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    LIFE��������� 結果共1,036筆

  • ’Living’ shines bright on Taiwan drama charts

    Discover the top-ranking Taiwanese dramas of 2023 at the Golden Bell Awards. "Oxcart Trails," a Hokkien period drama showcasing early rural life in Taiwan, takes the lead, while "Port of Lies" explores indigenous issues and secures second place. Wu Kang-ren’s "Living," a deep dive into family relationships, claims third. Wu, winner of the 60th Golden Horse Best Actor award, reflects on his dedication to acting and his successful film "Abang Adik." Don’t miss these acclaimed series that captivated viewers and critics alike.
    2023/12/18 21:24
  • TOYOTA 閃亮進駐2023新北歡樂耶誕城 敬邀民眾賞車同樂

    為了讓民眾更了解 TOYOTA 全球電動化戰略以及實現碳中和目標的使命,自 12/15 (五) 起,至 2024 年 1/1 (一) 止,TOYOTA總代理和泰汽車將進駐 2023 新北歡樂耶誕城,以「Better City Better Life」為設計主軸,展出純電車 bZ4X 以及油電複合動力車 COROLLA CROSS GR SPORT 兩款車。敬邀民眾親臨現場體驗 TOYOTA 新能源車款的迷人魅力。
    2023/12/18 12:55
  • Canadian artist captures Taiwan’s little intricacies

    Join Canadian artist James Hugh Gough at Taipei’s Vaikuntha Art Gallery from Dec. 9 to 30 for an immersive art exhibition. Discover his unique blend of imagination and reality, capturing the vibrant essence of Taiwanese life and landscapes.
    2023/12/17 18:25
  • U.S. approves $300M arms sale to Taiwan

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has received formal notification from the U.S. government about the sale of tactical information systems worth approximately US$300 million. This arms deal, the twelfth from the Biden administration to Taiwan since 2021, demonstrates the U.S.’s commitment to Taiwan’s defense needs. MOFA expressed gratitude for the U.S.’s continued fulfillment of its security commitments in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances. The sale includes equipment, training, and technical support, which will enhance Taiwan’s national defense and deterrence capabilities. MOFA reiterated Taiwan’s determination to strengthen its self-defense capabilities, safeguard its territory, and preserve its democratic and free way of life in the face of China’s military expansion and provocation. The foreign ministry also emphasized the deepening security partnerships with the U.S. to uphold a rules-based international order and ensure peace, stability, and prosperity in the Taiwan Strait and the broader Indo-Pacific region.
    2023/12/16 15:48
  • 吃素易缺蛋白質?營養師授4挑食原則 攝取不夠恐「越吃越胖」

    2023/12/16 15:13
  • 美味早餐輕鬆做!營養師授「優格燕麥杯」食譜 低卡又助排便

    長壽專家、「藍區(Blue Zones)」機構創辦人布特納(Dan Buettner)堅信,營養均衡的早餐是維持健康的一大祕訣,其中燕麥是很好的早餐食材,不僅富含可溶性纖維,還能有效降低體內的膽固醇。對此,營養師高敏敏分享「優格燕麥杯」食譜,只要照著順序和比例放入指定的食材,就能輕鬆做出一杯超營養美味的早餐。
    2023/12/16 13:58
  • 私密處發癢?內褲不是天天洗就沒事 醫警告:3情況一定要換

    2023/12/16 09:10
  • Tsai Ing-wen honors excellence in architecture and business

    President Tsai Ing-wen hosted the winners of the 25th National Golden Award for Architecture and the 20th National Brand Yushan Award, commending their contributions to Taiwan’s architectural and business communities. She expressed gratitude towards the National Enterprise Competitiveness Development Association for their rigorous evaluations that have motivated industry advancement and boosted Taiwan’s competitiveness. Tsai emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in construction and building to achieve energy conservation and reduced carbon emissions. She also addressed concerns about urban renewal and pledged to intensify collaboration with private sector players to enhance architectural safety and improve citizens’ quality of life. The winners of the 20th National Brand Yushan Award, which includes CSBC Corporation, were recognized for their contributions to finance, biotech, manufacturing, and service sectors. Tsai urged the awardees to continue offering valuable advice to the government and elevate the prominence of Taiwanese brands on the international stage.
    2023/12/12 21:42
  • 新北耶誕城巨星演唱會湧進上萬人 轄區警半小時疏導散場

    上個周末新北歡樂耶誕城「巨星耶誕演唱會」盛大舉辦,10日雙壓軸巨星,有「情歌王子」李聖傑獻唱〈最近〉、〈眼底星空〉及〈你那麼愛他〉等膾炙人口的歌曲,還有男神周湯豪帶來〈GOOD LIFE〉、〈我做的是愛不是夢〉和〈帥到分手〉等嗨歌,吸引大批粉絲到場。散場時,如何疏散也成為警方一大考驗,轄區海山警分局表示,2日共出動400多名警力,順利在半小時成功完成疏導。
    2023/12/11 15:47
  • 新北耶誕城/周湯豪隔6年來了!「演唱會等級」寵粉 送禮慘收爛禮物

