
KMT leader heads delegation to China amid maritime crisis

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2024/02/26 18:05
Last update time:2024/02/26 18:05
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Kuomintang (KMT) Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia embarked on a delegation to China on Monday (Feb. 26), with the primary objective reported as visiting overseas Taiwanese. While the itinerary did not specify meetings with Chinese officials, they were not ruled out.

The delegation's journey coincides with heightened tensions following a crisis involving a Chinese speedboat capsizing in Kinmen waters during the Lunar New Year holiday, resulting in casualties. The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) urged the KMT to not only offer condolences but also to uphold Taiwan's jurisdictional stance.


Hsia clarified the KMT's role, stating, "The KMT is not the current ruling party, nor has it been authorized by the government. So, we have neither the qualifications nor the position to negotiate this issue." He reiterated the party's commitment to advocating for Taiwan's freedom, democracy, and rule of law.

Chao Chun-shan, a senior advisor to the National Policy Foundation accompanying the delegation, remarked on Beijing's perception of Taiwan's political landscape post-election. He highlighted the challenge posed by the Democratic Progressive Party's stance on the '1992 Consensus' and its implications for cross-strait dialogue.

During the seven-day visit, the delegation plans to tour cities including Xiamen, Guangzhou, Nanchang, Hangzhou, Kunshan, and Shanghai. If opportunities arise, Hsia intends to extend condolences for the recent tragic accident in Kinmen waters.

Taiwan Affairs

#Kuomintang#KMT#Taiwan#China#cross-strait relations#maritime crisis#delegation#political stance#Mainland Affairs Council#Democratic Progressive Party
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