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    LIFE��������� 結果共1,027筆

  • AMH逼近40歲女性!篠崎泫公開凍卵療程辛酸 醫曝6族群最好提早

    AMH比同齡女性低  篠崎泫驚呼:我要馬上凍卵 無論是否想生小孩,凍卵都是30歲後女性的必做功課?女性生育力隨年齡增加會逐年下降,35歲後更急速下降。為了保留懷孕的重要機會,近年凍卵風氣逐漸盛行,首次公開「凍卵過程全記錄」的篠崎泫更在影片中大秀打排卵針治療過程及取卵心境,她更是抽血才發現AMH值比同齡女性低,呼籲所有女性及早尋求專業生殖醫學醫師評估才能保留生育自主權。
    2024/03/29 10:48
  • Tsai advocates for marine conservation in Penghu visit

    President Tsai Ing-wen visits Penghu Ocean Conservation Education Center to promote marine conservation. Joining local officials, Tsai learns about seaweed farming, coral rehabilitation, and sea urchin farming. She plants a coral, emphasizing the importance of marine protection.
    2024/03/28 17:10
  • 近視雷射建議幾歲做?「3種手術比較」一次看 醫:別超前部署

    2024/03/26 11:53
  • Navy officer, dementia-stricken mother in harbor plunge

    A tragic incident unfolds in Kaohsiung as a navy officer drives his car into Nanliao Fishing Harbor with his dementia-stricken mother on board. The mother tragically loses her life, sparking investigations into the officer’s motives and potential legal implications.
    2024/03/25 17:30
  • Taipei mayor urges empathy over rising electricity costs

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an urges central government to empathize with public and small businesses amid electricity price hike concerns. Young homeowners worried about impact on quality of life. City government working to mitigate effects through increased revenue and reduced expenditure.
    2024/03/25 15:06
  • Grality leads the way in innovative tree management solution

    Discover how Grality is revolutionizing the management of urban tree assets. With innovative technology, Grality simplifies the complexities of maintaining green spaces, enhancing biodiversity, and improving quality of life.
    2024/03/21 19:15
  • 上班族注意!久坐恐「失智、中風」 醫警告7危害身體傳警訊

    2024/03/17 10:21
  • Taiwan braces for electricity price hike amid inflation woes

    Amid inflationary pressures, Taiwan plans to raise electricity prices, impacting daily life and industry, especially high-energy-consuming businesses like hot pot restaurants. The increase, projected to be across-the-board, could lead to higher operating costs and consumer prices. Taiwan Power Company faces substantial losses, with a potential 20% price surge predicted to affect economic growth and consumer prices. Some workers see the adjustment as a step towards sustainable energy development, encouraging energy-saving and emission-reduction industries.
    2024/03/13 15:28
  • 公務員轉行拍AV!日女優爆「發生傷心的事」公司證實:色狼逃逸中

    25歲日本AV女優戀渕桃奈原本是公務員,擁有M罩杯傲人身材,23歲時放棄公職改行拍AV,拍攝首部謎片作品,不僅預購就登上單日冠軍,更被片商形容為「超大型新人」。不過身材較為豐滿的戀渕桃奈在日常生活中,經常受到性騷擾。更常被問「妳的罩杯多少?」就連公司已婚男同事、小學認識的熟人和計程車司機都對她心懷不軌。她先前曾在X發文表示「今天原本是很開心很幸福的一天,最後卻發生了傷心的事,接著明天公司會發聲明……」,隔日,所屬公司「LIFE PROMOTION」即透露戀渕桃奈遭到性騷。雖然無法以現行犯逮捕,但是握有證據。
    2024/03/12 16:39
  • 頭髮為何會變白?醫揭1元兇 加碼再授6招恢復烏黑秀髮

    2024/03/08 15:01
  • New marine recruits embark on rigorous journey in Pingtung

    Taiwan’s Marine Corps welcomes new recruits at Pingtung’s Longchuan Camp, marking the start of an extensive yearlong task force under the revamped conscription system. The overhaul introduces extended training and enhanced support and aims to better integrate recruits transitioning from civilian life.
    2024/03/05 17:48
  • Pingtung’s cleanup: over 3K bottles removed from coasts

