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  • KMT leader heads delegation to China amid maritime crisis

    Kuomintang (KMT) Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia leads a delegation to China amidst tensions over a maritime incident, emphasizing the party’s advocacy for Taiwan’s interests. The visit sparks discussions on cross-strait relations amid political complexities.
    2024/02/26 18:05
  • U.S. delegation affirms bipartisan support for Taiwan

    A bipartisan U.S. delegation led by Chairman Mike Gallagher expresses strong support for Taiwan during meetings with President Tsai Ing-wen and President-elect Lai Ching-te. Discussions center on bolstering defense capabilities and managing cross-strait relations amidst geopolitical challenges. #Taiwan #USsupport
    2024/02/22 17:39
  • Chinese cuisines gain popularity in Taiwan

    Discover the rising popularity of Chinese cuisines like Luosifen noodles and Sichuan ice jelly in Taiwan, driven by social media trends and cultural connections. Despite cross-strait sensitivities, diverse options attract Taiwanese food enthusiasts seeking new culinary experiences. #TaiwanFood #ChineseCuisine
    2024/02/22 16:22
  • Rep. Gallagher praises Tsai’s leadership in Taiwan visit

    The U.S. House of Representatives’ Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party extends an invitation to President Tsai Ing-wen to visit the United States after her tenure. The committee, led by Chairman Mike Gallagher, commends Tsai’s leadership and vision, highlighting Taiwan’s strong ties with the U.S. and discussions on cross-strait issues. Tsai expresses gratitude for U.S. support in strengthening Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities and endorses Taiwan policy reports presented by the committee. The delegation, including members like Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, visits Taiwan for three days to meet with leaders and officials, fostering bilateral relations.
    2024/02/22 16:03
  • Taiwan’s legislature to discuss Premier’s food safety report

    Legislative Yuan Speaker Han Kuo-yu to convene cross-party consultation to discuss Premier Chen Chien-jen’s food safety special report. DPP, TPP, and KMT caucuses express support for the report, emphasizing the importance of setting aside differences for the parliamentary meeting on Feb. 23.
    2024/02/22 15:59
  • 全面標配Level 2!福斯小改T-Cross上市88.8萬起

    如同Volkswagen Taiwan先前所預告,擔綱品牌入門跨界休旅重任的T-Cross於台北時間2月21日正式發表外觀與內裝細節修飾加上配備升級的小改款版本,採單一1.0 TSI前驅動力設定,且將Level 2半自動駕駛輔助系統列為全車系標備,並從中階規格起配備矩陣式LED頭燈。台灣共引進230 TSI Life、230 TSI Tech與230 TSI Style Design等3種車型等級,建議售價分別為94.8萬元、104.8萬元與112.8萬元,5月底前入主可享88.8萬元、98.8萬元以及106.8萬元上市優惠價。
    2024/02/22 11:13
  • Evan Medeiros analyzes US, China changing domestic politics

    Former NSC senior director Evan Medeiros delves into US-China dynamics, highlighting Congress’s focus on China issues and Xi Jinping’s domestic policy shifts. As the US elections approach, Medeiros urges resilience and diversification in global relations.
    2024/02/21 17:28
  • Families of deceased Chinese fishermen arrive in Kinmen

    The families of four Chinese fishermen arrive in Kinmen to manage the aftermath of a tragic accident. Accompanied by Red Cross representatives, they prepare for the entombment of their loved ones amid cross-strait tensions. #Kinmen #CrossStraitRelations #RedCross
    2024/02/20 16:21
  • Taiwan’s legislature: tackle food safety in special session

    Read about the latest developments in Taiwan’s legislative session regarding food safety reports. Stay informed on the ongoing cross-party talks proposed by the DPP caucus and the upcoming negotiations scheduled for Feb. 23.
    2024/02/20 11:53
  • KMT pushes for urgent food safety report in Legislative Yuan

    Kuomintang legislator Wu Tsung-hsien pushes for a special report on food safety at the Legislative Yuan, sparking political tensions among Taiwan’s major parties. Premier Chen Chien-jen’s administration faces scrutiny as cross-party consultations falter, delaying the proposed review. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) expresses concerns over procedural delays and politicization of the issue. Stay tuned for updates on the unfolding legislative drama in Taipei.
    2024/02/20 11:27
  • China’s Coast Guard inspection sparks panic on Taiwan boat

