  • 歷史搜尋:
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    l 結果共10,000筆

  • NBA/76人拼了?傳端頂薪續留「內外雙核」 鎖定詹皇豪組三巨頭

    NBA總冠軍賽即將開打,但對被淘汰的28支球隊來說,早已在為休賽季的選秀會與自由市場做準備。其中,在今年夏天最高可握有將近6500萬美元薪資空間的76人,除了有意用頂薪合約續留恩比德(Joel Embiid)、馬克西(Tyrese Maxey),也不排除向詹姆斯(LeBron James)、喬治(Paul Pierce)等大咖球星拋媚眼,組建豪華三巨頭。
    2024/06/05 22:37
  • Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan passes key legal amendments

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s legislative amendments as the Executive Yuan reviews changes to the Law Governing the Legislative Yuan and the Criminal Code, emphasizing constitutional compliance.
    2024/06/05 18:07
  • Chen Chu backs Control Yuan abolition amid reform talks

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s constitutional reforms as Control Yuan President Chen Chu supports the separation of powers and backs the abolition of the Control Yuan, amid calls for constitutional amendments.
    2024/06/05 17:14
  • Taiwan launches campaign to curb cigarette butt pollution

    Discover how Taiwan is tackling pollution with a new campaign launched on World Environment Day, urging responsible disposal of cigarette butts to protect the environment and public health.
    2024/06/05 17:11
  • 陸軍裝甲女連長自撞昏迷!頭皮撕裂腦出血送醫 測出酒精殘留

    2024/06/05 17:03
  • 遊樂設施離奇漏電!泰女「抓扶手」秒電暈 墜落重摔急送醫

    2024/06/05 16:59
  • Taiwan champions gender equality at international forum

    Explore Taiwan’s strides in gender equality and the challenges that remain, as discussed by National Human Rights Commission Chairperson Chen Chu at the "2024 International Forum on Women’s Employment and Economic Security." Learn about Taiwan’s legal reforms, commitment to CEDAW, and ongoing efforts to eliminate discrimination against women.
    2024/06/05 16:50
  • AI PCs top highlight of COMPUTEX 2024

    Explore the latest AI advancements at COMPUTEX 2024, featuring keynotes from industry leaders like Intel and NVIDIA. Discover how AI PCs and generative AI are set to transform our daily lives.
    2024/06/05 16:40
  • 莫迪慘勝「他最痛」 前印度首富阿達尼一天蒸發8千億

    印度下議院(Lok Sabha)大選結果出爐後,總理莫迪(Narendra Modi)領導的人民黨(BJP)未能獲得過半席次,隨即引發市場與投資人憂慮,導致印度股匯市雙雙下挫。在這波股市下跌浪潮中,受傷最深的一位莫過於前首富阿達尼(Gautam Adani),隨著股市出現近4年最大跌幅,讓他在一天內名下資產蒸發250億美元(約新台幣8086億元),集團10檔股票全數翻黑,總市值下滑450億美元(約新台幣1兆4555億元)。
    2024/06/05 16:17
  • New Taipei City to host job fair with over 3,000 positions

    Discover over 3,000 job opportunities at the New Taipei City job fair on June 6, featuring roles in hospitality, retail, and tech from top companies like IKEA and Starbucks.
    2024/06/05 15:53
  • 豐田在美國召回10萬輛汽車 引擎驗出碎屑有安全疑慮 

    2024/06/05 15:12
  • 學習吧AI中翻英批改功能新上線 助力台灣英文教育改革

    2024/06/05 14:22
  • 加薩停火遙遙無期 以色列砸錢向美加購25架F-35戰機

    以色列與哈瑪斯(Hamas)之間的停火協議至今仍處於卡關狀態,最新消息指出,以國國防部5日宣佈,將與美國簽訂新的戰機採購合約,投入30億美元(約新台幣970億2600萬元)、向洛克希德馬丁(Lockheed Martin)購買25架F-35戰機,預計從2028年開始交付,持續擴大強化以色列空軍戰力。
    2024/06/05 13:47
  • 飛天車不是夢 韓力拚2025空中計程車商業化

    2024/06/05 12:46
  • 嚴懲兒童性侵犯 路易斯安那州成美國首立法允許「物理閹割」

    美國路易斯安那州(Louisiana)議會日前批准新法案,賦予法官審理涉及13歲以下受害人的性侵犯案件時,可以裁定對犯人進行外科手術、進行「物理閹割」。此法案目前已送交州長蘭德里(Jeff Landry)桌上,一旦簽署批准、路易斯安那將成為美國第一個實施此類懲罰的州。
    2024/06/05 12:38
  • 韓妞最強髮型「高層次輪廓剪」!顯瘦顯年輕 別再公主切了

