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    Time 結果共454筆

  • 上班、出遊慣性遲到!專家認「恐罹罕見疾病」:9情況要注意

    上班遲到可能是病!出遊最怕遇到沒有時間觀念的旅伴,畢竟延誤的永遠都不可能「只有時間」,而是後續的計畫、安排都可能被影響到;心理學家康蒙(Robert Common)指出,其實無論是分心、遲到早退亦或是缺乏時間觀念,都可能是罹患罕見疾病所致。
    2023/07/22 11:35
  • Taiwan boosts English proficiency in schools with US NGO

    The Ministry of Education has collaborated for the first time with the Asia Institute-Crane House (AICH) from Kentucky to enhance the English proficiency of elementary and junior high school students. AICH has reportedly dispatched nine English teachers to Taiwan for a three-week English summer camp, with the participation of 600 students.
    2023/07/17 16:25
  • 影音/《PEAK TIME》3男團登台 M.O.N.T高喊:終於來了!

    2023/07/16 09:46
  • VANNER壓軸演出《PEAK TIME》演唱會 戳破台粉「裝懂韓文」

    在韓國選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》中獲得最終冠軍的「打工男團」VANNER,今(15)日參與「PEAK TIME CONCERT [YOUR TIME] IN TAIPEI」演唱會,5名團員成為整場活動的壓軸團體。VANNER初次來到台北,相當驚奇台灣粉絲都會韓文,不過成員GON竟戳破:「其實有人不會吧?」
    2023/07/15 16:22
  • 《PEAK TIME》3團大秀真唱實力 這團〈想見你〉唱一句就忘詞

    韓國選秀節目《PEAK TIME》讓不少原本默默無名的男團翻紅,15日冠軍團VANNER、亞軍團SEVENUS與及第6名的M.O.N.T更在台北國際會議中心1天連續舉辦2場「PEAK TIME CONCERT [YOUR TIME] IN TAIPEI」演唱會。開場由M.O.N.T帶來魄力十足的表演,成員Roda更是展現驚人的中文實力,還吐槽同團成員Bitsaeon的中文口音不夠道地。
    2023/07/15 15:42
  • YouBike to host recruitment fair to improve service

    YouBike announced plans on Thursday (July 13) to hire more paid part-time bike dispatchers and sanitation workers as users of the public bike-sharing system in Taipei City have reported empty bike racks or no available spaces to return the bikes.
    2023/07/14 16:11
  • 《PEAK TIME》3團現身桃機「快閃30秒」 成員胸口比X拒收禮物

    韓國選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》出身的3男團VANNER 、SEVENUS、M.O.N.T即將在15日舉辦演唱會,9名藝人14日中午分成兩班機來台,不過3團抵達桃園機場見到粉絲僅簡單揮手致意,並沒有多做停留或問候,從現身到搭上保母車約全程僅約30秒。
    2023/07/14 14:32
  • 9m88曬「超長髮」女人味噴發 親揭年度大事:給我機會

    歌手9m88改以長髮女伶之姿示人,宣佈將於9月23、24日在Zepp New Taipei舉辦「我的頭髮長長了 Long Time No See 」演唱會,睽違3年開唱,更推出新歌〈頭髮〉傳達對大家的思念,透過「頭髮長了」作為時間概念延伸,代表這段時間自我的探索成長。
    2023/07/13 13:07
  • 韓綜追一夏!《地娛室2》零偶包嚇壞羅PD 女偶像重生選秀超熱血

    暑假已經開始,不論是上班族還是學生,沒事待在家裡追劇、看綜藝最涼快!《TVBS新聞網》為哈韓族們嚴選「LINE TV」上的超精彩的大發韓綜,有能讓大家能哈哈大笑過一夏的搞笑節目,更有熱血無比的選秀!
    2023/07/13 09:00
  • Hong Kong-born American singer Coco Lee remembered in Taiwan

    CoCo Lee, whose decades-long career included dozens of successful albums, movies, and television shows, died Wednesday. She was 48.
    2023/07/06 17:39
  • 將李玟推上奧斯卡殿堂!李安聞噩耗感嘆:她是那麼開朗可愛的人

    女星李玟(COCO)在今(5)日驚傳輕生離世,享年48歲,震驚演藝圈。而李玟曾於2000年受邀為李安執導的電影《臥虎藏龍》演唱主題曲〈A Love Before Time〉,並憑著流利的英語,同時演唱中文、英文版,更為此登上奧斯卡頒獎典禮演唱,而晚間,李安也透過助理回應了李玟的憾事。
    2023/07/06 00:19
  • 李玟成首位登奧斯卡開唱華裔女歌手 唱紅《臥虎藏龍》主題曲

    女星李玟(COCO)在今(5)日驚傳離世,享年48歲,震驚演藝圈。回顧李玟過去的渝樂生涯,她是首位登上奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮獻唱的華裔女歌手,同時也是首位獲邀於美國洛杉磯華特·迪士尼音樂廳(Walt Disney Concert Hall)舉辦個人演唱會的華語歌手。其演唱的〈A Love Before Time〉曾入圍第73屆奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲獎,並憑此曲之中文版《月光愛人》,榮獲第20屆香港電影金像獎最佳原創電影歌曲。
    2023/07/05 22:08
  • Taiwan conducts Tian Ma drills at Pingtung Base

