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    OUT 結果共585筆

  • Survey reveals Taiwan office workers’ financial challenges

    A recent survey in Taiwan indicates a pressing issue with office workers finding their wages insufficient due to rising living and dining costs, highlighting the need for economic adjustments.
    2024/05/13 17:36
  • 永續顧問洞悉:「永續通膨時代」來臨?! 2024永續領航必看7大注意要點

    本文由投身永續發展領域超過 10 年,並擔任商業暨策略發展的專業顧問陳建佑,依其對全球市場之趨勢和變化具有敏銳的覺察力,整理並分享 2024 年永續領航企業組織必看的 7 大注意(watch out)要點,與同樣身處於永續發展變革道路上的夥伴們分享。
    2024/05/10 14:50
  • 川普的世界第8大奇蹟? 拜登諷「富士康威州廠是場騙局」

    川普(Donald Trump)擔任總統期間,曾大張旗鼓地前往威斯康辛州,替富士康新廠區舉行破土儀式,這個號稱百億美元、能替當地帶來一萬份工作機會的新工廠,至今5年多時間過去,工廠卻遲遲沒有建成。如今甚至成為拜登總統(Joe Biden)嘲諷的對象,直接在公開記者會上表示,「富士康威州廠計畫,就是一場騙局(Foxconn turned out to be just like that -a con.)!」
    2024/05/09 09:41
  • Taiwan rolls out 10M free COVID-19 test kits at pharmacies

    Explore the initiative by Taiwan’s CDC and the Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations to distribute 10 million free COVID-19 home test kits across over 4,500 pharmacies. Starting May 6, with full availability by May 8, each visitor can receive a test kit, aiming to maintain vigilance against COVID-19 amidst ongoing cases and deaths. This measure follows the WHO’s classification of COVID-19 as a persistent health issue and extends the support previously given to international travelers. The initiative encourages responsible collection and use of these crucial health tools.
    2024/05/06 14:29
  • Huawei overcomes U.S. restrictions with new smartphone chip

    Discover how Huawei’s new Pura 70 series, featuring the advanced Kirin 9010 processor, marks a significant technological leap and defies U.S. restrictions, selling out quickly after launch.
    2024/04/29 14:10
  • 背痘OUT!「2招輕鬆改善」3食物別碰 夏日自信露背

    2024/04/23 09:01
  • 品川祐「1設備」逼出鮮肉男星香汗! 寫真女王手作料理慰劇組

    暴走族電影《OUT》年初上架日本 Netflix,便創下連續16天位居收看榜首的紀錄,目前已於台灣院線上映。片中網羅倉悠貴、水上恒司等新生代男星,平均年齡不及25歲,為名符其實的「鮮肉團」。其中首演電影的神顏男團JO1的3位成員與那城獎、大平祥生、金城碧海,更進行拳擊、劍道等武術訓練,皆於訪問吐露備感壓力,唯有熟悉空手道的金城碧海對動作戲信手拈來,反倒是演出片中「護姐心切」角色難倒他,「我試圖以吃苦的食物,感受人物的苦澀!」
    2024/04/18 13:39
  • 許光漢拍片驚爆「帥臉被砸」! 零懼高症喊話:想挑戰高空彈跳

    影視歌三棲的許光漢,除進軍韓國拍韓劇《No Way Out》,主演的愛情電影《青春18×2 通往有你的旅程》票房突破6000萬佳績,近來更獲旅遊和休閒娛樂預訂平台Klook青睞,成為年度品牌代言人,在最新廣告片中「住冰屋、高空彈跳、攀岩」樣樣來,搖身一變為最「Klook(酷)」的人。
    2024/04/16 14:37
  • Jacky Cheung adds 3 more concerts to Taipei shows

    Jacky Cheung, the "God of Songs" from Hong Kong, adds three more concerts to his highly anticipated "60+ World Tour Taipei Station" due to overwhelming demand, with tickets going on sale April 21. The nine total shows at Taipei Arena from May 31 to June 16 mark a new personal record for the legendary singer, who will deliver captivating performances featuring his vast repertoire of classic songs spanning different styles and eras.
    2024/04/15 17:37
  • 品川祐遭8+9包圍嗆聲! 驚爆男偶像「片場狂開黃腔」:他很興奮

    日本電影《OUT》由諧星名導品川祐拍攝,實際上本作改編自他國中時的「8+9」同學井口達也的真實故事,角色名稱也直接搬用到電影中。只是品川祐爆料,之前拍攝成名作《DROP剽悍少年》的時候,井口達也居然直接帶4個兄弟到片場踢館跟嗆聲!另外,《OUT》找來偶像男團JO1的3名成員演出, 其中金城碧海在片場一直狂講「勃起」,居然樂翻了!
    2024/04/12 23:42
  • 日本名導也愛《周處》! 得知阮經天高中讀5年「一句話有夠酸」

    2024/04/12 21:23
  • Taiwan’s rising rents: pandemic, war, and interest rates

    the year-over-year (YoY) rate in the rent index has been around 2% for the past two years, a relatively high level. The YoY growth rate in March was 2.24%, the highest increase in the past year. Over the past decade, the average annual increase in the rent index was 1.1%. However, since July 2022, the growth has exceeded 2% and has remained at this level. DGBAS officials pointed out three main factors that contributed to the rise in rent. First, the cost of maintaining houses has increased. In recent years, the increase in residential maintenance costs has been significant, with a sharp rise of 5.8% in 2022 and increases of over 3% in 2023 and 2024. 
    2024/04/12 18:00
  • Shilin District Court judge falls to death from residence

