President Lai plans Pacific tour, transit details pending
Deputy Foreign Minister Tien Chung-kwang announced plans for President Lai Ching-te’s diplomatic transit are under review. Lai will visit the Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, and Palau from Nov. 30 to Dec. 6. Rumors of transits through Hawaii and Guam persist, but details remain unconfirmed. Tien assured safety measures for Tuvalu’s limited airport facilities and addressed potential interference from China. President Lai aims to discuss bilateral cooperation and regional issues with the heads of state.
Taoyuan Airport Forum highlights smart, sustainable growth
Taoyuan International Airport Corporation hosted the Taoyuan Airport Forum, focusing on sustainable aviation. Plans include Terminal 3’s north concourse opening in 2025.
2024/11/21 14:57
Taipei airport wins legal battle over land dispute
Taipei International Airport wins a court case against Far Eastern Air Transport, requiring the airline to dismantle structures and return occupied land. The ruling allows for an appeal.
2024/11/18 10:49
搭機前羊水破了 美國媽「大廳內分娩」產下小男嬰
美國邁阿密國際機場(Miami International Airport)本周傳出有名孕婦的羊水在大廳破掉、無奈之下只好「就地生產」的事件,所幸最終誕生的男嬰一切平安,而救援單位的錄音檔也還原事發當下的情境、引起討論。
2024/11/15 15:19
Taiwan ads removed in Peru amid China pressure
Taiwan’s ads were removed from Lima Airport under China’s pressure, raising diplomatic concerns at the APEC summit. Some ads remain, highlighting Taiwan’s global contributions.
2024/11/15 11:19
袋鼠誤闖機場與澳航Logo同框 網友驚呼:真有完美廣告
澳洲墨爾本機場(Melbourne Airport)近日出現驚奇又逗趣的一幕,有隻野生袋鼠出於不明原因、誤闖機場的附設停車場,沒想到牠身後恰巧有澳洲航空(Qantas Airways)班機入鏡,而這家航空公司的商標正是袋鼠,如此巧合的同框被上傳到網路後吸引許多網友朝聖。
2024/11/13 17:59
Kaohsiung airport nears pre-pandemic flight capacity
Kaohsiung International Airport nears pre-pandemic flight capacity, reaching 93% in November. DPP legislator Lai Jui-lung leads efforts to restore routes. Tigerair Taiwan plans a new route to Sapporo in 2025.
2024/11/12 21:00
男狂抽搐空中斷氣!瑞安航空緊急轉降 客憶驚魂:5人接力搶命
歐洲廉航瑞安航空(Ryanair)一架飛往曼徹斯特的班機,在10日發生不幸意外,一名男乘客在座位上突然猛烈抽搐後,失去呼吸,2名機組人員和3名乘客輪流為這名男子持續施行了25分鐘的CPR,班機緊急轉降倫敦斯坦斯特德機場(Stansted Airport),仍救不回男子性命。
2024/11/12 15:25
Travelers embrace new pet-friendly flight options
Pet owners can now travel internationally with their pets from Taoyuan International Airport, thanks to a new pet travel service. This service allows pets to accompany their owners in the cabin, addressing past frustrations with cargo hold restrictions.
2024/11/07 17:11
Taiwan army clarifies counter-drone system’s safety
The Ministry of National Defense clarifies that counter-drone systems will not disrupt airport communications. Allegations of favoritism in bidding are addressed.
2024/11/05 11:09
Minister criticizes Starlux for typhoon dispatching lapse
Transportation Minister Chen Shih-kai criticized Starlux Airlines for not using conservative dispatching during Typhoon Kong-rey. The CAA grounded a flight after a hard landing due to unstable weather. Starlux Airlines stated they followed regulations and monitored weather data, ensuring safe operations.
2024/11/04 14:27
Tigerair Taiwan launches Kaohsiung to Phu Quoc route
Tigerair Taiwan launches a new Kaohsiung to Phu Quoc route, boosting travel demand. Kaohsiung Airport sees growth with 10 new routes and plans for expansion.
2024/10/28 10:24
紐國機場「最多擁抱3分鐘」公告爆紅 歐美網友笑:學校也需要
紐西蘭南島但尼丁機場(Dunedin Airport)日前在粉專貼出公告,一個藍底白字的告示牌,在機場接送區被掛起,上頭寫著「最長擁抱時間3分鐘」(Max hug time 3 minutes)的字眼,瞬間引起全球網友熱議,快速吸引大量社群轉發,外加各大國際媒體報導,讓機場頓時成為網路話題之一。雖然有部份外國網友反對,認為此限制不近人情;但有更多人舉雙手贊成,留言中還有建議,「學校接送區應該也需要跟進類似規定!」
2024/10/21 11:29
Singapore returns fugitive to Taiwan amid legal woes
Singapore returned Llinas Onate to Taiwan. He’s wanted for illegal vehicle sales in 2019. Taiwan seeks a third country to accept him. Interpol exclusion complicates Taiwan’s efforts.
