
Dwight Howard expresses disappointment for lukewarm farewell

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/06/08 18:46
Last update time:2023/06/20 19:06
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ATLANTA (TVBS News) — U.S. basketball star Dwight Howard expressed his disappointment toward contract issues and his lukewarm farewell from the Taoyuan Leopards during an exclusive interview with TVBS on Wednesday (June 7, Taipei time). 

The former NBA star claimed there were issues with his payments, indicating that when he left Taiwan on May 31, he hadn't received his paycheck for that month.


Howard stressed that he did not wish to speak ill of his former team but admitted he was disappointed when he didn't see any of the Leopards representatives at the airport when he departed for the U.S. after the season ended.

He explained that he merely hoped for more professionalism and open communications from the team as he had given his all while playing for them this season, including signing autographs and connecting with the community.

The basketball player emphasized his love for Taiwan and stated that despite this not-so-sweet ending to his time here, he looks forward to bringing his children and friends to the island for visits in the future.

Taiwan Affairs

#Dwight Howard#Taoyuan Leopards#airport#farewell#payments


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