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    l 結果共10,000筆

  • NVIDIA AI supercomputer to be in Kaohsiung, R&D near Taipei

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announced plans to build an AI supercomputer in Kaohsiung with an R&D site near Taipei, highlighting the strong partnership with Quanta and their collective efforts on Blackwell.
    2024/06/06 17:41
  • NVIDIA leads AI discussions at COMPUTEX Taipei

    Explore how NVIDIA’s AI technology is revolutionizing healthcare and other industries at COMPUTEX Taipei. Learn about the future of medical care with AI.
    2024/06/06 17:34
  • New Taipei mayor sees highest dissatisfaction rate: Survey

    Discover the latest shifts in public approval for Taiwan’s city leaders, as revealed by a Global Views Monthly survey. New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih sees the highest dissatisfaction, while Taipei’s Chiang Wan-an enjoys a surge in approval. Explore the dynamic political landscape and how it reflects on local governance.
    2024/06/06 17:17
  • Belgian startups join forces with Taiwan in tech forum

    Discover the highlights of the Taiwan-Belgium Joint Business Council Meeting, where Wallonia’s delegation aims to strengthen innovation ties with Taiwan. Learn about the collaborative efforts in technology and sustainable development.
    2024/06/06 17:07
  • 林美秀57歲「喜獲麟兒」!當高齡產婦陣痛期滿滿 深情告白老公

    林美秀今(6)日生日當天「喜獲麟兒」迎個人首張專輯《Lady Pum Pum》誕生,出道37年、今年滿57歲的她無畏當「高齡產婦」挑戰當歌壇新人變身「女神胖胖」躍身起舞,過程宛若「歷經懷胎十個月」陣痛期滿滿,所幸最後順利「產」出心血結晶,今天舉辦發片記者會,正逢與老公結婚滿十週年堪稱喜上加喜,可說林美秀送給自己最好的生日禮物。
    2024/06/06 16:33
  • DPP accuses KMT of undermining Taiwan’s democracy

    Explore the escalating tensions in Taiwan as the DPP accuses the KMT of undermining the Control Yuan’s independence, threatening democracy and sparking a legislative showdown.
    2024/06/06 16:33
  • 林美秀驚爆罹「血友病」!緊急送醫打救命針 暴瘦7公斤近況曝

    林美秀6月6日生日當天發行個人首張專輯《Lady Pum Pum》,57歲挑戰當歌壇新人變身「女神胖胖」躍身起舞,儘管過程宛若「歷經懷胎十個月」陣痛期滿滿,為發片減肥七公斤的她最後竟因太操勞搞到變「後天血友病」住院一週,讓她體悟到:「老天給我那麼好的東西,剛剛好就好。」
    2024/06/06 16:19
  • AmCham Taiwan calls for stable electricity pricing

    Discover the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan’s 2024 White Paper urging for stable and transparent electricity pricing to support business growth. Learn about the government’s stance on subsidies and the impact on Taiwan’s energy sector.
    2024/06/06 16:17
  • Taichung mayor tops Taiwan city governance survey

    Discover the top-performing mayors in Taiwan’s major cities according to the 2024 Global Views City Governance Satisfaction Survey. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen leads with a 72.9% satisfaction rating.
    2024/06/06 16:15
  • Modi thanks Taiwan’s Lai for reelection congratulations

    Explore the strengthening ties between Taiwan and India as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Lai Ching-te engage in a warm exchange on social media, highlighting hopes for closer trade and technological partnerships.
    2024/06/06 15:50
  • Fifth death linked to restaurant’s food poisoning outbreak

    Discover the latest on the food poisoning outbreak at Polam Kopitiam in Taipei, which has resulted in a fifth fatality and raised serious food safety concerns.
    2024/06/06 15:46
  • Taiwan to launch language center to preserve heritage

    Discover Taiwan’s new initiative to preserve its linguistic heritage with the establishment of a national language research and development center, aiming to promote Taiwanese, Hakka, Indigenous languages, and Matsu’s Mindong language.
    2024/06/06 15:28
  • 8大防身神器曝光!防狼噴霧一噴秒殺敵 「這東西」曾救人一命

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近一年內「防身用品」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的8大防身用品排行。
    2024/06/06 15:15
  • Australian FM defends lawmakers’ right to engage with Taiwan

    Discover how Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s recent declaration supports lawmakers’ freedom to engage with Taiwan amid tensions with China. Read about Australia’s firm stance on sovereignty and democratic values.
    2024/06/06 15:10
  • 歐洲半導體設備製造商ASML 市值超越LVMH