2024/10/21 09:25
紐約機場驚魂!2機險「跑道上相撞」 機長急剎閃避
美國紐約約翰甘迺迪機場(John F. Kennedy International Airport)是重要的交通樞紐,不過本周卻傳出有2架飛機差點在跑道上「相撞」的事件,所幸其中1架及時被要求剎車,這才沒有釀成悲劇,最後2架飛機均順利起降、並無大礙。
2024/10/05 18:01
瑞安航空波音737機翼起火!184人驚險疏散 3天內已2度出事
歐洲廉價航空瑞安航空(Ryanair)一架波音737-800客機3日在義大利南部的布林迪西機場(Brindisi Airport)滑行準備起飛時,機翼突然起火,機上超過184人緊急疏散。就在2天前,該航空公司的另一架波音飛機在降落時有4個輪胎爆胎,導致米蘭機場(Milan Bergamo Airport)暫時關閉。
2024/10/04 14:48
Typhoon Krathon halts 211 flights at Taoyuan airport
Typhoon Krathon causes Taoyuan Airport to cancel 211 flights in Taiwan. Travelers should check airline updates for changes. Stay informed to avoid disruptions.
2024/10/03 10:22
Kinmen Airport cancels all domestic flights due to typhoon
Kinmen Airport cancels all domestic flights due to Typhoon Krathon. Ferry services and some train lines are also suspended. Stay updated on travel disruptions.
2024/10/01 14:27
Taiwan airlines struggle with supply chain disruptions
Major airlines in Taiwan face delays in aircraft deliveries due to global supply chain disruptions, impacting post-pandemic recovery. Experts highlight labor and material shortages.
2024/09/30 14:22
越捷航空曼谷驚魂 女乘客自稱攜炸彈被捕、恐判15年監禁
一架從越南峴港(Da Nang)前往泰國曼谷、由泰越捷航空(Thai Vietjet)營運的航班,日前傳出有外國乘客自稱攜帶炸彈,威脅機組人員要引爆炸毀客機,引起機艙內一陣騷亂。飛機抵達曼谷蘇凡納布機場(Suvarnabhumi International Airport),警方隨即登機逮人,並委託防爆小組對行李進行搜查,並未發現任何爆裂物或炸彈,就連自稱持有炸彈的女乘客,身上也完全沒有爆裂物或火藥痕跡。
2024/09/29 15:17
超大牌!「兩隻松鼠」沒購票拒絕下車 倫敦火車被迫停駛
英國當地一列開往倫敦蓋特威克機場(Gatwick Airport)的火車,因有車廂內有兩隻松鼠闖入,其中一隻不理會工作人員的驅趕拒絕離開,導致鐵路公司不得不取消該列列車,並由人員將松鼠帶回起始站野放。
2024/09/23 14:44
美國又出現新冠XEC新病毒株 25州驗出確診病例
新冠病毒並沒有消失,美國本土近期再次出現新版病毒株XEC,根據資料庫數據顯示,這種病毒株在侵入美國之前,就在多個國家現蹤。目前全美有25州驗出確診病例,其中以東岸的紐澤西與維吉尼亞最多,不少病例都是從紐華克機場(Newark Liberty International Airport)入境旅客身上驗出。
2024/09/23 14:28
Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport to hike fares on 29 routes in Oct.
Discover the details on Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport’s fare increase for 29 routes starting Oct. 3, marking the first change in 17 years, with an average hike of 6%. Learn more about the adjustments and reasons behind them.
2024/09/20 10:41
Songshan Airport halts operations amid thunderstorms
Discover the latest on Songshan Airport’s temporary suspension due to thunderstorms, affecting flights and causing potential delays. Stay informed with updates from the CAA and weather advisories.
2024/09/19 16:22
失敗恐墜民房!這座高海拔機場超難起降 僅50名機師勝任
位於不丹深谷中的帕羅國際機場(Paro International Airport,PBH),四周被數千公尺高山環繞,只能在白天起降,機師還得在沒有雷達下手動降落,被公認為全球最難起降機場之一。艱難條件下,機師必須非常熟悉機場周圍地形,哪怕偏差幾公分,都可能降落在民房上,全不丹僅50人能夠勝任。
2024/09/18 10:57