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  • LINE Bank攜手2銀行推聯名卡 網:網購回饋5%必辦神卡

    搶攻農曆年節出遊刷卡商機,LINE Bank攜手聯邦、渣打兩間銀行,推出兩張聯名信用卡,其中聯邦LINE Bank聯名卡全台熱門網購通路「最高回饋5%」,被網友喻為是今年必辦的神卡,網路討論熱度持續衝高。
    2024/01/23 18:04
  • Taiwan launches coveted dragon zodiac coins amid frenzy

    Limited edition dragon year zodiac commemorative coins are being sold by Taiwan’s Central Bank, with 45,000 sets available at the Bank of Taiwan’s counters. Queues formed as early as 4 a.m. despite the cold weather, and each buyer can purchase only two sets per turn. Online pre-orders sold out within 3 hours, and the resale price has surged to NT$3,000 from the original price of NT$1,900.
    2024/01/22 12:15
  • 104 Job Bank ignites youth podcasting wave for career edge

    104 Job Bank in Taiwan has launched the "Youth General Knowledge Class" event, inviting high-school and university students to create their own podcast episodes to gain industry experience and earn extra income. The job bank’s marketing director, Chang Pao-ling, stated that there are currently 25,000 job opportunities in sectors such as art design and print media that primarily evaluate candidates based on portfolio work. This trend has grown by 44% in the past five years. The initiative aims to help job seekers showcase their curatorial abilities and increase their competitiveness. Job categories such as "Communication Art/Design" and "Print media" demand portfolios for 13.5% and 13% of their openings, respectively. Recently, job postings have started asking for portfolios from applicants in various positions, including 3D animation designers, video game programmers, and web front-end engineers. A survey conducted by 104 Job Bank revealed that 64% of businesses advised students to take part-time jobs to broaden their perspective, while 45.3% expected students to join clubs or teams to foster skills in interpersonal communication and leadership. The initiative by 104 Job Bank aims to create opportunities for students to showcase their curation skills, build a personal portfolio, and tap into the growing popularity of podcasts. For more information, visit: 104青春通識課 | Podcast, Instagram, Facebook | 傳送門 (portaly.cc).
    2024/01/17 17:11
  • Survey reveals 58% of part-timers face wage issues

    58% of part-time workers in Taiwan have faced wage issues, misleading job ads, and illicit contracts, according to a survey by Yes123 Job Bank. The platform advises job hunters to follow a list of "seven don’ts" and "four musts" to protect themselves. The survey also found that a record-breaking 87% of university students plan to work part-time over the winter break, with reasons including earning living expenses and gaining social experience. Of the respondents, 65% reported receiving wages lower than the government’s minimum wage, with some not even being insured. Only about 30% actively negotiated or reported these issues. Yes123 spokesman Yang Tsung-pin urged job seekers to prioritize labor rights and work safety.
    2024/01/16 17:20
  • Taiwan collects NT$392M for Japan earthquake relief

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) has received nearly 120,000 donations, amounting to over NT$392 million for the "Noto Peninsula disaster relief fund." Following a 7.6-magnitude earthquake on New Year’s Day 2024, the MOHW established a specialized account for aid and reconstruction efforts in Japan, which will accept donations until Friday. The Department of Social Assistance and Social Work, under the MOHW, has been accepting contributions since January 5. Donations can be made through convenience stores and bank transfers, and the collected funds will be handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for disaster relief. To ensure transparency and facilitate tax purposes, the MOHW has created a service website where donors can provide their relevant information after making a contribution.
    2024/01/16 14:57
  • Financial strains lead Nauru to sever ties with Taiwan

