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    OUT 結果共592筆

  • Premier Chen eyes return to academia post-May

    Premier Chen Chien-jen expresses his desire to return to academic research at Academia Sinica after May 20. He hopes to continue serving humanity through his academic pursuits, which have always been his passion. President-elect Lai Ching-te is confident in his well-thought-out arrangements for cabinet positions, aligning with the people’s expectations. Lai intends to recruit capable individuals for ministerial and agency head positions, regardless of their political affiliation.
    2024/01/30 18:07
  • 贏香港、大阪!「2024全球最佳城市」台北入列 擠進榜單原因曝光

    一說到最棒的城市,相信大部分人心目中都有不同的答案;英國知名生活旅遊刊物《Time Out》日前也選出「2024年全球最佳城市」,沒想到台灣也成功入榜,意外擊敗日本大阪以及香港等地,原因也就此曝光。
    2024/01/30 09:42
  • Keelung partners with UC Berkeley for remote courses

    Keelung City Mayor George Hsieh has announced a collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley to offer a remote course for high school students in Keelung. Out of 249 applicants, 30 students will be selected for the program, which will begin next month. This initiative is part of Hsieh’s plan to promote academic excellence locally and he aims to introduce more courses in 2024 to provide Keelung’s top high schoolers with high-quality international education. The selected students will participate in a course focused on the autonomous vehicle industry, learning programming in Python and various algorithms. Classes will be held twice weekly from February 24 to March 24 at the city hall briefing room. Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of completion from UC Berkeley. This collaboration aims to encourage local education and retain talented students in Keelung.
    2024/01/29 17:08
  • Final call: Claim your newborn’s NT$6,000 subsidy by Jan 31

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Finance’s National Treasury Administration is reminding parents to claim their remaining NT$6,000 subsidies for newborns before 5 p.m. on Jan. 31. Out of the 35,000 eligible newborns, approximately 33,500 have already received their benefits. Parents need to present identification papers and the birth certificate of their newborn at the post office counter to receive the subsidies. If someone else is collecting on their behalf, they must also provide identification. In cases where the birth mother is not eligible, birth registration and confirmation of the father’s eligibility are required. The government does not send text messages or emails regarding money collection or enrollment, and will not ask for bank transfers over phone calls. If individuals encounter suspicious websites or messages, they should report it immediately by dialing the 165 anti-fraud hotline.
    2024/01/29 11:39
  • DPP to nominate current speakers for legislative posts

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) plans to nominate Legislative President You Si-kun and Vice President Tsai Chi-chang for the upcoming inauguration of the legislature. President-elect Lai Ching-te intends to meet with the vice presidential nominee to seek out the opinion of other political parties’ legislative caucuses. In response, the Kuomintang (KMT) nominated legislator-elect Han Kuo-yu and legislator Johnny Chiang. Han and Chiang have already visited the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for closed-door meetings and subsequent media interviews. The TPP Caucus respects the candidates’ wishes and is open to future meetings with the DPP nominees.
    2024/01/29 11:02
  • 影音/鄭運鵬被酸「靠德德選舉」 Call out本尊求救當眾被嗆5字

    2024/01/28 10:56
  • 吳宗憲上《夜夜秀》說重話!嚴肅警告賀瓏 心疼爆Albee不笑了

    吳宗憲先前在《賀瓏夜夜秀》接受CALL OUT,主持人賀瓏當場開邀吳宗憲上節目,當時吳宗憲爽快表示:「我們底下(台下)的朋友的呼聲夠大,憲哥就一定來。」讓現場觀眾超嗨。吳宗憲昨(27)日現身東森直播Channel 5活動,透露已經上《夜夜秀》,並當場對賀瓏說出重話。
    2024/01/28 06:59
  • 許光漢韓國拍戲收「大咖男神」應援 曬認證照網驚:夢幻聯動

    許光漢以台劇《想見你》紅遍亞洲,人氣燒到韓國、日本,最近更進攻南韓拍攝韓劇《No Way Out》,目前正在當地拍攝的他,今(27)日曬出2PM成員李俊昊送上的咖啡車,2大男神再次「夢幻聯動」引起話題。
    2024/01/27 19:42
  • 德德說話了!鄭運鵬被問「靠兒子選舉」 本尊5字犀利反問