    男神周湯豪今(10)日擔任新北耶誕城「巨星耶誕演唱會」壓軸嘉賓,一連帶來〈GOOD LIFE〉、〈S.N.G〉、〈FUTURE IN YOUR EYES〉、〈需要你的美〉、〈我做的是愛不是夢〉和〈帥到分手〉。周湯豪透露,距離上次擔任巨星耶誕演唱會的壓軸已相隔6年,這次準備的歌單都是演唱會唱的,「耶誕城一直都是指標,蠻想念的,很少有這樣過節的氣氛!」
    2023/12/10 23:09
  • 疫苗不能少!氣喘影響心臟健康 醫師揭民眾用藥「3大迷思」

    慢性呼吸道疾病好發季節?  氣溫下降更容易症狀惡化? 寒流來襲氣溫驟降,不只各種傳染病菌的感染風險增加,也容易引發慢性呼吸道疾病如氣喘、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)症狀惡化。亞東紀念醫院胸腔內科主任鄭世隆醫師受訪指出,慢性呼吸道疾病患者因本身肺功能不佳,如果未規則用藥控制良好,在季節交替時容易誘發症狀惡化。另外,秋冬劇烈溫差及病菌感染侵入肺部,都可能是加重呼吸道發炎、腫脹的原因。
    2023/12/10 13:10
  • New guidelines boost competency, not less virtue: MOE

    The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has clarified that the new Curriculum Guidelines have not abandoned traditional virtues, but rather aim to encourage students to contemplate and practice these values in everyday life. The guidelines emphasize competency-based learning and include selections of classical Chinese texts from different eras, authors, and genres. The Ministry responded to criticism by stating that traditional virtues such as righteousness and integrity have not been discarded. They also highlighted that Taiwanese students possess strong competencies, which can be attributed to the new competency-driven curriculum. The curriculum for Mandarin Chinese is designed to develop students’ ability to articulate and rationalize thought, with materials reflecting various historical periods, ideologies, literary genres, Taiwanese modern literature, world Chinese literature, translations, and literary discourse. Classical Chinese texts still constitute an average of 35% to 45% of high school students’ studies over three years, reflecting diverse epochs, authors, and genres. The focus of Taiwanese education should be on developing critical thinking skills and enabling students to learn independently and build cultural depth.
    2023/12/08 17:40
  • 下面挺起「僅6公分」超短!1元凶害的 男人注意了

    天冷下面縮短看不到?  87%看診男性有隱藏性陰莖問題
    2023/12/08 14:14
  • Gao Yuanyuan’s graceful correction to ’auntie’ goes viral

    Chinese actress Gao Yuanyuan gracefully corrects an event attendee who mistakenly referred to her as ’Auntie Yuanyuan,’ prompting them to revise it to ’Sister Yuanyuan.’ The video of this playful exchange has gone viral, garnering attention and praise for Gao’s gracious response. Gao’s relationship to Taiwanese actor Mark Chao, made public in 2012, has been a steady fixture in the entertainment industry. Despite their high-profile status, the couple maintains a sweet and under-the-radar relationship. Online fans have also commented on Gao’s continued youthful and elegant charm in her life post-marriage.
    2023/12/07 21:36
  • 國泰世華贊助簡單生活節 CUBE展現個人化金融美學

    Simple Life簡單生活節睽違三年,重回台北華山文創園區,國泰世華銀行今(2023)年首度贊助「簡單生活節」,12月2日至3日吸引上萬人次參與。國泰世華銀行表示,簡單生活節中,國泰世華數位品牌「CUBE」設有互動體驗攤位,以品牌白色調進行環境設計,打造CUBE App 概念展示陳列、肢體互動屏幕牆及拍照區,傳遞CUBE品牌「質感、美感、科技感」印象,讓民眾踏入展區,便能感受品牌獨有的「留白」金融美學。
    2023/12/06 09:56
  • Side hustles gain popularity amid remote work boom

    Explore the growing trend of side hustles in Taiwan, where professionals like Mr. Wan balance their main jobs with personal ventures. Discover the challenges they face in maintaining work-life balance and health, and learn how they manage their time and set goals.
    2023/12/05 18:42
  • Mayor Chen uses virtual avatar in a step toward future city

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai adopts a virtual avatar to participate in digital experiences, heralding the city’s transformation into a future-focused Metacity. The initiative includes a 1:1 scale of unique virtual venues and 20,000 virtual homes available to citizens, demonstrating the city’s commitment to integrating advanced technologies like 5G, AI, and blockchain into everyday life.
    2023/12/05 17:23
  • 優惠來了!超商「限1天」咖啡買1送1 熱狗、飯糰都折扣