    Taiwan expresses strong regret and denounces the Republic of Nauru’s decision to sever diplomatic relations and establish ties with China as misguided and not beneficial for its people or regional stability. The Taiwanese Presidential Office highlights that Beijing’s diplomatic suppression is seen as retaliation against democratic values and a challenge to international stability. This move by Nauru reduces Taiwan’s diplomatic allies to twelve, marking the loss of its tenth ally since Tsai Ing-wen became president in 2016. Financial shortfalls resulting from the closure of Australia’s Nauru Regional Processing Center and other factors, such as Nauru’s request for economic aid and the closure of the Nauru branch of the Australian Bendigo Bank, have contributed to the strained Taiwan-Nauru relations.
    2024/01/16 11:27
  • Taiwan’s CBC hesitant over NFTs as presidential tokens

    The Central Bank of the Republic of China (CBC) clarifies that the issuance of inauguration commemorative coins is the authority and wish of the elected president, with the CBC providing assistance. Former Premier Sean Chen suggests issuing a token composed of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for the incoming president in 2024, which would be a global first. CBC officials express concerns about the risks associated with digital assets, such as NFTs, including transactional challenges, anti-money laundering practices, and legal issues. The CBC is actively studying these risks to protect the public’s rights and interests. Additionally, the CBC is engaged in researching Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and seeking public input through a consultation process set to conclude in April 2024.
    2024/01/03 17:01
  • Chunghwa Express to discuss bonuses amid labor disputes

    Chunghwa Express Co. is set to discuss performance bonuses and collective agreements at an upcoming board meeting in an effort to resolve ongoing labor disputes and prevent potential strikes. The company’s union has warned of continued protests and strikes if a collective agreement is not signed, following a dispute over low wages and performance bonuses. Union members recently staged a sit-in protest at the campaign headquarters of a presidential candidate, leading to their forcible removal by riot police. The union hopes that a collective agreement can be reached promptly to protect employee rights, but has declared that it will not accept the board’s consideration of annual performance bonuses alone. If no resolution is reached, strike actions could disrupt check and document distribution at 1,400 local bank branches ahead of the Lunar New Year.
    2023/12/28 09:06
  • Survey: near 60% in Taiwan expect 1-3 months’ year-end bonus

    A new survey conducted by Cathay Financial Holding reveals that 59.3% of respondents expect their year-end bonuses for 2023 to be between one to three months’ worth of salary. Additionally, 45.9% of those polled anticipate a salary increase in 2024, with 9.2% expecting the raise to exceed 3%. However, only 8.3% foresee year-end bonuses topping three months’ salary, while 32.4% predict bonuses will fall below one month. In terms of regular monthly earnings in 2024, 47.6% of participants project stability. The survey also indicates that the average growth expectation for Taiwan’s economy in 2024 stands at 2.52%, with 70% of those surveyed predicting a growth rate above 2%. Respondents expect the inflation rate in 2024 to be 2.21%, with 55% believing it will remain above 2%. These figures differ from the projections by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, which forecasts a 3.35% growth rate and a 1.64% inflation rate for Taiwan in 2024. In December, the optimism index for Taiwan’s stock market rose sharply to 16.1 from -0.4 in November, and the risk appetite index increased from 10.3 to 13.9, indicating market anticipation of potential rate cuts by major central banks next year. The survey, conducted from Dec. 1 to 7, gathered 13,379 valid questionnaires via email from members of Cathay Life Insurance’s official website and customers of Cathay United Bank.
    2023/12/20 20:00
  • Kaohsiung first in Taiwan to issue NT$2B green bonds

    Kaohsiung City Government’s Finance Bureau has become the first in Taiwan to be granted the qualification to issue green bonds, with a total amount of NT$2 billion. This move is expected to save on interest payments and enact sustainable environmental practices without increasing the city’s debt. The green bonds will fund green investment projects, encompassing renewable energy development, enhanced energy efficiency, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. These bonds, totaling NT$2 billion, will utilize their low, fixed interest rates to replace existing higher-interest bank loans, ensuring resources are invested in low-carbon construction. Under Mayor Chen Chi-mai’s leadership, the city has reduced its debt by NT$10.6 billion by the end of 2022, surpassing the goal of a NT$10 billion reduction. Kaohsiung aims to continue strengthening its financial and environmental sustainability and implement comprehensive net-zero policies as it works toward a 2050 net-zero goal.
    2023/12/20 19:38
  • TPP’s Wu touts legislative record ahead of VP debate