    2024/06/06 14:34
  • Taiwan’s defense minister stresses military strength

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense strategy, including Minister Wellington Koo’s emphasis on military strength and the critical Taiwan-U.S. military cooperation, as discussed in the Legislative Yuan.
    2024/06/06 14:18
  • 恭喜!蔡健雅無預警拋「重磅好消息」 重返幸運地:巨大幸福

    「金曲歌后」蔡健雅2024捎來重磅喜訊,將攜「Let’s Depart!給世界最悠長的吻」巡迴演唱會於9月14日唱進高雄巨蛋,這也是她三度登雄蛋舞台開唱,對於港都歌迷熱情難忘的她抱著「興奮又期待」的心情迎接高雄場,提及對於高雄巨蛋對自己音樂生涯的意義,蔡健雅難忘兩年前在這個舞台上四度拿金曲歌后並創下金曲獎史上首位在典禮上四度登台拿下四大獎的超級紀錄,不僅刷新個人成績,更寫下人生里程碑,她開心地說:「高雄是我的幸運地也是幸福地!豐收滿滿,感受到巨大的幸福感!」
    2024/06/06 12:11
  • Taiwan to join APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting in Peru

    Discover how Taiwan is engaging with global tourism leaders at the 12th APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting in Peru to promote its tourism and share strategies for industry growth and resilience post-pandemic.
    2024/06/06 11:43
  • 今日限定!全家單品美式、拿鐵「買6送6」 OK烏龍氣泡買1送1

    每天沒有喝咖啡醒不來的小資族們注意!全家便利商店今(6)日推出「好咖日」,包括「Let’s Café單品美式/拿鐵同品項買6送6」及甜點買2送1等,至於OKmart則推出「OOHA水蜜桃烏龍氣泡咖啡」買1送1優惠,活動至6月7日。
    2024/06/06 11:37
  • 黃仁勳簽名辣妹胸引轟動 外媒:庫克也沒有「挺胸而出」待遇

    輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)在今年Computex電腦展期間,來到台灣進行演說和宣傳,受到有如搖滾巨星般的對待,走到哪裡都有大量鏡頭和人潮包圍。其中,一段在人潮擁擠的攤位前,有年輕女子要求黃仁勳,替她在胸口簽名的影片,讓他再次爆紅並引起外媒關注。《商業內幕》(Business Insider)與科技媒體《The Verge》對此都特別撰文報導,甚至還下了一個令人玩味的註解,表示其他科技大廠高層恐怖都不可能獲得這樣待遇,「沒有人會為庫克(Tim Cook)『挺胸而出』(no one is lining up with their chests out for Tim Cook)」。
    2024/06/06 10:37
  • Reuters: NVIDIA CEO sparks ’Jensanity’ during Taiwan visit

    Discover how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s visit to Taiwan sparked "Jensanity," boosting local businesses and highlighting his influence in the AI industry during the 2024 Taipei COMPUTEX.
    2024/06/06 10:37
  • Taiwan braces for week-long rain during Dragon Boat Festival

    Discover how Taiwan’s Dragon Boat Festival holiday will be impacted by seven days of rainfall starting June 6, due to a low-pressure belt and southwesterly winds. Stay informed on weather forecasts and prepare for the holiday.
    2024/06/06 09:47
  • 大谷痛擊海盜狀元郎!本季第15轟無用 道奇先發被打爆吞敗

    美國職棒(MLB)洛杉磯道奇(Los Angles Dodgers)近期表現低迷,6日對上匹茲堡海盜(Pittsburgh Pirates)又對上話題性極高、火球狀元郎斯肯斯(Paul Skenes),而日籍球星大谷翔平雖然在第1個打席遭到三振,不過2度對決時直接轟出本季第15支全壘打,同時解鎖生涯第27個開轟球場,然而道奇本場先發投手慘遭打爆,雖然打者努力追分,但最終仍以6比10吞下近期的2連敗。
    2024/06/06 09:31
  • 大咖女星宣布「退出演藝圈」!竟皈依佛門 驚拋震撼彈

    漫威超級英雄電影系列「黃蜂女」伊凡潔琳莉莉(Evangeline Lilly)近日在社群媒體Instagram上突然宣布息影,並稱她願遠離名利,走進佛法。
    2024/06/06 08:19
  • 邊工作邊旅遊不是夢!全球6大打工度假勝地 各國優缺點一次看

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近一年內「打工度假國家」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的打工度假國家排行。
    2024/06/05 22:46
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