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  • 影音/余祥銓鹿希派緊急call out Kid狠嗆:演藝圈最廢2人

    2024/04/12 10:10
  • Taiwan medical costs soar 4.47% in March, reach 18-year high

    Taiwan’s DGBAS reports a 4.47% year-on-year increase in medical costs for March, the highest in 18 years, due to the New Health Insurance Co-payment System. The March CPI showed a 2.14% year-on-year increase, with dining-out costs and essential commodity prices decreasing slightly. However, inflationary pressures persist in services like medical costs and rent.
    2024/04/10 17:16
  • Taiwan leads in tourist spending in Japan for 2023

    In 2023, Taiwan led foreign tourist spending in Japan, with Taiwanese visitors contributing significantly to the country’s tourism revenue. Find out more about the record-breaking spending trends and top spenders in this insightful report.
    2024/04/02 17:05
  • Taiwan aims for global leadership in machine tool industry

    Vice President Lai Ching-te commends Taiwan’s machine tool industry for its technological innovation and commitment to net-zero and digital transformation at the 2024 Taiwan International Machine Tool Show. Taiwan stands out globally for its high-end machine tool production and comprehensive industry showcased at the annual event. The government aims to strengthen Taiwan’s position as a high-end machine tool manufacturing country and rebuild a reliable supply chain with democratic allies amidst global changes. Vice President Lai also advocates for AI industrialization to attract international investment and drive innovation across all industries in Taiwan.
    2024/03/28 16:55
  • Taiwanese fishermen rescued by Chinese Coast Guard

    Two Taiwanese fishers, surnamed Hu and Wu, were rescued by the Chinese Coast Guard after drifting out to sea from Kinmen. Authorities on both sides are coordinating their repatriation following a joint rescue effort.
    2024/03/18 16:28
  • Taiwan’s flu vaccine stocks to run out end of March

    Stay informed about the latest updates on flu and COVID-19 vaccination in Taiwan. With flu vaccine supplies running low, the Taiwan CDC urges residents to get vaccinated. Learn more about vaccination locations and second doses for high-risk individuals.
    2024/03/15 18:21
  • Taiwan sees rise in self-rescue course attendance

    As tensions in the Taiwan Strait escalate, Taiwanese citizens and the government are focusing on disaster preparedness, including self-rescue courses and the establishment of community emergency response teams, to build a resilient society ready to face any challenge.
    2024/03/15 18:09
  • Fans ready to legally change names for IU concert tickets

    Desperate fans in Taipei seek name changes to attend IU’s sold-out concert. Ticket holders face strict real-name system, prompting some to consider legal name changes just for entry. Fans resort to extreme measures to secure coveted tickets for the South Korean singer’s upcoming shows.
    2024/03/07 17:26
  • Taiwan MOHW tackles chili powder contamination crisis

    Taiwan’s Health Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, addresses the Sudan III contamination in chili powder, highlighting the careful response needed to ensure food safety. Hsueh rules out a blanket ban on imported chili powder due to its importance in local cuisine, opting for increased inspections instead. Several local governments, including New Taipei City and Taipei, have halted the use of chili powder in school meals as a precaution.
    2024/03/07 12:05
  • KKTIX refutes claims of unfair IU concert ticket sales

    KKTIX denies rumors of ticket reservation for IU’s concert in Taiwan. IU’s "2024 IU H.E.R. WORLD TOUR CONCERT" in Taipei sees rapid ticket sales, sparking fan anger. Over 95% of tickets were for public sale, with 20,000 tickets sold out in a minute for each of her two shows. The real-name system was implemented to ensure consumer rights, with failed orders put back on sale.
    2024/03/07 11:33
  • IU’s concert tickets vanish in seconds amid huge demand

    IU’s upcoming concert in Taipei sold out in under a minute, with an estimated 700,000 fans vying for the 20,000 available tickets. The extreme demand crashed the ticketing platform KKTIX, prompting a ticket clearance event for disappointed fans. The "2024 IU H.E.R. WORLD TOUR CONCERT" marks IU’s return to Taipei after a four-year hiatus, with performances scheduled for April 6 and 7 at the Taipei Arena. The concert will use real-name ticketing to combat scalping, and any returned tickets will be released at an unspecified time.
    2024/03/06 18:20
  • Taiwan weather update: warmer Monday with sunny skies ahead

    Stay updated with the latest weather forecast for Taipei and surrounding areas. Expect rising temperatures on Monday with scattered showers in Hualien and Taitung. Be prepared for chilly morning temperatures and increasing daytime highs. Stay vigilant as fog and low clouds may affect visibility. Watch out for potential accumulation of pollutants in certain regions. Be cautious of upcoming weather changes and dress accordingly to stay healthy.
    2024/03/04 15:41
  • Taoyuan Lantern Festival goes out with a bang

    The Taoyuan Lantern Festival concluded with breathtaking dragon dances, music, and circus acrobatics, connecting two venues with the Taolin Line Bikeway and setting the stage for the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival.
    2024/03/03 16:33
  • 郭靜搖身美人魚開唱!突淚喊看到人生走馬燈 「我不是要死了吧」

    「純愛教主」郭靜唱紅〈心牆〉、〈下一個天亮〉等經典情歌,今(2)日在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「喂 你在幹嘛」演唱會,開場時她以接到粉絲call out的方式,驚喜從電話造型吊台登場,她以華麗的紅粉美人魚裝亮相,一連帶來〈軟綿綿〉、〈百分百〉、〈愛情訊息〉3首輕快歌曲,炒熱現場氣氛。星友周蕙、周定緯、李佳薇、蔡旻佑及廖文強等人也到場搶看。
    2024/03/02 20:14
  • Community mourns fallen officer Su Yu-hung in Keelung

