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    Academy 結果共50筆

  • Taiwan launches net-zero emission training to meet demand

    Discover how Taiwan’s National Environmental Research Academy is addressing the demand for green talent with its Net-Zero Emission Capacity Enhancement Class, filling up quickly due to high demand. Learn about the initiative’s focus on equipping individuals for the green sector and supporting green careers.
    2024/04/30 14:48
  • Taiwan’s Environment Minister to step down in May

    Meta description: Hsieh Fu-sheng, current Minister of Environment, announces he will not retain his position in President-elect Lai Ch’ing-te’s upcoming cabinet. Hsieh will return to teaching at National Chung Hsing University after May 20 and retire in 2025. He expresses gratitude for his experience and hopes his successor will continue promoting environmental initiatives.
    2024/04/17 15:34
  • Ma Ying-jeou to lead youth delegation to China

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou to lead a delegation of young scholars from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation’s Dajiu Academy on a visit to China, including stops in Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Beijing. The trip, set for April 1 to 11, aims to enhance cross-strait relations through cultural exchanges and youth engagement.
    2024/03/25 14:56
  • Michelle Yeoh shines in Taiwanese jewels at Oscars

    Academy Award-winning actress Michelle Yeoh dazzles at the 96th Academy Awards in Taipei time, presenting in a custom Balenciaga Couture gown and Cindy Chao’s exclusive jewelry. Yeoh, known for her role in "Everything Everywhere All at Once," graces the red carpet as a presenter at the prestigious event held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California.
    2024/03/11 18:11
  • Taiwan to host gender equality week in NYC

    MOFA announces Taiwan Gender Equality Week in New York City during the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women. Highlighted by a forum on women’s financial resilience featuring Dr. Hank C.C. Huang. Notable attendees include Denise Scotto and Kelley Currie. Event to be live-streamed on MOFA’s social media channels.
    2024/03/07 16:21
  • Community mourns fallen officer Su Yu-hung in Keelung

    The tragic story of Officer Su Yu-hung’s untimely death at the Badu Police Station in Keelung City unfolds as his family returns for a soul-calling ritual. Colleagues pay tribute and bid farewell, with the station chief breaking down in sorrow. The assault, carried out by a mentally-troubled man, claimed Su’s life and left the community in mourning. Su, a dedicated and diligent officer, is remembered for his passion and commitment to duty.
    2024/03/01 17:14
  • Taiwan to launch 320 civilian emergency response teams

    The Executive Yuan unveils plans for the Taiwan Community Emergency Response Team (T-CERT) in a recent policy report, aiming to establish 320 teams with 8,000 members within five years. Training will involve various sectors, drawing parallels to the civilian defense concept of the Kuma Academy. Despite opposition from Kuomintang legislators, the initiative focuses on disaster response, not military operations, in line with Taiwan’s Disaster Prevention and Protection Act. The teams, inspired by FEMA recommendations, are supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of National Defense.
    2024/02/20 16:37
  • National Museum of History Reopens on Feb. 21

    The National Museum of History (NMH) in Taipei is reopening to the public on Feb. 21 after a five-year renovation. The museum has expanded its exhibition spaces by about 262 pings, a traditional unit of area in Taiwan. The renovation also includes enhanced nighttime lighting to create a scenic nightscape within the Nanhai Academy. The façade now integrates the NMH, the National Taiwan Arts Education Center’s Nanhai Theater, and the corridor landscape between the National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute. The renovated NMH features an enlarged display space, a new family-oriented area for children, a national gallery for special exhibitions, and a panoramic dining restaurant. The museum aims to create a continuous public space within the establishment to enhance the recreational environment of Nanhai Cultural Park. The new evening lighting aims to boost the overall ambiance of the Nanhai Academy.
    2024/02/07 16:14
  • Taiwanese American director’s film nominated for Oscar

    "Island in Between," a documentary by Taiwanese American director S. Leo Chiang, has been nominated for Best Documentary Short Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The film provides an outsider’s perspective on the everyday life of the Kinmen Islands, exploring the complex relationship between Taiwan, Kinmen, and China through the lens of Chiang’s father’s military service memories. Chiang, who was born in Taiwan and raised in the U.S., aims to offer a unique perspective on the Taiwan Strait crisis by sharing the experiences of the people living in the region. The winners of the 96th Academy Awards will be announced on March 10.
    2024/01/24 14:19
  • ’Parasite’ actor dies in apparent suicide amid drug scandals

