s upcoming Taipei concerts are confirmed to proceed as planned, with a return planned for 2025.
    2024/06/11 16:27
  • Taiwan faces new COVID-19 wave, elderly hardest hit

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s COVID-19 situation: a new wave with rising local cases, the JN.1 variant’s prevalence, and the CDC’s vaccination push for high-risk groups.
    2024/06/11 16:03
  • Taiwan launches association to boost digital economy

    Discover how Taiwan is advancing its digital economy through the launch of the Taiwan Parliamentary Exchange and Promotion Association for Digital Technology and the New Economy, led by DPP legislator Michelle Lin. This initiative aims to foster government-industry cooperation and includes plans for talent transformation, international exchanges, and smart city policies.
    2024/06/11 15:26
  • President Lai Ching-te approves review of reform bills

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reform: President Lai Ching-te approves a reconsideration proposal for the parliamentary reform bill, highlighting the ongoing debate and challenges in the legislative process.
    2024/06/11 14:20
  • TIFF event to explore Edward Yang’s impact on global cinema

    Explore the legacy of Taiwanese director Edward Yang at TIFF Cinematheque’s retrospective from July 4-30, 2024, featuring classics like "Yi Yi" and discussions on his cinematic influence.
    2024/06/11 14:13
  • Chinese man defects to Taiwan, arrested upon arrival

    Discover the story of a 60-year-old man from China who attempted to defect to Taiwan by navigating a boat into the Tamsui River, leading to his arrest and sparking a government response to tighten national security measures.
    2024/06/11 12:05
  • China, Pakistan reaffirm "One China" principle, irk Taiwan

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s response to China and Pakistan’s joint statement on the "One China" principle, emphasizing its independence and democratic values.
    2024/06/11 12:05
  • Taiwan FDA finds carcinogen in US sauces, orders destruction

    Discover why Taiwan’s FDA is destroying three U.S.-imported seasoning sauces, including a popular steak sauce, due to carcinogen ethylene oxide detection. Learn more about the safety measures.
    2024/06/11 11:50
  • YouBike service outage affects commuters nationwide

    Discover why Taiwan’s FDA is destroying three U.S.-imported seasoning sauces, including a popular steak sauce, due to carcinogen ethylene oxide detection. Learn more about the safety measures.
    2024/06/11 11:38
  • Taiwan tracks 19 Chinese aircraft and ships in 24 hours

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as it monitors a surge in Chinese military activity, with 19 aircraft and ships detected near the Taiwan Strait, escalating regional tensions.
    2024/06/11 11:25
  • Taiwan braces for hot, humid week with thunderstorms ahead

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: a week of hot, humid conditions with sporadic showers and thunderstorms due to a persistent southwest wind and a lingering front. Learn about the areas affected, safety advice, and expert insights on navigating the weather.
    2024/06/11 11:05
  • How TSMC went global? A firsthand account from Mark Liu

    Explore how TSMC’s Chairman navigates geopolitics, technology leadership, and sustainability, aiming for global expansion and innovation in the semiconductor industry.
    2024/06/11 10:49
  • 女房客被灌醉!醒來「房東趴身上」 他做一半狂問:我很小?

    2024/06/11 10:41
  • Apple Watch大升級!「5亮點」一覽 出國可翻譯了

    Apple Watch又有新功能了!蘋果WWDC24( Worldwide Developers Conference)正式發佈全新 watchOS 11 系統,證實Apple Watch將有五功能大升級,其中還內建多達20種語言翻譯,讓民眾出國更能暢行無阻,果粉們不妨來看看有什麼新功能吧!
    2024/06/11 07:42
  • 「Y3K」潮流來襲!女團aespa獨領風燒 穿搭技巧一次看

    Y2K風格在2020年開始迅速竄紅,這種風格起源於2000年代初期,充滿了閃亮的面料、低腰牛仔褲和細肩帶上衣。從最初期芭莉絲·希爾頓的風格可謂Y2K風格鼻祖,她的粉紅運動套裝搭配雪靴和LOUIS VUITTON漆皮包,完美體現了這一風格的精髓。近代明星包括Bella Hadid 、NewJeans、BLACKPINK 、Dua Lipa⋯⋯Y2K復古風格重溫了那段充滿活力和創新的年代,但隨著時尚圈的快速變化,一個全新的風潮正在悄悄萌芽——Y3K風格。
    2024/06/10 20:27
  • 哈佛輸了!美常春藤名校畢業生年薪出爐 這校365萬奪冠

