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    Bank 結果共197筆

  • 爭取逃死刑?越南女首富張美蘭態度丕變:願用資產還詐騙債務

    萬盛發集團(Van Thinh Phat)創辦人張美蘭(Truong My Lan)在11年間對「西貢商業銀行」(Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank),進行該國史上規模最大的金融詐欺案,金額達440億美元(約1.4兆元新台幣)。她4月被判死刑後,最新消息指出,她已經承認錯誤,聲稱願意拿出上兆遭扣押資產作為償還。
    2024/06/12 18:06
  • 輝達拉升AI概念股帶頭衝!市場估「這三類」投資標的續揚

    輝達(Nvidia)財報優於預期,帶動AI概念股走揚,美股、台股屢創新高!美國銀行(Bank of America)美股策略師最新報告指出,輝達在過去1個月為美股標普500指數獲利貢獻37%,未來12個月估計降至9%,顯示驅動股市成長力道將更多元。美銀和高盛認為,除了AI概念股,能源類股也值得留意。
    2024/06/03 08:10
  • Taiwan Central Bank joins Instagram for youth engagement

    Discover how the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is connecting with younger audiences by launching its official Instagram account, joining the global trend of central banks like the FRB, ECB, and BoE. Learn about their unique approach to engaging with the public through softer content, including educational videos and career opportunities.
    2024/05/06 18:08
  • 美國銀行倒閉+1!共和第一銀行成今年首例 32間分行被接管

    美國聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)26日表示,賓夕法尼亞州銀行和證券監管機構已勒令關閉「共和第一銀行」(Republic First Bank),也是全美2024年首家倒閉的銀行,共和第一銀行旗下的32家分行未來將作為「富爾頓銀行」(Fulton Bank)的分行重新營業。
    2024/04/27 14:47
  • Taiwan’s Central Bank updates inflation forecasts for 2024

    Taiwan’s Consumer Price Index indicates a continued slowdown in inflation with a slight rise in March. The Central Bank revises its inflation forecasts as electricity and living costs surge. The public’s economic outlook remains cautiously optimistic.
    2024/04/26 13:24
  • 越南女首富7千多億藏海上?假影片爆紅「23萬人搶當航海王尋寶」

    越南女首富張美蘭(Truong My Lan)因為在11年間對「西貢商業銀行」(Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank)進行該國史上規模最大的金融詐欺案而被判死刑,然而近期有假新聞影片稱張美蘭自曝將大量黃金藏在海中,導致大量越南網友響應,發起「海上尋寶」活動,甚至將此事與經典動漫《航海王》進行連結,引發討論。
    2024/04/20 17:53
  • 越南女首富掏空西貢商銀遭判死 官方不惜動國本挹注7千億救銀行

    越南法院剛剛針對女首富張美蘭(Truong My Lan)的貸款舞弊與貪汙,做出最嚴格的死刑判決,被捲入該案且衝擊非常大的西貢商業銀行(Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank),據傳也私下獲得政府鉅額資金援助,這也是過去難以看見的案例。外媒還引述知情人士說法,強調越南官方之所以給予支持,就是為了防止該銀行倒閉。
    2024/04/17 16:49
  • Experts call for monetary policy twist to boost investment

    Explore how Taiwan’s excess savings rate, projected to reach 15.46% in 2024, indicates economic resilience yet poses challenges for growth. Learn about the government’s strategies to stimulate investment and spending.
    2024/04/15 16:45
  • Prices rise faster in Taiwan, inflation perception sharpens

    Explore how Taiwan’s core inflation cycle has dramatically shortened from an average of 17.19 months to just under 8 months over recent years, leading to a significant shift in public perception towards inflation. This change is attributed to various factors, including the pandemic, geopolitical risks, and climate change, affecting the country’s inflation trend and resulting in a discrepancy between public feeling and official statistics.
    2024/04/08 18:14
  • Price surge alert: from electricity bills to zoo tickets

