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  • Hualien animal shelter adjusts hours to boost adoption rate

    An animal rescue shelter in Hualien County, Taiwan, is adjusting its opening hours starting from November 1 to increase pet adoption rates. The Hualien County’s Agriculture Development Department announced that they will reopen applications for residents to schedule adoption appointments. The new adoption hours will be from Tuesday to Saturday, with sessions available from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter, located in Fenglin township, covers 0.88 hectares and can accommodate 330 dogs and 20 cats, significantly expanding the capacity compared to another shelter in Hualien. The shelter will be closed every Sunday and Monday for park organization, medical treatment, and animal disinfection. For more information on making appointments and adoptions, the public can contact the shelter at 03-8421452.
    2023/10/30 15:49
  • Taiwan ramps up defenses against Chinese infiltration

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense has reported to the Legislative Yuan on four methods of infiltration by China: "compatriot’s affection," "familial love," "organized crime," and "online communication." The National Army is taking measures to counter these infiltration tactics, including domain safety checks on military computer networks and careful examination of file transfer procedures. China’s state security agency has been actively penetrating Taiwan’s defenses with espionage activities, targeting classified information on underground organizations. The MJIB plans to strengthen reconnaissance-based technologies and the agile use of computing to ensure effective case investigations.
    2023/10/30 14:50
  • Mixed reactions for opening of Taipei Dome

    The highly-anticipated Taipei Dome in Taipei City is set to be unveiled by Mayor Chiang Wan-an on October 27. The mayor recently inspected the construction site and assured residents that he would thoroughly review the project and provide updates. Safety concerns raised by city council members were addressed by Chiang, who emphasized that the Dome primarily serves as a sports stadium and all events would be scrutinized according to established criteria and regulations. Although the usage permit for the Dome has been approved, the Taipei City Construction Management Office still needs to match the duplicate information with the approved content before issuing the permit.
    2023/10/25 21:51
  • Prof. May Oo Lwin rethinks the future of global health

    Professor May Oo Lwin from Nanyang Technological University spoke at the CTeC Asia event, warning against the dangerous rise in COVID-19 misinformation. Stressing the crucial role of media as a trustworthy information source, she called for public vigilance and cross-sector collaboration to counter disinformation.
    2023/10/22 17:47
  • Taiwan ends permanent secrecy in classified archives

    The Executive Yuan approved amendments to the Classified National Security Information Protection Act and the Political Archives Act which will put an end to indefinite secrecy of national classified archives. The revisions aim to review the necessity of extending confidentiality through periodic reviews instead of permanent secrecy.
    2023/10/19 16:39
  • 方君竹率TVBS奪走鐘獎 親口謝詹怡宜支持:台灣仍有好媒體存在

    YouTuber界年度盛事「走鐘獎」今(2023)年已邁入第5屆,昨(14)日晚間順利於高雄流行音樂中心落幕。黑龍、好味小姐搭檔頒發「最佳影響力獎」,入圍的有火花羅、志棋七七、cheap、哈哈台以及TVBS NEWS,最終由TVBS NEWS以獨立記者方君竹企劃、採訪的影片「【TVBS認真問】Vol.1 2027台灣是真的要打仗了嗎?」奪下此獎,一席真摯的得獎感言獲得滿堂彩。
    2023/10/15 07:16
  • MOFA clarifies assistance efforts amid Israel-Hamas war

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan responds to allegations by a stranded Taiwanese traveler in Israel, expressing regret and countering the claims. The traveler accused the Ministry of providing insufficient assistance during violent clashes in Palestine. The Ministry clarifies that the traveler received no aid from his airline and sought help from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv, but found their advice unsympathetic. The Ministry expresses regret and disappointment towards the unverified statements, emphasizing their attempts to assist the traveler and the necessity of online booking for confidential information. They also highlight their commitment to helping travelers return home amidst the conflict and express regret over baseless allegations impacting their personnel’s morale.
    2023/10/11 11:11
  • Taichung mayor emphasizes transparency in flu vaccine info

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen emphasized transparency in flu vaccine information during the Municipal Administrative Meeting. The central government has purchased publicly-funded flu vaccines from four companies: Sanofi, Adimmune, TTY Biopharm, and Medigen. These vaccines will be available across all cities and counties.
    2023/10/03 16:50
  • 傳字節跳動向美國員工回購股份 公司估值降約26%

    2023/10/03 11:07
  • DPP lashes at KMT legislator for alleged treason

    The spokesman for the Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential candidate accuses a Kuomintang legislator of treason for allegedly leaking sensitive submarine information to a foreign country. The spokesman criticizes the KMT for obstructing the defense budget and the party’s presidential candidate for avoiding the issue. The accused legislator denies the accusations and claims no personal benefits were sought.
    2023/10/02 19:18
  • THSR increases passenger capacity for Mid-Autumn Festival

