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    A Cut 結果共19筆

  • 米其林餐廳也不合格! 議員揭「食安地雷」:君品頤宮、天香樓都入列

    食安問題再浮檯面,國民黨台北市議員柳采葳今(29)日揭露,包括君品頤宮、天香樓、米香、A Cut等米其林餐廳在內,近四年來多次衛生稽查不合格;素食店家食安也亮紅燈,摩斯漢堡的衛生稽查不合格率在近四年內平均高達36%。她質疑,「連米其林餐廳衛生都堪憂,民眾還有什麼東西可以吃得安心?」
    2024/04/29 17:59
  • City gov’t finalizes rental fees for Taipei Dome

    The Taipei City Government has received proposed rental fee standards for the Taipei Dome from the Farglory Group. The Department of Sports confirmed that ticket sales and rental costs for domestic baseball games amounted to NT$525,000, including a 10% ticket sales cut. For non-ticketed events open to the public, venue rent costs rise to NT$1.05 million. The Taipei Dome has established its venue rental pricing standard after three months of trial run and submitted it to the city government. The rental fee will vary based on event types and standards, with utilities calculated separately. Different rates apply to international baseball events, non-baseball events, non-sporting events, and specific events like concerts or exhibitions. Rental costs also differ based on whether the venue is fully opened or not. The Farglory Group has provided the proposed fee standards to the city government for evaluation and a public announcement will be made after discussions.
    2024/02/02 15:54
  • Delivery Hero to close Taipei tech hub amid restructuring

    Delivery Hero, the parent company of Foodpanda, will close its global tech hub in Taipei as part of a major restructuring. This decision comes as Delivery Hero faces reduced investor confidence and aims to achieve efficient profitability and sustained growth. However, Taiwan’s Foodpanda assured that its operations in Taiwan will not be affected by the closure. The company also clarified that the recent organizational adjustments will not impact its operations or organizational structure in Taiwan, and no staff members in Taiwan will be laid off as part of this restructuring.
    2023/12/19 16:06
  • Taoyuan City Council cuts funds for garbage bag plan

    The Taoyuan City Council has passed the fiscal year 2024 budget, but has cut NT$117 million for the promotion and production of designated garbage bags. This decision puts the original pay-as-you-throw garbage fee system, set to start in July 2025, at risk. The city’s Department of Environmental Protection had allocated the funds for awareness campaigns and manufacturing the necessary garbage bags. City council members argue for a more cautious approach, considering resident feedback to determine the best time to implement the initiative. In response, Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang announced an extension of the pay-as-you-throw policy timeline, with no fixed schedule in place.
    2023/12/12 18:43
  • CKS Memorial Hall bans smoking completely

    The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Management Office has announced a comprehensive smoking ban and the elimination of designated smoking areas in order to maintain the integrity of the park’s recreational environment. This decision comes after Taiwanese entertainer Tai Chih-yuan criticized the memorial’s park administration for cutting down trees to establish a smoking zone, which he deemed harmful to the environment. However, the office clarified that the smoking area was established in 2009 and had no connection to the removal of the trees, which were infested with brown root rot disease. The decision to cut down the trees was made to ensure public safety and prevent the spread of the disease to other trees in the area, according to a statement from the office. Once the condition of the trees was confirmed by the Ministry of Agriculture’s Forestry Research Institute, the office promptly provided public notice and carried out necessary operations.
    2023/12/12 13:52
  • Taipei Dome screens go dark during Asia baseball game

    During the 2023 Asian Baseball Championship game between Japan and South Korea at the Taipei Dome, technical difficulties caused the main and side screens to go black. The Farglory Group attributed this outage to an unexpected system crash. The interruption, which occurred in the top of the seventh inning, lasted for approximately ten minutes before the manufacturer resolved the issue. Earlier in the game, Japanese player Ryosuke Aizawa collided with the home run wall while catching a deep fly ball in the fourth inning, resulting in leg injuries. Deputy general manager Jacky Yang of the Farglory Group clarified that the impact did not break the wall, but rather Aizawa’s spike shoes accidentally cut through the padding at the bottom. The Farglory Group assured that the stadium’s design complied with safety standards and that subsequent games would proceed unaffected.
    2023/12/11 20:12
  • MOEA head promises negotiation on tax cut for young workers

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, has promised to address a tax cut for young workers in continued negotiation with the Ministry of Finance. Kuomintang (KMT) Legislator Yang Chiung-ying has highlighted concerns over low salaries in Taiwan, noting that the median wage is NT$42,000, the lowest among the Four Asian Tigers. To address this issue, Yang has suggested increasing the age for tax incentives for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) hiring young employees from under 24 to under 30. This policy change, according to the legislator, could significantly help young people struggling with low wages. In response, Wang stated that the government would discuss the proposal with the Ministry of Finance and emphasized their efforts to reduce taxes to tackle the issue of low wages for young workers.
    2023/11/06 20:34
  • Maersk layoffs send shipping stocks tumbling