    歡慶亞洲棒球錦標賽中華隊拿下首勝,超商推出優惠活動,歡慶中華隊奪首勝,萊爾富今(5)日推出Hi-Life VIP APP整買零取優惠,大杯美式咖啡、特濃美式咖啡同品項買1送1;12月12日前還有指定三角飯糰、麵包同系列第2件10元以及單件售價35元的經典原味熱狗、爆漿起司熱狗享任選2件8折。
    2023/12/05 11:31
  • Taipei tops happiness index, Chiayi City close second

    Taipei City has been crowned the champion of happiness in Taiwan, according to the "2023 County and City Happiness Index Survey" conducted by the Economic Daily News and Cathay Life Insurance. Chiayi City secured the runner-up position, followed closely by Taichung City, Hsinchu City, and Taitung County. Taichung City also received the "Most Improved Award" for achieving the highest government satisfaction rating in Taiwan. The survey, which questioned over 15,260 Taiwanese aged 20 and up, was conducted from Aug. 24 to Oct. 16, 2023.
    2023/12/02 15:10
  • Taiwan’s female labor force faces challenges post-motherhood

    In 2022, 330,000 Taiwanese women withdrew from the labor market to care for their families, highlighting the challenges women face in balancing work and family life. This trend, coupled with workplace stress and inflexibility, is impacting Taiwan’s birth rate and female labor force participation.
    2023/11/30 10:28
  • 表面人很好!6星座為了「利益」翻臉 超愛背後說壞話

    人與人相處之間難免會牽扯到利益糾紛,有些人會表面裝和善,私底下千方百計的設局,為了自己的利益不擇手段,此外,他們也無法饒恕別人,有仇必報,《Best Life》就分享6星座愛爭利益,還會暗箭傷人,一不小心得罪他們可要小心了!
    2023/11/29 16:10
  • Taiwan legislators urge clear labeling for ’fresh milk’

    Legislators at the Legislative Yuan are demanding that the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) clearly define "fresh milk" to differentiate between imported milk and domestically-produced fresh milk in order to protect local dairy farmers. This demand comes as the 10-year anniversary of the economic cooperation agreement known as ANZTEC between New Zealand and Taiwan approaches, which will bring about a zero-tariff policy by 2025. The MOA has committed to collaborating with the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) to discuss the criteria for defining ’fresh milk.’ Proposals suggest establishing a clear distinction between domestic raw milk and imported liquid milk to ensure stability in contracts between dairy farmers and milk product manufacturers. It is argued that due to high-temperature sterilization and long-distance transportation, imported milk products should be categorized differently from fresh milk produced and stocked within Taiwan. The Acting Agriculture Minister Chen Junne-jih stated that the storage period and processing issues for ’fresh milk’ will be discussed in consultation with the MOHW, and milk labels will be revised to emphasize "Taiwan fresh milk" for market segmentation, preserving the label exclusively for domestically produced fresh milk. Currently, the national definition of "fresh milk" refers to raw cow’s milk processed with heating, sterilization, and refrigeration for consumption without specifying a shelf life.
    2023/11/29 14:17
  • 首度來台就一票難求!YOASOBI「十首必聽神曲」一次看

    超強雙人組合席捲全亞洲 ​​​​​日本雙人組合YOASOBI將在12月首度來台,參加Simple Life 簡單生活節,緊接著2024年1月21日舉辦首場演唱會,超高人氣讓日前演唱會開賣前造成網站系統癱瘓,瞬間秒殺,一票難求。
    2023/11/29 11:28
  • Sean震驚「台灣YTR太臃腫」!揭流量千萬原因:世界太假

    中國大陸杭州YouTuber Sean,頻道「Sean的世界TV」擁有42萬人訂閱,一系列台灣行影片流量更飆破3000萬,而深受觀眾喜愛祕訣,無非是與好友陳老師的真誠和謙虛。對此,Sean近日接受專訪,談及台灣YouTuber「組織太臃腫了」,但凡頻道不賺錢也無法繼續堅持下去。
    2023/11/28 15:52
  • Tainan court sentences Lin Hsin-wu to double death penalty

    The Tainan District Court has sentenced Lin Hsin-wu to death twice and deprived him of his civil rights for life for the murder of two police officers in 2022. Lin brutally killed Tainan City Police Bureau officers Tu Ming-cheng and Tsao Jui-chieh, using a spring knife and firearms while pursuing a suspected car thief. Despite defense arguments about Lin’s impaired behavioral control due to severe alcohol use disorder, the court dismissed them. Taiwan still practices capital punishment, and the issue of its abolition has become a focus of public debate. Currently, there are 38 inmates on death row in Taiwan awaiting execution.
    2023/11/24 17:29
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