    The tragic story of Officer Su Yu-hung’s untimely death at the Badu Police Station in Keelung City unfolds as his family returns for a soul-calling ritual. Colleagues pay tribute and bid farewell, with the station chief breaking down in sorrow. The assault, carried out by a mentally-troubled man, claimed Su’s life and left the community in mourning. Su, a dedicated and diligent officer, is remembered for his passion and commitment to duty.
    2024/03/01 17:14
  • 影音/《萌寵明星粗乃玩》余祥銓call out余天「慘被掛電話」 鹿希派求助竟遭Sandy嗆爆

    2024/03/01 12:57
  • Cold snap hits northern Taiwan with 10°C temperatures

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan as a strong continental cold air mass brings chilly temperatures to northern regions. Find out how the Central Weather Administration’s forecasts are impacting areas like Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuan, with temperatures possibly dropping below 10 degrees Celsius. Stay informed about the persistent influence of the cold air mass and how it’s affecting different parts of the island.
    2024/02/27 10:41
  • 金城武vs.崔始源? 《NO WAY OUT》Sunny初戀遭孝淵「破滅」

    2024/02/26 12:28
  • GOT7榮宰睽違6年來台!飆唱中文破億神曲 落淚喊:怕被忘記

    韓國男團「GOT7」主唱榮宰首度單飛來台,昨(18)日晚在台北國際會議中心舉辦「INSIDE OUT」演唱會。榮宰以白馬王子之姿現身,演唱〈Vibin〉揭開序幕。他6年沒訪台,難免忐忑不安,看到底下滿滿的「鳥寶寶(粉絲)」緊張情緒才煙消雲散。最後演唱安可曲〈Never Leave You Alone〉,情緒湧上,榮宰不禁落下男兒淚。
    2024/02/19 10:49
  • Cross-party talks: TPP reaches out to KMT

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je has announced that the party’s legislative caucus will initiate contact with the Kuomintang (KMT) for potential legislative cooperation. The TPP hopes to establish a mutually convenient schedule for visits between the two parties, with interactions expected to commence next week. This move comes as reform bills promised by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) remain stalled, and the TPP has proactively proposed collaboration with the KMT to further these reforms. TPP caucus whip Huang Kuo-chang has expressed optimism about the cross-party cooperation, stating that it is a good thing for opposition parties to work together to quickly pass bills that the DPP has failed to deliver on. The TPP caucus is open to this collaboration, pending the KMT’s response.
    2024/02/16 16:47
  • Taiwan left with 2 consecutive holidays post Lunar New Year

    Discover Taiwan’s holiday outlook for 2024! With only two sets of consecutive holidays remaining, find out how this reduction impacts domestic travel and accommodation. Learn how travel providers can capitalize on the upcoming breaks to attract visitors and boost profits.
    2024/02/16 16:26
  • Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival set to dazzle in two sessions

    Experience the enchanting 2024 Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in New Taipei City! Join us on Feb. 17 and Feb. 24 for two sessions filled with the mesmerizing sight of lanterns illuminating the night sky. The first event, held at Ping Xi Junior High School, features nine launches of 100 lanterns each, totaling 900 lanterns. The second event, taking place at Shihfen Square, showcases nine launches of 150 lanterns, totaling 1,350 lanterns. Lantern vouchers will be distributed from 10:30 a.m. until they run out, allowing two to four people to launch a lantern. Don’t miss this unforgettable celebration, where artist Hu Min-shu’s stunning lantern designs, including a dragon and a tiger, will be on display.
    2024/02/16 13:35
  • 余天嘆零收入「什麼都沒有」 余祥銓霸氣喊:養你一輩子!

    資深藝人余天的兒子余祥銓去(2023)年結婚,同年底喜迎愛女誕生。近期余祥銓升格當爸,體驗組建家庭的辛勞,憶起自己的成長過程,他坦言因此才知道父母當年辛苦,決定在節目上call out余天,向他深情告白,父子一來一往互動笑翻全場。
    2024/02/09 16:24
  • President Tsai unlikely to visit Taiping Island: official

    Former Taiwan National Security Council secretary-general Su Chi believes there is a low likelihood of President Tsai Ing-wen visiting Taiping Island in the South China Sea. Su cites concerns over U.S. objections and the potential risk to Tsai’s safety as reasons for this prediction. He points out that the U.S. opposes Taiwan’s involvement in South China Sea issues and that Tsai would have to contend with Chinese fighter jets, aerial escorts, and security threats if she were to visit the island. Su also notes that the U.S. would not support such a trip as it could emphasize Taiwan’s political stance in the ongoing tension between the Philippines and China.
    2024/02/07 14:59
  • About 90% of workers to continue red envelope tradition

    A recent survey reveals that 90% of Taiwanese employees plan to give out red envelopes for the Lunar New Year, with an average amount of NT$11,292. The survey also shows that workers plan to spend an average of NT$31,093 during the seven-day holiday, contributing NT$288.7 billion to the economy. Popular activities include getting together with friends and family, visiting hometown, resting at home, paying visits to friends and relatives’ households, and watching television or DVDs at home. Other activities include praying at temples, making travel arrangements, gaming, job hunting online, and shopping. Compared to the Year of the Rabbit in 2023, 49.7% of respondents said their red envelope budget would remain the same, 26.8% said it would be more, and 23.5% said it would be less. Additionally, 64% of workers plan to give gifts during the New Year, with an average gift budget of NT$4,977.
    2024/02/06 09:00
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