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu highlights her legislative achievements during her 412-day tenure in the Legislative Yuan. She proposed 15 bills, hosted five public hearings, and three symposiums. Notable bills include amendments to the Central Bank Act, the Social Medical Development Act, and the Assisted Reproduction Act, reflecting her dedication to improving Taiwan’s financial stability, healthcare system, and reproductive health policies. Wu believes that her policy platform will be built upon these legislative proposals as she prepares for the upcoming televised policy presentation and debate. The vice-presidential TV policy presentation is scheduled for December 22, 2024, while the debate will take place on January 1, 2024, as the 2024 elections approach.
    2023/12/20 18:10
  • 71% of Taiwan workers anticipate year-end bonus

    According to a recent survey by Yes123 job bank, 71% of Taiwanese workers expect to receive a year-end bonus, with 21.1% predicting a larger payout compared to last year. Dissatisfaction with bonus amounts could lead 64.2% of office workers to consider resigning. However, 70.9% of employees anticipate receiving their 2023 bonus before the 2024 Lunar New Year holiday, which is a five-year high. Reasons for not expecting a bonus include company profit declines (15.8%), non-full-time employment status (5.2%), insufficient tenure (4.7%), and personal performance (3.4%). Among those expecting a bonus, 18.6% believe they will receive less than last year, while 60.3% expect a similar amount. The main intended uses for the bonuses are savings (45.5%), honoring parents (43.2%), loan payments (40.5%), handing out red envelopes (39.3%), and investing (31.4%). Workers believe that the ideal distribution of bonuses should be proportionate to personal performance (41.9%), equitable for all employees (32.6%), or tied to company profit (25.5%). Factors that could impact the size of year-end bonuses include company profits (69.2%), personal performance (52.3%), moods of bosses or major shareholders (51.4%), years of service (50.4%), job rank (26.7%), and relationships with bosses or supervisors (25.5%).
    2023/12/20 15:25
  • Taiwan firms set to revive year-end party with cash prizes

    A survey conducted by online job bank Yes123 revealed that 88.4 percent of Taiwan’s companies plan to hold year-end parties before the Lunar New Year, with employees most eager to receive cash prizes. The survey also found that 60.3 percent of companies with year-end party plans will host lucky draw events. Among the preferred prizes, cash ranked as the top choice with 66.2 percent of employees, followed by smartphones (43.3 percent), cars (42.5 percent), department store vouchers (34.3 percent), and convenience store coupons (33.2 percent). The survey also showed that 73.6 percent of office workers have previously won a prize at year-end parties, with the average value of the biggest prize being NT$11,833. The spokesperson for Yes123, Yang Tsung-pin, stated that the willingness of companies to hold year-end events has returned to normal, indicating the recovery and stabilization of the economy following the disruptions caused by Covid-19. The survey was conducted online from Dec. 1 to Dec. 14, with 1,366 valid responses and a confidence level of 95 percent and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.65 percent.
    2023/12/19 20:17
  • Over 4M people earn less than NT$43K monthly in Taiwan: data

    Discover the latest insights from Taiwan’s job market, including the widening income gap, low salary increase expectations for 2024, and varying pay trends across industries.
    2023/12/19 18:05
  • Taiwan Central Bank holds interest rate steady for 3rd time

    Taiwan’s central bank has announced that it will maintain its interest rate for the third consecutive time in its quarterly board meeting. The decision was influenced by price changes and the need to balance stabilizing consumer prices with sustaining economic growth. Despite rising consumer prices due to natural disasters, the central bank remains optimistic and expects the inflation rate to drop below 2% next year. Forecasts for Taiwan’s GDP growth rate in 2023 are more positive, projected to reach 3.12%. This is supported by increasing private consumption, particularly in tourism and dining, as well as the central bank’s expectation of a global export increase to stimulate local investment and drive economic recovery. In contrast to the Federal Reserve in the U.S., Taiwan’s central bank stated that its monetary policy approach would be adjusted gradually based on the country’s economic conditions. Despite high housing prices, the central bank has decided against imposing stricter measures or withdrawing from market intervention to avoid further impact on the property market.
    2023/12/15 16:31
  • 哈瑪斯「保家」支持度暴漲 9成巴人認為溫和派總統無能