    常春藤聯盟(Ivy League)是由美國東北部8所大學和獨立學院組成的聯盟,孕育出無數社會菁英,近日美媒統計8間學校學生畢業10年後的薪水,結果賓州大學(The University of Pennsylvania)以年薪中位數11.27萬美元(約365萬新台幣)奪冠,哈佛大學(Harvard University)僅排名第7。
    2024/06/10 18:08
  • NBA/綠衫軍8度2:0全奪冠!懷特讚「獨行俠很強」:還不能放鬆

    2024/06/10 14:56
  • 恭喜!台灣女婿端午節傳喜訊 台上嘆:感覺很不真實

    台灣女婿、《不丹沒有槍》導演巴沃邱寧多傑(Pawo Choyning Dorji)今(10)日端午節當天,在美國勞倫斯大學(Lawrence University)獲頒榮譽博士學位,並受邀在畢業典禮上致詞。巴沃邱寧多傑分享了自己從外交學轉行電影導演的經歷,並以電影《不丹沒有槍》片尾的「彩虹」譬喻人生目標的變幻無窮,贏得畢業生們的熱烈掌聲。
    2024/06/10 13:40
  • 不是詐騙我辭職!女師被「老公」迷昏頭 警勸退匯4百萬

    2024/06/10 12:57
  • 力壓道奇!賈吉24轟出爐獨居大聯盟全壘打王 大谷退至第9

    紐約洋基(New York Yankees)與洛杉磯道奇(Los Angeles Dodgers)10日進行系列賽第三戰,前兩場皆輸球的洋基,今天靠著打線大爆發,葛里沙姆(Trent Grisham)、賈吉(Aaron Judge)和卡布雷拉(Oswaldo Cabrera)三人相繼開轟,不只幫助洋基打敗道奇,躲過被橫掃的命運,同時也讓賈吉本季全壘打數來到24支,一人獨居全聯盟全壘打王領先,而先前被看好的大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani),如今則以18轟、下滑至第9名。
    2024/06/10 11:53
  • 范琪斐被蔥粉出征!前幕僚嗆巨嬰 揭殘酷事實酸「柯文哲可憐」

    2024/06/10 11:45
  • 友人愛用「LINE紅包還錢」!1情況收不到 她氣到想拒收:施捨?

    通訊軟體LINE功能多樣,轉帳、支付通通都能搞定,其中LINE紅包必須收到的好友在聊天室點選「查看紅包狀態」,金額才會入帳,若超過期限就收不到錢,對此,一名網友抱怨朋友欠款,總喜歡使用該功能,讓她非常困擾,直呼「正常LINE PAY(應為iPASS MONEY)不行嗎?!」貼文曝光,各有支持者。
    2024/06/10 11:33
  • 6款LINE貼圖「限時下載」!尊嘟假嘟、不敢相信必收 實用又可愛

    LINE又有6款免費的貼圖讓大家下載啦!各個超可愛又實用,分別是LINE VOOM × 柴犬皮皮、LINE旅遊 × 柴犬蘇蘇柴、Lumia × 可愛大王 超萌登場、老子有錢 × 曾國城 超實用日常貼圖、LINE發票管家×抱抱鬼以及ANDEN醬與水豚好友-日常實用篇。期限從30天-180天都有,趕快在下載期限前,把握機會入手這些超萌貼圖。
    2024/06/10 11:04
  • NBA/三屆冠軍元老也不留?藍領中鋒魯尼恐遭勇士裁掉

    NBA金州勇士本季無緣季後賽,身為本季聯盟團隊薪資最高的球隊,勇士今夏勢必要針對陣容進行變動,包含湯普森(Klay Thompson)、威金斯(Andrew Wiggins)、保羅(Chris Paul)等人都可能被交易或裁掉,如今傳出連藍領中鋒魯尼(Kevon Looney)也可能會離隊。
    2024/06/10 10:54
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