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    LIFE��������� 結果共1,023筆

  • Satellite-tagged sea turtle triumphs over tumors in Taiwan

    A green sea turtle, previously afflicted with tumors, was released back into the wild in Taitung’s Shanyuan Bay. Rescued from a fishing net in July 2023, the turtle underwent successful treatment at the National Museum of Biology & Aquarium in Pingtung. Dr. Chen I-chun noted the increasing number of sea turtles with tumors globally, particularly along the eastern coast of Taiwan. Marine pollution or viral infections are suspected causes. The released turtle, the second in Taiwan to recover from a tumor, brings hope for the preservation of marine life.
    2024/01/18 16:16
  • 就是硬不起來!下面出問題影響性福 醫提「10關鍵」改善

    2024/01/18 14:32
  • 「救心丹」不是萬靈丹!硝化甘油錠4大禁忌 搭壯陽藥恐致命

    2024/01/16 17:16
  • 看東西一層霧?恐是輕微白內障 醫授「日常4招」延緩惡化

    2024/01/16 16:53
  • Taiwan to equip new conscripts with combat gear in March

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) of Taiwan has announced that the first group of 650 conscription men will receive their individual combat gear on March 22 after completing basic training. The MND has allocated a budget of NT$4.04 billion for the "Xing’an project" from 2022 to 2024, which aims to improve the living conditions and quality of life for officers and soldiers. The conscripts will promptly receive their complete battle gear after basic training to carry out various combat training tasks. Sizing for the gear was conducted during the first week of conscription, with distribution scheduled for a week before graduation or before March 22. The MND’s comprehensive distribution of new style combat outfits, which has been ongoing for five years, includes 15 items such as tactical helmets, vests, and shock-absorbing elbow and knee guards.
    2024/01/16 15:13
  • 尾牙、過年理性飲酒!男子走路突「跛腳」 檢查發現骨頭竟壞死

    2024/01/16 14:31
  • 年紀輕卻常腰酸背痛?恐因這2大主因 「4種家中運動」可改善

    2024/01/16 14:09
  • 頭髮變少?過度依賴「藥用洗髮精」恐成反效果 食藥署:會有抗藥性

    2024/01/13 15:26
  • 走路能長壽!研究曝每天達「這步數」降早逝風險 60歲以上可多走

    2024/01/13 11:50
  • 「1肉類」增阿茲海默症風險40% 專家曝3飲食習慣可降低

    2024/01/13 10:28
  • 兒科急診擠爆!「免疫負債」成惡性循環 4歲童久咳竟併發肺炎

    2024/01/12 10:57
  • 她備孕7年沒動靜!醫抽血揪「婦科3病」 治癒順利懷3胞胎

    2024/01/10 22:59
  • 每6老人就1失智!醫揭7種「記憶缺失前兆」 憂鬱也要警覺

    2024/01/10 19:32
  • 65歲婦人喘咳不止「肺部竟開一個洞」!醫證實罹超罕見肺炎

    2024/01/08 15:45
  • Kevin老師砸上億被冒名「眼袋不掉我上吊」 硬起來遭詐騙集團反擊

    凱文老師(Kevin)投入上億打造頭髮洗護植萃品牌「basiik」和購物平台「kk good life好生活」,不論是自創品牌或為網友蒐羅團購好物,多年來都深受消費者信任,卻也是詐騙網站眼中的肥羊,最近又有不肖業者打著他的名號賣眼霜,宣稱「眼袋不掉我上吊」,讓他看了又氣又好笑,不僅報警打假,更強調:「我熱愛生活與生命,重視承諾,不會這樣隨意亂講!」
    2024/01/07 16:33
  • 長期忽視血尿!8旬翁延誤治療「罹膀胱癌」 醫揭6致癌因子

    2024/01/07 10:10
  • 不要忽視經痛!恐是「子宮內膜異位症」 症狀、成因一次看

    2024/01/06 18:26
  • 好困擾!醫揭女性私密處保養「6大地雷」:不只影響性生活

    2024/01/05 10:50
  • Twinnen in Taiwan: Fusion flavors shine on Yongkang Street

    Embark on a culinary adventure along Taipei’s Yongkang Street, where a fusion of Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese flavors comes to life. Discover the best of Taipei’s diverse cuisine, from savory scallion pancakes and classic milk tea to Michelin-recognized Shanghainese dishes and flavorful shaved ice.
    2024/01/03 21:15
  • Wu Feng celebrates 17 Years in Taiwan with a touching tale

