
Prosecutor investigates drowning of Chinese fishermen

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/02/17 14:35
Last update time:2024/02/17 14:35
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Prosecutor investigates drowning of Chinese fishermen (TVBS News) Prosecutor investigates drowning of Chinese fishermen
Prosecutor investigates drowning of Chinese fishermen (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Shih Chia-jung, Chief Prosecutor of the Fuchien Kinmen District Prosecutors Office announced on Saturday (Feb. 17) the initial determination of two deaths as drowning due to the speedboat capsizing.

However, he noted that the exact circumstances of the accident are still under clarification and awaiting the family's opinion.


Shih explained that medical examinations have been carried out, but no official certificates of death have been issued due to awaiting the deceased's family's input.

On Friday night, Shih and his team worked overtime to conduct the first round of examinations on the two fishermen who died in the incident.

Details came to light around 9:30 p.m. after interviewing witnesses and conducting post-mortem examinations, revealing no fatal injuries on the bodies.

The incident occurred when a Chinese fishing boat trespassed the waters of Pakting Island in Kinmen and was expelled by the Kinmen coast guard.

The expulsion resulted in two fishermen falling overboard and has since evolved into a cross-strait political issue.

Shih, in collaboration with honorary forensic doctors, conducted the examinations on the drowned Chinese fishermen at the Kinmen County Funeral Parlor late last night.

Based on current findings from the examinations and the interrogation, Shih's initial conclusion points to accidental drowning. But, the incident's exact sequence of events is still being investigated, pending the viewpoint of the deceased's relatives.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei news# speedboat capsizing# drowning incident# Kinmen coast guard# cross-strait issue# forensic examination# accidental drowning# Chief Prosecutor Fuchien Kinmen District# Chinese fishing boat incident Kinmen# investigation on fisherman drowning
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