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    LIFE��������� 結果共1,030筆

  • 告別運動傷害!醫揭冬天「預防5原則」 天冷跑步也安全

    2024/02/04 15:41
  • 男生也有更年期!這年齡「蛋蛋縮小」還易怒 10大症狀一次看

    2024/02/03 15:40
  • 過年嗨玩前先看!中醫教「5招日常養身法」 這主食少吃

    2024/02/03 11:25
  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • 精液帶血別驚慌!泌尿醫曝5大成因:伴隨其他症狀才是「癌」

    2024/02/02 10:37
  • 除夕前後恐遭寒流襲擊!醫揭謹記「4招躲中風」:長者要當心

    2024/02/01 15:33
  • 鼻塞頭痛、睡不好要當心!醫揭「鼻中膈彎曲」5大常見症狀 

    2024/02/01 11:13
  • 嘴裡出現「3徵兆」恐是糖尿病!牙醫:舌頭龜裂是頭號警訊

    糖尿病,這種潛藏在生活中的慢性疾病,其徵兆可能不僅僅出現在我們的身體檢查中。在美國加州比佛利山,一位經驗豐富的牙醫Vivian Roknian醫師,透過對患者口腔的仔細觀察,揭示了三個與糖尿病相關的早期警訊。這些發現不僅令人驚訝,也為糖尿病的早期診斷提供了新的途徑。
    2024/02/01 10:50
  • 產後眼睛不適!專家推「5護眼食物」 1水果還助乳汁分泌

    2024/01/31 15:26
  • 暗示身體出狀況!女性陰道炎恐飄「魚腥味」 醫曝4大異味類型

    當身體散發出異常的氣味時,這可能不僅僅是一個日常小問題,而是健康狀況的重要警訊。美國家庭醫師珍恩考德爾(Dr. Jen Caudle)近日在社群媒體上分享了四種絕對不能忽視的身體異味,這些異味可能預示著潛在的疾病。
    2024/01/31 11:26
  • 不只頻尿、口渴!英國醫曝:腿上出現「小圓點」也是糖尿病警訊

    糖尿病,這個普遍而又複雜的慢性疾病,長期以來一直是全球健康的重要話題。其對人體的影響遠不止於血糖水平的異常升高,它還可能對身體的各個器官造成深遠的影響。除了我們常見的糖尿病症狀,如頻繁排尿、異常口渴等,英國醫師唐納文(Dr. James Donovan)最近在社群媒體平台TikTok上揭露了一種較少人知道的症狀:糖尿病皮膚病變(diabetic dermopathy)。
    2024/01/31 09:55
  • Amanda Chu triumphs over stage 3 breast cancer

    Taiwanese actress Amanda Chu, 37, shares her arduous battle with cancer on "Super Night" and is praised as a "life fighter" by host Sam Tseng. Diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in 2021, Chu undergoes 18 rounds of chemotherapy, spending NT$1.8 million on treatment, including 18 mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries. In September 2023, she triumphantly declares her victory over the disease. Chu’s journey is chronicled in prose, inspiring others with her courage and tenacity, while her return to work and regular check-ups every six months symbolize her heroic fight against cancer.
    2024/01/30 18:37
  • Taipei official rebukes China’s election meddling in letter

    Taiwan’s Director-General in Boston, Charles Liao, responds to China’s interference in Taiwan’s elections with military threats and economic bullying. Liao highlights Taiwan’s commitment to democracy and refusal to bow to Chinese pressure. The U.S. State Department, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the European Union’s European External Action Service congratulate elected officials Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim. Despite China’s attempts at interference through disinformation, military intimidation, and economic threats, Taiwanese voters remain resilient in their pursuit of democracy and freedom. Liao’s response is prompted by a Boston Globe article suggesting that the U.S. should prioritize Taiwan as a democratic partner.
    2024/01/30 16:36
  • 婦人頭暈以為貧血!檢查驚見胃藏「超大腫瘤」還狂流血

