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    Time 結果共454筆

  • DPP’s approval rating plummets by 18 points

    According to a recent poll by the TVBS Poll Center, the approval rating of Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has dropped by 18 points, with nearly 60% of respondents believing it’s time for the DPP to step down ahead of the 2024 presidential and legislative elections. The DPP’s approval rating fell from 46% to 28% since the impeachment of Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu in June 2021, while the dissatisfaction rate rose to 58%.
    2023/10/19 16:01
  • Sinkhole appears at Hsinchu construction site for 3rd time

    A sinkhole appeared for the third time within three days at a construction site in Hsinchu County. The sinkhole, measuring 2 meters wide and long, continued to expand, causing concern among locals as it was dangerously close to residential areas. Initial assessments by local authorities suggest that soil erosion caused by debris influx was the cause of the collapse. This incident was similar to the previous two collapses, with the first one causing gas and water leaks and the site already experiencing lateral groove ruptures.
    2023/10/18 13:21
  • 不是艾薇!吳霏現蹤台南被拍 身邊多一個「她」身份曝光

    香港知名新銳女歌手陳嘉來台叩關,夥同剛認愛艾薇的饒舌歌手吳霏現身台南「浪人祭」舞台,首演兩人合作的新曲〈TIME MACHINE〉,所到之處掀起轟動,讓人生第一次來台灣演出的陳嘉好感動,「非常興奮!台灣好熱情!有點緊張,因為第一次接觸台灣樂迷」。吳霏對於兩人合作笑說:「在聊天裡,我們音樂話題相當投合,都蠻細心溝通怎麼樣能讓作品更好。」也因此聊出很多默契。
    2023/10/16 22:57
  • Ex-PLG basketball player faces deportation over expired visa

    Nigerian basketball player Ifeanyi Uzoma Eboka has been detained by Taiwan’s National Immigration Agency for an expired residency visa. Eboka, known for his time with the PLG Hsinchu Lioneers, is now facing forced deportation.
    2023/10/16 15:57
  • U.S., Japan marching bands join in National Day celebration

    The Tokyo University of Agriculture Second High School "Emerald Knights" visit Taiwan to perform at the National Day celebration. President Tsai Ing-wen treats them to Taiwanese salted crispy chicken and lemon aiyu jelly. They join other marching bands for a joint exchange at the National Performing Arts Center. The Emerald Knights will perform an anime medley during the National Day Celebration. The UCLA Bruins Marching Band also participates, making it the first time a U.S. performance group performs on Taiwan’s National Day stage.
    2023/10/09 14:44
  • 太狠了!男星工作滿檔沒回家 愛兒「脫口一句話」傻眼

    來自香港的實力創作歌手AP潘宇謙推出首張華語專輯《HIGH TIME》,為了新專輯來台北宣傳的他,近日行程馬不停蹄,度過了充實忙碌的一週,而在23日他的老婆及雙胞胎兒子更遠從香港探班,相隔一週未見的他們更享受天倫之樂,全家首次同框下廚一起做「吐司披薩」,潘宇謙更展現廚藝煮起拿手的義大利麵。提到許久未見的兒子們,潘宇謙開玩笑說:「聽說我不在家的時候,大兒子很罕見的跟媽媽說要找我,看來我們還是不要太常碰面好了,他可能會比較想我!」
    2023/09/25 16:26
  • 男星愛妻做試管嬰兒懷龍鳳胎 產前醫生脫口「這烏龍」傻眼

    香港歌手AP潘宇謙推出首張華語專輯《HIGH TIME》,隨著專輯推出,AP潘宇謙特別到台北展開為期兩週的宣傳行程,今(19)日與媒體見面分享新專輯的概念與製作過程,也提到出道過程充滿貴人,笑說會真正促使他當歌手的契機,竟是來自「前老闆」的建議,因為上班寫歌詞被發現,因此老闆一句「我請你來寫歌的嗎?你那麼喜歡音樂,就去做音樂。」他坦言當時心裡不開心,立刻跟老闆說不做了,隔天就離職。
    2023/09/19 16:57
  • Race against time: VP hopeful Lai faces citizenship dilemma

    The issue of vice presidential candidate Lai Pei-hsia’s dual nationality has captured the nation’s attention immediately following Foxconn Founder Terry Gou’s announcement of his running mate.
    2023/09/15 17:59
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an shines in TIME100 Next list

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has been named one of the world’s most influential rising figures in TIME magazine’s TIME100 Next list. He discusses his commitment to urban development and potential presidential candidacy, aiming to inject new energy into Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2023/09/14 20:32
  • 蔣萬安進時代雜誌百大榜 可能是未來「總統候選人」

    2023/09/14 14:21
  • 被看好未來選總統 蔣萬安尬笑看侯友宜「我把市長角色扮演好」

    2023/09/14 12:07
  • Dazhi residents retrieve belongings with limited time

    Evacuated Dazhi apartment residents return for belongings amid time constraints. Taipei Mayor vows accountability. Compensation plans are monitored closely.
    2023/09/12 18:39
  • M.O.N.T放話在台買房! 誠意唱3首中文歌「終於不是〈想見你〉」

    由Roda、Bitsaeon組成的韓國雙人男團M.O.N.T,今(2023)年在選秀節目《PEAK TIME》獲得第6名,也順勢打開知名度,除了7月中隨著節目冠、亞軍男團來台演出,今(9)天更是在台灣首度單獨開唱,其中曾在大陸青島生活14年的Roda不僅超接地氣,狂吃5塊雞排,還放話要在台北買房子了!
    2023/09/09 20:34
  • 時代雜誌「AI領域百大影響力人物」 唐鳳、黃仁勳入列