    Tensions escalate as China’s Coast Guard inspects "King Xia Cruise" near Kinmen, causing panic on board. Taiwan’s Ocean Affairs Council Minister, Kuan Bi-ling, condemns the incident, highlighting the strain on cross-strait relations. The recent clash follows a series of events, including a deadly confrontation between Taiwan and Chinese fishermen. China criticizes Taiwan’s response, blaming the ruling Democratic Progressive Party. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration works to manage the aftermath, coordinating funeral arrangements and supporting survivors.
    2024/02/20 10:26
  • China ramps up patrols in contested waters near Kinmen

    The China Coast Guard increases patrols in waters between Xiamen and Kinmen after a fatal incident involving a Chinese vessel in Taiwan’s restricted waters. Tensions rise as Taiwan and China clash over fishing rights, challenging established boundaries. Taiwan enforces laws to protect its fishermen’s rights while seeking cross-strait cooperation.
    2024/02/19 11:40
  • Prosecutor investigates drowning of Chinese fishermen

    Chief Prosecutor Shih Chia-jung announces the initial determination of drowning deaths in a speedboat capsizing incident in Kinmen. Medical examinations have been conducted, but official death certificates are pending family input. The incident occurred during a confrontation between a Chinese fishing boat and the Kinmen coast guard, resulting in two fishermen falling overboard. Shih’s investigation points to accidental drowning, but the exact circumstances are still under clarification.
    2024/02/17 14:35
  • Han Kuo-yu calls for cross-party food safety talks

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu plans a multi-party meeting to discuss Premier Chen Chien-jen’s food safety report proposal. Expectations are for the 11th legislative term to begin on Feb. 20, with a focus on food safety issues under the DPP’s eight-year tenure. The KMT and DPP are engaging in discussions, with the TPP expressing support for the report.
    2024/02/17 14:31
  • Cross-party talks: TPP reaches out to KMT

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je has announced that the party’s legislative caucus will initiate contact with the Kuomintang (KMT) for potential legislative cooperation. The TPP hopes to establish a mutually convenient schedule for visits between the two parties, with interactions expected to commence next week. This move comes as reform bills promised by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) remain stalled, and the TPP has proactively proposed collaboration with the KMT to further these reforms. TPP caucus whip Huang Kuo-chang has expressed optimism about the cross-party cooperation, stating that it is a good thing for opposition parties to work together to quickly pass bills that the DPP has failed to deliver on. The TPP caucus is open to this collaboration, pending the KMT’s response.
    2024/02/16 16:47
  • Tsai Ing-wen touts Taiwan’s NT$2.17T investment success

    President Tsai Ing-wen highlights the success of Taiwan’s investment incentives projects, which have attracted over NT$2.17 trillion in investments and created over 140,000 jobs. Speaking at a Lunar New Year event, Tsai emphasizes the importance of Taiwanese businesses in driving economic development and emphasizes Taiwan’s global reach and reliability as an international partner. She also discusses Taiwan’s efforts to improve infrastructure and expand external relations, including trade cooperation with the U.S. and U.K. Tsai calls for the preservation of the peaceful and stable status quo in the Taiwan Strait and expresses a commitment to upholding democracy and seeking cross-strait dialogues. The event was attended by government officials and over 300 Taiwanese businessmen living and working in China.
    2024/02/16 16:38
  • Taiwan vows swift probe in Chinese fishing boat incident

    A recent fishing boat incident involving a Chinese fishing boat illegally crossing boundaries and subsequently capsizing due to the Taiwanese coast guard’s expulsion efforts has caused tension between Taiwan and China. Two individuals tragically drowned in the incident. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council has assured prompt communication of investigation results with Chinese authorities, aiming to maintain solid cross-strait ties. China has accused Taiwan of precipitating such events, blaming aggressive boat seizures and assertive treatment of mainland fishermen. The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) has strongly condemned the incident, laying blame on the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration. Former Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin has criticized Taiwan’s law enforcement, suggesting it may constitute involuntary manslaughter. In 2023 alone, there were 1,191 registered cases of Chinese fishing boats crossing the maritime boundary, consistently surpassing a thousand annually. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration, in accordance with the "Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area," retains the right to expel, detain, hold in custody, fine, confiscate fishing equipment, and seize hauls and boats.
    2024/02/15 17:17
  • 燃油純電一次看!2024年度期待休旅車 35款SUV即將上市

