
Over a third of dolphin species spotted near Taiwan waters

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/02/27 17:33
Last update time:2024/02/27 17:33
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Over a third of dolphin species spotted near Taiwan waters (TVBS News) Over a third of dolphin species spotted near Taiwan waters
Over a third of dolphin species spotted near Taiwan waters (TVBS News)

KAOHSIUNG (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Kaohsiung Marine Bureau announced Tuesday (Feb. 27) that over a third of the world's 90-plus dolphin and whale species have appeared in nearby waters, underscoring the city's ongoing commitment to maritime animal preservation, rescue efforts, and education.

The Marine Bureau said in a statement that these species, with their late maturity and low reproduction rate, are considered rare and endangered. They face threats including hunting, accidental fishing catches, entanglement in fishing gear, marine pollution, and noise along with vessel strikes.


In 2023, the Kaohsiung Marine Bureau, along with marine wildlife rescue organizations, scholars, and coastguards, successfully conducted the rescue of two dolphins, whales, and 12 sea turtles.

Beyond rescue activities, the bureau seeks to foster a stronger sense of conservation among students. Bureau head Huang Teng-Fu said the marine bureau holds 10 free parent-child education classes each summer to help deepen students' understanding of aquatic life and teach them how to report stranded, injured animals.

Taiwan listed dolphins and whales as wildlife under protection in 1990 to conserve such marine creatures. Moreover, of the seven global sea turtle species, five, including the Leatherback, Green, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, and Olive Ridley can be found in waters around Taiwan. They were included under the Wildlife Conservation Act in 1989.

Huang urged residents to call hotline 118 if they encounter stranded animals and follow procedures to support, moisten, and monitor the animals' breath and heartbeat, while avoiding excessive noise, direct sunlight, and unnecessary contact with the animals.

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#Taiwan marine conservation# marine animal preservation# whale species# dolphin rescue# marine wildlife education# sea turtle conservation# marine animal protection# endangered dolphin and whale species in Kaohsiung waters
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