    時代雜誌(TIME)今天公布「人工智慧(AI)領域百大影響力人物」(TIME 100/AI)名單,數位部長唐鳳雀屏中選,輝達執行長黃仁勳、創新工場創辦人李開復、台裔美國聯邦眾議員劉雲平也榜上有名。
    2023/09/08 09:42
  • 出道7年!男星踢球摔斷腿直接「被解約」 暴瘦慘況曝光

    AP潘宇謙推出專輯《HIGH TIME》,來自香港的他,相隔7年推出出道以來的第一張專輯,他更將這些年的經歷與故事寫成歌,寫下許多真實經歷,從親情、愛情到成為人父的體悟,出生自香港,2016年出道成為歌手的AP潘宇謙,在音樂與戲劇在初出道時即有所斬獲,他曾獲提名第39屆十大中文金曲「最有前途新人獎」;緊接著更曾與陳小春、李璨琛一起拍攝全球點擊8億的影集《反黑》、演出電影《大盜演》,身兼創作人、歌手、演員等多重身份!多才多藝的他,在香港演藝圈幕前幕後都有著出色表現。
    2023/09/07 17:06
  • Taipei Zoo to increase ticket prices for 1st time in 26 yrs.

    On Wednesday (Sept. 6), the Taipei Zoo confirmed a decision to increase ticket prices. This marks the first ticket price increase for Taipei Zoo in 26 years.
    2023/09/06 16:38
  • 2023 Taiwan Design Expo set for debut in New Taipei City

    The 2023 Taiwan Design Expo, co-hosted by New Taipei City and the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Industrial Development Bureau, will be held for the first time in the city.
    2023/09/06 15:16
  • 時空旅人鐵證?百年老照出現「時裝潮男」 他問號眼神秒露餡

    關於時空旅人(Time Traveller)是否真的存在一事,自古以來有著不同立場的爭論,或許就如同尼斯湖水怪、大腳怪等都市傳說一般,從來沒有人能真的證實是否屬實;國外YouTuber格蘭特(Jamie D. Grant)分享,自己在翻閱歷史書的過程中,意外發現一張特別的照片,只見一名短髮型男穿著短袖T恤,淡定的坐在一群西裝男中間,不僅在視覺上相當突兀,連一旁的民眾也投以好奇眼光。
    2023/08/24 09:43
  • Housing costs surge: Record maintenance and repairs index

    According to the most recent data, the maintenance and repairs index reached 109.84 in July, exhibiting an annual growth rate of 3.38%. At the same time, the domestic housing index jumped to 105.19, a 1.88% increase year on year — both setting historical records.
    2023/08/22 17:12
  • 單飛更紅!Highlight梁耀燮、《PEAK TIME》M.O.N.T相約9月撲台

    今(2023)年神級實力派韓團Highlight來台舉辦粉絲見面會,話題選秀節目《PEAK TIME》更找來3組人氣團體聯合舉辦演唱會,不過現在歌迷有福了,除了Highlight主唱梁耀燮9月底將單飛來台開唱,靠人氣選秀節目《PEAK TIME》翻身的兩人男團M.O.N.T同樣也要來台舉辦單獨的粉絲演唱會!
    2023/08/21 18:41
  • 昔日「逆行神話」!新專輯最慘一天只賣3張 BB Girls盼獲新人獎

    靠著《Rollin’》一曲逆襲成為大勢女團的Brave Girls,在今年初與前東家Barve娛樂解約後,全員加盟韓國華納音樂,並以新團名「BB Girls」繼續活動,且在今年8月發行第二張單曲《One More Time》回歸歌壇。
    2023/08/19 05:40
  • THSR unveils new train adorned with Kanahei’s illustrations

    Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) teams up with Japanese illustrator Kanahei for the second time to introduce a vibrant themed train adorned with beloved characters. The train features Kanahei’s famous Piske and Usagi characters amid colorful flower themes, promising an enjoyable journey. Learn about the co-branded items and exclusive travel packages, as THSR aims to drive rail tourism and profit.
    2023/08/18 22:32
  • Gou meets Boston Red Sox star Chang Yu-cheng in Seattle

    Business tycoon Terry Gou watched Boston Red Sox star Chang Yu-cheng in action at the Seattle Mariners’ T-Mobile Park on Wednesday afternoon (Aug. 2), Seattle time.
    2023/08/03 14:40
  • Bravo Bear夏天很忙!亞洲唯一代表「臺北熊讚」在法國與數百顆熱氣球齊飛

    為推展北市觀光及城市形象,「臺北熊讚熱氣球」今年夏天首次現身歐洲,參加歐洲最大、兩年一次的「法國世界熱氣球節(Grand Est Mondial Air Ballons,簡稱GEMAB)」並於22日完成歐洲首飛,也是今年亞洲唯一代表。臺北市政府觀光傳播局指出,此次由觀傳局長陳淑慧親自帶隊,參與法國熱氣球活動,熊讚與現場數百顆來自全世界的熱氣球一同翱翔天際,展現來自臺北的熱情活力,陳淑慧也與GEMAB創辦人Philippe Buron Pilatre會面,雙方分享彼此的熱氣球歷史及特色,透過熱氣球建立友誼,這次台北團隊也利用空檔和來自世界六十多個國家的飛行員交流,包括曾來台灣的老朋友和未曾到過台灣的新朋友。
    2023/08/01 12:40
  • Doctors warn of permanent spinal condition from ’tech-neck’

    For many office workers in Taiwan, a "tech neck" has become a prevalent issue due to prolonged computer use and excessive smartphone usage during their free time. 
    2023/07/25 17:01
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