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    wHO 結果共2,615筆

  • 加薩南部醫院滿載 世衛:北部患者再撤等同死刑

    世界衛生組織(WHO)今天表示,迫使加薩走廊(Gaza Strip)北部數千名患者撤至早已人滿為患的南部各間醫院,可能「相當於判處死刑」。
    2023/10/15 13:02
  • Chiang seeks to allocate NT$190M for Taipei Music Center

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces plans to allocate NT$190 million in unsettled project funds for the Taipei Music Center. The city government will communicate with the Ministry of Culture regarding the funds. This move has sparked accusations from a Democratic Progressive Party Taipei City councilor, who believes the mayor’s actions are influenced by political alliances.
    2023/10/14 16:06
  • 北加薩110萬人能逃哪?UN要求以色列收回撤離令

    2023/10/13 22:08
  • 樂敦持續傳遞「看見的美好」 打造超巨繪本 帶孩子打擊近視大魔王

    有鑑於全球近視和高度近視的人數正以驚人的速度飆升,世界衛生組織(WHO)將每年10月的第二個星期四訂定為「世界視覺日」(World Sight Day),期望喚起人們對視力健康的關注。身為護眼領導品牌的「樂敦」,100多年來始終致力於傳遞護眼健康,面對全球孩童備受威脅的視力危機,更是肩負起視力保健的責任。自2022年至今,樂敦製藥集團亞洲各國家共同發起「『看見』的美好(Joy of Seeing)」計畫,為世界上的人們帶來「看得見的健康」和「看得見的快樂」,並為此願景展開一連串的行動,從醫療專業人才培育、免費提供水晶體治療白內障,到幼兒預防近視、視力維護的宣導,全人類的眼睛健康都是樂敦努力守護的目標。
    2023/10/13 09:43
  • Chen Shih-chung expresses doubts toward KMT-TPP alliance

    The potential alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election is uncertain, according to Chen Shih-chung, campaign chairman for DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te. In an web interview, Chen expressed doubts about the alliance, citing the potential alienation of TPP’s supporters, who are disillusioned with both the KMT and DPP.
    2023/10/12 14:52
  • Han Kuo-yu contemplates KMT vice chairman offer

    Former Kaohsiung mayor, Han Kuo-yu, confirms he is considering an offer to become Kuomintang’s vice chairman, emphasizing that job titles are not a concern for him. The invitation was extended by Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu, who also discussed collaboration between the blue and white factions of the party and preparations for the 2024 legislative elections. Meanwhile, the Convener of the "Blue Fighters," Chao Shao-kang, held a press conference to publicize their joint policy drafts, with Han Kuo-yu, former vice chairman Hau Lung-bin, and Kuomintang’s presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, in attendance. Han expressed his ongoing consideration for the vice chairmanship, stating his readiness to support the party in the upcoming elections regardless of his position.
    2023/10/11 13:11
  • Tourists stranded in Jerusalem as Hamas attacks Israel

    Taiwanese tour groups were left stranded in Jerusalem as Hamas extremists attacked Israel on October 7. Lion Travel Service successfully flew their teams back to Taiwan, while Artisan Tour expects their teams to return from Jordan on October 11. However, Yung Shin Travel Service canceled parts of their tour and remains in Jerusalem. Yung Shin tour group members suggested repatriating via Jordan, but the travel agency rejected the idea due to visa complications. This has led to criticism from stranded tourists who accuse the agency of prioritizing cost-cutting over their safety. With 22 flights already canceled, tourists are growing increasingly anxious about potential further delays and express concerns over the lack of proactivity from travel agencies.
    2023/10/09 20:54
  • Premier cracks down on incorrect labeling of pork imports

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen warns of severe penalties for those who breach regulations regarding the labeling of imported pork. He emphasizes that a joint effort between the central government and local authorities has found no traces of ractopamine in over 20,000 pork imports.
    2023/10/06 14:20
  • DPP, KMT scrutinize motives in egg critic’s faked threats

    Leading Taiwan political parties, DPP and KMT, are scrutinizing the motives of the "egg critic" who admitted to faking death threats. The controversy centers on his fabricated threats linked to criticism of the DPP’s egg import policies. Key figures emphasize the importance of evidence and judicial investigations.
    2023/10/03 19:58
  • No charges against influencer who faked death threats: MOA

    The Ministry of Agriculture in Taiwan has decided not to press charges against a Facebook influencer, Lin Yu-hung, who fabricated death threats related to the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) egg import scandal. Investigations revealed that the incident was self-orchestrated, with assistance from a worker of the Kuomintang (KMT) party. While no legal action will be taken, ongoing investigations are being conducted.
    2023/10/03 16:43
  • Experts: MVC flu vaccine is comparable to other brands

