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    information 結果共130筆

  • U.S., Taiwan keen on banning TikTok from official devices

    Should we accept that social media platforms like TikTok collect personal information?
    2022/12/30 11:30
  • FCC commissioner: Chinese growing tech a rising threat

    The leaders of the world’s top superpowers, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden, met in person in Bali at the G20 summit for the first time since Biden took office. Against this backdrop, TVBS Commentator Wenchi Yu spoke with Brendan Carr, commissioner of the Federal Communication Commissions of the U.S., on information censorship, semiconductor chips, and all things related to information and communications technology with the U.S., China, and Taiwan.
    2022/11/17 19:13
  • 蘋果傳削減iPhone 14 Plus產量 重新評估需求

    網路媒體Information今天引述兩名參與蘋果公司供應鏈人士說法指出,蘋果於iPhone 14 Plus出貨短短幾週後開始削減產量,並重新評估這款中價位機型的需求。
    2022/10/19 09:20
  • 美15歲少年想當金鋼狼 竟「人體試驗」自行注射汞

    美國國家生物技術資訊中心(National Center for Biotechnology Information,簡稱NCBI)日前通報一名15歲的青少年因為沉迷於漫威英雄系列電影角色,多次往自己身上進行「人體試驗」,不僅曾因想獲得蜘蛛人的超能力,多次誘導蜘蛛咬他,更3度往體內注射「汞」,試圖把自己變成金鋼狼,造成皮膚潰爛,所幸就醫治療後並無大礙。
    2021/09/02 16:34
  • 殘忍!脖子栓鐵鍊綁牆上...小猩猩就這樣生活了一年

    為什麼要這樣對待動物呢?印尼的一個紅毛猩猩保育組織(Orangutan Information Centre,OIC),日前發現了一隻嬰兒紅毛猩猩,牠被鐵鍊綁在房子與房子之間的狹窄走道,時間長達1年,牠不管颳風下雨都只能曝曬在外頭,晚上就捲著身子自己入睡,讓人非常心疼。
    2016/10/27 23:12
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