    民進黨立委鄭運鵬連任失利,不過因兒子「德德」高顏值備受關注,也更加帶旺他的人氣,開設Threads帳號自封「鄭運鵬兒子的爸爸」,目前已經突破22萬追蹤,他近來上脫口秀《賀瓏夜夜秀》也引起熱烈迴響,特別篇《酸民百萬富翁》也播出,鄭運鵬被問到「某某靠兒子在選而已」,他當場call out德德,全場一聽到德德聲音立刻興奮尖叫。
    2024/01/27 07:00
  • LINE Pay soars 195% in market debut, hits NT$1030

    LINE Pay, a mobile payment provider, had a successful over-the-counter market debut in Taipei, with shares soaring 195% from the listing price of NT$348 to a record high of NT$1030. The company’s financial documents reveal a capital of NT$600 million and earnings per share of NT$8.04 in 2022. LINE Pay’s revenue for 2022 reached NT$3.62 billion, demonstrating consistent growth over the past four years. With over 500,000 payment locations and more than 7 million active users out of 12 million customers in Taiwan, LINE Pay predicts that its revenue will increase to NT$4.78 billion in 2023. Notably, nearly half of the population in Taiwan are LINE Pay users. In terms of revenue share in 2023, transaction fee income accounted for 83%, financial promotion collaborations for 12%, and marketing product sales for 5%, according to LINE Pay’s statement.
    2024/01/26 17:23
  • 秒下船!曖昧期6行為直接OUT 過來人怒批:「這種人」超噁

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近一年內「曖昧對象扣分行為」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的曖昧對象扣分行為。
    2024/01/26 15:05
  • 吳宗憲將上《賀瓏夜夜秀》?吳姍儒鬆口了 爆料老爸收2白包氣炸

    吳姍儒(Sandy)今(25)日出席珠寶活動,聊到最近《賀瓏夜夜秀》的話題,她的爸爸日前接受黃明志CALL OUT,要他在《賀瓏夜夜秀》回答是否周杰倫的曲風千篇一律?吳宗憲當下未正面回應,還反問黃明志有沒有收到喜帖,賀瓏當場開邀吳宗憲上節目,對此吳姍儒也鬆口吳宗憲上節目的可能性。
    2024/01/25 17:26
  • Taiwan’s youth Culture Points misused, legal actions loom

    The Ministry of Culture in Taiwan has identified violations related to the use of Culture Points, distributed to individuals aged 16-22, for promoting youth engagement in the performing arts, exhibitions, and book consumption. Businesses, including beauty and nail salons, have been caught illegally accepting these points. The Ministry has warned these venues and legal action has not been ruled out, as fraudulently claiming benefits is considered a crime under Article 339 of the Criminal Code, carrying a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment. Additionally, some young people have been selling their Culture Points on social platforms and auction sites, potentially exposing their personal data. To address this issue, the Ministry has performed a database comparison and locked emails of accounts with large amounts of Culture Points, urging citizens to reconfirm their identities to reclaim usage rights.
    2024/01/25 17:06
  • Japanese scientist discovers new cockroach species in Taiwan

    Discover the fascinating story of Shizuma Yanagisawa, a Japanese entomologist who has found two new species of cockroaches in Taiwan and Malaysia. Learn about the "Periplaneta gigantea," or the "Taiwan Giant Cockroach," which is unexpectedly large, measuring up to 54.5 millimeters in length. Explore how Yanagisawa identified this new species through careful observation of its unique characteristics. Find out how this Taiwanese variant differs from common foreign species and its distribution across Taiwan’s mountain regions. Don’t miss the opportunity to see this new species on display at the Ryuyo Insect Nature Observation Park in Iwata, contributing to our understanding of the diverse cockroach genus.
    2024/01/25 15:11
  • Taiwan reports 53 OHCA deaths amidst cold snap

    53 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) deaths have been reported in Taiwan as of Jan. 23, according to the National Fire Agency (NFA). The NFA highlights that although there is no direct evidence linking these deaths to the cold weather, lower temperatures do increase the risk of sudden death. In Taipei City, six people experienced OHCA and were taken to medical facilities, but only one person was successfully revived. The average age of the victims was 80. Similarly, New Taipei City recorded eight OHCAs, with only three survivors. Authorities are urging the public to remain vigilant, especially older adults and those with chronic illnesses, emphasizing the importance of staying warm.
    2024/01/24 12:39
  • 加州治安差!專偷「福利金」 知名漢堡店.不堪搶劫收攤