    Acclaimed South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun, known for his roles in popular films and television dramas such as ’Coffee Prince,’ ’My Mister,’ and ’Parasite,’ was found dead in his car in a suspected suicide. Lee had gained extensive popularity across Asia, including Taiwan, where he had visited in 2019 to promote his film ’Take Point.’ His performance in ’My Mister’ had received rave reviews, and ’Parasite’ had won both the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the Academy Award for Best Picture. Despite his success, Lee’s career was overshadowed by suspicion of drug involvement, ultimately leading to his tragic end, deeply saddening fans worldwide.
    2023/12/27 18:31
  • Taiwan’s math scores rise, but equity gaps widen

    Junyi Academy has pointed out the growing disparity in mathematics achievement among students in Taiwan. While Taiwanese students ranked third internationally in mathematics, with an average score of 547, there is a significant gap between the top and bottom performers. The top 10 percent scored an average of 623 points, while the bottom 10 percent scored an average of 434 points. This "M-shaped" divergence in proficiency is attributed to the unequal access to digital learning. Children from higher socioeconomic status households have benefited more from digital devices for educational purposes, widening the gap. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital teaching methods, but there has been a decline in platform usage recently. Junyi Academy emphasizes the need for guided learning in technology and equitable teaching to address urban-rural and learning disparities. The chairman, Lu Kuan-wei, also highlighted the potential of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, as an educational tool but raised concerns about students misusing AI for homework completion. Lu urged presidential candidates to develop comprehensive educational policies that address the challenges and opportunities brought by technological advances.
    2023/12/07 18:47
  • National Defense Intellectual Tour begins in Kaohsiung

    The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Gushan District, Kaohsiung City. Visitors had the opportunity to view naval ships, including the Yushan class, the ROCS Ta Chiang, and the Min Jiang-class minelayer, showcasing Taiwan’s maritime defense capabilities. The event featured a captivating performance by the R.O.C. Naval Academy Band and the 256th Battle Division Drum Team, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Attendees also had the chance to take photos with naval personnel. The annual tour aims to increase public understanding of the nation’s military capabilities and foster national pride and community support for the military.
    2023/11/13 15:03
  • Legislators, vet groups demand faster FIP meds approval

    Legislators and veterinarian groups in Taiwan are calling for an expedited process to grant treatment approval for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a highly fatal disease for cats. FIP is particularly prevalent in cats with weakened immune systems, such as older or younger cats, and has an almost 100% mortality rate. Diagnosing and preventing the disease is challenging, and currently, there are no legal medications for FIP in Taiwan. Legislator Kao Chia-yu, in collaboration with veterinarian groups, is working to provide hope for cats suffering from FIP. Research has shown that GS-441524 tablets have curative effects, but the application process for animal medication has been halted due to the COVID-19 outbreak. During a press conference, the president of the Taiwan Academy of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Chung Sheng-hua, highlighted that Remdesivir, a COVID-19 medication, and Molnupiravir from MSD have also demonstrated effectiveness against FIP. Chung urged relevant authorities to expedite the legalization of these drugs to obtain the necessary animal medication permits.
    2023/11/03 21:26
  • Taiwan celebrates National Day with spectacular performances

    Taiwan’s 112th National Day celebration featured impressive military performances and a display of artistry in front of the Presidential Office Building. Explore the highlights of Taiwan’s National Day ceremony.
    2023/10/10 16:34
  • U.S., Japan marching bands join in National Day celebration

    The Tokyo University of Agriculture Second High School "Emerald Knights" visit Taiwan to perform at the National Day celebration. President Tsai Ing-wen treats them to Taiwanese salted crispy chicken and lemon aiyu jelly. They join other marching bands for a joint exchange at the National Performing Arts Center. The Emerald Knights will perform an anime medley during the National Day Celebration. The UCLA Bruins Marching Band also participates, making it the first time a U.S. performance group performs on Taiwan’s National Day stage.
    2023/10/09 14:44
  • 諾貝爾化學獎「得獎名單」外洩?委員會駁:尚未決定得主

    2023年「諾貝爾獎」(Nobel Price)各獎項得主將從2日起陸續揭曉,沒想到就在正式頒獎的數小時前,瑞典「皇家科學院」(Royal Academy of Sciences)疑似洩露了「化學獎」(Chemistry)得主,不過院方立即否認這則消息,並表示目前尚未決定最終得主。
    2023/10/04 17:20
  • AI is Taiwan’s next window of opportunity, says Lai Ching-te

    Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasizes Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global supply chain through AI technology at the 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Annual Conference. Learn more about his insights on AI’s significance and its impact on Taiwan’s future.
    2023/09/15 19:45
  • 私傳「裸露長輩圖」 美女師誘未成年學生上床被捕

