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    cross 結果共582筆

  • Chinese balloons cross Taiwan Strait: MND

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) reported that two Chinese balloons were detected crossing the Taiwan Strait median line within the previous 24 hours, with one passing over Taiwan. The balloons’ transit began on Tuesday morning, with one located 90 nautical miles west of Keelung and the other spotted 113 nautical miles west of Pingtung. Alongside the balloons, Taiwanese forces also observed seven Chinese aircraft and five naval vessels operating continuously in the vicinity of the Taiwan Strait during the same period. The Republic of China Armed Forces closely monitored and responded to the situation using mission aircraft, ships, and shore-based missile systems. This announcement by the MND highlights the ongoing security challenges in the region and comes at a time of increased cross-strait tension.
    2024/01/24 14:07
  • Global Times warns Lai of Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation

    Taipei (TVBS News) reports that Taiwan’s diplomatic allies are gradually decreasing, as stated by a Chinese official media outlet. Nauru recently announced its decision to sever ties with the Republic of China and Taiwan, bringing the number of diplomatic allies down to 12. This marks the tenth nation to break ties during President Tsai Ing-wen’s term. The Global Times report highlights the more restrained approach of Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim towards cross-strait policies, urging them to fully understand the reality and trend of the Taiwan Strait and completely abandon any path towards Taiwan independence. Lai, elected as a "double minority," faces the challenge that 60 percent of the Taiwanese population does not recognize the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). In response to Taiwan’s elections, the U.S. clarified its stance by stating that they do not support Taiwan’s independence, aiming to dissuade Lai from becoming a disruptive force like former President Chen Shui-bian, which could affect the U.S.’s strategic plans.
    2024/01/24 12:38
  • Bonnie Glaser on Taiwan’s elections and security challenges

    In an exclusive interview, Bonnie Glaser discusses Taiwan’s security landscape, international media coverage, and the evolving dynamics in U.S.-Taiwan relations.
    2024/01/23 20:30
  • 豐田日規新年式小鴨升級「滿天星」水箱罩 跨界神鴨同步改良

    雖然被網友們譽為「神鴨」的Toyota Yaris已於去年在台停產,且由Yaris Cross來接替其留下來的產品空卻並順勢切入當今正夯的跨界休旅級距,不過在台灣停售的Yaris以及Yaris Cross都屬於亞太規版本,前者是代號XP150的亞洲區版本、後者則是基於Daihatsu的DNGA平台打造,跟日本以及歐洲等地銷售的Yaris與Yaris Cross是以TNGA模組化平台開發脈絡截然不同。由於以GA-B架構打造的日規Yaris跟Yaris Cross自2020年登場以來已進入第四年產品週期,為此Toyota就推出了外觀、內裝以及影音配備全面升級的新年式新車,來進一步強化日規小鴨家族的產品競爭力!
    2024/01/22 13:50
  • DPP urges Beijing to reassess cross-strait relations

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) China Affairs Department has called on Beijing to realistically confront cross-strait relations. This plea comes in response to a recent statement by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO), which claimed that the Taiwan election results do not represent the majority’s views and reiterated that "Taiwan is China’s Taiwan." Following Taiwan’s elections, Nauru, a Pacific island nation, severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan. The DPP criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for exploiting Nauru’s financial difficulties and coaxing the country into establishing diplomatic relations with China. The DPP’s China Affairs Department reaffirmed that its chairman, Lai Ching-te, has consistently stated his commitment to maintaining the status quo under the constitutional system of the Republic of China (R.O.C.). Lai advocated for dialogue and cooperation with China based on parity and dignity. The DPP’s China Affairs Department condemned the CCP’s suppressive measures against Taiwan and urged Chinese President Xi Jinping to publicly pledge not to unilaterally alter the status quo across the Taiwan Strait using military force. Despite Lai Ching-te’s stance on dialogue and cooperation, Beijing has continued to disregard Taiwan.
    2024/01/18 10:39
  • DPP win may prompt escalated activities from Beijing