    以色列與哈瑪斯(Hamas)在加薩衝突至今仍未落幕,雖然遭到以軍火力優勢打擊,但在巴勒斯坦境內,近期卻有一份戰時民調數據顯示,哈瑪斯支持度爆增,巴勒斯坦民眾對他們的信任程度,甚至遠超過溫和派的總統阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)與其政府。《美聯社》(AP)報導中提到,受訪的巴勒斯坦民眾,無論是加薩或約旦河西岸(West Bank)地區,不少人都質疑阿巴斯能力與保衛家園的決心,甚至多達90%比例,要求他下台交出政權。
    2023/12/14 17:05
  • Taiwan CIB nabs 20 in SMS phishing scam crackdown

    The Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) has apprehended 20 suspects and seized 15 illegal operations involved in a smartphone SMS phishing scam in Taiwan. The "Info Thunder Project" was deployed to combat the scam, which sent out an average of 4,000 to 5,000 fraudulent text messages per day. The criminal syndicate posed as representatives from legitimate entities, such as the Taiwan Water Corporation and telecom companies, to deceive recipients with misleading alerts. The fraudsters enticed victims to click on malicious links and enter their credit card and bank account details. The CIB’s intelligence analysis team conducted comprehensive studies of phishing cases, leading to the arrests. Evidence seized in two operations includes modem pools, mobile phones, SIM cards, computers, Wi-Fi routers, and application forms for phone numbers. Director-General Chou Yu-wei urged the public to remain vigilant against suspicious text messages and to refrain from clicking on dubious links. The police will continue to dismantle these fraudulent networks and protect citizens from cyber threats.
    2023/12/12 16:57
  • Bank of Japan to maintain negative rates: report

    Bank of Japan (BOJ) officials expect Japan’s negative interest rate policy to continue due to insufficient wage growth, according to informed sources. BOJ will hold a monetary policy meeting in December 2024, with additional meetings planned for January, March, and April. After meeting with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda expressed the challenges ahead, possibly signaling a revision to the massive monetary easing policy. This led to a surge in the yen’s exchange rate, reaching a high of 141.6 yen to the dollar.
    2023/12/12 16:49
  • 踢不好銷量也普 Puma強調「與加薩無關」終止贊助以色列國家隊

    德國知名運動品牌Puma,日前對外宣佈終止與以色列足球國家隊的合作關係,雖然該品牌不斷對外解釋和澄清,此一決定並非近期所做,更和加薩、以巴衝突無關,但在這個極度敏感時間和以色列「分手」,也讓Puma引發社群不少話題討論。《金融時報》(FT)報導,Puma強調不再提供贊助和球衣,單純只是因為財務考量,但打從該品牌2018年與以色列足球協會合作開始,就不斷承受各種抨擊,認為他們助長以色列侵佔約旦河西岸地區(West Bank)。
    2023/12/12 15:20
  • China’s kids face rising antibiotic drug resistance

    Chinese children are increasingly experiencing antibiotic resistance when treating Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which poses a global health and economic concern. By 2050, drug-resistant diseases could result in healthcare costs of NT$31 trillion and economic losses of up to NT$106 trillion, according to the World Bank. The overuse of antibiotics has led to the rise of superbugs, diminishing the effectiveness of these medicines and compromising treatment outcomes. Azithromycin, a commonly used antibiotic in China for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, now faces an alarming resistance rate of nearly 80% to Macrolides. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of the dangers of antibiotic overuse and refers to the situation as a "silent pandemic." WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expresses concern that antibiotic resistance could bring us back to an era where minor infections are untreatable.
    2023/12/12 11:42
  • Taiwan’s TAIEX hits year high, crosses 17,500 mark