    Stay informed about the latest developments in Taiwan as electricity prices, lunch box prices, Taipei Zoo admission tickets, and license taxes are set to increase starting April 1. Make sure to plan ahead for these changes to your monthly expenses.
    2024/04/01 17:56
  • Central Bank governor deems Taiwan’s inflation rate ’mild’

    Central Bank Governor Yang Chin-long discusses Taiwan’s mild inflation rate amidst potential electricity price hikes and the Legislative Yuan’s move to require approval for such adjustments. The KMT calls for more public oversight in price changes.
    2024/03/27 17:40
  • Far East University to rename to CTBC Technology University

    Far East University in Tainan is set to be renamed as "CTBC Technology University" following a substantial donation from Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. The move aims to enhance educational opportunities and innovation in vocational and technical education, aligning with existing CTBC institutions in the city.
    2024/03/26 11:34
  • 衣索比亞大學瘋傳銀行ATM「送錢」 逾12億現金一掃而空

    東非衣索比亞的最大商業銀行——衣索比亞商業銀行(Commercial Bank of Ethiopia,CBE)因系統故障,導致客戶「可以提領」超過其帳戶餘額的現金。根據當地媒體報導,系統故障數小時內,該銀行有超過4千萬美元(約新台幣12.7億元)現金被提領或轉帳至其他銀行,而他們卻花了數小時才暫停所有交易。另有內部消息聲稱,該銀行在系統故障的6小時期間,累計出現多達2.5萬筆匯款與交易,至少有超過60億衣索比亞比爾(birr,約新台幣33.4億元)被領取,約6萬多個帳戶受影響,其中大部份都是該國大學在校就讀的學生。
    2024/03/19 10:41
  • Taiwan’s Central Bank cautions against ETF investment craze

    The Central Bank of the Republic of China’s Governor warns of excessive subscriptions for two new ETFs in Taiwan, prompting regulatory caution and policy measures from the Financial Supervisory Commission. Concerns over herding effects and risks in collective investments lead to calls for suppressive measures and improved disclosure standards. Stay updated on the evolving ETF investment fervor in Taiwan’s financial markets.
    2024/03/15 14:47
  • Taiwan’s inflation rate projected to drop to 2%

    Central Bank Governor Yang Chin-long predicts Taiwan’s inflation rate to drop to around 2% in 2024 due to expected international oil price decreases and modest service price increases. The Central Bank’s upcoming board meeting is anticipated to maintain the re-discount rate at 1.875%. Yang cites declining inflation rates and negative output gaps as key factors influencing the decision. Geopolitical conflicts and weather conditions pose uncertainties to Taiwan’s inflation trends.
    2024/03/14 14:33
  • Yuli Hospital leads charge for dementia-friendly businesses

    Yuli Hospital in Hualien, Taiwan, is leading efforts to establish dementia-friendly organizations in the country. The initiative involves training employees from community branches of the Land Bank of Taiwan and Family Mart to better understand and assist individuals with dementia. With over 300,000 people affected by dementia in Taiwan, the hospital aims to raise awareness and support for this vulnerable population. Director of nursing Huang Pei-chi highlights common challenges faced by dementia patients in daily tasks like banking and shopping, urging more businesses to participate in creating a dementia-friendly environment for the elderly.
    2024/03/06 18:04
  • NCKU tops job bank’s university rank for business favorites

    Discover the latest job bank survey results ranking Taiwan’s favorite universities for businesses. National Cheng Kung University leads the list, followed by National Taiwan University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Private institutions like Tamkang University and Fu Jen Catholic University also make the top ranks. Learn how these universities integrate digital skills and industry disciplines to nurture diverse talent.
    2024/02/27 17:01
  • Taiwan faces critical blood shortage, O-type at alarming low

