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    Line������ 結果共3,880筆

  • 台中跨年超猛卡司曝光!大咖天團登麗寶 嘻哈冠軍也來了

    「2024 LINE FRIENDS TOWN 麗寶跨年演唱會」繼首波超強卡司,由搖滾天團八三夭領軍壓軸、Kimberley陳芳語、及人氣夯團Ozone、FEniX後,今(10)日再宣布第二波星光,奪下金曲獎最佳樂團宇宙人、選秀《大嘻哈時代2》饒舌歌手,阿夫、O.Dkizzya、阿跨面飆唱、新生代樂團芒果醬Mango Jump,就是要給樂迷們多元且新穎音樂風格的難忘跨年夜。
    2023/12/10 13:05
  • 麥當勞雙12優惠開跑「2品項買一送一」 歡樂送再加碼

    2023/12/10 11:00
  • 他不解為何LINE要放本名、自拍照 內行人點名:2職業必放

    2023/12/09 14:56
  • Taipei Dome to boost parking, MRT exits for 40K Fans

    The Taipei City Government Transportation Department plans to open additional parking lots and exits at Taipei Metro stations to ease congestion at the Taipei Dome, which is expecting a full-capacity crowd of 40,000 people in future games. The department aims to address the increasing audience numbers for the Asian Baseball Championship by unlocking exit 5 of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Station on the Bannan Line, which connects directly to the underground passageways of Taipei Dome. Despite the availability of parking facilities, more than 90 percent of attendees prefer to take public transportation. The department encourages the public to continue using mass transit systems and envisions that the additional metro station exits will promote smoother traffic dispersion as seating capacity increases.
    2023/12/07 19:44
  • LINE貼圖年度榜單!用戶每天傳1235張 「鞠躬圖」奪第一

    2023/12/07 15:47
  • 突破尺度!傻子與白痴曬八塊肌還露毛 化身四頭人馬帥成這樣

    由主唱維澤、鼓手維均、吉他手光良以及貝斯手沂邦組成的人氣樂團「傻子與白痴」,今(7)日釋出第2首抒情搖滾主打〈Fine Line〉,更曝光第3張專輯《姿態》封面照,他們化身「四頭人馬」,首次裸上身入鏡並穿著無後跟的高跟鞋,團員們傾斜站姿使壯碩手臂線條更為明顯,主唱維澤結實的八塊腹肌一覽無遺,超低腰的下半身造型更意外露毛,讓大批粉絲驚訝不已。
    2023/12/07 14:19
  • 柯文哲曝內心本質深綠 前幕僚酸:渣男觀感很差

    2023/12/07 12:50
  • New Taipei City Christmasland concert set for Dec. 9-10

    Get ready for the 2023 New Taipei City Christmasland, featuring a star-studded concert at the New Taipei City Civic Plaza on Dec. 9 and 10. To handle the expected crowds, the New Taipei City Government has implemented traffic controls around the venue, including increased enforcement of parking violations and towing actions. To avoid congestion, the public is encouraged to use public transportation, with the Transportation Department recommending residents from Hsin Chuang, Zhonghe, Yonghe, and Hsintien districts to take the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Circular Line to Banqiao station. Visitors from other counties and cities can opt for the Taiwan Railway, Taiwan High Speed Rail, or Intercity Bus to reach the Banqiao Bus Station.
    2023/12/07 10:47
  • 誤信高報酬 補習班女師投資「7次砸696萬」血本無歸

    日前台北市一名52歲的周姓女補習班講師,在網路上看見「投資股市名師」,加入其VIP LINE群組,對方宣稱「投資高報酬、保證獲利穩賺不賠」,周女信以為真,在短短2個月內陸續匯款、面交,金額高達696萬元,事後才驚覺不對勁,緊急向警方請求協助。轄區中正一分局博愛派出所獲報後,埋伏在周女與詐團面交地點,逮捕年僅19歲的李姓男車手,依法移送台北地檢署偵辦。
    2023/12/06 11:31
  • LINE最熱門10大功能!錢包排第9 冠軍「每次聊天有驚喜」

    2023/12/05 18:42
  • 整理亡妻遺物驚見「鹹濕對話」 人夫怒告政大小王求償60萬

    2023/12/05 17:30
  • 年末就是要到台中耶誕嘉年華! LINE FRIENDS好友來樂 熊大、兔兔在台中等你

    最可愛的年末慶典在台中!台中耶誕嘉年華將於12月15日隆重登場,今年推出「2023台中好甜,LINE FRIENDS好友來樂」,首度與LINE FRIENDS攜手,搭配16公尺高粉紅耶誕樹,勢必將成為全台必去的冬季景點!台中市政府新聞局表示,今年除結合台中在地特色、打造獨特主題燈飾,民眾從舊火車站開始就能與LINE FRIENDS好友們一起拍照,現場還有「好樣市集」,民眾消費就可參加台中購物節抽獎活動,千萬別錯過。
    2023/12/05 16:24
  • LINE最新公告!「釘選功能」將消失 替代方案曝光