    短髮控VS長髮控,你是哪一派?這次小編分享的是不管長髮、短髮都好看的「高層次輪廓剪」,原本髮尾齊平的公主切、一刀切,已經不流行了!今夏就換上顯瘦顯臉小、長髮短髮都好看的Layered Cut。
    2024/06/05 12:21
  • Taiwan monitors 26 Chinese aircraft near strait in 24 hours

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as the Ministry of National Defense reports 19 Chinese military aircraft crossed into Taiwan’s airspace, amid heightened tensions in the Taiwan Strait. Learn about Taiwan’s response and the strategic significance of these developments.
    2024/06/05 12:08
  • Taiwan, US defense industries to meet in Taipei forum

    Discover insights from the Taiwan-US Defense Business Forum, a pivotal event in Taipei fostering US-Taiwan defense collaboration, featuring key industry leaders and innovations.
    2024/06/05 12:05
  • 退休翁遭詐459萬!警幫找回百萬老本…他竟誤認警是詐騙

    新北市27歲賴姓男子,對外自稱竹聯幫份子,私下在新北市進行投資詐騙,警方從去年底開始,接連查出有將近19人被騙,遭詐金額超過3千萬元。新北市刑大持續蒐證、追查,上月底見時機成熟後循線搗破詐團據點,一舉逮捕賴男在內等7人,還意外扣得剛得手的459萬贓款,警方事後將百萬贓款物歸原主,民眾一度以為警員才是詐騙集團,讓警方啼笑皆非。 新聞中提到一名七十多歲的曾姓被害人,靠退休金、保險及年金生活,卻被騙進行假投資,直到警方提供證據才知受騙。警方呼籲民眾不要輕信來源不明的投資管道,如遇可疑情況應撥打 165 反詐騙專線求證。同時,警方也將清查嫌犯財產,申請扣押,以協助受害人返還損失。新聞強調透過警民合作打擊詐騙集團的重要性,以保障民眾財產安全。
    2024/06/05 12:03
  • TSMC’s leadership change amid global supply chain concerns

    Discover how C.C. Wei’s appointment as TSMC chairman marks a pivotal leadership transition, focusing on supply chain resilience and Taiwan’s semiconductor industry amid geopolitical tensions.
    2024/06/05 12:00
  • Yushan trail closes due to landslide after heavy rains

    Discover the latest on Yushan National Park’s trail closure due to a landslide after heavy rainfall. Learn about the emergency repairs and when the trail might reopen.
    2024/06/05 11:53
  • Supermicro head touts green computing at COMPUTEX keynote

    Supermicro CEO Charles Liang unveils new AI tech and liquid cooling systems at COMPUTEX, highlighting significant savings, CO2 emissions cuts, and the potential for mainstream green computing.
    2024/06/05 11:40
  • Cloudy skies, scattered showers expected across Taiwan today

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: Clouds from the Taiwan Strait will bring mostly cloudy skies and intermittent showers across the island. Expect higher moisture and rain chances due to the eastward-moving South China rain belt. Daytime highs will range from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, with cooler nights. The Ministry of Environment warns of potential air quality issues due to easterly winds. Stay prepared and informed on weather and air quality conditions.
    2024/06/05 11:22
  • Taiwan aims to become AI leader with new strategic plan

    Discover Taiwan’s ambitious plan to become an AI powerhouse, unveiled by President Lai at Taipei COMPUTEX. With support from NVIDIA and TSMC, the initiative focuses on stable power, supercomputers, and talent in AI and semiconductors.
    2024/06/05 11:00
  • 狂傳性暗示簡訊!騷擾「超火辣」前助理 饒舌歌手肯爺挨告

    知名饒舌歌手肯伊威斯特(Kanye West,今改名為Ye)也捲入性騷擾官司,這位特立獨行的名人,日前遭到前任女性助理蘿拉(Lauren Pisciotta)提告,指控肯爺長時間以傳遞性愛露骨簡訊、性暗示照片與影音,或是當面詢問或探知她的性生活等方式,讓蘿拉非常不舒服且困擾,甚至根據她的訴狀,肯爺還曾在她眼前猥褻。
    2024/06/05 10:26
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