    Taipei Shilin District Court Judge Li found dead after falling from 6th floor residence on Minquan East Road. Police rule out foul play; cause under investigation. Judicial Yuan President Hsu expresses regret. Li handled civil, financial, sexual assault cases and promoted new civil judges system.
    2024/04/12 11:41
  • 影音/余祥銓鹿希派緊急call out Kid狠嗆:演藝圈最廢2人

    2024/04/12 10:10
  • Taiwan medical costs soar 4.47% in March, reach 18-year high

    Taiwan’s DGBAS reports a 4.47% year-on-year increase in medical costs for March, the highest in 18 years, due to the New Health Insurance Co-payment System. The March CPI showed a 2.14% year-on-year increase, with dining-out costs and essential commodity prices decreasing slightly. However, inflationary pressures persist in services like medical costs and rent.
    2024/04/10 17:16
  • Taiwan leads in tourist spending in Japan for 2023

    In 2023, Taiwan led foreign tourist spending in Japan, with Taiwanese visitors contributing significantly to the country’s tourism revenue. Find out more about the record-breaking spending trends and top spenders in this insightful report.
    2024/04/02 17:05
  • Taiwan aims for global leadership in machine tool industry

    Vice President Lai Ching-te commends Taiwan’s machine tool industry for its technological innovation and commitment to net-zero and digital transformation at the 2024 Taiwan International Machine Tool Show. Taiwan stands out globally for its high-end machine tool production and comprehensive industry showcased at the annual event. The government aims to strengthen Taiwan’s position as a high-end machine tool manufacturing country and rebuild a reliable supply chain with democratic allies amidst global changes. Vice President Lai also advocates for AI industrialization to attract international investment and drive innovation across all industries in Taiwan.
    2024/03/28 16:55
  • Taiwanese fishermen rescued by Chinese Coast Guard

    Two Taiwanese fishers, surnamed Hu and Wu, were rescued by the Chinese Coast Guard after drifting out to sea from Kinmen. Authorities on both sides are coordinating their repatriation following a joint rescue effort.
    2024/03/18 16:28
  • Taiwan’s flu vaccine stocks to run out end of March

    Stay informed about the latest updates on flu and COVID-19 vaccination in Taiwan. With flu vaccine supplies running low, the Taiwan CDC urges residents to get vaccinated. Learn more about vaccination locations and second doses for high-risk individuals.
    2024/03/15 18:21
  • Taiwan sees rise in self-rescue course attendance

    As tensions in the Taiwan Strait escalate, Taiwanese citizens and the government are focusing on disaster preparedness, including self-rescue courses and the establishment of community emergency response teams, to build a resilient society ready to face any challenge.
    2024/03/15 18:09
  • Fans ready to legally change names for IU concert tickets

    Desperate fans in Taipei seek name changes to attend IU’s sold-out concert. Ticket holders face strict real-name system, prompting some to consider legal name changes just for entry. Fans resort to extreme measures to secure coveted tickets for the South Korean singer’s upcoming shows.
    2024/03/07 17:26
  • Taiwan MOHW tackles chili powder contamination crisis

    Taiwan’s Health Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, addresses the Sudan III contamination in chili powder, highlighting the careful response needed to ensure food safety. Hsueh rules out a blanket ban on imported chili powder due to its importance in local cuisine, opting for increased inspections instead. Several local governments, including New Taipei City and Taipei, have halted the use of chili powder in school meals as a precaution.
    2024/03/07 12:05
  • KKTIX refutes claims of unfair IU concert ticket sales

    KKTIX denies rumors of ticket reservation for IU’s concert in Taiwan. IU’s "2024 IU H.E.R. WORLD TOUR CONCERT" in Taipei sees rapid ticket sales, sparking fan anger. Over 95% of tickets were for public sale, with 20,000 tickets sold out in a minute for each of her two shows. The real-name system was implemented to ensure consumer rights, with failed orders put back on sale.
    2024/03/07 11:33
  • IU’s concert tickets vanish in seconds amid huge demand

    IU’s upcoming concert in Taipei sold out in under a minute, with an estimated 700,000 fans vying for the 20,000 available tickets. The extreme demand crashed the ticketing platform KKTIX, prompting a ticket clearance event for disappointed fans. The "2024 IU H.E.R. WORLD TOUR CONCERT" marks IU’s return to Taipei after a four-year hiatus, with performances scheduled for April 6 and 7 at the Taipei Arena. The concert will use real-name ticketing to combat scalping, and any returned tickets will be released at an unspecified time.
    2024/03/06 18:20
  • Taiwan weather update: warmer Monday with sunny skies ahead

    Stay updated with the latest weather forecast for Taipei and surrounding areas. Expect rising temperatures on Monday with scattered showers in Hualien and Taitung. Be prepared for chilly morning temperatures and increasing daytime highs. Stay vigilant as fog and low clouds may affect visibility. Watch out for potential accumulation of pollutants in certain regions. Be cautious of upcoming weather changes and dress accordingly to stay healthy.
    2024/03/04 15:41
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