    Following the victory of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan’s presidential election, a report by the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) suggests that Beijing might escalate activities in gray zone areas. The report highlights Taiwan’s increased geopolitical prominence and its pivotal role in semiconductor manufacturing, making the stability of the Taiwan Strait a key concern for the U.S. and other Western nations. The report also notes that Vice President Lai Ching-te won the election by over 40% of votes, breaking the trend of switching ruling parties every eight years since direct presidential elections were implemented in 1996. The victorious DPP aims to strengthen Taiwan’s defenses and relations with like-minded nations while resisting negotiations with Beijing. Additionally, the party seeks to reduce Taiwan’s trade dependency on China and strengthen ties with significant partners such as Australia, Europe, and Japan. With no party securing a majority in the legislative assembly, the DPP faces a "minority government and majority opposition" scenario, which could hinder the government’s legislative and budgeting process and impact Taiwan-U.S. ties. Despite the election, cross-strait relations and regional tensions are unlikely to undergo fundamental changes. Taiwan’s vital position in semiconductor manufacturing and geopolitics ensures its continued rise in importance, with the U.S. and Western nations playing a crucial role in maintaining stability in the Taiwan Strait. The upcoming U.S. presidential election in November is expected to significantly impact the U.S.-China-Taiwan triangle, and a potential return of former President Trump to the White House might please Beijing, according to the report.
    2024/01/18 10:27
  • Businesses urge President-elect to boost cross-strait ties

    The Third Wednesday Club Chairman Lin Por-fong expresses hope for improved cross-strait relations and economic cooperation under the ECFA with President-elect Lai Ching-te. Lin emphasizes the importance of handling international relations well, resolving cross-strait issues through communication and exchange, and establishing communication mechanisms with China. He believes that cross-strait relations impact economic development and calls for the loosening of restrictions on the economy, tourism, and culture. Lin advocates for the active maintenance of the ECFA, highlighting that international economic agreements like the CPTPP and RCEP require mainland China’s consent. Concerns are raised about the potential impacts on industries if China terminates the ECFA. Compal Electronics Chairman Hsu Sheng-hsiung warns of global unrest due to constant change and challenges across industries, technologies, economies, politics, and conflicts among nations. He also highlights the need for industries to monitor potential escalations of conflicts as nations vie for resources.
    2024/01/18 10:25
  • China stands firm on ‘unification’ after Taiwan elections

    In a recent TAO briefing, spokesperson Chen Binhua addressed foreign media queries on Taiwan’s unification with China and the impact of the island’s local elections on cross-strait relations. The session reiterated China’s steadfast stance on unification as a core interest, despite changing political dynamics in Taiwan.
    2024/01/17 16:42
  • China sets 1992 Consensus as prerequisite for Taiwan talks

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Chen Binhua, insists that cross-strait communication can only proceed based on the 1992 Consensus, which upholds the principle of one China. President-elect Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has called for dialogue instead of confrontation, emphasizing that cross-strait exchanges can minimize risks and achieve peace. However, TAO argues that the DPP’s insistence on Taiwanese independence hinders interactions with China. Professor Kuo Yu-jen of National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) criticizes the KMT candidate’s acceptance of the 1992 Consensus but rejection of "one country, two systems" as naive and dangerous. Kuo highlights that the One China principle places Taiwan at a disadvantage in negotiations.
    2024/01/17 16:42
  • China rebukes Philippines over Taiwan election congrats

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China objected to Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s congratulatory message to President-elect Lai Ching-te, citing a violation of the "One China" principle and the diplomatic tie agreement between China and the Philippines. China’s Foreign Affairs office expressed strong dissatisfaction with Marcos Jr.’s remarks and lodged a vehement protest. An assistant minister of the Agricultural Finance Ministry summoned the Philippine ambassador to China over the matter. China urged the Philippines to refrain from making erroneous statements and actions regarding Taiwan and to respect the "One China" principle in order to maintain robust and stable China-Philippine relations.
    2024/01/16 19:01
  • KMT vows to uphold legislative integrity

    The Kuomintang (KMT) responds to proposals from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) regarding future operations in the new legislature, promising to respect the opinions of the Legislative Yuan party groups. As the majority in parliament, the KMT pledges to provide vigorous oversight and advance the issues agreed upon in the cross-party meeting with the TPP on October 30th last year. Agreed matters include peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, resumption of cross-strait dialogue, environmental sustainability, national security, public health, and strengthening the legislature’s function under the existing constitutional system. The KMT emphasizes its unchanged vision for Taiwan’s future development. Additionally, they plan to scrutinize issues such as the controversy over the purchase contracts of the Medigen COVID-19 vaccine by the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government. The KMT welcomes those with similar political ideals to join in preventing authoritarian one-party rule and ensuring democracy aligns with the public’s wishes.
    2024/01/16 15:10
  • TPP emerges as new force in Taiwan’s political landscape

