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    airport 結果共236筆

  • 台男「褲襠隆起」闖泰國海關被識破 脫褲竟藏水獺、土撥鼠

    泰國素萬那普機場(Suvarnabhumi Airport)的海關5日攔下1名台灣男子,理由是他「異常凸起的褲襠」過於可疑,機場人員後續竟從他的下體位置搜出2隻水獺與1隻土撥鼠,原來是這名台灣男子企圖走私才出此下策,他被抓包隨即被當地警方逮捕。
    2023/12/08 16:51
  • Kansai Airport revamp cuts wait, aids departures

    Kansai International Airport in Japan has recently undergone renovations to improve the departure process and accommodate a surge in international passenger traffic. With added verification measures in place, some travelers have reported going through exit immigration and security checks in as little as 30 minutes. The airport’s first terminal is being extensively renovated to meet future demands, with upgrades to domestic facilities and a newly opened central zone for international departures. As part of the expansion, 20 to 30 new duty-free shops and restaurants will be added. The aim of the renovations is to elevate efficiency and provide a more streamlined and pleasurable experience for passengers.
    2023/12/07 14:53
  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim lands in Taiwan with her four cats

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim returned to Taiwan from New York with her four beloved cats, arriving at Taoyuan International Airport. Accompanied by security officers, Hsiao handled her immigration procedures while waving to reporters and travelers. She then proceeded to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency to take care of the entry quarantine procedures for her cats. As her feline friends meowed from within their carriers, Hsiao comforted them and fed them treats. She personally confirmed the purchase of canned food and dry kibble for her pets before leaving the airport under the escort of security personnel. Hsiao had returned to Taiwan on Nov. 20 to report for duty and submit her resignation, registered for the elections the following day, and rallied support in Hualien. She then returned to the United States on Nov. 26 to finalize her resignation and pack her belongings before making her journey back to Taiwan with her cats.
    2023/11/30 21:54
  • 飛機準備要起飛 男乘客卻開逃生門跳下機嚇壞眾人

    美國紐奧良國際機場(Louis Armstrong International Airport)日前傳出突發事故,一架正在停機坪準備的西南航空(Southwest Airlines)編號3172客機,突然有乘客從內部開啟逃生門,並從機上跳下地面,嚇壞機場地勤和所有乘客。《有線電視新聞網》(CNN)報導,根據當地警局說法,所幸該班機當地並未移動,才讓跳機男子沒有受傷,他也隨即被機場人員制服帶走,警方認為男子疑似患有精神方面疾病,已經送往醫院進行診斷評估。
    2023/11/28 10:22
  • 妙齡女「機場裸奔」!隨機痛扁路人 失控暴衝遭擊落

    2023/11/26 16:20
  • 英機場新祈禱室「太像公車站」遭批 網諷:跪求車子快來?

    全球各大國際機場幾乎都設有「宗教祈禱室」(Multi-Faith Area),提供來自世界各地不同信仰的旅人有個能靜心祈禱的空間。英國「布里斯托機場」(Bristol Airport)近期就設置全新的戶外祈禱室,不過其酷似公車站的外型在社群媒體上遭到大量網友嘲笑,甚至諷刺地說「是要祈禱車趕快來嗎?」
    2023/11/24 11:00
  • Quarantine key to protecting Taiwan’s pork: MOA

    Learn about Taiwan’s pig farming industry, which involves over 3 million people and has an annual value exceeding NT$150 billion. Acting Minister of Agriculture Chen Junne-jih emphasizes the importance of quarantine stations to protect the industry and prevent the spread of African swine fever. With over 5,000 pig farms operating in Taiwan, the industry contributes significantly to the economy. Chen’s comments came after the implementation of manual inspection stations at Taoyuan International Airport caused a decline in its Skytrax ranking.
    2023/11/22 15:10
  • 「大型乘客」高空失控亂跑 美747貨機被迫返回機場

    一架從紐約準備前往比利時布魯塞爾的波音747(Boeing 747)貨機,日前在從甘迺迪機場(John F. Kennedy International Airport)起飛後不久,機長突然聯繫塔台,希望能折返回到機場地面,因為貨艙內有名「大型乘客」不受控制。外媒從無線電通訊擷取的音頻發現,這個不受控的乘客,並不是人類、而是一匹馬,機組人員在起飛不到30分鐘內,就發現馬匹逃離馬廄,擔心牠影響飛行和造成貨機系統損壞,只能即刻折返重新處置。
    2023/11/15 14:25
  • Taiwanese to benefit from Thailand’s new visa-free scheme