    2023/12/05 11:22
  • 妳很好騙!北市7旬婦去年遭詐團騙3百萬今又險上當匯56萬

    2023/12/05 10:46
  • New Taipei boosts yellow-line parking, targets 150 sections

    New Taipei City’s Department of Transportation is actively working to improve over 150 sections of yellow-line parking by February 2024, in response to a provisional ordinance by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) that acknowledged the scarcity of temporary parking spaces in metropolitan areas. The department has already completed over 60 conversions from red to yellow lines, prioritizing areas near MRT stations, hospitals, schools, taxi infraction hotspots, and areas with high temporary parking demands. These adjustments are carefully implemented to ensure a minimum lane width of 5 meters and avoid prohibited areas. Yellow-lined streets have a no-parking window from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., allowing only for quick drop-offs, pick-ups, or loading. The MOTC requires that every 100 to 150-meter stretch of red-line roadside have at least 10% allocated for temporary parking. Until these provisions are met, parking violators will face fines ranging from NT$300 to NT$600.
    2023/12/04 21:14
  • 中部1記者LINE帳號被盜 詐團成員向警察「借錢」遭嗆「來分局拿」

    2023/12/03 16:51
  • 趙少康私吞新黨3億遭王建煊譴責? 侯辦:勿以謠言行政治攻擊

    2023/12/03 14:14
  • 被預言45歲才結婚!阿部瑪利亞突公布好消息 粉絲見證嗨翻了

    阿部瑪利亞來台發展6年,累積許多粉絲喜愛,每年都會舉辦粉絲見面會,日前她邀粉絲一起歡慶28歲生日,她更精心裝扮成神力女超人,以性感又帥氣的模樣現身,讓粉絲驚豔不已瘋狂搶拍。工作滿檔的她,日前除推出最新單曲〈11th hour〉,昨(11/30)更公開好消息,是特別推出單曲的Line貼圖,已正式上架。
    2023/12/01 11:43
  • 為啥鎖我?女遭LINE鎖帳號 崩潰:要等177天

    2023/11/30 19:39
  • iPhone用戶快更新!LINE傳修改後圖片破圖已修復

    蘋果日前推出iOS 17後有用戶使用LINE傳送經過編輯的圖片,卻出現圖像傾斜破圖,近日LINE官方釋出新版本13.19、13.19.1,破圖問題已修復,更新後編輯圖片就不會再發生類似情況。
    2023/11/29 17:37
  • Civil servants in Taiwan struggle with excessive hours

    A public servant in Taiwan recently disclosed working overtime for 110 to 180 hours monthly, sparking a debate about excessive working hours. The average monthly working time in Taiwan was 167.3 hours in 2022. Civil servants can claim up to 20 hours of overtime pay per month, with any additional hours converted into compensatory leave. However, staffing constraints and increased workloads have led to insufficient personnel. The Civil Service Protection Act limits public servants to a maximum of 60 hours of overtime per month. The Ministry of Civil Service has called for better workload management to alleviate pressure on front-line staff and prioritize the well-being of Taiwan’s civil service workforce.
    2023/11/29 16:15
  • 詐團同黨互不認識約面交贓款 警扮車手他還傻回訊息當場被擒

    2023/11/29 16:15
  • Taiwan probes LY Corp. over 440K users’ data leak

    Taiwan’s Minister of Digital Affairs, Audrey Tang, has announced that the cyber security breach at LY Corporation, the parent company of popular messaging app LINE, is currently under investigation by the National Development Council (NDC). The breach potentially exposed the personal data of approximately 440,000 users, including information from 100 Taiwanese accounts. The incident, which follows a hack on South Korean IT giant Naver, a major shareholder in LY Corporation, has prompted the ongoing investigation in Taiwan. The leaked data primarily includes names, affiliated institutions, and email addresses of LY Corporation’s employees and business partners, as well as potentially leaked ages, genders, and purchase histories for stickers. However, no users’ messages, bank account numbers, or credit card information were compromised. Taiwan’s Digital Ministry has requested relevant entities to provide information and report the breach in accordance with the law. The affected user data includes hashed mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and LINE account details. Whether sanctions will be imposed under Taiwan’s new Personal Data Protection Act will depend on the outcome of the NDC’s investigation. Minister Tang assured the public that messages sent between LINE users are end-to-end encrypted and the server does not store message content, indicating that no message content was compromised in this breach. She emphasized the importance of having servers located in Taiwan for apps like LINE, particularly for maintaining communications during disasters. Discussions are underway with various international messaging providers, including LINE and the Signal Foundation, regarding the potential establishment of servers in Taiwan.
    2023/11/29 16:09
  • LINE傳照片變形歪斜!破圖「拖2個月終於修好」1招恢復

    用LINE截圖終於不用再崩潰啦!自今年9月開始,不少iPhone用戶發現更新到iOS 17後,若是使用LINE內建的「編輯圖片」功能,圖片就會出現嚴重歪斜的「破圖」狀況,讓許多用戶非常困擾。拖了2個多月,現在終於修復完成!
    2023/11/29 11:11
  • 頭貼遭辱「像拉客」 女怒告:+LINE群遭版主公審

    2023/11/28 20:06
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