
Amanda Chu triumphs over stage 3 breast cancer

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/01/30 18:37
Last update time:2024/01/30 18:37
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Amanda Chu triumphs over stage 3 breast cancer (Courtesy of Instagram@amandachu0308) Amanda Chu triumphs over stage 3 breast cancer
Amanda Chu triumphs over stage 3 breast cancer (Courtesy of Instagram@amandachu0308)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwanese actress Amanda Chu, 37, opened up about her arduous battle with cancer on the television show "Super Night" on Monday (Jan. 29). Show host Sam Tseng lauded Chu as a "life fighter" due to the resilience she showed during her battle.

Chu was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in 2021. After that, she successfully underwent 18 rounds of chemotherapy and declared in September 2023 that she had overcome the disease.


Chu disclosed spending NT$1.8 million on her breast cancer treatment, which included 18 mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries. Four months after her successful battle, Chu said her hair had started to grow back and she could appear with her natural hair.

The actress chronicled her journey in prose to inspire others dealing with the same affliction. She speaks of her experience candidly, inspiring others who are going through similar struggles with her courage and tenacity.

Chu said she considers herself fortunate to return to work and will continue to undergo regular check-ups every six months. Her brave fight against cancer has proven heroic, echoing with her audience as it shares the depths of her resilience.

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#Amanda Chu# breast cancer# chemotherapy# cancer survivor# resilience# inspiring journey# cancer awareness# Taiwanese actress Amanda Chu’s battle with cancer# 18 rounds of chemotherapy for breast cancer# Amanda Chu’s inspiring journey as a cancer survivor
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