    2023年台灣汽車市場總銷量寫下了476,987輛、年成長11%的18年來歷史新高掛牌紀錄,除了國產進口龍頭Toyota Corolla Cross、RAV4以及電車銷售冠軍Tesla Model Y持續穩定發揮之外,新加入銷售行列的Ford Focus小改款全車系以及大改款6代Honda CR-V與Toyota Yaris Cross等熱門新車,也挹注了不少掛牌數,成功讓去年的台灣車市規模持續向上提升。在2024年,不論是國產品牌、一般進口或是豪華車廠們也準備了眾多重磅新車接力在台灣推出,尤其是去年銷量佔比已達58%的休旅車型,今年預估將會有多達35款重點新車即將登場!
    2024/02/14 14:47
  • Taiwan halts tour solicitations to China amid tensions

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has abruptly halted the solicitation of tours to China, reversing its previous policy. Originally scheduled to open on March 1, tours from Taiwan to China were limited to a daily reference cap of 2,000 people, with the possibility of adjustments based on the travel industry’s ability to attract customers. The decision to halt the tours immediately was made in response to China’s failure to organize tours to Taiwan and its unilateral change of the M503 flight route without goodwill, which poses a threat to flight safety. The Tourism Administration, a part of the MOTC, believes that given the current circumstances, it is not in the best interest of Taiwanese nationals to travel to China. They continue to appeal to China to demonstrate goodwill and promote cross-strait tourism exchange. Tours that have already been solicited and are due to depart between March 1 and May 31, 2024, will proceed as planned to protect passenger rights, but tours after June 1 are not permitted to depart. Travel companies are urged to refrain from soliciting customers to avoid potential disputes.
    2024/02/07 17:06
  • Taiwan slips to 24th in 2024 global military strength rank

    Taiwan’s ranking in the 2024 Global Military Strength Index falls to 24th place, emphasizing the nation’s domestic war resource challenges. Experts analyze the implications and the role of President-elect Lai in shaping cross-strait relations.
    2024/02/06 17:18
  • Han leads first inter-party talks, sets session for Feb 20

    Newly elected Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu has announced that the parliamentary session will begin on February 20th, taking into account the Lunar New Year holiday and allowing time for staff preparation. Han plans to invite Premier Chen Chien-jen and department heads to deliver policy reports and answer questions. He emphasized his commitment to sincerity and enthusiasm in his role as Speaker, urging all members to consider the future and fostering mutual trust and cooperation between political parties. Han made the decision after the first cross-party consultation, where proposals were made for either February 16th or 20th. Han and Johnny Chiang were elected as Speaker and Deputy Speaker, respectively, on February 1st.
    2024/02/05 16:29
  • New legislative term sparks cross-party negotiations

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu will preside over a multi-partisan negotiation to determine the date for the inaugural meeting of the new legislative term. The Taiwan People’s Party suggests reconvening on Feb. 16, after the Lunar New Year, instead of waiting until the end of February. The Kuomintang is ready to convene at any time, as long as it doesn’t disrupt the holiday period. The Democratic Progressive Party suggests sticking to tradition and reconvening on Feb. 23, considering the need for preparatory time for newly elected legislators. This negotiation follows the election of Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as the new Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the 11th Legislative Yuan on Feb. 1.
    2024/02/05 10:44
  • Enhanced military readiness during Lunar New Year in Taiwan

    Explore how the Republic of China’s armed forces are ramping up their military readiness in Taitung amidst threats from the People’s Liberation Army, focusing on sniper training and urban warfare tactics to ensure peace and stability during the Lunar New Year.
    2024/02/01 12:52
  • Experts warn of potential Taiwan Strait crisis in 2024: CSIS

    Experts from the U.S. and Taiwan predict a high likelihood of a Taiwan Strait crisis in 2024, emphasizing the new government and U.S. presidential election as crucial factors. Military capabilities and international relations play key roles in shaping the future of the region.
    2024/01/30 18:03
  • Taichung metro blue line plan approved

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has approved a comprehensive plan for the Taichung Metro Blue Line and a feasibility study for the Taiwan Railway’s coastline dual-track. The completion of the transit system is estimated to be in 10 years, costing NT$1615.14 billion, with NT$675.59 billion borne by the central government. The Blue Line will connect Taichung Port to the city center, serving as the city’s most crucial east-west axis. It will also connect with the Green Line to form a cross-axis network. An agreement on the deployment of the Blue Line’s Shalu Overpass section was reached by the MOTC and Taichung City Government. The completion of the Taichung Metro Blue Line and the Taichung Port rail line’s dual track system is expected to improve the Taichung area’s rail infrastructure and spur balanced development in urban, rural, and coastal regions.
    2024/01/30 12:43
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