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    孫鵬Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi唐治平娃娃機造娃娃個性星座賴清德民調陳妍希孫鵬孫安佐60元
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    M503 結果共170筆

  • Lai Ching-te preps for cross-strait relations

    Explore the evolving cross-strait dynamics as President-elect Lai Ching-te and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim engage with the Mainland Affairs Council, amid Beijing’s hardened stance and the anticipation of new leadership in Taiwan’s strait dialogue agencies.
    2024/04/22 18:18
  • 施壓「組合拳」?賴就職前 陸再設反傾銷稅

    2024/04/20 12:42
  • 中國啟用W123、W122航路!國防部警告:有飛安風險

    2024/04/19 18:00
  • China activates new flight routes near Taiwan

    Discover the latest development in cross-strait relations as China’s Civil Aviation Administration activates new flight routes to improve airspace efficiency, sparking concerns from Taiwan over flight safety near Matsu and Kinmen.
    2024/04/19 14:07
  • 中國擅改M503航線!駐以代表投書「危害台海航空安全」

    2024/03/12 09:23
  • Taiwan awaits China’s move to lift tour ban

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) in Taipei faces challenges as it considers the ban on travel agencies organizing tours to China. Amidst diplomatic tensions and logistical issues, Minister Wang Kwo-tsai emphasizes that any change to the ban hinges on China’s goodwill gestures. Stay updated on the evolving situation post-June.
    2024/03/06 15:50
  • 10萬人出團大陸!但6月又要再禁 交長:視大陸善意調整

    2024/03/06 10:47
  • 錯愕!組團赴陸旅遊急轉彎「禁團令」6月重啟

    2024/03/01 22:41
  • 拜登13度對台軍售 美議員訪台力挺

    2024/02/23 19:58
  • 赴陸旅遊團喊卡!馬英九批「大張旗鼓鬧」

    2024/02/08 14:54
  • 赴陸團6月後喊卡旅行業炸鍋 王國材:不是犧牲業者

    2024/02/08 12:04
  • 中變更M503航路!法外長:反對片面改變現狀 挺台參與國際

    2024/02/08 08:25
  • Taiwan halts tour solicitations to China amid tensions

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has abruptly halted the solicitation of tours to China, reversing its previous policy. Originally scheduled to open on March 1, tours from Taiwan to China were limited to a daily reference cap of 2,000 people, with the possibility of adjustments based on the travel industry’s ability to attract customers. The decision to halt the tours immediately was made in response to China’s failure to organize tours to Taiwan and its unilateral change of the M503 flight route without goodwill, which poses a threat to flight safety. The Tourism Administration, a part of the MOTC, believes that given the current circumstances, it is not in the best interest of Taiwanese nationals to travel to China. They continue to appeal to China to demonstrate goodwill and promote cross-strait tourism exchange. Tours that have already been solicited and are due to depart between March 1 and May 31, 2024, will proceed as planned to protect passenger rights, but tours after June 1 are not permitted to depart. Travel companies are urged to refrain from soliciting customers to avoid potential disputes.
    2024/02/07 17:06
  • 反制改M503?赴陸團「即起停招」 觀光署:當前情勢不利

    2024/02/07 16:17
  • China’s M503 flight path change near Taiwan escalates region

    China’s unilateral shift of a flight path near Taiwan raises international tensions and concerns about air defense. Experts analyze the implications on sovereignty.
    2024/02/02 17:30
  • 中國大陸擅改M503航線 美國務院:反對改變現狀

    2024/02/02 06:06
  • M503航線取消西移 國軍情監偵又臨考驗

    2024/02/01 22:56
  • Enhanced military readiness during Lunar New Year in Taiwan

    Explore how the Republic of China’s armed forces are ramping up their military readiness in Taitung amidst threats from the People’s Liberation Army, focusing on sniper training and urban warfare tactics to ensure peace and stability during the Lunar New Year.
    2024/02/01 12:52
  • MOTC voices safety concerns over China’s flight path changes

    Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kuo-tsai, expresses regret after China unilaterally adjusts flight routes, raising aviation safety concerns. The decision to cancel the "offset measure" for the M503 flight route and start east to west operations near Taiwan without bilateral negotiation has led to potential conflicts between civilian and military aircraft. The proximity of Route M503 to the Taipei Flight Information Region poses a risk, with the nearest point just 4.2 nautical miles away. Take-off and landing in Matsu and Kinmen without prior consultation could also raise safety issues. The national security units are now handling the situation and consulting with the Civil Aviation Administration and the military to develop responsive measures.
    2024/02/01 12:18
  • M503 flight route opens today, raising safety concerns

    Tensions rise in the Taiwan Strait as China unilaterally adjusts the M503 flight route, drawing criticism from Taiwan’s officials and concerns over regional stability and airspace management ahead of Taiwan’s elections.
    2024/02/01 11:08
  • 針對M503?共軍機艦大批次擾台 國軍嚴厲譴責

    2024/01/31 19:43
  • 「北京應負責」陸取消M503偏置 國軍批蠻橫

    2024/01/31 18:31
  • 陸取消M503航線飛行偏置 民進黨:不斷挑釁片面破壞現狀

    2024/01/31 16:03
  • 「北京應負責」陸取消M503偏置 國軍批蠻橫

    2024/01/31 15:13
  • 陸取消M503航線西移貼近海峽中線 外媒質疑跟選舉有關

    2024/01/31 15:12
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