    Taiwan conducted the Tian Ma military drills at Pingtung’s Jialutung base on Monday (July 3) for the first time, aiming to carry out more "realistic" exercises.
    2023/07/03 19:36
  • Japanese Yen hits record low, presents travel opportunities

    In a remarkable turn of events, the Japanese Yen plummeted to an all-time low against the New Taiwan Dollar (NT$) on Friday (June 30), creating a lucrative opportunity for avid travelers.
    2023/06/30 17:26
  • 千條私訊狂敲碗! 《PEAK TIME》3男團「台北演唱會確定加場」

    韓國選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》出身的3男團VANNER 、SEVENUS、M.O.N.T即將來台舉辦演唱會,因節目翻紅的他們也很爭氣,7月15日的演唱會門票已經售罄,主辦也宣布將在同天下午1點加場,消息傳回韓國,9位準備來台的成員也承諾絕對會帶著最棒的演出,親自謝謝所有粉絲的厚愛!
    2023/06/28 19:15
  • Data: Over 15% of part-timers experienced sexual harassment

    Many students are looking for part-time opportunities during summertime, while the expected hourly pay rate from students has increased to NT$ 193, 9.6% higher than minimum wage. Learning how to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace also caught people’s attention amid the #MeToo movement in Taiwan.
    2023/06/17 17:25
  • Fulbright-Hays seminars abroad kick off in Taiwan

    Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad has chosen Taiwan as its host country for the first time this summer, marking a significant milestone in the program’s history spanning 66 years. Since its inception in 2008, the renowned scholarly research program has taken place in 36 countries, but Taiwan’s rise to global eminence has made it an ideal destination.
    2023/06/13 15:37
  • U.S. athlete blasts Taoyuan Leopards’ reduced salary offer

    NBA star player Dwight Howard voiced his disapproval of the opaque nature surrounding his contract with the Taoyuan Leopards, along with the team’s reduced salary offer for the forthcoming season, during an exclusive interview with TVBS on Wednesday (June 7, Taipei time).
    2023/06/08 18:57
  • Dwight Howard expresses disappointment for lukewarm farewell

    U.S. basketball star Dwight Howard expressed his disappointment toward contract issues and his lukewarm farewell from the Taoyuan Leopards during an exclusive interview with TVBS on Wednesday (June 7, Taipei time). 
    2023/06/08 18:46
  • 大國男兒相隔12年再撲台! 預告7月演唱會有「台灣限定演出」

    韓國男團「大國男兒」原為5人男團,不過其中3名團員Jay、仁俊、Karam參加選秀節目《PEAK TIME》還翻紅,現在也以「大國男兒二代團」身分活動,睽違12年,Jay、仁俊、Karam即將於7月15日來台舉辦活動,他們也搶先透露已經準備好中文歌要唱給台灣粉絲聽!
    2023/06/06 17:23
  • 《PEAK TIME》戰場移師台北! 3男團7月開唱竟撞期大國男兒

    韓國選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》找來已出道卻遲遲沒能大紅的男團在節目上一較高下,也讓許多粉絲見識到原來有這麼多隱藏的「寶藏男團」,節目結束後不少團體翻紅也展開活動,節目冠軍VANNER、亞軍SEVENUS跟第6名的M.O.N.T等,一共9名帥氣男偶像確定7月15日要來台開唱,不過正巧同天還有另一《PEAK TIME》參賽男團「大國男兒」也要在台北舉辦活動。
    2023/06/02 13:55
  • Taiwan contemplates congestion charge for rush hour traffic

    During rush hour in Taipei City, drivers often experience frustration as traffic congestion doubles their commuting time to and from work.
    2023/06/01 18:50
  • Cable malfunction plunges Taichung diners into darkness

    An underground cable malfunction plunged diners into darkness at noon time at Taichung’s newly-opened shopping center on Monday (May 30). 
    2023/05/30 17:10
  • Dwight Howard shares secret recipe to become a great leader

    Eight-time All-NBA Team honoree Dwight Howard, currently playing for the Taiwan-based Taoyuan Leopards since November last year, shares in an exclusive interview with TVBS on Friday (May 19) the secrets to keep being passionate about basketball, and leadership qualities he admires most. 
    2023/05/29 17:24
  • 靠《PEAK TIME》翻身成百萬男團 大國男兒預告台粉:要來了

    韓團「大國男兒」二代團今(2023)年透過選秀綜藝《PEAK TIME》再造聲勢,節目上3名成員Jay、仁俊、Karam展現精湛歌舞,雖然未能走完節目全程就下車,不過他們20日在首爾舉辦粉絲見面會,門票全數秒殺,3位成員更為了粉絲卯足全力,大秀性感部位、跳女團舞蹈、玩測謊機考驗真心,還重現百萬點閱名曲,現在更搶先向台灣粉絲喊話,要大家等等台灣場的好消息!
    2023/05/23 17:58
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