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  • 一線男星激戰片流出! 女製片誇口「只睡男星」偷拍20圈內人

    2024/06/15 06:59
  • 懶理波特王風波!蕾菈穿超辣「打卡東方明珠」 布料超少根本擋不住

    2024/06/14 22:12
  • Niel自爆跟嘉賓住一起!明天要當眾示愛 煞到桂綸鎂「破例做1事」

    韓國男團TEEN TOP去(2023)年完整體來台開唱,以金曲〈Crazy〉、〈Rocking〉等掀起「二代團」的回憶殺,明(15)天則輪到Niel在台灣舉辦個人演唱會。前次來台在夜市吃到太多美食,讓Niel足足胖了2公斤,這次則期待能再多胖3公斤。由於是首度在台灣舉辦個人演唱會,Niel準備許多驚喜,還有首爾場看不到的表演,更直接爆雷本次嘉賓「跟我住在一起」。
    2024/06/14 20:09
  • 台股市值全球第10超德國!謝金河酸對岸吃豆腐:沒台積電就沒輝達

    總統賴清德近日接受《時代雜誌》專訪,談到他在就職演說中,「中華民國和中華人民共和國互不隸屬」的兩岸論述,而《時代雜誌》的標題則是「The Taiwan Test」,財信傳媒董事長謝金河今(14)日分析,「大洗牌的年代,看好台灣的人有福氣!」並提到台股市值已經超過德國躍居全球第10大,而台積電也成為全球第八大市值企業。
    2024/06/14 19:27
  • 毛加恩愛妻爆「生女後罹1病」遭醫斷言好不了 一票媽媽給4建議

    2024/06/14 19:15
  • 陸艇進淡水碼頭 立委曝:業者報警、海巡才來

    2024/06/14 18:51
  • TVBS智能淨灘日 搭AI科技新浪潮倡議永續生活

    身為媒體領導品牌,TVBS 肩負起媒體傳遞正向影響力的使命,積極實踐ESG永續理念,不斷致力於推廣深度內容。日前TVBS與合作夥伴「樂趣灣」,共同參與智能淨灘活動,儘管當天早晨滂沱大雨,卻仍未澆熄員工們的熱情,充分展現出在永續議題上的積極行動力。
    2024/06/14 18:40
  • 繞淡水河畫面曝! 陸男駕快艇遊蕩「逾半小時」

    2024/06/14 18:28
  • NEVs drive China’s automotive industry to new global heights

    Explore how China’s automotive industry, with a focus on New Energy Vehicles (NEVs), is becoming a central economic force, surpassing traditional sectors and setting global sales records, significantly impacting both local and international markets.
    2024/06/14 18:23
  • 金曲35/安迪有幫忙!準歌王帥兒親曝「天上生活近況」:有上香

    2024/06/14 18:23
  • 綠黨工疑訓練AI「徐巧芯臭三八」 本尊傻眼:什麼可怕思想

    2024/06/14 17:57
  • Taiwan’s car rental market booms with sharing services

    The sharing economy is gaining momentum in Taiwan, with car-sharing services emerging as a popular choice among consumers seeking convenient and flexible transportation options. Service providers are now enhancing their platforms to connect their car marketplaces and resources, aiming to attract more users.
    2024/06/14 17:55
  • AIT director reflects on U.S.-Taiwan ties as term ends

    Explore how Sandra Oudkirk, Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, reflects on her tenure and the evolution of U.S.-Taiwan relations, emphasizing defense, technology, and bipartisan support.
    2024/06/14 17:49
  • Tsai Ing-wen jokes about post-retirement career in design

    Discover how former President Tsai Ing-wen humorously shares her retirement plans on Threads, and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim praises Taiwan’s evolving interior design at the Taiwan International Interior Design Expo 2024.
    2024/06/14 16:58
  • 妹子驚見超商貨架「藏1機關」! 11萬人朝聖:現在才知道

    2024/06/14 16:53
  • Oceanic Beverages to continue trading despite financial woes

    Discover the latest on Oceanic Beverages Co., Inc., maker of Apple Sidra, as Chairwoman Su Yun-le confirms no plans to delist despite financial challenges and rumors. Read more about their efforts to stabilize and future prospects.
    2024/06/14 16:46
  • Taiwan mulls aerial refueling, early warning aircraft deals

    Discover how Taiwan is exploring aerial refueling and early warning aircraft procurement with the U.S. and France to enhance its military capabilities amid increasing airspace intrusions.
    2024/06/14 16:33
  • 分析/央行「升準不升息」打房 專家:買方沒壓力、宣示效果較大 

    2024/06/14 16:17
  • Din Tai Fung raises menu prices by 6% amid rising costs

    Discover how Din Tai Fung’s recent price hike, affecting 80% of its menu including favorites like xiaolongbao, is a response to rising operational costs. Learn about the restaurant’s efforts to balance quality with increased labor expenses and how other Chinese cuisine chains are also adjusting prices.
    2024/06/14 16:11
  • Ma Ying-jeou Foundation director slams President’s semantics

    Explore the latest critique by Ma Ying-jeou Culture and Education Foundation’s Director Hsiao Hsu-tsen on President Lai Ching-te’s comments about the Beijing-Taipei relationship, calling for clarity over semantics.
    2024/06/14 16:07
  • Taiwan’s premier praises president’s sovereignty stance

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai supports President Lai Ching-te’s commitment to sovereignty, democracy, and peace in a Time Magazine interview, amid reactions from China.
    2024/06/14 15:46
  • Cross-strait terminology confusion highlighted by Ko Wen-je

    Explore the nuanced debate on Taiwan-China relations as TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je weighs in on the subtleties lost in translation and the importance of practical handling over rhetoric. This analysis delves into the recent statements by President Lai and the contrasting views within Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2024/06/14 15:35
  • MOA: No scientific basis for animal communicators

    Discover why Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture rejects animal communicators as a legitimate profession, citing a lack of scientific evidence. Learn about the plans to regulate this controversial field amidst the country’s booming pet industry.
    2024/06/14 15:16
  • 「TVBS World Taiwan」跨界教育 淡江大學納入通識英文課程

    TVBS持續拓展國際新聞影響力,旗下英語新聞品牌「TVBS World Taiwan」,透過融合國際新聞觀點,報導台灣時事脈動,成功提升台灣的國際能見度,因此淡江大學自113學年度起,將TVBS英語新聞內容,納入通識英文課程,做為主要參考教材,藉以提升學生的英語能力。TVBS英語新聞主管龔向華(Dimitri Bruyas)表示,TVBS英語新聞影音與文字並重,是大學生了解國際時事,以及加強語言能力的理想途徑。
    2024/06/14 15:16
  • Taiwan sees major egg price cuts amid market slump

    Discover how Taiwan’s major retailers are slashing egg prices to the lowest in nearly two years, responding to market conditions and public scrutiny. Learn about the promotions and price cuts starting June 14.
    2024/06/14 15:05
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