    The Thai government has launched a 30-day visa-free policy for Taiwanese tourists, aiming to increase the number of visitors by 20%. Around 600,000 Taiwanese tourists visited Thailand this year, and Thai officials hope to raise this number to at least 725,000 by the end of 2023. Since the announcement of the new policy, queries about Thailand on travel websites have increased by 30%. Travelers are also pleased with the elimination of visa costs, which can range from NT $1,200 to over $10,000. To further attract tourists, travel agencies and airlines are offering discounted round-trip tickets to Bangkok from Taipei, with prices as low as NT $5,000. Thailand is already among the top overseas travel destinations for Taiwanese, along with Japan, mainland China, South Korea, and Vietnam.
    2023/11/10 22:52
  • Taiwanese tourists now enjoy visa-free travel to Thailand

    The commencement of visa-free travel for Taiwanese tourists to Thailand marks a significant boost in tourism relations between the two countries. This policy, effective until May 10, 2024, promises increased travel ease and a surge in tourism activities, especially during Thailand’s peak season from November to February. The Thai government is evaluating the impact of this initiative and its potential for permanent implementation.
    2023/11/10 17:20
  • 乘客感覺好冷好吵 英客機高空飛行驚覺「窗戶少兩扇」

    一架從倫敦史坦斯特機場(London Stansted Airport)起飛的空巴A321客機(Airbus A321),綜合外媒報導稱,客機起飛後不久,乘客們開始向機組人員反應,機艙溫度比過往更冷,同時各種雜音或噪音也更大聲,當客機抵達安全高度後,機組員開始檢查整個機身狀況,才發現他們少了兩扇窗戶、還有一扇的橡膠封條外露隨風飄動。經過評估後,機長決定折返降落,初步檢查報告顯示,該架客機飛行過程中,壓力一直維持正常,並沒有出現危險或異常通告。
    2023/11/10 10:20
  • 韓仁川機場搬運工撬開行李偷竊 靠「懶人密碼」得手近千萬

    南韓仁川機場(Incheon International Airport)傳出內部員工偷竊旅客財物案件,綜合當地媒體報導,機場警察日前逮捕一名擔任搬運工的41歲男性,他被發現利用職務之便,在2021年11月至2023年6月期間,累積超過200次撬開旅客行李,成功偷竊合計3億7300萬韓圜(約新台幣916萬8000元)財物,包含各種珠寶首飾或是精品包包。韓媒報導還提到,這名竊賊利用0000或1111兩種懶人密碼組合,「測試」行李箱密碼鎖。
    2023/11/09 09:49
  • 不滿法院判決 父「挾持4歲女兒」闖停機坪害德機場停擺18小時

    德國「漢堡機場」(Hamburg Airport)在當地時間4日驚傳人質挾持事件,有名男子挾持4歲女童並開車闖入停機坪,警方更表示他疑似持有槍枝和爆裂物,這起插曲讓漢堡機場緊急封鎖長達18個小時,所幸男子最終「無條件投降」,被挾持女童的真實身分事後也被披露是他的親生女兒,這名男子則是因為「不滿監護權被判給前妻」,才會在心理狀況不佳下將女兒擄走。
    2023/11/06 10:02
  • 疑搶監護權!爸挾持4歲女闖德漢堡機場開槍 航班全面停飛

    德國一名男子為與妻子爭奪孩子的監護權,當地時間4日晚間8時(台灣時間5日凌晨3時)挾著4歲女兒開車突破漢堡機場(Hamburg airport)安檢,衝入機場停機坪,並對空鳴槍2次,還將燃燒彈扔到跑道上;事發後警方緊急封鎖機場,班機也全面停飛,目前仍在停機坪與男子談判。
    2023/11/05 13:39
  • New Taipei to expand travel card usage for elderly

    New Taipei Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan confirmed that senior cards for the elderly and persons with disabilities will be expanded next year. Starting in January, the cards will cover usage in the Airport MRT, and by July, they will also grant access to other public transportation options like YouBike and cabs. The decision to expand the cards came after receiving feedback from various individuals, including KMT Secretary-General Liao Xianxiang and KMT Councilor Chen Weijie, who expressed concerns about limited card use.
    2023/11/01 10:27
  • 梁朝偉社恐有主題曲「還是陳奕迅唱的!」 網聽完一面倒狂讚