    Taiwan Blood Service Foundation reports critical shortage of O-type blood, with only 3.7 days’ worth in stock. Decreased donations due to Lunar New Year holiday impact blood supply, with Taipei Blood Center urging public to donate after work to alleviate crisis. Blood bank stocks at only 4.5 days, far below optimal level of 7-10 days. A, B, and AB blood types also facing shortages.
    2024/02/17 13:29
  • 烏克蘭遭俄羅斯入侵兩年 重建成本估需15.2兆

    根據世界銀行(World Bank)、歐洲聯盟(EU)、聯合國(UN)與烏克蘭政府今天公布的聯合評估結果,烏克蘭需要將近5000億美元才夠支付遭俄羅斯入侵的重建費用。
    2024/02/16 05:58
  • 過年LINE上發紅包小心被騙 一招破解教你拿錢

    春節連假走春,高人氣熊大、兔兔、莎莉首次「走出手機」,登上高雄輕軌列車,成為龍年走春最吸睛的拍照打卡點!「LINE Bank專屬輕軌列車」即日起到2月29日止,一路陪伴民眾到燈會期間,且只要跟專屬輕軌列車拍照,上傳臉書粉絲專頁,還可參加官方舉辦的抽獎活動。
    2024/02/10 11:20
  • Taichung Bank hit with NT$12M fine for regulatory breaches

    Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has fined Taichung Bank NT$12 million for ineffective internal control systems and violations of banking regulations. The bank’s chairman, Wang Kuei-fong, allegedly diverted NT$1 billion in public funds, resulting in his arrest and bail set at NT$15 million. The FSC discovered that Taichung Bank’s insurance subsidiaries had close ties to specific credit customers and their related companies, leading to questionable trading decisions and unsatisfactory internal controls. Wang will be suspended for three months and may face additional fines. The issue was uncovered during a financial inspection in February 2023. Taichung Bank had been leasing aircraft since 2020 to expand overseas business, but neglected their utilization for 13 months, leading to inappropriate decision-making. The bank also leased high-priced official cars for VIP pickups at a monthly rate of NT$820,000, but the vehicles were only used twice during the lease period, raising concerns about cost-effectiveness.
    2024/02/01 18:04
  • Final call: Claim your newborn’s NT$6,000 subsidy by Jan 31

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Finance’s National Treasury Administration is reminding parents to claim their remaining NT$6,000 subsidies for newborns before 5 p.m. on Jan. 31. Out of the 35,000 eligible newborns, approximately 33,500 have already received their benefits. Parents need to present identification papers and the birth certificate of their newborn at the post office counter to receive the subsidies. If someone else is collecting on their behalf, they must also provide identification. In cases where the birth mother is not eligible, birth registration and confirmation of the father’s eligibility are required. The government does not send text messages or emails regarding money collection or enrollment, and will not ask for bank transfers over phone calls. If individuals encounter suspicious websites or messages, they should report it immediately by dialing the 165 anti-fraud hotline.
    2024/01/29 11:39
  • Salary tops motivation for job change: survey

    A surprising trend emerges in Taiwan as job turnover spikes before the Lunar New Year. Discover the reasons behind this shift and advice for job seekers.
    2024/01/25 17:10
  • LINE Bank攜手2銀行推聯名卡 網:網購回饋5%必辦神卡

    搶攻農曆年節出遊刷卡商機,LINE Bank攜手聯邦、渣打兩間銀行,推出兩張聯名信用卡,其中聯邦LINE Bank聯名卡全台熱門網購通路「最高回饋5%」,被網友喻為是今年必辦的神卡,網路討論熱度持續衝高。
    2024/01/23 18:04
  • Taiwan launches coveted dragon zodiac coins amid frenzy

    Limited edition dragon year zodiac commemorative coins are being sold by Taiwan’s Central Bank, with 45,000 sets available at the Bank of Taiwan’s counters. Queues formed as early as 4 a.m. despite the cold weather, and each buyer can purchase only two sets per turn. Online pre-orders sold out within 3 hours, and the resale price has surged to NT$3,000 from the original price of NT$1,900.
    2024/01/22 12:15
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