    2024/01/30 13:16
  • 泡麵也能吃出健康感!營養師授「3撇步」解決營養不均問題

    2024/01/30 11:00
  • EVA Air stocks soar after strike-averting pilot agreement

    EVA Air’s shares rose over 5% in early trading after reaching an agreement with the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP), ensuring no strikes during Lunar New Year. Lion Travel, Phoenix Tours, Richmond Tours, Life Tour, and China Airlines also saw a 2% increase in share prices. The labor agreement includes a monthly salary increase of NT$13,500, increased allowances, no direct hiring of foreign pilots, and no disputes on these points until May 31, 2026. The agreement is seen as a compromise to protect passenger rights. EVA Air did not comment on the impact on future profitability.
    2024/01/29 15:58
  • 4種食物禁放冰箱!專家曝1物吃下肚恐致癌 2物冰藏變超級細菌

    許多人習慣將大蒜、洋蔥等食材放進冰箱,以為可以延長保存期限,但健康專家卻揭露,這樣做反而會對健康造成威脅,甚至可能導致癌症。她也分享了適當的保存方式,讓大家吃得安心。根據外媒報導,身為健康專家的Dimple Jangda博士表示,很多人不知道有些食物不應該放進冰箱,但他們卻還是照做,導致不小心攝取到對健康有害的物質。以下是她提到的四種食物:
    2024/01/29 13:38
  • 溫差大提高機率!「眼中風」4併發症 嚴重視網膜恐剝離

    2024/01/28 15:45
  • 鼻塞睡不著?醫揭鼻竇炎「常見併發症」 嚴重恐失明、腦部感染

    2024/01/28 15:29
  • 不只是消遣!「瑪利歐」竟可改善憂鬱症 還加強大腦4能力

    2024/01/28 14:45
  • 冬季腸胃易出血!醫曝保護「3重點」 大便長這樣也有事

    2024/01/28 14:44
  • 「杵狀指」就是肺癌?醫曝早期徵兆 這招檢測最精準

    2024/01/27 23:05
  • Grieving family demands justice at student’s funeral

    The funeral ceremony of a middle school student who was stabbed by a schoolmate was held in New Taipei. The bereaved family demanded judicial reform and swift and severe punishment for the offender, hoping to establish a norm of "life for a life." They detailed the brutal incident, including the victim’s cardiac arrest, open-heart surgery, and subsequent death. The family pleaded for just and stiff penalties for both the perpetrator and abettor to ensure justice. They expressed skepticism towards the judiciary mechanism and its treatment of offenders, and voiced deep regret. The incident has had a significant impact on the family, particularly the deceased’s dependent sister who is now left to manage on her own. The family appreciated the assistance from kind-hearted individuals in caring for the sister and managing affairs after the child’s death. They fervently urged the judiciary to prioritize public safety, protect innocent victims, and ensure appropriate punishment for murderers and instigators.
    2024/01/25 15:12
  • Taiwanese conscripts worry about salary gap despite raise

    Taiwanese conscripts have expressed concerns that their monthly earnings still fall short of the country’s basic labor wage despite a recent salary increase. Privates, the lowest military rank, now receive a monthly salary of NT$26,307, including insurance and meal expenses. However, this amount is still lower than the standard basic labor wage of NT$27,470. Last year, President Tsai Ing-wen extended the mandatory conscription period to one year, and the wage adjustment for privates gained significant attention. Under the new system, privates can earn up to NT$20,320, consisting of a base wage of NT$10,130 and an additional NT$10,190 for specialized skills. In addition to their salary, they also receive military insurance (NT$1,240), national health insurance (NT$1,839), and a meal allowance (NT$908), bringing the total payment to NT$26,307. The first batch of 670 army conscripts for the one-year service started their eight-week entry training on January 25. Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an encouraged the privates to form sincere friendships, develop disciplined habits, and cultivate a sense of responsibility during their military life.
    2024/01/25 15:11
  • 做錯了?睡前刷牙反而不易入睡 「3件事」影響睡眠品質

    2024/01/25 12:12
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