
Taiwan monitors 26 Chinese aircraft near strait in 24 hours

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/05 12:08
Last update time:2024/06/05 12:08
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Taiwan monitors 26 Chinese aircraft near strait in 24 hours (Shutterstock) Taiwan monitors 26 Chinese aircraft near strait in 24 hours
Taiwan monitors 26 Chinese aircraft near strait in 24 hours (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of National Defense (MND) announced on Wednesday (June 5) that 19 Chinese military aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's northern and southwestern airspaces within 24 hours, starting from 6 a.m. the previous day. This significant military activity occurs amid rising tensions in the region.

Increased Military Presence


During the same 24-hour period, the ministry detected a total of 26 Chinese military aircraft and 10 naval vessels around the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan's armed forces closely monitored and responded to these activities using task force ships and shore-based missile systems. This heightened military presence underscores the ongoing strategic importance of the Taiwan Strait in cross-strait relations.

Close Monitoring

According to air track diagrams released by the Air Force, the Chinese aircraft were identified at distances of 41 nautical miles from Keelung (基隆) and 40 nautical miles from Eluanbi (鵝鑾鼻), highlighting the proximity of these operations to Taiwan's territory. The MND's vigilance and preparedness in tracking and responding to these incursions reflect Taiwan's commitment to safeguarding its airspace and territorial integrity.

Taiwan Affairs

#Ministry of National Defense#MND#Chinese military aircraft#median line of the Taiwan Strait#Eluanbi#Keelung#preparedness
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