    Taiwan’s stock market opened strong on Tuesday, reaching a new high for the year of 17,528 points, surpassing the 17,500 mark. This increase came after a rise in U.S. stocks on Monday. The Taiwan Stock Exchange Weighted Index (TAIEX) climbed by 78.65 points to 17,496.99 points, with a trading volume of NT$36.387 billion as of 9:06 a.m. Leading the gainers in early trading were Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), Largan Precision, and Foxconn. This week, as the market enters a central bank super week, banks in the U.S. and Europe are expected to announce their final rate decisions for the year. Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) chairman Huang Tien-mu expressed the government’s commitment to stabilizing the capital market and highlighted the resilience of Taiwan’s stock market. Huang assured that the FSC is prepared to manage the impact of the Federal Reserve’s decisions on the market.
    2023/12/12 10:24
  • 中國房市危機連環爆 經濟學者:再熬2、3年就能度過

    國際國幣基金(IMF)及世界銀行(World Bank)前首席經濟學家華而誠表示,相比於美國2008年的次貸危機,目前中國的房地產泡沫化問題較不嚴重,並預測中國最多可能再經歷2到3年的困難期就能撐過去。
    2023/12/08 18:19
  • Asian Baseball Championship tickets sell out in seconds

    Priority tickets for the highly anticipated Chinese Taipei vs. Japan and Chinese Taipei vs. Philippines matches at the Asian Baseball Championship sold out within a minute of going on sale. CTBC Bank cardholders enjoyed an exclusive priority purchasing period, limited to 3,000 tickets per match. The rapid sellout, known as a "flash sale," sets the stage for an electrifying atmosphere at Taipei Dome. Ticket prices were raised for games featuring the Chinese Taipei team, highlighting the fervor surrounding their participation. Additional tickets were released for Chinese Taipei’s quarterfinal matches, but fans continued to rush to secure their spot in the stadium. The Chinese Taipei Baseball Association (CTBA) disclosed ticket prices, with infield seats priced at NT$1,000 and outfield seats at NT$800 for Chinese Taipei’s games. For matches not involving the home team, only infield seats are offered at NT$600. The grand finale on Dec. 10 is expected to have an expanded crowd of 22,000 spectators at Farglory Dome Co., creating the ultimate showdown on the diamond.
    2023/12/07 11:09
  • Ko’s spouse clarifies sudden bank deposit hike

    Chen Pei-chi, spouse of Ko Wen-je, presidential candidate from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), explained in a Facebook post that the increase in their bank deposits was due to receiving NT$4.22 million from a public service pension after Ko’s term as Mayor of Taipei ended. This clarification came after concerns were raised regarding the rise in Ko’s bank deposits, as disclosed by the Central Election Commission (CEC). Chen, who has been responsible for Ko’s financial declarations for years, praised the user-friendliness of the Control Yuan’s property declaration system but noted that the process for fulfilling the CEC’s requirements was incompatible with the Control Yuan’s document handling. Chen meticulously calculated the savings and net value of funds, including residual payment insurance policies. The couple had paid approximately NT$700,000 in insurance premiums that year but did not explicitly list it in the commission’s financial report form due to a lack of specific fields. Chen expressed surprise at the deposit increase, considering Ko’s retirement and lack of salary income as chairman of the TPP. The family relied on Chen’s hospital income, and the discovery of the NT$4.22 million pension deposit was unexpected.
    2023/12/07 10:00
  • 觀點/純網銀發展速度受限 金融科技的下一站?

    自純網銀(Neo-Bank)這個名號在2016年於英國問世以來,開展了世人對於新型態金融的期待,整合其他種種科技創新,讓金融科技被標誌為金融產業近10年來最重要的發展趨勢之一。純網銀運用數位通路與客戶互動,減少了人事及辦公室成本。隨著網路科技的進步和社群平台的普及,這些機構不僅迅速擴張,更被視為挑戰傳統銀行的「Challenger Bank」,預期將顛覆傳統銀行的市場地位,為金融消費者帶來全新的服務體驗。
    2023/12/01 17:29
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