    美國阿拉巴馬州一間教會學校,傳出有數學女老師私下向學生傳送胸部裸照,誘騙任教的15歲男學生上鉤,並與他們發生不正當性關係。《福斯新聞》報導,位於阿拉巴馬的克倫肖基督學院(Crenshaw Christian Academy)日前接獲匿名線報,指控在15歲男學生手機內,找到該校35歲女老師佛斯特(Chrystal Frost)的上空裸照,經過校方與警局追查後,男學生GT承認,老師經常傳裸照給他,兩人曾發生過至少四次性關係,目前女教師已經自請離職並遭警局拘捕候審。
    2023/09/08 14:35
  • 金研院與馬來西亞銀行家學院攜手合作 培育金融人才

    台灣金融研訓院(Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance, 以下簡稱TABF)與馬來西亞亞洲特許銀行家學院(Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers, 以下簡稱AICB)於本(112)年6月28日圓滿達成合作備忘錄締結,開啟了雙方在金融人才培育領域的全新合作,以加速台灣金融業的國際化與新南向市場拓展。
    2023/06/28 17:21
  • 防AI「篡位」!葛萊美獎修改審核標準 只有真人能獲獎

    身為美國與全球重要的表演藝術大獎,負責審定與頒發《葛萊美獎》(Grammy Award)的國家錄音藝術科學學院(National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences),根據美媒報導,重新修改獎項規定,除了減少四大獎項的提名數量,同時也出手限制人工智慧(AI)對創作的「潛在威脅」,新規定中限制、從2024年第66屆開始,只允許真人創作者,能夠被提名、報名和獲得這座葛萊美獎的殊榮,將完全使用人智慧創作的作品隔絕門外。
    2023/06/18 18:10
  • 80歲拜登跌倒引關注健康狀況 《紐時》揭白宮內部觀察

    高齡80的美國總統拜登(Joe Biden),是美國史上最年長的在任總統,當地時間1日他在科羅拉多州空軍官校(Air Force Academy)被放在地上的沙袋絆倒,也再引發外界討論他的健康狀況。外媒採訪多名前官員以及與拜登共事過的人,試圖拼湊出這位高齡總統在白宮的日常。
    2023/06/05 21:54
  • 拜登遭沙袋絆倒仆街 川普隔空溫馨關切:希望他沒事

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)高齡80歲,是美國史上最年長的在任總統,由於他已宣布要挑戰2024連任白宮大位,他的健康狀況也成為反對黨攻擊目標之一。但拜登美國時間1日在科羅拉多州空軍官校(Air Force Academy)的講台上被放在地上的沙袋絆倒,撲地摔了一跤;不過這次宿敵川普聞訊並沒有大作文章,反道隔空喊話關心,表示「太悲傷了」、「希望他沒有受傷」。
    2023/06/03 11:02
  • 圖輯/拜登頒空軍官校畢業證書當眾慘摔 起身比兇手是「它」

    現年80歲的美國總統拜登(Biden)1日出席美國空軍學院(U.S. Air Force Academy)畢業典禮,親切地和畢業生們握手、頒發畢業證書,環節尾聲,拜登轉身要回到座位時,因為沒有注意到地上的黑色沙包,而摔在舞台上,讓場邊歡呼聲瞬間變成尖叫聲,身旁的官員和隨扈們也嚇壞,衝上台攙扶他,這已是拜登第四度在公開場合摔倒。
    2023/06/02 14:31
  • Oops!80歲拜登又跌倒 「正面撲地」隨扈急攙扶

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)今天在科羅拉多州美國空軍官校(Air Force Academy)的講台上被絆倒,正面撲地,所幸他看起來沒有受傷。
    2023/06/02 07:55
  • 告別菜鳥!美海軍官校新生挑戰「爬油柱」 合力攻頂方尖碑

    位於馬里蘭州(Maryland)安納波里市(Annapolis)的美國海軍學院(Naval Academy),17日舉行一年一度的新生傳統儀式「赫恩登紀念碑攀登」(Herndon Monument Climb,又名豬油紀念碑攀登)活動,大一生(plebes)們在菜鳥年結束前通力合作,打赤膊奮力爬上6.4公尺高、塗滿豬油的方尖碑,用最快的速度將碑頂的白色水手帽「迪克西帽」(dixie cup)換成圓盤狀的「見習軍官帽」(Midshipman’s cap),象徵從菜蟲滿地的新生升格大二學長,展現一年來學到的團隊精神和毅力。
    2023/05/18 12:47
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