    2024/01/23 19:59
  • TSMC’s potential 1nm factory fuels Chiayi housing boom

    Housing prices in the Science Park in Taibao, Chiai County, have significantly increased due to the possibility of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) establishing a 1-nanometer factory in the area. Although the news is not confirmed, the anticipation has led to a surge in pre-sale housing prices, with pre-sale apartment buildings increasing by 8.8% and townhouses rising by 12.6% between 2019 and 2023. TSMC has expressed its land needs to the Southern Taiwan Science Park Management Office, but the final decision to set up the factory depends on various factors. According to the Ministry of the Interior’s statistics, the price per ping in Chiayi County has soared by 65% from NT$101,500 to NT$167,100 between the first quarter of 2018 and the third quarter of 2023. Analysts believe this trend could continue as Chiayi County actively promotes industrial transformation and has six emerging industrial parks, including the potential site for the TSMC factory, the Chiayi Science Park. With the addition of nearby Tai Sugar Corporation’s land, it may meet TSMC’s requirement for a 100-ping plant. Despite the migration issue in predominantly agricultural Chiayi County, TSMC’s factory has the potential to stimulate the housing market by attracting younger out-of-town individuals and influencing the county’s buying and leasing market.
    2024/01/23 16:17
  • TPP mulls internal polling system after election loss

    Taipei People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je has expressed his intention to establish an internal public opinion center in order to improve the accuracy of future polls. This decision follows the TPP’s defeat in the presidential election and the subsequent launch of a post-defeat review. Ko believes that implementing out-of-district voting is a key change that needs to be made. He also highlighted the need for voting methods to adapt to the changing times, which he sees as a contributing factor to the election loss. In the meantime, concerns have been raised about legislator-at-large-elect Huang Shan-shan’s alleged dual party membership. Huang has responded by threatening legal action against those spreading false information, as the TPP prepares to establish a legal department. Additionally, TPP Taipei party headquarters chairman Lin Kuo-cheng has offered to resign due to disappointing post-election results. The TPP has clarified that staff turnovers are a result of job positions and organizational adjustments, as current legislative workloads are burdensome. The party plans to release a defeat review report to identify the main causes of the election loss.
    2024/01/23 16:15
  • Taiwan detects pesticide in Japanese strawberry imports

    A shipment of strawberries from Saitama, Japan has been found to have excessive pesticide residue, according to Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The imported strawberries, weighing a total of 3.5 kilograms, exceeded permitted pesticide levels. Deputy Director of the FDA, Lin Chin-fu, stated that all imported Japanese strawberries undergo 100% customs inspection. From July 15, 2023 to January 15, 2024, 2.3 metric tons of Japanese strawberries were discovered to contain pesticide residue. Out of 325 batches inspected, 14 failed the inspection, resulting in a failure rate of 4.31%. Since June 1, 2023, all shipments of strawberries from Japan to Taiwan have been subjected to batch-by-batch inspections. Japanese manufacturers failing inspections will face a one-month import suspension.
    2024/01/23 14:59
  • Cold front in Taiwan linked to fatal cardiac arrests

    A cold front in Taiwan has been linked to five fatal cases of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) in the Keelung region. Victims’ ages ranged from 52 to 97. The Keelung City Fire Department reported a total of five emergency rescue cases of OHCA, with two males and three females affected. It is unclear whether the cold weather was the cause of these emergencies. Temperatures dropped to 6-8 degrees Celsius on Tuesday morning, prompting the fire department to urge the public to prioritize warmth and guard against the risks posed by the low temperatures. The Central Weather Administration (CWA) reported temperatures of 6-8 degrees in areas north of central Taiwan and Yilan, and 9-12 degrees in southern Taiwan and Hualien-Taitung regions. The whole island may experience regional short-term rain due to moisture from southern China, with heavier rainfall expected in Keelung, the northern coast, and the mountainous area of Taipei city. New Taipei, Taipei, and Yi-lan may also be affected by heavy rains.
    2024/01/23 13:16
  • Taiwan’s MOEA to aid Taipower’s budget crisis