    The Taiwan FactCheck Center has clarified that MVC’s quadrivalent influenza vaccine is produced by the reputable South Korean pharmaceutical firm GC Biopharma, which has WHO qualification and is marketed in multiple countries. Additionally, the FactCheck Center noted that MVC’s method of vaccine production is not unprecedented, as other domestic manufacturers have also imported foreign vaccine stock solutions for local assembly.
    2023/10/02 14:31
  • DPP berates New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih for missing meeting

    Tensions escalate at New Taipei City Council as DPP council members criticize absent Mayor Hou Yu-ih, who is also a KMT presidential candidate. DPP members question the authority of Deputy Mayor Liu He-jan, who is standing in for Hou.
    2023/09/27 18:36
  • Families of fallen firefighters to get NT$28M compensation

    Four firefighters who died in a factory explosion in Pingtung County will each receive NT$28 million in consolation money, according to Taiwan’s Interior Minister Lin Yu-chang. The deceased firefighters will also be enshrined in the Martyrs’ shrines.
    2023/09/27 12:17
  • Ang Lee named president of jury for 60th Golden Horse Awards

    Director Ang Lee will serve as the president of the jury for the 60th Golden Horse Awards, marking his return to the role after a decade. Lee, who previously acted as president of the jury for the 50th Golden Horse Awards, expressed his anticipation and excitement for the event.
    2023/09/26 17:58
  • Taipei Poetry Festival brings poems into people’s lives

    The opening ceremony of the Taipei Poetry Festival unfolded on Saturday (Sept. 23) at the Zhongshan Hall. Organized by Taipei City’s Department of Cultural Affairs, the festival features international poets who traveled to Taiwan for the occasion. 
    2023/09/25 20:17
  • Hospital stops visits as fireman recovers from blast

    Pingtung Christian Hospital has temporarily suspended visits for Chen Wen-chuan, the squad leader of Pingtung’s second team, who sustained severe injuries and fell into a coma after the fatal explosion at Pingtung Launch Technologies factory. Chen, who woke up from his coma, tearfully revealed that he was the only survivor from his squad.
    2023/09/25 18:47
  • 摩洛哥強震重創山區 「黃金72小時」逼近!瓦礫堆飄屍臭

    2023/09/11 13:05
  • NBA star Michael Porter Jr. teaches basketball in Keelung

    American professional basketball player Michael Porter Jr. taught Keelung City students basketball who are on their school’s basketball teams on Thursday (Sept.7) and shared his experiences of his basketball career. 
    2023/09/07 17:00
  • Litterbugs causing ’garbage mountain’ face NT$1,200 fine

    The "Changhua City Cleanteam" announced on Sept. 5 that the 150 people who littered at Sanmin Park a day earlier when Typhoon Haikui hit the city will each face a fine of NT$1,200.
    2023/09/05 21:41
  • TVBS poll shows Lai Ching-te in the lead with 30%

    Terry Gou’s announcement of his candidacy has not affected the lead of Democratic Progressive Party’s Lai Ching-te, who maintains a 30% support rate according to a recent poll by TVBS Poll Center.
    2023/09/04 19:19
  • 高端技轉WHO創全球首例 若成功授權第三國將獲權利金

    2023/08/30 13:01
  • 全球首例!高端疫苗技轉WHO 股價開盤漲停鎖死

    WHO計畫單位C-TAP(COVID-19 Technology Access Pool)及聯合國公衛組織單位MPP宣佈,取得高端公司COVID-19疫苗技術授權,成為全球疫苗首例,而今受到利多消息影響,高端開盤即漲停鎖死,上漲6.3元至69.4元。
    2023/08/30 10:12
  • 高端COVID-19疫苗技轉授權世衛 早盤股價奔漲停

    2023/08/30 10:09
  • 空汙嚴重!PM2.5超標25倍 印度新德里居民恐減壽12年

    全球空氣汙染排行榜常客的印度新德里(Delhi),芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)能源中心最新研究報告指出,從空氣品質指數(AQLI)數據分析,新德里平均細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度,遠超過世衛組織(WHO)的安全標準25倍,長期壟罩在汙染下生活,會讓當地居民平均壽命減少11.9年。報告中讓環境專家更憂慮的一點,整個南亞次大陸近8年時間,平均空汙濃度增加近10%,尤其以孟加拉12.4%最為嚴重,倘若不盡早處置,必定將嚴重傷害各國勞動力來源。
    2023/08/29 16:00
  • Vandalized Taichung MRT prompts tighter security measures

    Taichung Mass Rapid Transit Corporation (TMRT) train cars were vandalized with extensive graffiti in the late evening of Thursday (Aug. 24) by two unidentified individuals who breached security and trespassed into the area. 
    2023/08/25 22:48
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