    金曲歌王陳奕迅病後重啟「FEAR AND DREAMS」世界巡迴演唱會,昨(26)晚起一連4天在澳門威尼斯人金光綜館開唱。唱及〈今日〉時,全場歌迷打開手機燈跟著大聲合唱,讓他感動落淚。為了回報歌迷的熱情,他首唱新歌〈社交恐懼癌〉,更形容這首歌就像是「梁朝偉去看樂團My Little Airport演出」,鼓勵大家勇於面對恐懼。
    2023/10/27 15:26
  • Vice Premier announces audit of high-tech firms’ land use

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan announces audit of land use for high-tech firms in Taiwan. Government is committed to providing options for all high-tech companies, including TSMC.
    2023/10/25 16:25
  • 聽錯塔台指令!2飛機「朝對方前進」險空中對撞

    美國波特蘭國際機場(Portland International Airport)上周險些發生飛航事故,兩架分別要起飛和降落的客機,因大雨和濃霧影響能見度,加上錯認塔台人員指示,一度最近距離僅有76公尺,差點在空中相撞,所幸最後平安無事,美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA)已介入調查。
    2023/10/23 17:14
  • 高空驚魂!飛行中吸入不明惡臭 英航2機師同時身體不適

    一架從英國紐卡索起飛,準備前往倫敦希斯洛機場(Heathrow airport)的英航(British Airways)班機,綜合外媒報導,該航班兩名飛行員,在高空飛行途中吸入不知名惡臭氣體,導致身體不適。雖戴上氧氣罩,但機師仍緊急通知地面準備救護車,忍住身體不舒服,先將飛機平安降落希斯洛機場才就醫檢查。雖然機師擔心自己吸入有毒化學物質,但英航的官方聲明卻只輕描淡寫地表示,希望外界不要過度恐慌,「這只是飛機上一個輕微的故障。」
    2023/10/20 11:16
  • MOFA arranges repatriation flight from Tel Aviv to Rome

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has arranged a repatriation flight for Taiwanese nationals and compatriots in Israel to leave the country. The flight is scheduled to depart from Tel Aviv Airport and arrive at Rome International Airport in Italy. Remaining seats will be offered to embassy personnel and overseas Chinese from friendly countries. MOFA and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office have been assisting Taiwanese nationals in leaving Israel since a terror attack by Hamas on October 7. So far, 157 Taiwanese nationals have been successfully evacuated.
    2023/10/19 16:49
  • 逾1200輛車全燒毀 倫敦機場陷「巨大火海」

    英國倫敦的「盧頓機場」(Luton Airport)驚傳嚴重火災,除了導致所有航班暫停外,起火處的停車場還出現「重大結構坍塌」的情形,社群媒體上曝光的影片也可見到將黑夜照亮的熊熊大火,滾滾濃煙也直竄天際,目前當局已警告周圍民眾切勿前往圍觀。
    2023/10/11 14:27
  • Taoyuan Metro unveils Double Tenth Day themed train

    Celebrate Taiwan’s Double Tenth National Day in style with Taoyuan Metro’s new themed train and Instagrammable wall. The initiative, led by the Taoyuan City Government, also features a six-meter-long national flag display at the MRT Laojie River Station and a special social media check-in wall at the A13 Airport Terminal 2 station.
    2023/10/09 17:04
  • 偷遊客錢財重創形象 菲律賓突開除19名機場安全官員

    菲律賓交通部日前突然下令,開除19名機場安全人員,因為他們涉入偷竊遊客錢財的案件。回溯菲國當地媒體近一月的報導,尤其以首都馬尼拉的艾奎諾國際機場(Ninoy Aquino International Airport)最嚴重,光是近半年時間,累積通報錢財偷竊就多達60起,讓菲律賓政府決定出手整頓,挽救外界對該國的負面形象。
    2023/09/28 11:53
  • 不爽錯過飛機!他脫上衣暴怒飆罵 攻擊地勤櫃台全摔爛

    2023/09/22 14:57
  • 有片/偷旅客錢還想滅證!菲機場安檢員「轉身灌水吞鈔票」

    菲律賓「尼諾伊阿基諾國際機場」(Ninoy Aquino International Airport)本月傳出安檢員行竊現金的案件,且被發現後更企圖吞下鈔票來消除證據,甚至連其同事和主管都有包庇的行為,經過調查後當局下令對有罪人員處以「最高罰則」。
    2023/09/21 15:50
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