    The Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, plans to help Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) seek budgetary support from the Executive Yuan to alleviate its financial distress. Taipower reached out to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) for assistance, citing escalating international fuel prices caused by the Russia-Ukraine war. Other global power companies, such as Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), and Électricité de France (EDF), have already experienced significant price hikes. Taipower’s rates are relatively low compared to the cost of power generation, resulting in policy-driven losses. As of 2023, Taipower has accumulated losses of NT$382.6 billion due to absorbing price increases to protect Taiwan from global inflation. The MOEA disclosed that Taipower and the CPC Corporation have discrepancies in predicting natural gas prices, leading Taipower to observe international coal prices for cost estimates in 2024. While mitigating Taipower’s financial woes in the short term poses challenges, Wang aims to prevent further losses. The MOEA will assist Taipower in lobbying the government for budget support once financial situation estimates are finalized. The decision to adjust electricity prices will be made by the Electricity Price Review Committee.
    2024/01/23 13:09
  • Survey reveals doubts on China’s ability to invade Taiwan

    A survey conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Taiwan’s Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) reveals that only 26% of U.S. experts and 17% of Taiwanese experts believe that China has the military capability to carry out a "joint island landing operation" within the next five years. The study, which surveyed 52 U.S. experts and 35 Taiwanese experts, found that most agreed that China lacks the ability to effectively implement a joint maritime, land, and air invasion of Taiwan. However, 90% of U.S. experts and 62% of Taiwanese experts believe that China could isolate or blockade Taiwan in the next five years, primarily as a commercial action. This action would be conducted by China’s Coast Guard or other law enforcement vessels, not its military. Additionally, 80% of U.S. experts and 60% of Taiwanese experts believe that China could implement a blockade of Taiwan, which would involve both commercial and military activities led by China’s military. Taiwanese experts generally had a more conservative viewpoint on China’s execution abilities compared to their American counterparts when it came to perceived threats from mainland China.
    2024/01/23 13:01
  • Taiwan launches coveted dragon zodiac coins amid frenzy

    Limited edition dragon year zodiac commemorative coins are being sold by Taiwan’s Central Bank, with 45,000 sets available at the Bank of Taiwan’s counters. Queues formed as early as 4 a.m. despite the cold weather, and each buyer can purchase only two sets per turn. Online pre-orders sold out within 3 hours, and the resale price has surged to NT$3,000 from the original price of NT$1,900.
    2024/01/22 12:15
  • EVA Air pilots secure right to strike

    Pilots for Taiwan’s EVA Air, supported by the Pilots Union Taoyuan (TUP), have voted in favor of striking due to ongoing disputes over pay raises. The TUP reported that out of the 910 participating pilots, an overwhelming 900 approved the strike action, with only 10 voting against it. The pilots are demanding a 20% salary adjustment, citing two main grievances – the hiring of foreign pilots amidst a staffing shortage and what they perceive as inadequate salaries and year-end bonuses, especially considering the airline industry’s substantial profits during the pandemic. EVA Air employs a total of 1,400 pilots, with 650 being TUP members. If all union member pilots choose to strike, it could result in half of the passenger and cargo flights being unable to operate during the Lunar New Year holiday. In contrast to the 2019 pilot strike at China Airlines, the TUP has stated that it will announce any confirmed strikes for 2024 at least 24 hours in advance to provide passengers with sufficient time to make necessary preparations.
    2024/01/22 12:14
  • MOFA vows stronger ties with Tuvalu amid diplomatic rumors

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has been closely cooperating with Tuvalu in various fields and will continue to strengthen such cooperation for mutual prosperity. MOFA’s remarks came after rumors that Tuvalu might establish diplomatic ties with China after its general election on Friday. Bikenibeu Paeniu, Tuvalu’s ambassador to Taiwan, suggested that Tuvalu might seek diplomatic recognition from Beijing after its Jan. 26 general election. Taiwan’s foreign ministry noted that numerous high-ranking officials from Tuvalu had congratulated Taiwan’s elected president and vice president after its democratic election and reiterated their commitment to preserving the friendship between the two countries. Some experts believe that Paeniu’s comments require further verification and cannot rule out the possibility that Tuvalu is using this as leverage to solicit support from Australia.
    2024/01/22 12:13
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