    Global shipping leader Maersk’s decision to cut its workforce by 10,000 has caused a downturn in shipping stocks on November 6th. Within the first ten minutes of trading, Evergreen Marine (2603) dropped 4% to NT$107.5, while Yang Ming Marine Transport (2609) and Wan Hai Lines (2615) also experienced turbulence with declines of over 2%. Following Maersk’s announcement, the company’s stock price fell more than 18%. The shipping industry is currently facing numerous challenges, including sluggish cargo demand, falling freight rates, rising energy costs, inflation, and geopolitical tensions. Maersk CEO Vincent Clerc described these challenges as the "new normal." Insiders have noted that the shipping market is not as robust as it has been in recent years, leading to uncertainty and a "supply-demand imbalance" in the coming year.
    2023/11/06 20:06
  • Tesla drops price on Model Y in Taiwan

    Taiwan Tesla announced a price reduction for its Model Y vehicles on Friday (Feb. 3), following a wait of over a month. 
    2023/02/04 22:00
  • Bunny-shaped lanterns win praise during Lantern Festival

    Taiwan is witnessing a surge in demand for inflatable bunny-shaped lanterns ahead of the Taiwan Lantern Festival.
    2023/02/03 18:51
  • Taiwan feels full effects of climate change with hotter days

    Climate change is a pressing issue, and many in Taiwan are doing their best to recycle and cut down on waste.
    2022/11/10 18:23
  • 摘星揭密!嘸台菜入榜 米其林總監:廣納百川

    米其林名單公布,國賓飯店A CUT牛排館變黑馬,摘下一星,曾經蟬聯2次米其林餐盤推薦,這次有星星加持,主廚認為都是靠品質穩定,不過這次名單內2星以上沒有台菜餐廳,獨家專訪米其林國際總監,他透漏評審口味不分國籍,都是用「開放的心」去評鑑,本身也來過台灣好幾回,對夜市和巷弄餐廳用餐氛圍,印象最深刻。
    2020/08/25 20:24
  • 頤宮3連霸!logy升2星 「A Cut、明壽司」首摘星

    2020台北米其林名單公布,新加入一星的有國賓飯店A Cut牛排館,慕舍飯店的西班牙餐廳渥達尼斯磨坊以及早有名氣的明壽司都加入行列,另外logy則是從一星升等為二星,另外頤宮仍然蟬聯三星。
    2020/08/24 19:33
  • 美高級牛排「亞洲第一家」 插旗台灣原因是...

    2018/10/06 20:15
  • 國賓飯店拚餐飲 董座:今年目標7成占比

    2018/04/12 19:35
  • 饕客久等了!A Cut回歸 端出老牛「回春肉」

    雖然台北高檔牛排館林立,已有10年歷史的國賓大飯店「A Cut牛排館」,始終維持高檔,不受影響。而經過三個月的封館裝潢後,除了導入日式酒吧概念,還帶來美、澳、日頂級肉品及近20項全新菜色,以嶄新面貌見客!
    2017/12/02 00:13
  • 七夕限定!情人夜牛排套餐 平民價吸客

    浪漫七夕情人節,不少人都會帶另一半吃大餐,共度浪漫時刻。而台灣乾式熟成牛排指標的A CUT,更是是許多人在特殊節日喜愛到訪的餐廳,現在想吃牛排不用花大錢,ahmicafé阿眉快餐廳針對七夕打造「小A CUT情人夜套餐」,讓精打細算的小資族,省荷包也能甜蜜過節!
    2017/08/25 23:35
  • 大口吃肉吧! 5大不能錯過的超頂級和牛餐廳

    2017/07/27 13:21
  • 不只牛排漢堡夯!炸雞加炒飯 老外最愛中國菜

    吃美食越來越講究,現在就連美式速食「漢堡」都講求精緻,日前國賓大飯店繼輕食品牌1Bite2GO之後,成立首家正宗美式漢堡店,採用美國農業部USDA認證的頂級美國加州BRANDT BEEF純種自然牛,標榜與飯店A Cut等級相同,牛排肉漢堡引起一陣風潮,但其實在去年底已有業者開先例,使用USDA認證的CHOICE等級牛排肉製成藍帶漢堡,讓美國道地食物升級,平價卻有奢華口感。
    2015/06/26 15:24
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