    Explore the latest developments in Taiwan’s political landscape following the recent legislative election. Learn about the new balance of power in the Legislative Yuan, the rise of the TPP, and the focus on domestic issues over cross-strait relations. Understand how these election results reflect changing voter sentiments in Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.
    2024/01/15 17:07
  • U.S. delegation arrives in Taiwan one day after elections

    A U.S. delegation, including former Deputy Secretary of State James B. Steinberg and American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Chair Laura Rosenberger, met with President Tsai Ing-wen and President-elect Lai Ching-te, as well as other Taiwanese government officials, two days after Taiwan’s presidential and legislative elections.
    2024/01/15 16:38
  • Foreign media shares insights on Taiwan’s election

    The 2024 presidential election in Taiwan marks a significant victory for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, drawing global attention to the island’s unique election practices and domestic concerns, and reaffirming its crucial role in international discussions on democracy and governance.
    2024/01/14 20:31
  • Taiwan voters prefer stability over unification: Commentator

    Taiwan’s 2024 general elections resulted in a third term for the DPP, reflecting a preference for stability and resistance to Beijing’s unification plans amidst significant domestic challenges and a shift in public opinion.
    2024/01/14 18:21
  • KMT legislator concerned over U.S.-Taiwan-China relations

    Kuomintang candidate Wang Hung-wei raises concerns about the impact of Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-te’s presidential victory on Taiwan Strait stability and U.S.-China relations, questioning the future of Taiwan under Lai’s leadership.
    2024/01/14 17:16
  • Taiwan’s new leaders brace for future challenges: Analysts

    The 2024 Taiwan elections, marked by a victory for the Democratic Progressive Party, have drawn global attention and sparked discussions on the island’s future relations with China and the United States. Experts analyze the implications of Lai Ching-te’s leadership and the reactions from Washington amidst rising regional tensions.
    2024/01/14 16:10
  • Taiwan legislative elections unfold: KMT 52, DPP 51, TPP 8

    Taiwan’s legislative election results from Jan. 13 show a close race, with the Kuomintang (KMT) gaining a slight lead over the Democratic Progress Party (DPP). The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) also made gains. This article explores the implications of the election on Taiwan’s parliamentary dynamics and potential challenges in legislation and governance.
    2024/01/14 13:51
  • Taiwan returns to normalcy after DPP’s election victory

    Taiwan has swiftly returned to its everyday pace, with residents lining up at a well-known Taipei breakfast shop on Sunday (Jan. 14) morning. The view contrasts with the excitement of the crowds following President-elect Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim’s victory for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) a few hours ago.
    2024/01/14 12:22
  • Lai Ching-te vows to uphold democracy after winning election

    In Taiwan’s latest presidential election, President-elect Lai Ching-te and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim commit to continuing President Tsai Ing-wen’s democratic legacy, facing legislative challenges and focusing on peaceful cross-strait relations.
    2024/01/13 22:51
  • Lai Ching-te’s victory in election signals new DPP term

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) secures victory in Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election, with Lai Ching-te as president. Amid celebrations, the focus shifts to challenges in cross-strait relations and global political implications.
    2024/01/13 21:21
  • Taiwan’s voters head to the polls to elect new leaders

    Taiwan’s voters head to the polls in a crucial election. Weather conditions and cross-strait tensions add complexity to the choices. President Tsai Ing-wen casts her vote as a third party competes. Stay updated on TVBS World Taiwan.
    2024/01/13 10:54
  • TPP pair share Taiwan’s future vision ahead of elections

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidates unveil their strategy to enhance Taiwan’s security and democratization. Learn about their plans and vision for Taiwan’s future.
    2024/01/12 16:42
  • DPP candidates focus on democracy ahead of Taiwan elections

    Explore the implications of Taiwan’s upcoming election on Jan. 13, as DPP candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim outline their vision for democracy, relations with China, and the island’s role in global politics.
    2024/01/09 21:18
  • Yaris Cross太夯打到自己人? Toyota入門7人座休旅大馬下架

    Toyota去年發表亞太規格的重量級車款Yaris Cross,瞄準東南亞和台灣市場,去年5月在印尼首發後,持續擴展勢力版圖,預計今年第二季在馬來西亞上市。外媒發現,Toyota已將當地頗具人氣的七人座休旅Rush從官網下架,疑將產品線讓給Yaris Cross。
    2024/01/08 10:54
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