
Mixed reactions for opening of Taipei Dome

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/10/25 21:51
Last update time:2023/10/25 21:54
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Mixed reactions for the opening of Taipei Dome (TVBS News) Mixed reactions for opening of Taipei Dome
Mixed reactions for the opening of Taipei Dome (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taipei Dome, a major project in the city, is expected to be unveiled by Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an on Friday (Oct. 27). 

Chiang told local media that a site inspection conducted on Tuesday was just a routine construction check. He also assured the people of Taipei that he would review the project thoroughly and keep them informed about the results. 


Regarding the concerns the city council members raised regarding public safety, Chiang emphasized that the dome is mainly a sports venue and that all events would be scrutinized per established criteria and regulations. 

On Tuesday, the Taipei City Construction Management Office confirmed that they had approved the dome's usage permit last Friday. However, the approved paperwork still needs to be verified before the issuance of the license.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Dome#municipal project#Mayor Chiang Wan-an#unveiling#inspection#construction check-ups#public safety


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