    Discover how the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County cleared 3,100 plastic bottles from remote coastlines, urging the public to reduce single-use plastic waste. Join the effort to protect marine life and the environment. #Pingtung #PlasticPollution #EnvironmentalProtection
    2024/03/04 18:11
  • 不是火氣大!牙齦腫脹6成因曝 戴假牙1習慣恐釀惡性循環

    2024/03/03 15:05
  • 女生更要注意!醫揭小便疼痛「4大原因」 結石甚至伴隨血尿

    2024/03/03 14:51
  • 消化不良全寫臉上!「5類食物」保持腸道健康 大蒜也有幫助

    2024/03/03 12:11
  • 不是鼻子過敏!醫曝治療打呼「4方式」 嚴重恐致心血管問題

    2024/03/03 11:41
  • 生不出小孩!醫揭「男性不孕4大成因」 長期穿1衣著也會影響

    2024/03/03 11:40
  • 你也「春睏」嗎?易疲倦、嗜睡 營養師教飲食4大招預防

    春天到了,你是否更離不開溫暖的被窩呢?古代詩人孟浩然曾言「春眠不覺曉」,究竟為何春天容易感到疲倦,這種狀態應該如何改善呢?營養師何采璇在《好食客》說明,這種想睡覺的狀態叫做春睏(Spring Fatigue),顧名思義就是在春天容易感到睏倦和嗜睡。
    2024/03/02 08:29
  • Community mourns fallen officer Su Yu-hung in Keelung

    The tragic story of Officer Su Yu-hung’s untimely death at the Badu Police Station in Keelung City unfolds as his family returns for a soul-calling ritual. Colleagues pay tribute and bid farewell, with the station chief breaking down in sorrow. The assault, carried out by a mentally-troubled man, claimed Su’s life and left the community in mourning. Su, a dedicated and diligent officer, is remembered for his passion and commitment to duty.
    2024/03/01 17:14
  • Taiwan considers 4-day workweeks amid challenges

    Discover how a Taiwanese cybersecurity firm’s adoption of a four-day workweek has led to increased efficiency and improved work-life balance, setting a trend amidst global shifts towards reduced work hours.
    2024/02/29 16:47
  • Baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani ties the knot

    Baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani announces his marriage to a Japanese woman on Instagram, expressing hope for mutual support amidst changes. Ohtani pleads for privacy and warns against unauthorized interviews, especially involving his in-laws. He plans to share more details in an exclusive interview, emphasizing gratitude for fans’ warmth and blessings. Ohtani aims to balance his personal life with his professional career as a pitcher for the LA Dodgers.
    2024/02/29 16:09
  • Over a third of dolphin species spotted near Taiwan waters

    Discover how Kaohsiung Marine Bureau in Taiwan is leading the way in maritime animal preservation and rescue efforts, with over a third of the world’s dolphin and whale species spotted in nearby waters. Learn about their commitment to conservation, education, and successful rescue missions, as well as how they engage students in marine life awareness.
    2024/02/27 17:33
  • President Tsai honors late human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han

    President Tsai Ing-wen mourns the passing of lawyer and legislator-at-large candidate Chen Chun-han, praising his dedication to Taiwan and advocacy for the disabled during his funeral in Hsinchu City’s Life Memorial Park.
    2024/02/27 15:39
  • Fire EX. announces first northern Taiwan concert in 8 years

    Fire EX. announces "One Life, One Shot" concert at Taipei Music Center on June 15, marking their first major northern Taiwan performance in eight years. The band, known for their punk music, gained fame with their hit "Island’s Sunrise" during the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Join them for a unique musical experience showcasing life as "a film shot in one take." Don’t miss their upcoming North American tour and participation in South by Southwest festival.
    2024/02/27 13:44
  • 滅火器開唱!準副總統無預警「現身」力挺 網嚇壞:重量級

    金曲樂團滅火器今(26)日正式宣佈將於6月15日在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「一生到底 One Life, One Shot」演唱會,睽違8年再次舉辦北部大型專場,讓許多歌迷都興奮不已。滅火器也將於三月在北美九個城市展開巡演,更特別邀請到曾擔任駐美代表的蕭美琴拍攝推薦影片,讓許多台美人看見直呼「蕭大使都親自推薦了一定要去看的吧!」
    2024/02/26 18:29
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