
Salary tops motivation for job change: survey

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2024/01/25 17:10
Last update time:2024/01/25 17:10
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Ahead of the Lunar New Year in February, typically a period of low job turnover in Taiwan, a recent job bank survey conducted in early January reveals a surprising trend. Approximately 48% of respondents express a desire to change jobs.

According to findings from the 1111 Job Bank survey, the primary drivers for this inclination are the pursuit of better salaries, followed closely by high work pressure and career fatigue.


Mei Hsu, a distinguished professor at the National Taiwan Normal University's College of Management, identifies two key determinants of job transitions: age and education level.

Hsu notes, "Younger individuals are more prone to job-hopping, and those with higher educational qualifications find it relatively easier to switch jobs."

Data from CareerBuilder indicates that Gen Z employees, on average, hold a job for two years and three months, six months less than their millennial counterparts. 

In contrast, Gen X workers typically remain in a job for five years, while baby boomers tend to stay for eight years.

Tseng Chung-wei, spokesperson for 1111 Job Bank, offers advice to job seekers, particularly those aged 30 to 35, stating, "If you've been employed for 1 to 2 years and are considering a job change, prospective employers may find this acceptable."

Tseng emphasizes that professionals around the age of 40 have, on average, changed jobs 4.5 times and believe that changing jobs approximately 5.2 times over their career is ideal.

Experts also recommend three key areas of focus for job interview preparation, including providing valid reasons for leaving a job, practicing responses to potential interview questions, and carefully strategizing the job search process. 

The Taiwan Briefing

#Taiwan#job turnover#Lunar New Year#1111 Job Bank#career change#high work pressure#Gen Z#millennials#job seekers#salary increase
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