    Turkish comedian and long-time Taiwan resident, Ugur Rifat Karlova, also known as Wu Feng, expressed gratitude and warmth for his adopted home in a heartfelt Facebook post. Wu celebrated 17 years of his life in Taiwan, referring to it as his family’s home and a place deserving of cherishing. He shared a moving incident that occurred on New Year’s Eve in a teppanyaki restaurant, where a Taiwanese couple surprised him by settling his bill. Wu expressed his gratitude to the generous man and hoped to reciprocate the favor next time, thanking him for a touching New Year memory for his family.
    2024/01/02 11:31
  • 驚喜!周湯豪跨年摟「女子」看煙火全被拍 真實身分曝光

    周湯豪昨晚(12月31日)於台中水湳中央公園獻出獨家跨年演出,作為倒數前的壓軸,他將表演內容比照巨蛋級個唱辦理,在歌單、舞台視覺到編舞等皆親力親為執行,率20名舞者氣勢壓場,一連帶來〈good life〉、〈 SNG 〉、〈 I go〉等7首嗨歌,陪粉絲饒炸迎接2024。媽媽比莉穿一身豹紋裝在台下應援,周湯豪演出後第一時間返回後台,摟著媽媽一起倒數並欣賞煙火秀,幸福時刻也成為後台最美畫面。
    2024/01/01 14:24
  • Taiwanese sergeant in coma after running collapse

    A Taiwanese staff sergeant is in critical condition after losing signs of life while running during training. The Army Education, Training and Doctrine Development Command has dispatched senior officers to address the issue and has contacted the sergeant’s family. Despite receiving treatment at a hospital, the sergeant remains in a coma. The command is working closely with the hospital to provide the best medical care and will continue to prioritize the safety of other servicemen through winter health education and exercise risk management.
    2023/12/27 16:30
  • KMT candidate’s wife clarifies building ownership

    Jen Mei-ling, wife of Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, clarified that a building being claimed as their own is actually a legacy from her father and not part of Hou’s property. The building has become a topic of discussion in the upcoming 2024 elections due to its high rent and proximity to Chinese Culture University. Jen stated that the property has over 50 vacant houses, which will be used to provide rent subsidies for low-to-moderate-income families and young students through donations. After the leases expire in June 2026, the plan is to convert the property into social housing for the youth and communal accommodations for rent. Initially, the building was leased and managed by Shin-Kong Life Real Estate Service Co., Ltd., with rental prices determined by Shin Kong Life Insurance. Jen announced that the vacant apartments will be subsidized for young families with an annual income of less than NT$1.33 million and a per capita monthly income below NT$56,000. Existing tenants can also apply for the subsidy, with rates of NT$6,400 for single rooms and NT$7,000 for two-person rooms per month. In her public letter, Jen addressed the accusations, highlighting Hou’s integrity during the election process and apologizing for the family issue.
    2023/12/27 15:10
  • TPP’s Ko advocates for extended employment age

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has proposed the ’Strong Generation’ program, which aims to encourage able-bodied individuals to remain employed and dispel rumors about preventing seniors from retiring. During the Central Election Committee Policy Presentation, Ko elaborated on his initiative, emphasizing the need for reform in the current employment and worker insurance system, which only extends to age 65. He advocates for the elimination of negative stereotypes against the elderly and plans to establish a national research center focused on creating an industrial chain tailored to the needs of the elderly population. Ko’s proposals address Taiwan’s aging population and low birth rate, aiming to shift societal perceptions and create a conducive environment for young people to have children while ensuring seniors can live a more vibrant ’Strong Generation’ life.
    2023/12/26 17:00
  • Dr. Chiang fears long-term effects on stabbing victim

    Dr. Chiang Kuan-yu, a prominent figure, criticized the inadequate security measures on campuses following a severe assault on a teenage student in New Taipei City. Dr. Chiang expressed concern that the victim’s life could be permanently altered due to the attack. He emphasized the potential long-term consequences, even if extracorporeal life support successfully saves the victim’s life and restores breathing. Dr. Chiang pointed out that prolonged absence of vital signs can deprive the brain of oxygen, leading to significant cognitive changes during recovery. The incident occurred when a 15-year-old male student scolded a female classmate for entering another classroom, which provoked her to seek help from a male classmate who then physically attacked the victim with a switchblade. Although the victim was revived through extracorporeal life support, his prognosis remains uncertain. Dr. Chiang condemned the incident as a serious campus safety issue and questioned how a juvenile delinquent managed to bring a knife into the school. He called for a "zero-tolerance" policy towards violence in educational institutions. Dr. Chiang further expressed concerns about the overall safety of students in what he described as a "dark campus" environment and stated that as a parent, he would not allow his child to continue attending the school.
    2023/12/26 10:46
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