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will increase passenger capacity during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2. Nearly half a million tickets have been sold, with high demand for southbound trains on Sept. 28 and 29 and northbound trains on Oct. 1 and 2.
    2023/09/27 16:13
  • Vaccine expert guilty of leaking confidential Medigen info

    On Wednesday (Sept .6), the Shihlin District Court ruled that Liu Tsang-wu, a member of the vaccine review committee under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), was guilty of leaking confidential information about the Medigen vaccine.
    2023/09/06 18:57
  • 受益AI夯翻 OpenAI有標年營收達10億美元

    因為開發ChatGPT而聲名大噪的OpenAI,在獲得微軟(Microsoft)鉅額資金挹注後,公司營運狀況也隨著人工智慧(AI)議題大熱持續成長,科技媒體《The Information》率先披露,內部知情人士表示,靠著出售AI軟體與相關計算能力,OpenAI預計將在未來12個月內,達成年營收10億美元(約新台幣318億7000萬元)的目標。報導中提到,OpenAI獲利來源主要有三:一是ChatGPT收入、二是直接對企業出售AI模型權限,第三則是透過微軟獲利。
    2023/08/30 16:33
  • 傳承擔蘋果晶片缺陷成本? 台積電:3奈米良率良好

    美國科技媒體The Information指出,台積電和蘋果公司(Apple)達成協議,在為蘋果生產定制晶片時,台積電將吸收新製程中出現的缺陷產品相關成本。台積電表示,不評論與單一客戶業務,強調3奈米良率及進度良好。
    2023/08/08 11:59
  • Lai praises Taiwan’s potential as an information powerhouse

    Vice-President Lai Ching-te emphasized Taiwan’s potential to transform into an information powerhouse during the Presidential Hackathon 2023 workshop on Friday (Aug. 4). He noted the importance of a robust legal framework to protect privacy rights and optimize domestic data use.
    2023/08/04 18:34
  • 不是三星?Google手機全客製化晶片 傳由台積電生產

    科技新聞網站The Information引述知情人士報導,Alphabet旗下谷歌公司(Google)已將其Pixel智慧型手機的全客製化晶片推出時間延至2025年,且生產商將從三星改為台積電。
    2023/07/07 08:52
  • Lai Ching-te presents Peace Plan to foreign officials

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te addressed over 40 foreign diplomats and representatives from 30 countries at an information session organized by the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) International Affairs Department on Thursday (July 6). 
    2023/07/06 17:53
  • Chinese officials exclusion from travel expo raises concerns

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Wednesday (June 28) urged Taiwan authorities to lift restrictions on cross-strait travel and prioritize the exchange of information on the tourism industry amid reports that 60 mainland officials were removed from an invitation list to attend Summer Travel Expo in Taipei from July 14 to 17.
    2023/06/28 18:45
  • Lai’s campaign office dismisses talks about U.S. visit

    A campaign spokesperson of Vice President Lai Ching-te dismissed talks on Tuesday (June 27) about his alleged plans to visit the United States. Speaking at the launch event of Lai’s campaign merchandise, spokesperson Chen Shi-kai said: "If the visit is taking place, we will let you know in the same way as in the past. We have not received any information about visiting."
    2023/06/28 12:09
  • YouBike promises compensation plan after cyberattacks

    Taiwan’s prominent public bike rental service, YouBike, has suffered two successive cyber attacks in recent weeks, compromising the personal information of over 40,000 members — twice the number initially reported. The alarming breach has prompted authorities to launch a comprehensive investigation and call upon the company to take immediate measures to mitigate risks.
    2023/05/24 11:12
  • 特斯拉招聘新員工 傳必須馬斯克本人親自批准

    美國科技產業新聞網站The Information今天報導,電動車龍頭特斯拉(Tesla)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)稱,除非他親自批准,否則公司不得招聘新人,甚至約聘也不行。
    2023/05/16 16:50
  • 搶攻永續建築商機 新保與台達策略投資天茶智能科技

    面對全球綠色轉型浪潮,永續城市、淨零碳排已成為一致性的目標,繼新光保全(9925)與台達(2308)雙方優勢互補、跨域跨業態聯手簽署合作備忘錄後,持續看好智慧城市成長商機,雙方進一步強化合作關係,策略聯盟共同投資以建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling,簡稱BIM)為基礎,結合設施管理(Facility Management,簡稱FM),提供「iBMS智慧建築管理平台」的TCIT天茶智能科技,全力衝刺智慧建築版圖。
    2023/04/21 10:12
  • Discovering destination of unclaimed lost goods in Taiwan

    In Taiwan, lost items turned in to the police can be claimed by the finder after a certain time but are still subject to regulations and limitations. 
    2023/04/18 17:48
  • Heavy Internet usage among Taiwan’s youths sparks concerns

    The term "digital generation" frequently refers to the generation-Z cohort, who have grown up with convenient access to online information and communication technologies. 
    2023/02/15 19:20
  • Study: Low temperatures can sap Tesla car batteries

    Tesla was reportedly fined US$2.25M in South Korea for not telling customers this important information.
    2023/01/05 19:02
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